# opt-in to Travis's newer/faster container-based infrastructure sudo: false # this builds the spec using jekyll # based on http://www.paperplanes.de/2013/8/13/deploying-your-jekyll-blog-to-s3-with-travis-ci.html language: ruby rvm: - 2.2 script: bundle exec jekyll build -s spec/ -d build/spec install: bundle install # cat /dev/urandom | head -c 10000 | openssl sha1 > ./secret # openssl aes-256-cbc -pass "file:./secret" -in id_dsa_spec212_b4096 -out spec/id_dsa_travis.enc -a # travis encrypt "PRIV_KEY_SECRET=`cat ./secret`" env: - secure: "TuJOUtALynPd+MV1AuMeIpVb8BUBHr7Ul7FS48XhS2PyuTRpEBkSWybYcNg3AXyzmWDAuOjUxbaNMQBvP8vvehTbIYls5H5wTGKvj0D0TNVaPIXjF8bA8KyNat9xGNzhnWm2/2BMaWpKBJWRF7Jb+zHhijMYCJEbkMtoiE5R/mY=" # ^^^ set PRIV_KEY_SECRET to password used to encrypt spec/id_dsa_travis.enc # the key is restricted using forced commands so that it can only upload to the directory we need here after_success: - openssl aes-256-cbc -pass "pass:$PRIV_KEY_SECRET" -in spec/id_dsa_travis.enc -out spec/id_dsa_travis -d -a - chmod 600 spec/id_dsa_travis - eval "$(ssh-agent)" - '[ "${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST}" = "false" ] && ssh-add -D && ssh-add spec/id_dsa_travis && rsync -e "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -rzv build/spec/ scalatest@chara.epfl.ch:/home/linuxsoft/archives/scala/spec/2.12/' # using S3 would be simpler, but we want to upload to scala-lang.org # after_success: bundle exec s3_website push --headless