package examples.tcpoly.monad; trait Monads { /** * class Monad m where * (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b * return :: a -> m a * * MonadTC encodes the above Haskell type class, * an instance of MonadTC corresponds to a method dictionary. * (see * * Note that the identity (`this') of the method dictionary does not really correspond * to the instance of m[x] (`self') that is `wrapped': e.g., unit does not use `self' (which * corresponds to the argument of the implicit conversion that encodes an instance of this type class) */ // Option =:= [x] => Option[x] <: [x] => Any // trait MonadTC[m <: [x] => Any, a] { // MonadTC[m[x], a] x is a type parameter too -- should not write e.g., m[Int] here trait MonadTC[m[x], a] { def unit[a](orig: a): m[a] // >>='s first argument comes from the implicit definition constructing this "method dictionary" def >>=[b](fun: a => m[b]): m[b] } } /** * instance Monad Maybe where * (Just x) >>= k = k x * Nothing >>= _ = Nothing */ trait OptionMonad extends Monads { // this implicit method encodes the Monad type class instance for Option implicit def OptionInstOfMonad[a](self: Option[a]): MonadTC[Option, a] = new MonadTC[Option, a] { def unit[a](orig: a) = Some(orig) def >>=[b](fun: a => Option[b]): Option[b] = self match { case Some(x) => fun(x) case None => None } } } object main extends OptionMonad with Application { Console.println(Some("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa") >>= (x => Some(x.length))) } /* trait MonadTC[m[x], a] requires m[x] { def unit[a](orig: a): m[a] // >>='s first argument comes from the implicit definition constructing this "method dictionary" def >>=[b](fun: a => m[b]): m[b] } abstract class OptionIsMonad[t[x] <: Option[x], a] implicit extends MonadTC[t, a] { def unit[a](orig: a) = Some(orig) // TODO: problematic.. is a meta-member: not invoked on this } class SomeIsMonad[a] extends OptionIsMonad[Some, a] { def >>=[b](fun: a => Option[b]): Option[b] = fun(x) } class NoneIsMonad[a] extends OptionIsMonad[None, a] { def >>=[b](fun: a => Option[b]): Option[b] = None } */