################################################################################ # DEFAULT PROPERTIES FOR SABBUS # ################################################################################ These are default values for all properties used by SABBUS. DO NOT CHANGE them in this file. All properties can be overriden in the build.USER_NAME.properties file. # $Id$ ################################################################################ # CONFIGURATION OF NSC ################################################################################ # What NSC should output during compilation. Either 'none', 'verbose', 'debug'. nsc.logging=none # After which compile phase NSC should stop. This will induce build errors. nsc.stop= # A comma-separated list of compile phases that NSC should skip. nsc.skip= # A comma-separated list of compile phases which result should be checked for # consistency. nsc.check= # The name of a file that lists files that should be excluded when building # the new Scala library. This file MUST EXIST. nsc.nslib.excludes=${support.dir}/nsc.nslib.excludes # The name of a file that lists files that should be excluded when building # the new Scala tools. This file MUST EXIST. nsc.nstools.excludes=${support.dir}/nsc.nstools.excludes # LOCATION OF PRE-COMPILED LIBRARIES ################################################################################ # The path to the old Scala library ('scala.jar'). oslib.jar=/usr/local/lib/scala.jar # The path to the old Scala library sources. oslib.src=/usr/local/share/scala/src # The path to the old Scala tools ('tools.jar'). ostools.jar=/usr/local/lib/tools.jar # The path to the JaCo compiler ('jaco.jar). jaco.jar=/usr/local/lib/jaco.jar # The path to the FJBG byte-code generation library ('fjbg.jar'). fjbg.jar=/usr/local/lib/fjbg.jar # The path to the MSIL byte-code generation library ('fjbg.jar'). msil.jar=/usr/local/lib/msil.jar # The path to the Java base classes ('rt.jar' or 'classes.jar'). java.jar=${java.home}/jre/lib/rt.jar # The path to the Ant base classes ('ant.jar'). ant.jar=${ant.home}/lib/ant.jar # LOCATION OF BUILD PRODUCTS ################################################################################ # The directory in which all build products live. build.dir=${basedir}/build # The directory to which the new Scala library is compiled. build.nslib.dir=${build.dir}/nslib # The directory to which the new Scala tools (built with OSC) are compiled. build.osc-nstools.dir=${build.dir}/osc-nstools # The directory to which the new Scala tools are compiled. build.nstools.dir=${build.dir}/nstools # LOCATION AND STRUCTURE OF THE DISTRIBUTION # Overriding these properties will produce a non-standard distribution that # might not be useable. ################################################################################ # The directory to which a new distribution will be added. distrib.dir=${basedir}/dist # The prefix of the directory in which a distribution will reside. This will be # completed by the date of the distribution. distrib.current.prefix=nscala # The JAR file in which the new Scala library should be archived. distrib.nslib.jar=nslib.jar # The JAR file in which the new Scala tools should be archived. distrib.nstools.jar=nstools.jar # The JAR file in which the new Scala tools (built with OSC) should be archived. distrib.osc-nstools.jar=osc-nstools.jar