package scala.async.internal trait LiveVariables { self: AsyncMacro => import c.universe._ import Flag._ /** * Returns for a given state a list of fields (as trees) that should be nulled out * upon resuming that state (at the beginning of `resume`). * * @param asyncStates the states of an `async` block * @param liftables the lifted fields * @return a map mapping a state to the fields that should be nulled out * upon resuming that state */ def fieldsToNullOut(asyncStates: List[AsyncState], liftables: List[Tree]): Map[Int, List[Tree]] = { // live variables analysis: // the result map indicates in which states a given field should be nulled out val liveVarsMap: Map[Tree, Set[Int]] = liveVars(asyncStates, liftables) var assignsOf = Map[Int, List[Tree]]() for ((fld, where) <- liveVarsMap; state <- where) assignsOf get state match { case None => assignsOf += (state -> List(fld)) case Some(trees) if !trees.exists(_.symbol == fld.symbol) => assignsOf += (state -> (fld +: trees)) case _ => /* do nothing */ } assignsOf } /** * Live variables data-flow analysis. * * The goal is to find, for each lifted field, the last state where the field is used. * In all direct successor states which are not (indirect) predecessors of that last state * (possible through loops), the corresponding field should be nulled out (at the beginning of * `resume`). * * @param asyncStates the states of an `async` block * @param liftables the lifted fields * @return a map which indicates for a given field (the key) the states in which it should be nulled out */ def liveVars(asyncStates: List[AsyncState], liftables: List[Tree]): Map[Tree, Set[Int]] = { val liftedSyms: Set[Symbol] = // include only vars liftables.filter { case ValDef(mods, _, _, _) => mods.hasFlag(MUTABLE) case _ => false }.map(_.symbol).toSet // determine which fields should be live also at the end (will not be nulled out) val noNull: Set[Symbol] = liftedSyms.filter { sym => tpe(sym).typeSymbol.asClass.isPrimitive || liftables.exists { tree => !liftedSyms.contains(tree.symbol) && tree.exists(_.symbol == sym) } } AsyncUtils.vprintln(s"fields never zero-ed out: ${noNull.mkString(", ")}") /** * Traverse statements of an `AsyncState`, collect `Ident`-s refering to lifted fields. * * @param as a state of an `async` expression * @return a set of lifted fields that are used within state `as` */ def fieldsUsedIn(as: AsyncState): ReferencedFields = { class FindUseTraverser extends AsyncTraverser { var usedFields = Set[Symbol]() var capturedFields = Set[Symbol]() private def capturing[A](body: => A): A = { val saved = capturing try { capturing = true body } finally capturing = saved } private def capturingCheck(tree: Tree) = capturing(tree foreach check) private var capturing: Boolean = false private def check(tree: Tree) { tree match { case Ident(_) if liftedSyms(tree.symbol) => if (capturing) capturedFields += tree.symbol else usedFields += tree.symbol case _ => } } override def traverse(tree: Tree) = { check(tree) super.traverse(tree) } override def nestedClass(classDef: ClassDef): Unit = capturingCheck(classDef) override def nestedModule(module: ModuleDef): Unit = capturingCheck(module) override def nestedMethod(defdef: DefDef): Unit = capturingCheck(defdef) override def byNameArgument(arg: Tree): Unit = capturingCheck(arg) override def function(function: Function): Unit = capturingCheck(function) override def patMatFunction(tree: Match): Unit = capturingCheck(tree) } val findUses = new FindUseTraverser findUses.traverse(Block(as.stats: _*)) ReferencedFields(findUses.usedFields, findUses.capturedFields) } case class ReferencedFields(used: Set[Symbol], captured: Set[Symbol]) { override def toString = s"used: ${used.mkString(",")}\ncaptured: ${captured.mkString(",")}" } /* Build the control-flow graph. * * A state `i` is contained in the list that is the value to which * key `j` maps iff control can flow from state `j` to state `i`. */ val cfg: Map[Int, List[Int]] = => (as.state -> as.nextStates)).toMap /** Tests if `state1` is a predecessor of `state2`. */ def isPred(state1: Int, state2: Int, seen: Set[Int] = Set()): Boolean = if (seen(state1)) false // breaks cycles in the CFG else cfg get state1 match { case Some(nextStates) => nextStates.contains(state2) || nextStates.exists(isPred(_, state2, seen + state1)) case None => false } val finalState = asyncStates.find(as => !asyncStates.exists(other => isPred(as.state, other.state))).get for (as <- asyncStates) AsyncUtils.vprintln(s"fields used in state #${as.state}: ${fieldsUsedIn(as)}") /* Backwards data-flow analysis. Computes live variables information at entry and exit * of each async state. * * Compute using a simple fixed point iteration: * * 1. currStates = List(finalState) * 2. for each cs \in currStates, compute LVentry(cs) from LVexit(cs) and used fields information for cs * 3. record if LVentry(cs) has changed for some cs. * 4. obtain predecessors pred of each cs \in currStates * 5. for each p \in pred, compute LVexit(p) as union of the LVentry of its successors * 6. currStates = pred * 7. repeat if something has changed */ var LVentry = Map[Int, Set[Symbol]]() withDefaultValue Set[Symbol]() var LVexit = Map[Int, Set[Symbol]]() withDefaultValue Set[Symbol]() // All fields are declared to be dead at the exit of the final async state, except for the ones // that cannot be nulled out at all (those in noNull), because they have been captured by a nested def. LVexit = LVexit + (finalState.state -> noNull) var currStates = List(finalState) // start at final state var pred = List[AsyncState]() // current predecessor states var hasChanged = true // if something has changed we need to continue iterating var captured: Set[Symbol] = Set() while (hasChanged) { hasChanged = false for (cs <- currStates) { val LVentryOld = LVentry(cs.state) val referenced = fieldsUsedIn(cs) captured ++= referenced.captured val LVentryNew = LVexit(cs.state) ++ referenced.used if (!LVentryNew.sameElements(LVentryOld)) { LVentry = LVentry + (cs.state -> LVentryNew) hasChanged = true } } pred = currStates.flatMap(cs => asyncStates.filter(_.nextStates.contains(cs.state))) for (p <- pred) { val LVexitOld = LVexit(p.state) val LVexitNew = p.nextStates.flatMap(succ => LVentry(succ)).toSet if (!LVexitNew.sameElements(LVexitOld)) { LVexit = LVexit + (p.state -> LVexitNew) hasChanged = true } } currStates = pred } for (as <- asyncStates) { AsyncUtils.vprintln(s"LVentry at state #${as.state}: ${LVentry(as.state).mkString(", ")}") AsyncUtils.vprintln(s"LVexit at state #${as.state}: ${LVexit(as.state).mkString(", ")}") } def lastUsagesOf(field: Tree, at: AsyncState, avoid: Set[AsyncState]): Set[Int] = if (avoid(at)) Set() else if (captured(field.symbol)) { Set() } else LVentry get at.state match { case Some(fields) if fields.exists(_ == field.symbol) => Set(at.state) case _ => val preds = asyncStates.filter(_.nextStates.contains(at.state)).toSet preds.flatMap(p => lastUsagesOf(field, p, avoid + at)) } val lastUsages: Map[Tree, Set[Int]] = => (fld -> lastUsagesOf(fld, finalState, Set()))).toMap for ((fld, lastStates) <- lastUsages) AsyncUtils.vprintln(s"field ${} is last used in states ${lastStates.mkString(", ")}") val nullOutAt: Map[Tree, Set[Int]] = for ((fld, lastStates) <- lastUsages) yield { val killAt = lastStates.flatMap { s => if (s == finalState.state) Set() else { val lastAsyncState = asyncStates.find(_.state == s).get val succNums = lastAsyncState.nextStates // all successor states that are not indirect predecessors // filter out successor states where the field is live at the entry succNums.filter(num => !isPred(num, s)).filterNot(num => LVentry(num).exists(_ == fld.symbol)) } } (fld, killAt) } for ((fld, killAt) <- nullOutAt) AsyncUtils.vprintln(s"field ${} should be nulled out in states ${killAt.mkString(", ")}") nullOutAt } }