package triad object TextTemplates extends Templates(scalatags.Text) { import bundle.all._ def scripts(js: Boolean = true) = if (js) Seq( script(`type` := "text/javascript", src := "/assets/ui/js/ui-fastopt.js"), script(`type` := "text/javascript")( raw( """|document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) { | try { | // root element that will contain the ScalaJS application | var root = document.getElementById("conversation"); | | // clear any existing content | while (root.firstChild) { | root.removeChild(root.firstChild); | } | | // run ScalaJS application |"Starting ScalaJS application...") | triad.Main().main(root) | } catch(ex) { | // display warning message in case of exception | //document.getElementById("scalajs-error").style.display = "block"; | throw ex; | } |}); |""".stripMargin ) ) ) else Seq.empty def page(messages: Seq[Message], js: Boolean = true) = html( head(), body( conversation(messages), scripts(js) ) ) }