import sbt._ import Keys._ object ScalaBuildKeys { val lockerLock = TaskKey[Unit]("locker-lock", "Locks the locker layer of the compiler build such that it won't rebuild on changed source files.") val lockerUnlock = TaskKey[Unit]("locker-unlock", "Unlocks the locker layer of the compiler so that it will be recompiled on changed source files.") val lockFile = SettingKey[File]("lock-file", "Location of the lock file compiling this project.") val lock = TaskKey[Unit]("lock", "Locks this project so it won't be recompiled.") val unlock = TaskKey[Unit]("unlock", "Unlocks this project so it will be recompiled.") val makeDist = TaskKey[File]("make-dist", "Creates a mini-distribution (scala home directory) for this build in a zip file.") val makeExplodedDist = TaskKey[File]("make-exploded-dist", "Creates a mini-distribution (scala home directory) for this build in a directory.") val makeDistMappings = TaskKey[Seq[(File, String)]]("make-dist-mappings", "Creates distribution mappings for creating zips,jars,directorys,etc.") val buildFixed = AttributeKey[Boolean]("build-uri-fixed") val genBinRunner = TaskKey[ScalaToolRunner]("gen-bin-runner", "Creates a utility to generate script files for Scala.") val genBin = TaskKey[Seq[(File,String)]]("gen-bin", "Creates script files for Scala distribution.") val binDir = SettingKey[File]("binaries-directory", "Directory where binary scripts will be located.") val genBinQuick = TaskKey[Seq[(File,String)]]("gen-quick-bin", "Creates script files for testing against current Scala build classfiles (not local dist).") val runManmakerMan = TaskKey[Seq[(File,String)]]("make-man", "Runs the man maker project to generate man pages") val runManmakerHtml = TaskKey[Seq[(File,String)]]("make-html", "Runs the man maker project to generate html pages") val checkSame = TaskKey[Unit]("check-same-binaries", "checks whether or not the class files generated by scala are the same.") val checkSameLibrary = TaskKey[Unit]("check-same-lib-binaries", "checks whether or not the librayr class files generated by scala are the same.") val checkSameCompiler = TaskKey[Unit]("check-same-comp-binaries", "checks whether or not the compiler class files generated by scala are the same.") }