/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Typesafe Inc. */ package scala.async package run package hygiene import org.junit.Test import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.junit.runners.JUnit4 import scala.async.internal.AsyncId @RunWith(classOf[JUnit4]) class HygieneSpec { import AsyncId.{async, await} @Test def `is hygenic`() { val state = 23 val result: Any = "result" def resume(): Any = "resume" val res = async { val f1 = state + 2 val x = await(f1) val y = await(result) val z = await(resume()) (x, y, z) } res mustBe ((25, "result", "resume")) } @Test def `external var as result of await`() { var ext = 0 async { ext = await(12) } ext mustBe (12) } @Test def `external var as result of await 2`() { var ext = 0 val inp = 10 async { if (inp > 0) ext = await(12) else ext = await(10) } ext mustBe (12) } @Test def `external var as result of await 3`() { var ext = 0 val inp = 10 async { val x = if (inp > 0) await(12) else await(10) ext = x + await(2) } ext mustBe (14) } @Test def `is hygenic nested`() { val state = 23 val result: Any = "result" def resume(): Any = "resume" import AsyncId.{await, async} val res = async { val f1 = async { state + 2 } val x = await(f1) val y = await(async { result }) val z = await(async(await(async { resume() }))) (x, y, z) } res._1 mustBe (25) res._2 mustBe ("result") res._3 mustBe ("resume") } }