package scala.async.internal import import object AsyncMacro { def apply(c: reflect.macros.Context, base: AsyncBase): AsyncMacro = { import language.reflectiveCalls val powerContext = c.asInstanceOf[c.type { val universe: Global; val callsiteTyper: universe.analyzer.Typer }] new AsyncMacro { val global: powerContext.universe.type = powerContext.universe val callSiteTyper: global.analyzer.Typer = powerContext.callsiteTyper val macroApplication: global.Tree = c.macroApplication.asInstanceOf[global.Tree] // This member is required by `AsyncTransform`: val asyncBase: AsyncBase = base // These members are required by `ExprBuilder`: val futureSystem: FutureSystem = base.futureSystem val futureSystemOps: futureSystem.Ops {val universe: global.type} = futureSystem.mkOps(global) } } } private[async] trait AsyncMacro extends TypingTransformers with AnfTransform with TransformUtils with Lifter with ExprBuilder with AsyncTransform with AsyncAnalysis with LiveVariables { val global: Global val callSiteTyper: global.analyzer.Typer val macroApplication: global.Tree lazy val macroPos = macroApplication.pos.makeTransparent def atMacroPos(t: global.Tree) = global.atPos(macroPos)(t) def suppressExpansion() { // Have your cake : Scala IDE sees original trees and hyperlinking, etc within async blocks "Just Works" // Eat it too : (domain specific errors like "unsupported use of await" // // TODO remove this once we unsupport 2.10.x, scalac 2.11 does this automatically. import global.Tree type Suppress = { def suppressMacroExpansion(a: Tree): Tree } try { global.asInstanceOf[Suppress].suppressMacroExpansion(macroApplication) } catch { case _: NoSuchMethodException => global.analyzer.asInstanceOf[Suppress].suppressMacroExpansion(macroApplication) } } }