scalacOptions ++= Seq("-unchecked", "-feature", /*"-deprecation",*/ "-Xlint" /*, "-Xfatal-warnings"*/) libraryDependencies += "org.apache.commons" % "commons-lang3" % "3.3.2" libraryDependencies += "org.pantsbuild" % "jarjar" % "1.6.3" libraryDependencies += "biz.aQute.bnd" % "biz.aQute.bnd" % "2.4.1" enablePlugins(BuildInfoPlugin) // configure sbt-buildinfo to send the externalDependencyClasspath to the main build, which allows using it for the IntelliJ project config lazy val buildClasspath = taskKey[String]("Colon-separated (or semicolon-separated in case of Windows) list of entries on the sbt build classpath.") buildClasspath := (externalDependencyClasspath in Compile) buildInfoKeys := Seq[BuildInfoKey](buildClasspath) buildInfoPackage := "scalabuild" libraryDependencies += "com.typesafe" %% "mima-reporter" % "0.1.13" concurrentRestrictions in Global := Seq( Tags.limitAll(1) // workaround for )