package ch.jodersky.sbt.jni package plugins import java.nio.file.{Path, Paths} import collection.JavaConverters._ import util.BytecodeUtil import java.util import sbt._ import sbt.Keys._ /** Adds `javah` header-generation functionality to projects. */ object JniJavah extends AutoPlugin { override def requires = plugins.JvmPlugin override def trigger = allRequirements object autoImport { val javahClasses = taskKey[Set[String]]( "Finds fully qualified names of classes containing native declarations." ) val javah = taskKey[File]( "Generate JNI headers. Returns the directory containing generated headers." ) } import autoImport._ lazy val mainSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq( javahClasses in javah := { import xsbti.compile._ val compiled: CompileAnalysis = (compile in Compile).value val classFiles: Set[File] = compiled.readStamps().getAllProductStamps() .asScala.keySet.toSet val nativeClasses = classFiles flatMap { file => BytecodeUtil.nativeClasses(file) } nativeClasses }, target in javah := target.value / "native" / "include", javah := { val out = (target in javah).value // fullClasspath can't be used here since it also generates resources. In // a project combining JniJavah and JniPackage, we would have a chicken-and-egg // problem. val jcp: Seq[File] = (dependencyClasspath in Compile) ++ { (compile in Compile).value; Seq((classDirectory in Compile).value) } val log = streams.value.log val classes = (javahClasses in javah).value if (classes.nonEmpty) {"Headers will be generated to " + out.getAbsolutePath) } import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ util.ArrayList[String](classes.asJava), Paths.get(out.getAbsolutePath), new util.ArrayList[Path]( ) out } ) override lazy val projectSettings = mainSettings }