Scala compiler plugin template ------------------------------ This project is a template that can be used for creating compiler plugins for the Scala compiler. Installation ------------ To install the compiler plugin, run "ant install". This will create an sbaz package for the template plugin and install it in the scala installation available in your PATH. The install command will also create a script for running the plugin as standalone application. The command is called "runplugintemplate" and available in your scala installation as well. To uninstall the plugin again, run "and uninstall". Alternatively, copy the file build/pack/plugintemplate.jar, generated by "ant pack", to the directory misc/scala-devel/plugins of your scala distribution. The scala compiler will then find and integrate the new plugin. Customization ------------- The following files need to be edited when creating a new plugin - - misc/scalac-plugin.xml - src / test / doc/examples: The source files of the template plugin are located a package called "plugintemplate". This will most likely be changed for new plugins. When using eclipse for development, make sure "scala-compiler.jar" is in the Java Build Path: Right-Click the project and select "Properties". Then go to "Java Build Path" -> "Libraries" and add the jar file "eclipse/plugins/ch.epfl.lamp.sdt.core[..]/lib/scala-compiler.jar". Traverse, Transform, Check -------------------------- There are several pre-defined components that can be used to code the behavior of a plugin: - TemplateTraverseComponent: a template for tree traversers. Used to analyze and collect data about compiler trees. -> implement the "check" method - TemplateTransformComponent: a template for tree transformers. -> implement "preTransform" and / or "postTransform" - TemplateInfoTransformComponent: also a tree transformer, which additionally is an InfoTransformer. Allows changing the type of some symbols for later phases. -> implement "preTransform" and / or "postTransform", and the "apply" method of the "infoTransformer". - TemplateAnnotationChecker: a plugin for the typechecker, useful for pluggable type systems. Computes the subtyping between two annotated types, and allows providing inferred type information. -> implement "annotationsConform" and optionally "addAnnotations" - TemplateComponent: the most general component. Can do anything it likes with the CompilationUnits. -> implement the "run" method Ant tasks --------- "build.xml" defines Ant tasks for building, testing and packing a plugin. The tests are written using the ScalaTest framework ( Run the tests using "ant test", or "ant guitest".