package scala.async.internal trait Lifter { self: AsyncMacro => import c.universe._ import Flag._ import c.internal._ import decorators._ /** * Identify which DefTrees are used (including transitively) which are declared * in some state but used (including transitively) in another state. * * These will need to be lifted to class members of the state machine. */ def liftables(asyncStates: List[AsyncState]): List[Tree] = { object companionship { private val companions = collection.mutable.Map[Symbol, Symbol]() private val companionsInverse = collection.mutable.Map[Symbol, Symbol]() private def record(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol) { companions(sym1) = sym2 companions(sym2) = sym1 } def record(defs: List[Tree]) { // Keep note of local companions so we rename them consistently // when lifting. val comps = for { cd@ClassDef(_, _, _, _) <- defs md@ModuleDef(_, _, _) <- defs if ( == } record(cd.symbol, md.symbol) } def companionOf(sym: Symbol): Symbol = { companions.get(sym).orElse(companionsInverse.get(sym)).getOrElse(NoSymbol) } } val defs: Map[Tree, Int] = { /** Collect the DefTrees directly enclosed within `t` that have the same owner */ def collectDirectlyEnclosedDefs(t: Tree): List[DefTree] = t match { case ld: LabelDef => Nil case dt: DefTree => dt :: Nil case _: Function => Nil case t => val childDefs = t.children.flatMap(collectDirectlyEnclosedDefs(_)) companionship.record(childDefs) childDefs } asyncStates.flatMap { asyncState => val defs = collectDirectlyEnclosedDefs(Block(asyncState.allStats: _*)), asyncState.state)) }.toMap } // In which block are these symbols defined? val symToDefiningState: Map[Symbol, Int] = { case (k, v) => (k.symbol, v) } // The definitions trees val symToTree: Map[Symbol, Tree] = { case (k, v) => (k.symbol, k) } // The direct references of each definition tree val defSymToReferenced: Map[Symbol, List[Symbol]] = { case tree => (tree.symbol, tree.collect { case rt: RefTree if symToDefiningState.contains(rt.symbol) => rt.symbol }) }.toMap // The direct references of each block, excluding references of `DefTree`-s which // are already accounted for. val stateIdToDirectlyReferenced: Map[Int, List[Symbol]] = { val refs: List[(Int, Symbol)] = asyncStates.flatMap( asyncState => asyncState.stats.filterNot(_.isDef).flatMap(_.collect { case rt: RefTree if symToDefiningState.contains(rt.symbol) => (asyncState.state, rt.symbol) }) ) toMultiMap(refs) } def liftableSyms: Set[Symbol] = { val liftableMutableSet = collection.mutable.Set[Symbol]() def markForLift(sym: Symbol) { if (!liftableMutableSet(sym)) { liftableMutableSet += sym // Only mark transitive references of defs, modules and classes. The RHS of lifted vals/vars // stays in its original location, so things that it refers to need not be lifted. if (!(sym.isTerm && (sym.asTerm.isVal || sym.asTerm.isVar))) defSymToReferenced(sym).foreach(sym2 => markForLift(sym2)) } } // Start things with DefTrees directly referenced from statements from other states... val liftableStatementRefs: List[Symbol] = stateIdToDirectlyReferenced.toList.flatMap { case (i, syms) => syms.filter(sym => symToDefiningState(sym) != i) } // .. and likewise for DefTrees directly referenced by other DefTrees from other states val liftableRefsOfDefTrees = defSymToReferenced.toList.flatMap { case (referee, referents) => referents.filter(sym => symToDefiningState(sym) != symToDefiningState(referee)) } // Mark these for lifting, which will follow transitive references. (liftableStatementRefs ++ liftableRefsOfDefTrees).foreach(markForLift) liftableMutableSet.toSet } val lifted = { t => val sym = t.symbol val treeLifted = t match { case vd@ValDef(_, _, tpt, rhs) => sym.setFlag(MUTABLE | STABLE | PRIVATE | LOCAL) sym.setName(name.fresh( sym.setInfo(deconst( treeCopy.ValDef(vd, Modifiers(sym.flags),, TypeTree(tpe(sym)).setPos(t.pos), EmptyTree) case dd@DefDef(_, _, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs) => sym.setName( sym.setFlag(PRIVATE | LOCAL) // Was `DefDef(sym, rhs)`, but this ran afoul of `ToughTypeSpec.nestedMethodWithInconsistencyTreeAndInfoParamSymbols` // due to the handling of type parameter skolems in `thisMethodType` in `Namers` treeCopy.DefDef(dd, Modifiers(sym.flags),, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs) case cd@ClassDef(_, _, tparams, impl) => sym.setName(newTypeName(name.fresh( companionship.companionOf(cd.symbol) match { case NoSymbol => case moduleSymbol => moduleSymbol.setName( moduleSymbol.asModule.moduleClass.setName( } treeCopy.ClassDef(cd, Modifiers(sym.flags),, tparams, impl) case md@ModuleDef(_, _, impl) => companionship.companionOf(md.symbol) match { case NoSymbol => sym.setName(name.fresh( sym.asModule.moduleClass.setName( case classSymbol => // will be renamed by `case ClassDef` above. } treeCopy.ModuleDef(md, Modifiers(sym.flags),, impl) case td@TypeDef(_, _, tparams, rhs) => sym.setName(newTypeName(name.fresh( treeCopy.TypeDef(td, Modifiers(sym.flags),, tparams, rhs) } atPos(t.pos)(treeLifted) } lifted } }