addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-pgp" % "0.8.3") // only added when publishing: // There's a companion sensitive.sbt, which was created like this: // // 1. in an sbt shell that has the sbt-pgp plugin, create pgp key in admin/: // // sbt // set pgpReadOnly := false // set pgpPublicRing := file("admin/pubring.asc") // set pgpSecretRing := file("admin/secring.asc") // pgp-cmd gen-key // use $passPhrase // Please enter the name associated with the key: $repoName // Please enter the email associated with the key: // Please enter the passphrase for the key: $passphrase // // 2. create sensitive.sbt with contents: // // pgpPassphrase := Some($passPhrase.toArray) // // pgpPublicRing := file("admin/pubring.asc") // // pgpSecretRing := file("admin/secring.asc") // // credentials += Credentials("Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager", "", $sonaUser, $sonaPass)