import sbt._ import Build._ import Keys._ // This code is adapted from by Gilles Dubochet. object SameTest { lazy val checkSame: TaskKey[Unit] = TaskKey("check-same-binaries", "checks whether or not the class files generated by scala are the same.") lazy val checkSameLibrary: TaskKey[Unit] = TaskKey("check-same-lib-binaries", "checks whether or not the librayr class files generated by scala are the same.") lazy val checkSameCompiler: TaskKey[Unit] = TaskKey("check-same-comp-binaries", "checks whether or not the compiler class files generated by scala are the same.") def checkSameBinaryProjects(lhs: Project, rhs: Project): Project.Initialize[Task[Unit]] = (classDirectory in Compile in lhs, classDirectory in Compile in rhs, compile in Compile in lhs, compile in Compile in rhs, streams) map { (lhs,rhs, _, _, s) => // Now we generate a complete set of relative files and then def relativeClasses(dir: File) = (dir ** "*.class").get.flatMap(IO.relativize(dir,_).toList) // This code adapted from SameTask in the compiler. def hasDifferentFiles(filePairs: Seq[(File,File)]): Boolean = { filePairs exists { case (a,b) => if (!a.canRead || !b.canRead) { s.log.error("Either ["+a+"] or ["+b+"] is missing.") true } else { s.log.debug("Checking for binary differences in ["+a+"] against ["+b+"].") val diff = !checkSingleFilePair(a,b) if(diff) s.log.error("["+a+"] differs from ["+b+"]") diff } } } val allClassMappings = (relativeClasses(lhs) ++ relativeClasses(rhs)).distinct val comparisons = => new File(lhs, f) -> new File(rhs, f)) val result = hasDifferentFiles(comparisons) if (result) error("Binary artifacts differ.") } val bufferSize = 1024 // Tests whether two files are binary equivalents of each other. def checkSingleFilePair(originFile: File, destFile: File): Boolean = { Using.fileInputStream(originFile) { originStream => Using.fileInputStream(destFile) { destStream => val originBuffer = new Array[Byte](bufferSize) val destBuffer = new Array[Byte](bufferSize) var equalNow = true var originRemaining = var destRemaining = while (originRemaining > 0 && equalNow) { if (originRemaining == destRemaining) { for (idx <- 0 until originRemaining) { equalNow = equalNow && (originBuffer(idx) == destBuffer(idx)) } } else { equalNow = false } originRemaining = destRemaining = } if (destRemaining > 0) equalNow = false equalNow } } } }