/* * Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Typesafe Inc. */ package scala.async.internal import scala.reflect.macros.Context import scala.collection.mutable trait AsyncAnalysis { self: AsyncMacro => import global._ /** * Analyze the contents of an `async` block in order to: * - Report unsupported `await` calls under nested templates, functions, by-name arguments. * * Must be called on the original tree, not on the ANF transformed tree. */ def reportUnsupportedAwaits(tree: Tree): Unit = { val analyzer = new UnsupportedAwaitAnalyzer analyzer.traverse(tree) analyzer.hasUnsupportedAwaits } private class UnsupportedAwaitAnalyzer extends AsyncTraverser { var hasUnsupportedAwaits = false override def nestedClass(classDef: ClassDef) { val kind = if (classDef.symbol.isTrait) "trait" else "class" reportUnsupportedAwait(classDef, s"nested ${kind}") } override def nestedModule(module: ModuleDef) { reportUnsupportedAwait(module, "nested object") } override def nestedMethod(defDef: DefDef) { reportUnsupportedAwait(defDef, "nested method") } override def byNameArgument(arg: Tree) { reportUnsupportedAwait(arg, "by-name argument") } override def function(function: Function) { reportUnsupportedAwait(function, "nested function") } override def patMatFunction(tree: Match) { reportUnsupportedAwait(tree, "nested function") } override def traverse(tree: Tree) { def containsAwait = tree exists isAwait tree match { case Try(_, _, _) if containsAwait => reportUnsupportedAwait(tree, "try/catch") super.traverse(tree) case Return(_) => abort(tree.pos, "return is illegal within a async block") case ValDef(mods, _, _, _) if mods.hasFlag(Flag.LAZY) => // TODO lift this restriction abort(tree.pos, "lazy vals are illegal within an async block") case CaseDef(_, guard, _) if guard exists isAwait => // TODO lift this restriction reportUnsupportedAwait(tree, "pattern guard") case _ => super.traverse(tree) } } /** * @return true, if the tree contained an unsupported await. */ private def reportUnsupportedAwait(tree: Tree, whyUnsupported: String): Boolean = { val badAwaits: List[RefTree] = tree collect { case rt: RefTree if isAwait(rt) => rt } badAwaits foreach { tree => reportError(tree.pos, s"await must not be used under a $whyUnsupported.") } badAwaits.nonEmpty } private def reportError(pos: Position, msg: String) { hasUnsupportedAwaits = true abort(pos, msg) } } }