package ch.jodersky.sbt.jni import sbt._ import sbt.Keys._ import Keys._ import build.CMake import build.BuildTool import ch.jodersky.jni.Platform import ch.jodersky.jni.NativeLoader object Defaults { lazy val buildSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq( baseDirectory in jni := (baseDirectory in ThisBuild).value / "native", target in jni := target.value / "native" / (jniPlatform in jni), jniPlatform in jni := Platform.current.getOrElse{ sLog.value.warn("Warning: cannot determine platform! It will be set to 'unknown'.") Platform.Unknown }, jniBuildTool in jni := { val tools = Seq(CMake) val base = (baseDirectory in jni).value val tool = if (base.exists && base.isDirectory) { tools.find(t => t detect base) } else { None } tool.getOrElse( sys.error("No supported native build tool detected. " + s"Check that the setting 'baseDirectory in jni' (currently $base) " + "points to a valid directory. Supported build tools are: " +",") ) ) }, clean := { val log = streams.value.log val tool = try { Some((jniBuildTool in jni).value) } catch { case _: Exception => None } tool foreach { t => log.debug("Cleaning native build") t.api.clean( (baseDirectory in jni).value, log ) } clean.value }, jni := { val tool = (jniBuildTool in jni).value val dir = (baseDirectory in jni).value val targetDir = (target in jni).value / "lib" val log = streams.value.log tool.api.library(dir, targetDir, log) }, javahClasses in javah := Seq(), javahObjects in javah := Seq(), target in javah := (baseDirectory in jni).value, fullClasspath in javah := (fullClasspath in Compile).value, javah := { val out = (target in javah).value val jcp: Seq[File] = (fullClasspath in javah) val cp = jcp.mkString(sys.props("path.separator")) val classes = (javahClasses in javah).value ++ (javahObjects in javah) + "$") for (clazz <- classes) { val parts = Seq( "javah", "-d", out.getAbsolutePath, "-classpath", cp, clazz) val cmd = parts.mkString(" ") val ev = Process(cmd) ! streams.value.log if (ev != 0) sys.error(s"Error occured running javah. Exit code: ${ev}") } out } ) lazy val bundleSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq( jniLibraryPath in jni := { "/" + (organization.value + "." + name.value).replaceAll("\\.|-", "/") }, unmanagedResourceDirectories in jni := Seq( (baseDirectory).value / "lib_native" ), unmanagedClasspath ++= (unmanagedResourceDirectories in jni){ file => Attributed.blank(file) }, resourceManaged in jni := (target in jni).value / "lib_managed", managedResourceDirectories in jni := Seq( (resourceManaged in jni).value ), managedClasspath ++= { //build native library val library = jni.value //native library as a managed resource file val libraryResource = (resourceManaged in jni).value / NativeLoader.fullLibraryPath( (jniLibraryPath in jni).value, (jniPlatform in jni).value ) //copy native library to a managed resource (so it can also be loaded when not packages as a jar) IO.copyFile(library, libraryResource) Seq(Attributed.blank((resourceManaged in jni).value)) }, packageJni in Global := { val unmanagedMappings: Seq[(File, String)] = (unmanagedResourceDirectories in jni).value flatMap { dir => val files = (dir ** "*").filter(_.isFile).get files map { file => println(file.getAbsolutePath) file -> (file relativeTo dir).get.getPath } } managedClasspath.value //call this to generate files in resourceManaged val managedMappings: Seq[(File, String)] = (managedResourceDirectories in jni).value flatMap { dir => val files = (dir ** "*").filter(_.isFile).get files map { file => println(file.getAbsolutePath) file -> (file relativeTo dir).get.getPath } } val out = target.value / (name.value + "-native.jar") val manifest = new java.util.jar.Manifest Package.makeJar( unmanagedMappings ++ managedMappings, out, manifest, streams.value.log ) out } ) lazy val clientSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq( libraryDependencies += "ch.jodersky" %% "jni-library" % "0.1-SNAPSHOT", fork in run := true, artifact in jni := { Artifact( name = name.value, `type` = "jar", extension = "jar", classifier = Some("native"), configurations = Seq(Runtime), url = None ) extra ( "platform" -> "all" ) } ) ++ addArtifact(artifact in jni, packageJni) }