import{FileInputStream, File, InputStream, FileWriter} import sbt._ import /** * Create the scala binaries * Based on * @author Grégory Moix (for the sbt adaptation) */ trait ScalaTools{ self:BasicLayer => lazy val templatesLocation = compilerConfig.srcDir/ "scala" / "tools" / "ant" / "templates" lazy val unixTemplate = templatesLocation / "tool-unix.tmpl" lazy val winTemplate = templatesLocation / "tool-windows.tmpl" // XXX encoding and generalize private def getResourceAsCharStream(resource: Path): Stream[Char] = { val stream = new FileInputStream(resource.asFile) def streamReader():Stream[Char]= match{ case -1 => Stream.empty case value => Stream.cons(value.asInstanceOf[Char], streamReader()) } if (stream == null) { log.debug("Stream was null") Stream.empty } //else Stream continually takeWhile (_ != -1) map (_.asInstanceOf[Char]) // Does not work in scala 2.7.7 else streamReader } // Converts a variable like @SCALA_HOME@ to ${SCALA_HOME} when pre = "${" and post = "}" private def transposeVariableMarkup(text: String, pre: String, post: String) : String = { val chars = Source.fromString(text) val builder = new StringBuilder() while (chars.hasNext) { val char = if (char == '@') { var char = val token = new StringBuilder() while (chars.hasNext && char != '@') { token.append(char) char = } if (token.toString == "") builder.append('@') else builder.append(pre + token.toString + post) } else builder.append(char) } builder.toString } private def readAndPatchResource(resource: Path, tokens: Map[String, String]): String = { val chars = getResourceAsCharStream(resource).elements val builder = new StringBuilder() while (chars.hasNext) { val char = if (char == '@') { var char = val token = new StringBuilder() while (chars.hasNext && char != '@') { token.append(char) char = } if (tokens.contains(token.toString)) builder.append(tokens(token.toString)) else if (token.toString == "") builder.append('@') else builder.append("@" + token.toString + "@") } else builder.append(char) } builder.toString } private def writeFile(file: File, content: String, makeExecutable:Boolean):Option[String] = if (file.exists() && !file.canWrite()) Some("File " + file + " is not writable") else { val writer = new FileWriter(file, false) writer.write(content) writer.close() file.setExecutable(makeExecutable) None } /** Gets the value of the classpath attribute in a Scala-friendly form. * @return The class path as a list of files. */ private def getUnixclasspath(classpath:List[String]): String = transposeVariableMarkup(classpath.mkString("", ":", "").replace('\\', '/'), "${", "}") /** Gets the value of the classpath attribute in a Scala-friendly form. * @return The class path as a list of files. */ private def getWinclasspath(classpath:List[String]): String = transposeVariableMarkup(classpath.mkString("", ";", "").replace('/', '\\'), "%", "%") /** Performs the tool creation of a tool with for a given os * @param file * @param mainClas * @param properties * @param javaFlags * @param toolFlags * @param classPath * @param template * @param classpathFormater */ private def tool(template:Path,classpathFormater: List[String]=>String, file:Path,mainClass:String, properties:String,javaFlags:String,toolFlags:String,classPath:List[Path],makeExecutable:Boolean):Option[String] = { val patches = Map ( ("class", mainClass), ("properties", properties), ("javaflags", javaFlags), ("toolflags", toolFlags), ("classpath", classpathFormater( ) val result = readAndPatchResource(template,patches) writeFile(file.asFile,result,makeExecutable) } private def generateTool(config:ToolConfiguration):Option[String] = generateTool(config.toolName,config.destination,config.mainClass,,config.javaFlags,config.toolFlags,config.classPath) private def generateTool(toolName:String,destination:Path,mainClass:String, properties:String,javaFlags:String,toolFlags:String,classPath:List[Path]):Option[String] ={ val unixFile = destination / toolName val winFile = destination /(toolName + ".bat") tool(unixTemplate,getUnixclasspath,unixFile,mainClass, properties,javaFlags,toolFlags,classPath,true) orElse tool(winTemplate,getWinclasspath,winFile,mainClass, properties,javaFlags,toolFlags,classPath,false) } /*============================================================================*\ ** Definition of the different tools ** \*============================================================================*/ private val defaultJavaFlags = "-Xmx256M -Xms32M" /** * A class that holds the different parameters of a tool */ class ToolConfiguration(val toolName:String, val destination:Path, val mainClass:String, val properties:String, val javaFlags:String,val toolFlags:String,val classPath:List[Path]) /** * Generate all tools * @param destination Root folder where all the binaries will be written * @param classpath Should be specified when you want to use a specific classpath, could be Nil if you want * to make the bin use what is in the lib folder of the distribution. */ def tools(destination:Path,classpath:List[Path]) = task{ val scala = new ToolConfiguration("scala", destination, "", "",defaultJavaFlags, "", classpath) val scalac = new ToolConfiguration("scalac", destination, "", "",defaultJavaFlags, "", classpath) val scaladoc = new ToolConfiguration("scaladoc",destination,"", "",defaultJavaFlags,"", classpath) val fsc = new ToolConfiguration("fsc", destination,"", "",defaultJavaFlags, "", classpath) val scalap = new ToolConfiguration("scalap",destination, "", "",defaultJavaFlags, "", classpath) val toolList = scala ::scalac::scaladoc::fsc::scalap::Nil def process(list:List[ToolConfiguration]):Option[String] = list match{ case x::xs => { log.debug("Generating "+x.toolName+" bin") generateTool(x) orElse process(xs) } case Nil => None } FileUtilities.createDirectory(destination,log) process(toolList) } }