/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Typesafe Inc. */ package scala.async package run package futures import scala.language.postfixOps import scala.concurrent._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration.Inf import scala.collection._ import scala.runtime.NonLocalReturnControl import scala.util.{Try,Success,Failure} import scala.async.Async.{async, await} import org.junit.Test class FutureSpec { /* some utils */ def testAsync(s: String)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[String] = s match { case "Hello" => future { "World" } case "Failure" => Future.failed(new RuntimeException("Expected exception; to test fault-tolerance")) case "NoReply" => Promise[String]().future } val defaultTimeout = 5 seconds /* future specification */ @Test def `A future with custom ExecutionContext should handle Throwables`() { val ms = new mutable.HashSet[Throwable] with mutable.SynchronizedSet[Throwable] implicit val ec = scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(new scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool(), { t => ms += t }) class ThrowableTest(m: String) extends Throwable(m) val f1 = future[Any] { throw new ThrowableTest("test") } intercept[ThrowableTest] { Await.result(f1, defaultTimeout) } val latch = new TestLatch val f2 = future { Await.ready(latch, 5 seconds) "success" } val f3 = async { val s = await(f2) s.toUpperCase } f2 foreach { _ => throw new ThrowableTest("dispatcher foreach") } f2 onSuccess { case _ => throw new ThrowableTest("dispatcher receive") } latch.open() Await.result(f2, defaultTimeout) mustBe ("success") f2 foreach { _ => throw new ThrowableTest("current thread foreach") } f2 onSuccess { case _ => throw new ThrowableTest("current thread receive") } Await.result(f3, defaultTimeout) mustBe ("SUCCESS") val waiting = future { Thread.sleep(1000) } Await.ready(waiting, 2000 millis) ms.size mustBe (4) //FIXME should check } import ExecutionContext.Implicits._ @Test def `A future with global ExecutionContext should compose with for-comprehensions`() { import scala.reflect.ClassTag def asyncInt(x: Int) = future { (x * 2).toString } val future0 = future[Any] { "five!".length } val future1 = async { val a = await(future0.mapTo[Int]) // returns 5 val b = await(asyncInt(a)) // returns "10" val c = await(asyncInt(7)) // returns "14" b + "-" + c } val future2 = async { val a = await(future0.mapTo[Int]) val b = await((future { (a * 2).toString }).mapTo[Int]) val c = await(future { (7 * 2).toString }) b + "-" + c } Await.result(future1, defaultTimeout) mustBe ("10-14") //assert(checkType(future1, manifest[String])) intercept[ClassCastException] { Await.result(future2, defaultTimeout) } } //TODO this is not yet supported by Async @Test def `support pattern matching within a for-comprehension`() { case class Req[T](req: T) case class Res[T](res: T) def asyncReq[T](req: Req[T]) = req match { case Req(s: String) => future { Res(s.length) } case Req(i: Int) => future { Res((i * 2).toString) } } val future1 = for { Res(a: Int) <- asyncReq(Req("Hello")) Res(b: String) <- asyncReq(Req(a)) Res(c: String) <- asyncReq(Req(7)) } yield b + "-" + c val future2 = for { Res(a: Int) <- asyncReq(Req("Hello")) Res(b: Int) <- asyncReq(Req(a)) Res(c: Int) <- asyncReq(Req(7)) } yield b + "-" + c Await.result(future1, defaultTimeout) mustBe ("10-14") intercept[NoSuchElementException] { Await.result(future2, defaultTimeout) } } @Test def `recover from exceptions`() { val future1 = Future(5) val future2 = async { await(future1) / 0 } val future3 = async { await(future2).toString } val future1Recovered = future1 recover { case e: ArithmeticException => 0 } val future4 = async { await(future1Recovered).toString } val future2Recovered = future2 recover { case e: ArithmeticException => 0 } val future5 = async { await(future2Recovered).toString } val future2Recovered2 = future2 recover { case e: MatchError => 0 } val future6 = async { await(future2Recovered2).toString } val future7 = future3 recover { case e: ArithmeticException => "You got ERROR" } val future8 = testAsync("Failure") val future9 = testAsync("Failure") recover { case e: RuntimeException => "FAIL!" } val future10 = testAsync("Hello") recover { case e: RuntimeException => "FAIL!" } val future11 = testAsync("Failure") recover { case _ => "Oops!" } Await.result(future1, defaultTimeout) mustBe (5) intercept[ArithmeticException] { Await.result(future2, defaultTimeout) } intercept[ArithmeticException] { Await.result(future3, defaultTimeout) } Await.result(future4, defaultTimeout) mustBe ("5") Await.result(future5, defaultTimeout) mustBe ("0") intercept[ArithmeticException] { Await.result(future6, defaultTimeout) } Await.result(future7, defaultTimeout) mustBe ("You got ERROR") intercept[RuntimeException] { Await.result(future8, defaultTimeout) } Await.result(future9, defaultTimeout) mustBe ("FAIL!") Await.result(future10, defaultTimeout) mustBe ("World") Await.result(future11, defaultTimeout) mustBe ("Oops!") } @Test def `recoverWith from exceptions`() { val o = new IllegalStateException("original") val r = new IllegalStateException("recovered") intercept[IllegalStateException] { val failed = Future.failed[String](o) recoverWith { case _ if false == true => Future.successful("yay!") } Await.result(failed, defaultTimeout) } mustBe (o) val recovered = Future.failed[String](o) recoverWith { case _ => Future.successful("yay!") } Await.result(recovered, defaultTimeout) mustBe ("yay!") intercept[IllegalStateException] { val refailed = Future.failed[String](o) recoverWith { case _ => Future.failed[String](r) } Await.result(refailed, defaultTimeout) } mustBe (r) } @Test def `andThen like a boss`() { val q = new java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue[Int] for (i <- 1 to 1000) { val chained = future { q.add(1); 3 } andThen { case _ => q.add(2) } andThen { case Success(0) => q.add(Int.MaxValue) } andThen { case _ => q.add(3); } Await.result(chained, defaultTimeout) mustBe (3) q.poll() mustBe (1) q.poll() mustBe (2) q.poll() mustBe (3) q.clear() } } @Test def `firstCompletedOf`() { def futures = Vector.fill[Future[Int]](10) { Promise[Int]().future } :+ Future.successful[Int](5) Await.result(Future.firstCompletedOf(futures), defaultTimeout) mustBe (5) Await.result(Future.firstCompletedOf(futures.iterator), defaultTimeout) mustBe (5) } @Test def `find`() { val futures = for (i <- 1 to 10) yield future { i } val result = Future.find[Int](futures)(_ == 3) Await.result(result, defaultTimeout) mustBe (Some(3)) val notFound = Future.find[Int](futures.iterator)(_ == 11) Await.result(notFound, defaultTimeout) mustBe (None) } @Test def `zip`() { val timeout = 10000 millis val f = new IllegalStateException("test") intercept[IllegalStateException] { val failed = Future.failed[String](f) zip Future.successful("foo") Await.result(failed, timeout) } mustBe (f) intercept[IllegalStateException] { val failed = Future.successful("foo") zip Future.failed[String](f) Await.result(failed, timeout) } mustBe (f) intercept[IllegalStateException] { val failed = Future.failed[String](f) zip Future.failed[String](f) Await.result(failed, timeout) } mustBe (f) val successful = Future.successful("foo") zip Future.successful("foo") Await.result(successful, timeout) mustBe (("foo", "foo")) } @Test def `fold`() { val timeout = 10000 millis def async(add: Int, wait: Int) = future { Thread.sleep(wait) add } val futures = (0 to 9) map { idx => async(idx, idx * 20) } val folded = Future.fold(futures)(0)(_ + _) Await.result(folded, timeout) mustBe (45) val futuresit = (0 to 9) map { idx => async(idx, idx * 20) } val foldedit = Future.fold(futures)(0)(_ + _) Await.result(foldedit, timeout) mustBe (45) } @Test def `fold by composing`() { val timeout = 10000 millis def async(add: Int, wait: Int) = future { Thread.sleep(wait) add } def futures = (0 to 9) map { idx => async(idx, idx * 20) } val folded = futures.foldLeft(Future(0)) { case (fr, fa) => for (r <- fr; a <- fa) yield (r + a) } Await.result(folded, timeout) mustBe (45) } @Test def `fold with an exception`() { val timeout = 10000 millis def async(add: Int, wait: Int) = future { Thread.sleep(wait) if (add == 6) throw new IllegalArgumentException("shouldFoldResultsWithException: expected") add } def futures = (0 to 9) map { idx => async(idx, idx * 10) } val folded = Future.fold(futures)(0)(_ + _) intercept[IllegalArgumentException] { Await.result(folded, timeout) }.getMessage mustBe ("shouldFoldResultsWithException: expected") } @Test def `fold mutable zeroes safely`() { import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer def test(testNumber: Int) { val fs = (0 to 1000) map (i => Future(i)) val f = Future.fold(fs)(ArrayBuffer.empty[AnyRef]) { case (l, i) if i % 2 == 0 => l += i.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] case (l, _) => l } val result = Await.result(f.mapTo[ArrayBuffer[Int]], 10000 millis).sum assert(result == 250500) } (1 to 100) foreach test //Make sure it tries to provoke the problem } @Test def `return zero value if folding empty list`() { val zero = Future.fold(List[Future[Int]]())(0)(_ + _) Await.result(zero, defaultTimeout) mustBe (0) } @Test def `shouldReduceResults`() { def async(idx: Int) = future { Thread.sleep(idx * 20) idx } val timeout = 10000 millis val futures = (0 to 9) map { async } val reduced = Future.reduce(futures)(_ + _) Await.result(reduced, timeout) mustBe (45) val futuresit = (0 to 9) map { async } val reducedit = Future.reduce(futuresit)(_ + _) Await.result(reducedit, timeout) mustBe (45) } @Test def `shouldReduceResultsWithException`() { def async(add: Int, wait: Int) = future { Thread.sleep(wait) if (add == 6) throw new IllegalArgumentException("shouldFoldResultsWithException: expected") else add } val timeout = 10000 millis def futures = (1 to 10) map { idx => async(idx, idx * 10) } val failed = Future.reduce(futures)(_ + _) intercept[IllegalArgumentException] { Await.result(failed, timeout) }.getMessage mustBe ("shouldFoldResultsWithException: expected") } @Test def `shouldReduceThrowNSEEOnEmptyInput`() { intercept[java.util.NoSuchElementException] { val emptyreduced = Future.reduce(List[Future[Int]]())(_ + _) Await.result(emptyreduced, defaultTimeout) } } @Test def `shouldTraverseFutures`() { object counter { var count = -1 def incAndGet() = counter.synchronized { count += 2 count } } val oddFutures = List.fill(100)(future { counter.incAndGet() }).iterator val traversed = Future.sequence(oddFutures) Await.result(traversed, defaultTimeout).sum mustBe (10000) val list = (1 to 100).toList val traversedList = Future.traverse(list)(x => Future(x * 2 - 1)) Await.result(traversedList, defaultTimeout).sum mustBe (10000) val iterator = (1 to 100).toList.iterator val traversedIterator = Future.traverse(iterator)(x => Future(x * 2 - 1)) Await.result(traversedIterator, defaultTimeout).sum mustBe (10000) } @Test def `shouldBlockUntilResult`() { val latch = new TestLatch val f = future { Await.ready(latch, 5 seconds) 5 } val f2 = future { val res = Await.result(f, Inf) res + 9 } intercept[TimeoutException] { Await.ready(f2, 100 millis) } latch.open() Await.result(f2, defaultTimeout) mustBe (14) val f3 = future { Thread.sleep(100) 5 } intercept[TimeoutException] { Await.ready(f3, 0 millis) } } @Test def `run callbacks async`() { val latch = Vector.fill(10)(new TestLatch) val f1 = future { latch(0).open() Await.ready(latch(1), TestLatch.DefaultTimeout) "Hello" } val f2 = async { val s = await(f1) latch(2).open() Await.ready(latch(3), TestLatch.DefaultTimeout) s.length } for (_ <- f2) latch(4).open() Await.ready(latch(0), TestLatch.DefaultTimeout) f1.isCompleted mustBe (false) f2.isCompleted mustBe (false) latch(1).open() Await.ready(latch(2), TestLatch.DefaultTimeout) f1.isCompleted mustBe (true) f2.isCompleted mustBe (false) val f3 = async { val s = await(f1) latch(5).open() Await.ready(latch(6), TestLatch.DefaultTimeout) s.length * 2 } for (_ <- f3) latch(3).open() Await.ready(latch(5), TestLatch.DefaultTimeout) f3.isCompleted mustBe (false) latch(6).open() Await.ready(latch(4), TestLatch.DefaultTimeout) f2.isCompleted mustBe (true) f3.isCompleted mustBe (true) val p1 = Promise[String]() val f4 = async { val s = await(p1.future) latch(7).open() Await.ready(latch(8), TestLatch.DefaultTimeout) s.length } for (_ <- f4) latch(9).open() p1.future.isCompleted mustBe (false) f4.isCompleted mustBe (false) p1 complete Success("Hello") Await.ready(latch(7), TestLatch.DefaultTimeout) p1.future.isCompleted mustBe (true) f4.isCompleted mustBe (false) latch(8).open() Await.ready(latch(9), TestLatch.DefaultTimeout) Await.ready(f4, defaultTimeout).isCompleted mustBe (true) } @Test def `should not deadlock with nested await (ticket 1313)`() { val simple = async { await { Future { } } val unit = Future(()) val umap = unit map { _ => () } Await.result(umap, Inf) } Await.ready(simple, Inf).isCompleted mustBe (true) val l1, l2 = new TestLatch val complex = async { await{ Future { } } blocking { val nested = Future(()) for (_ <- nested) l1.open() Await.ready(l1, TestLatch.DefaultTimeout) // make sure nested is completed for (_ <- nested) l2.open() Await.ready(l2, TestLatch.DefaultTimeout) } } Await.ready(complex, defaultTimeout).isCompleted mustBe (true) } @Test def `should not throw when Await.ready`() { val expected = try Success(5 / 0) catch { case a: ArithmeticException => Failure(a) } val f = async { await(future(5)) / 0 } Await.ready(f, defaultTimeout).value.get.toString mustBe expected.toString } }