package examples.actors import scala.actors.Actor._ abstract class Producer[T] extends Iterator[T] { protected def produce(x: T): unit = coordinator !? HasValue(x) protected def produceValues: unit def hasNext: boolean = { setCurrent(); !current.isEmpty } def next: T = { setCurrent() val res = current.get current = (coordinator !? Next).asInstanceOf[Option[T]] res } private var current: Option[T] = null private def setCurrent() = if (current == null) current = (coordinator !? Next).asInstanceOf[Option[T]] private case class HasValue(value: T) private case object Next private case object Done private case object Continue /** A thread-based coordinator */ private val coordinator = actor { while (true) { receive { case Next => reply { receive { case HasValue(v) => reply() Some(v) case Done => None } } } } } actor { produceValues coordinator !? Done () } } object Joins extends Application { def from(m: int, n: int) = new Producer[int] { def produceValues = for (val i <- m until n) produce(i) } // note that it works from the main thread val it = from(1, 10) while (it.hasNext) { Console.println( } }