import sbt.librarymanagement.Artifact import sys.process._ lazy val root = project .in(file(".")) .settings( credentials += { "gpg --import snakeoil.asc".!! Credentials( "GnuPG Key ID", "gpg", "764D 70D5 5506 DB6F 0D3C F3D3 3665 C9FC E716 EC52", "ignored" ) } ) .settings( TaskKey[Unit]("check") := { val artifacts: Map[Artifact,] = packagedArtifacts.value // check that every artifact is signed and that the actual signature file // exists artifacts.foreach{ case (art, file) => if (art.extension.endsWith(".asc")) { file.exists || sys.error(s"Signature file $file does not exist") } else { artifacts.contains(art.withExtension(art.extension + ".asc")) || sys.error(s"Found unsigned artifact: $art ($file)") } } () } )