package examples import scala.xml._ object fors { val e = Node.NoAttributes class Person(_name: String, _age: Int) { val name = _name val age = _age } def printOlderThan20(xs: Seq[Person]): Iterator[String] = printOlderThan20(xs.elements) def printOlderThan20(xs: Iterator[Person]): Iterator[String] = for (val p <- xs; p.age > 20) yield val persons = List( new Person("John", 40), new Person("Richard", 68) ) def divisors(n: Int): List[Int] = for (val i <- List.range(1, n+1); n % i == 0) yield i def isPrime(n: Int) = divisors(n).length == 2 def findNums(n: Int): Iterator[Pair[Int, Int]] = for (val i <- Iterator.range(1, n); val j <- Iterator.range(1, i-1); isPrime(i+j)) yield Pair(i, j) def sum(xs: List[Double]): Double = xs.foldLeft(0.0) { (x, y) => x + y } def scalProd(xs: List[Double], ys: List[Double]) = sum(for(val Pair(x, y) <- xs zip ys) yield x * y) type Lst = List[Any] val prefix = null val scope = TopScope val books = List( Elem(prefix, "book", e, scope, Elem(prefix, "title", e, scope, Text("Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs")), Elem(prefix, "author", e, scope, Text("Abelson, Harald")), Elem(prefix, "author", e, scope, Text("Sussman, Gerald J."))), Elem(prefix, "book", e, scope, Elem(prefix, "title", e, scope, Text("Principles of Compiler Design")), Elem(prefix, "author", e, scope, Text("Aho, Alfred")), Elem(prefix, "author", e, scope, Text("Ullman, Jeffrey"))), Elem(prefix, "book", e, scope, Elem(prefix, "title", e, scope, Text("Programming in Modula-2")), Elem(prefix, "author", e, scope, Text("Wirth, Niklaus"))) ) def findAuthor(books: Lst) = for (val Elem(_, "book", _, _, book @ _*) <- books; val Elem(_, "title", _, _, Text(title)) <- book.toList; (title indexOf "Program") >= 0; val Elem(_, "author", _, _, Text(author)) <- List(book)) yield author for (val Elem(_, "book", _, _, book @ _*) <- books; val Elem(_, "author", _, _, Text(author)) <- book.toList; author startsWith "Ullman"; val Elem(_, "title", _, _, Text(title)) <- List(book)) yield title removeDuplicates( for (val Elem(_, "book", _, _, b1 @ _* ) <- books; val Elem(_, "book", _, _, b2 @ _*) <- books; b1 != b2; val Elem(_, "author", _, _, Text(a1)) <- b1.toList; val Elem(_, "author", _, _, Text(a2)) <- b2.toList; a1 == a2) yield Pair(a1, a2)) def removeDuplicates[a](xs: List[a]): List[a] = if (xs.isEmpty) xs else xs.head :: removeDuplicates(for (val x <- xs.tail; x != xs.head) yield x) def main(args: Array[String]) = { Console.print("Persons over 20:") printOlderThan20(persons) foreach { x => Console.print(" " + x) } Console.println Console.println("divisors(34) = " + divisors(34)) Console.print("findNums(15) ="); findNums(15) foreach { x => Console.print(" " + x); } Console.println val xs = List(3.5, 5.0, 4.5) Console.println("average(" + xs + ") = " + sum(xs) / xs.length) val ys = List(2.0, 1.0, 3.0) Console.println("scalProd(" + xs + ", " + ys +") = " + scalProd(xs, ys)) } }