import sbt._ import xsbt.{ScalaInstance} import BasicLayer._ import scala.collection.immutable.{EmptyMap} /** * Basic tasks and configuration shared by all layers. This class regroups the configuration and behaviour * shared by all layers. * @author Grégory Moix */ abstract class BasicLayer(val info:ProjectInfo,val versionNumber:String, previousLayer:Option[BasicLayer]) extends Project with ReflectiveProject with AdditionalResources with Compilation{ override def dependencies = info.dependencies lazy val projectRoot = info.projectPath lazy val copyright = property[String] lazy val partestVersionNumber = property[Version] /** * Before compiling the layer, we need to check that the previous layer * was created correctly and compile it if necessary */ lazy val startLayer = previousLayer match { case Some(previous) => task{ None }.dependsOn(previous.finishLayer) case None => task{None} } lazy val build= task{ None }.dependsOn(externalCompilation,copyAdditionalFiles,writeProperties) /** * Finish the compilation and ressources copy and generation * It does nothing in itself. As sbt doesn't support conditional dependencies, * it permit locker to override it in order to lock the layer when the compilation * is finished. */ lazy val finishLayer = task{None}.dependsOn(build) def instanceScope[A](action: ScalaInstance => A):A={ val instance = ScalaInstance(instantiationLibraryJar.asFile, instantiationCompilerJar.asFile, info.launcher, msilJar.asFile, fjbgJar.asFile) log.debug("Compiler will be instantiated by :" +instance.compilerJar +" and :" +instance.libraryJar ) action(instance) } // All path values must be lazy in order to avoid initialization issues (sbt way of doing things) lazy val layerOutput = outputRootPath / name lazy val pathLayout = new PathLayout(projectRoot, layerOutput) lazy val manifestPath = projectRoot/"META-INF"/"MANIFEST.MF" // Utility methods (for quick access) def libraryOutput = libraryConfig.outputDirectory def actorsOutput = actorsConfig.outputDirectory def dbcOutput = dbcConfig.outputDirectory def swingOutput = swingConfig.outputDirectory def scalapOutput = scalapConfig.outputDirectory def librarySrcDir = libraryConfig.srcDir def compilerOutput = compilerConfig.outputDirectory def compilerSrcDir = compilerConfig.srcDir def actorsSrcDir = actorsConfig.srcDir def swingSrcDir = swingConfig.srcDir def outputLibraryJar = libraryWS.jarDestination def outputCompilerJar = compilerConfig.jarDestination def outputPartestJar = partestConfig.jarDestination def outputScalapJar = scalapConfig.jarDestination // CONFIGURATION OF THE COMPILTATION STEPS /** * Configuration of the core library compilation */ lazy val libraryConfig = new CompilationStep("library", pathLayout ,log) with ResourcesToCopy with PropertiesToWrite{ def label = "["+name+"] library" def options: Seq[String] = Seq("-sourcepath", pathConfig.sources.absolutePath.toString) def dependencies = Nil override def classpath = super.classpath +++ forkJoinJar def copyDestination = outputDirectory def filesToCopy = getResources(srcDir) def propertyDestination = outputDirectory / "" def propertyList = ("version.number",versionNumber)::("copyright.string",copyright.value)::Nil } /** * Configuration of the compiler */ lazy val compilerConfig = new CompilationStep("compiler", pathLayout, log) with ResourcesToCopy with PropertiesToWrite with Packaging{ def label = "["+name+"] compiler" private def bootClassPath : String = { System.getProperty("sun.boot.class.path") } override def classpath: PathFinder = super.classpath +++ fjbgJar +++ msilJar +++ jlineJar +++ antJar +++ forkJoinJar def options = Seq("-bootclasspath",bootClassPath) def dependencies = if (minimalCompilation) libraryConfig::Nil else libraryConfig::actorsConfig::dbcConfig::swingConfig::Nil def copyDestination = outputDirectory def filesToCopy = getResources(srcDir) def propertyDestination = outputDirectory / "" def propertyList = ("version.number",versionNumber)::("copyright.string",copyright.value)::Nil def packagingDestination:Path = packingDestination def jarName:String = compilerJarName override def jarsToInclude = compilerAdditionalJars override def manifest = { import java.util.jar.Manifest import new Manifest(new FileInputStream(manifestPath.asFile)) } override def jarContent = List(outputDirectory ##) } /** * Config of the actors library */ lazy val actorsConfig = new CompilationStep ("actors", pathLayout,log){ def label = "["+name+"] actors library" override def classpath: PathFinder = super.classpath +++ forkJoinJar def options: Seq[String] = Seq() def dependencies = libraryConfig::Nil } /** * Config of the dbc library */ lazy val dbcConfig = new CompilationStep("dbc", pathLayout, log) with Packaging{ def label = "["+name+"] dbc library" def options: Seq[String] = Seq() def dependencies = libraryConfig::Nil def packagingDestination=packingDestination def jarName = dbcJarName def jarContent = List(outputDirectory ##) } /** * Config of the swing library */ lazy val swingConfig = new CompilationStep("swing", pathLayout, log) with Packaging{ def label = "["+name+"] swing library" def options: Seq[String] = Seq() def dependencies = libraryConfig::actorsConfig::Nil def packagingDestination=packingDestination def jarName = swingJarName def jarContent = List(outputDirectory ##) } /** * Configuration of scalap tool */ lazy val scalapConfig = new CompilationStep("scalap", pathLayout,log) with Packaging{ def label = "["+name+"] scalap" def options: Seq[String] = Seq() def dependencies = libraryConfig::compilerConfig::Nil def packagingDestination=packingDestination def jarName = scalapJarName def jarContent = { val decoderProperties = (srcDir ## )/ "" List(outputDirectory ##, decoderProperties) } } /** * Configuration of the partest tool */ lazy val partestConfig = new CompilationStep("partest", pathLayout,log) with ResourcesToCopy with PropertiesToWrite with Packaging{ def label = "["+name+"] partest" override def classpath: PathFinder = super.classpath +++ antJar +++ forkJoinJar def options: Seq[String] = Seq() def dependencies = libraryConfig::compilerConfig::scalapConfig::actorsConfig::Nil def copyDestination = outputDirectory def filesToCopy = getResources(srcDir) def propertyDestination = outputDirectory / "" def propertyList = ("version.number",partestVersionNumber.value.toString)::("copyright.string",copyright.value)::Nil def packagingDestination=packingDestination def jarName = partestJarName def jarContent = List(outputDirectory ##) } // Grouping compilation steps def minimalCompilation = false // It must be true for locker because we do not nedd to compile everything def libraryWS:WrapperStep with Packaging def toolsWS:WrapperStep lazy val allSteps = new WrapperStep(libraryWS::compilerConfig::toolsWS::Nil) //Needed Libraries //TODO Check if not possible to manage some of them with the sbt dependency management (ivy) lazy val lib = projectRoot / "lib" lazy val forkJoinJar = lib / forkJoinJarName lazy val jlineJar = lib / jlineJarName lazy val antJar = lib / "ant" / "ant.jar" lazy val fjbgJar = lib / fjbgJarName lazy val msilJar = lib / msilJarName //Paths location that must be defined layer by layer /* * We must define which are the libraries used to instantiate the compiler * that will be used to compile this layer. */ def instantiationCompilerJar:Path def instantiationLibraryJar:Path def packingDestination :Path = layerOutput / "pack" def compilerAdditionalJars: List[Path] = Nil def libraryAdditionalJars: List[Path] = Nil /** * Environment for storing properties that * 1) need to be saved across sbt session * 2) Are local to a layer * Used to save the last version of the compiler used to build the layer (for discarding it's product if necessary) */ lazy val layerEnvironment = new BasicEnvironment { // use the project's Logger for any properties-related logging def log = BasicLayer.this.log // the properties file will be read from/stored to project/ def envBackingPath = outputRootPath / ("build-"+name+".properties") // define some properties that will go in project/ lazy val lastCompilerVersion:Property[String] = propertyOptional[String]("") } } object BasicLayer{ // Some path definitions related strings val compilerJarName = "scala-compiler.jar" val libraryJarName = "scala-library.jar" val scalapJarName = "scalap.jar" val dbcJarName = "scala-dbc.jar" val swingJarName = "scala-swing.jar" val partestJarName = "scala-partest.jar" val fjbgJarName = "fjbg.jar" val msilJarName = "msil.jar" val jlineJarName = "jline.jar" val forkJoinJarName = "forkjoin.jar" implicit def stringToGlob(s:String):NameFilter=GlobFilter(s) }