#!/bin/bash -e # Script Overview # - determine scala version # - determine module versions # - build minimal core (aka locker) of Scala, use the determined version number, publish to scala-release-temp # - build those modules where a binary compatible version doesn't exist, publish to scala-integration # - build Scala using the previously built core and bootstrap modules, publish to scala-integration # - for releases # - stage Scala on sonatype # - rebuild modules that needed a rebuild with this Scala build, and stage them on sonatype # - the Scala version is serialized to jenkins.properties, which is passed downstream to scala-release jobs # Specifying the Scala version: # - To build a release (this enables publishing to sonatype): # - Either specify SCALA_VER_BASE. You may also specify SCALA_VER_SUFFIX, the Scala version is SCALA_VER=$SCALA_VER_BASE$SCALA_VER_SUFFIX. # - Or have the current HEAD tagged as v$base$suffix # - To prevent staging on sonatype (for testing), set publishToSonatype to anything but "yes" # - Note: After building a release, the jenkins job provides an updated versions.properties file as artifact. # Put this file in the Scala repo and create a pull request, also update `baseVersion in Global` in build.sbt. # # - Otherwise, an integration build is performed: # - version number is read from the build.sbt, extended with -[bin|pre]-$sha # Specifying module versions. We use release versions for modules. # - Module versions are read from the versions.properties file. # - Set _VER to override the default, e.g. XML_VER="1.0.4". # - The git revision is set to _REF="v$_VER". Make sure the tag exists (you can't override _REF). # Modules are automatically built if necessary. # - A module is built if it doesn't exist in the maven repository. Note that the lookup uses two versions: # - The version of the module (see below how it's determined) # - The binary version of of the SCALA_VER release that is being built # - sbt computes the binary version when looking up / building modules (*). Examples: # - 2.12.0-M1, 2.12.0-RC3: the full version is used # - 2.12.0, 2.12.1-M1, 2.12.1-RC3, 2.12.1: the binary version 2.12 is used # # - Example: assume that `scala-xml_2.11 % 1.0.3` and `scala-xml_2.12.0-M1 % 1.0.3` both exists # - XML_VER=1.0.3 and SCALA_VER=2.11.7 => no rebuild (binary version remains 2.11) # - XML_VER=1.0.3 and SCALA_VER=2.12.0-M2 => rebuild (new binary version 2.12.0-M2) # - XML_VER=1.0.4 and SCALA_VER=2.11.7 => rebuild (new version for the module, not yet on maven) # NOTE: this is not the recommended way of publishing a module. Instead, prefer to release `scala-xml_2.11 % 1.0.4` # using the existing scala 2.11.6 compiler before releasing 2.11.7. Sometimes it's necessary though. One # example was 2.11.1, which contained a fix in the backend (SerialVersionUID was ignored). All modules needed # to be re-built using the 2.11.1 release, we could not use 2.11.0. We could also not release the modules # after 2.11.1 was out, because that way the scala-library-all pom of 2.11.1 would depend on the old modules. # # (*) https://github.com/sbt/sbt/blob/v0.13.13/util/cross/src/main/input_sources/CrossVersionUtil.scala#L41 # Binary incompatible changes in Modules: example with Scala 2.11 / 2.12 and scala-parser-combinators # - The 1.0.x branch on scala-parser-combinators remains binary compatible with 1.0.0 # - Scala 2.11 will always use 1.0.x releases: we ship scala-parser-combinators with the distribution, # so we cannot introduce incompatible changes in a minor release. # - The master branch of scala-parser-combinators contains binary incompatible changes, versioned 1.1.x # - Scala 2.12 will use 1.1.x releases # - No changes to the build script required: just put the 1.1.x version number into versions.properties # # Note: It's still OK for a module to release a binary incompatible version to maven, for example # scala-parser-combinators_2.11 % 1.1.0. Users can depend on this in their sbt build. But for the # distribution (tar/zip archives, scala-library-all) we have to stay on the binary compatible version. # Requirements # - SBT_CMD must point to sbt from sbt-extras # - ~/.sonatype-curl, ~/.m2/settings.xml, ~/.credentials, ~/.credentials-sonatype, ~/.credentials-private-repo # as defined by https://github.com/scala/scala-jenkins-infra/tree/master/templates/default # - ~/.sbt/0.13/plugins/gpg.sbt with: # addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-pgp" % "0.8.1") # Note: private-repo used to be private-repo.typesafe.com. now we're running artifactory on scala-ci.typesafe.com/artifactory publishPrivateTask=${publishPrivateTask-"publish"} publishSonatypeTaskCore=${publishSonatypeTaskCore-"publishSigned"} publishSonatypeTaskModules=${publishSonatypeTaskModules-"publishSigned"} forceRebuild=${forceRebuild-no} sbtBuildTask=${sbtBuildTask-"testAll"} # TESTING leave empty to avoid the sanity check testStability=${testStability-yes} clean="clean" # TESTING leave empty to speed up testing baseDir=${WORKSPACE-`pwd`} scriptsDir="$baseDir/scripts" . $scriptsDir/common # we must change ivy home to get a fresh ivy cache, otherwise we get half-bootstrapped scala # rm it in case it existed (and there's no ivy2-shadow, which indicates we're running in a TESTING environment)... # we don't nuke the whole ws since that clobbers the git clones needlessly [[ -d $baseDir/ivy2-shadow ]] || rm -rf $baseDir/ivy2 mkdir -p $baseDir/ivy2 rm -rf $baseDir/resolutionScratch_ mkdir -p $baseDir/resolutionScratch_ # repo for the starr and locker builds releaseTempRepoUrl=${releaseTempRepoUrl-"https://scala-ci.typesafe.com/artifactory/scala-release-temp/"} # repo for the modules and the quick build integrationRepoUrl=${integrationRepoUrl-"https://scala-ci.typesafe.com/artifactory/scala-integration/"} # the `releaseTempRepoUrl` needs to be in the repositories file for building quick (to get starr) and the modules. # the file is re-generated for running the stability test, this time with the `integrationRepoUrl`. generateRepositoriesConfig $releaseTempRepoUrl # ARGH trying to get this to work on multiple versions of sbt-extras... # the old version (on jenkins, and I don't want to upgrade for risk of breaking other builds) honors -sbt-dir # the new version of sbt-extras ignores sbt-dir, so we pass it in as -Dsbt.global.base # need to set sbt-dir to one that has the gpg.sbt plugin config sbtArgs="-ivy $baseDir/ivy2 -Dsbt.override.build.repos=true -Dsbt.repository.config=$sbtRepositoryConfig -Dsbt.global.base=$HOME/.sbt/0.13 -sbt-dir $HOME/.sbt/0.13" ##### git gfxd() { git clean -fxd # TESTING } update() { [[ -d $baseDir ]] || mkdir -p $baseDir cd $baseDir if [ ! -d $baseDir/$2 ]; then git clone "https://github.com/$1/$2.git"; fi cd $2 git fetch --tags "https://github.com/$1/$2.git" (git fetch "https://github.com/$1/$2.git" $3 && git checkout -fq FETCH_HEAD) #|| git checkout -fq $3 # || fallback is for local testing on tag git reset --hard } ##### sonatype interface stApi="https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local" function st_curl(){ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "accept: application/json,application/vnd.siesta-error-v1+json,application/vnd.siesta-validation-errors-v1+json" -K ~/.sonatype-curl -s -o - $@ } function st_stagingReposOpen() { st_curl "$stApi/staging/profile_repositories" | jq '.data[] | select(.profileName == "org.scala-lang") | select(.type == "open")' } function st_stagingRepoDrop() { repo=$1 message=$2 echo "{\"data\":{\"description\":\"$message\",\"stagedRepositoryIds\":[\"$repo\"]}}" | st_curl -X POST -d @- "$stApi/staging/bulk/drop" } function st_stagingRepoClose() { repo=$1 message=$2 echo "{\"data\":{\"description\":\"$message\",\"stagedRepositoryIds\":[\"$repo\"]}}" | st_curl -X POST -d @- "$stApi/staging/bulk/close" } #### sbt tools sbtBuild() { echo "### sbtBuild: "$SBT_CMD -no-colors $sbtArgs "${scalaVersionTasks[@]}" "${publishTasks[@]}" "$@" $SBT_CMD -no-colors $sbtArgs "${scalaVersionTasks[@]}" "${publishTasks[@]}" "$@" >> $baseDir/logs/builds 2>&1 } sbtResolve() { cd $baseDir/resolutionScratch_ touch build.sbt # Can be set to `full` if a module requires cross-versioning against the full Scala version, like the continuations plugin used to. cross=${4-binary} echo "### sbtResolve: $SBT_CMD -no-colors $sbtArgs " "${scalaVersionTasks[@]}" "\"$1\" % \"$2\" % \"$3\" cross CrossVersion.$cross" $SBT_CMD -no-colors $sbtArgs "${scalaVersionTasks[@]}" \ "set libraryDependencies := Seq(\"$1\" % \"$2\" % \"$3\" cross CrossVersion.$cross)" \ 'show update' >> $baseDir/logs/resolution 2>&1 } # Oh boy... can't use scaladoc to document scala-xml if scaladoc depends on the same version of scala-xml. # Even if that version is available through the project's resolvers, sbt won't look past this project. # SOOOOO, we set the version to a dummy (-DOC), generate documentation, # then set the version to the right one and publish (which won't re-gen the docs). # Also tried publish-local without docs using 'set publishArtifact in (Compile, packageDoc) := false' and republishing, no dice. # Each buildModule() function is invoked twice: first to build against locker and publish to artifactory, then # to build against the release and publish to sonatype (or publish-local if publishToSonatype is not "yes"). # In the second round, sbtResolve is always true: the module will be found in the artifactory! # Therefore, if MODULE_BUILT is "yes" (in the second round), we know that we need to build (and publish) the # module again. # # Note: we tried an alternative solution in which sbtResolve would not look at artifactory, but that fails. For example, # scala-xml depends on scala-library, so sbt tries to find the scala-library of the version that we are currently building, # which exists only in artifactory. docTask() { if [[ "$STARR_REF" != "" && "$1" != "yes" ]]; then # Don't build module docs on the first round of module builds when bootstrapping # a binary incompatible compiler change to avoid linkage errors with using the old Scaladoc echo set publishArtifact in packageDoc in Compile := false else echo doc fi } buildXML() { if [ "$XML_BUILT" != "yes" ] && [ "$forceRebuild" != "yes" ] && ( sbtResolve "org.scala-lang.modules" "scala-xml" $XML_VER ) then echo "Found scala-xml $XML_VER; not building." else update scala scala-xml "$XML_REF" && gfxd doc="$(docTask $XML_BUILT)" sbtBuild 'set version := "'$XML_VER'-DOC"' $clean "$doc" 'set version := "'$XML_VER'"' test "${buildTasks[@]}" XML_BUILT="yes" # ensure the module is built and published when buildXML is invoked for the second time, see comment above fi } buildPartest() { if [ "$PARTEST_BUILT" != "yes" ] && [ "$forceRebuild" != "yes" ] && ( sbtResolve "org.scala-lang.modules" "scala-partest" $PARTEST_VER ) then echo "Found scala-partest $PARTEST_VER; not building." else update scala scala-partest "$PARTEST_REF" && gfxd doc="$(docTask $PARTEST_BUILT)" sbtBuild 'set version :="'$PARTEST_VER'"' 'set VersionKeys.scalaXmlVersion := "'$XML_VER'"' $clean "$doc" test "${buildTasks[@]}" PARTEST_BUILT="yes" fi } # should only be called with publishTasks publishing to artifactory buildScalaCheck(){ if [ "$SCALACHECK_BUILT" != "yes" ] && [ "$forceRebuild" != "yes" ] && ( sbtResolve "org.scalacheck" "scalacheck" $SCALACHECK_VER ) then echo "Found scalacheck $SCALACHECK_VER; not building." else update rickynils scalacheck $SCALACHECK_REF && gfxd doc="$(docTask $SCALACHECK_BUILT)" sbtBuild 'set version := "'$SCALACHECK_VER'"' 'set VersionKeys.scalaParserCombinatorsVersion := "'$PARSERS_VER'"' $clean "$doc" publish # test times out NOTE: never published to sonatype SCALACHECK_BUILT="yes" fi } # build modules, using ${buildTasks[@]} (except for ScalaCheck, which is hard-coded to publish to artifactory) buildModules() { publishTasks=('set credentials += Credentials(Path.userHome / ".credentials-private-repo")' "set every publishTo := Some(\"publish-repo\" at \"$integrationRepoUrl\")") buildTasks=($publishPrivateTask) buildXML # buildScalaCheck buildPartest } buildPublishedModules() { publishTasks=('set credentials += Credentials(Path.userHome / ".credentials-sonatype")' "set pgpPassphrase := Some(Array.empty)") buildTasks=($publishSonatypeTaskModules) buildXML buildPartest } ## BUILD STEPS: scalaVerToBinary() { # $1 = SCALA_VER # $2 = SCALA_VER_BASE # $3 = SCALA_VER_SUFFIX local RE='\([0-9]*\)[.]\([0-9]*\)[.]\([0-9]*\)' local majMin="$(echo $2 | sed -e "s#$RE#\1.\2#")" local patch="$(echo $2 | sed -e "s#$RE#\3#")" # The binary version is majMin (e.g. "2.12") if # - there's no suffix : 2.12.0, 2.12.1 # - the suffix starts with "-bin" : 2.12.1-bin-sha, 2.12.1-bin-sha-custom, 2.12.1-bin-SNAPSHOT # - the suffix is \w+ and patch version is > 0: 2.12.1-M1, 2.12.1-RC2 (also 2.12.1-sha, 2.12.1-SNAPSHOT, which we don't use) # # Otherwise, the binary version is the full version: 2.12.0-M1, 2.12.0-RC2, 2.12.0-pre-sha, 2.12.0-pre-SNAPSHOT # (also 2.12.0-sha, 2.12.0-SNAPSHOT, which we don't use) # # Adapted from sbt: https://github.com/sbt/sbt/blob/v0.13.13/util/cross/src/main/input_sources/CrossVersionUtil.scala#L42 # # During the pre-release cycle of a major release (e.g. before 2.12.0), the SCALA_BINARY_VER of integration / SNAPSHOT # versions is the full version, e.g. 2.12.0-pre-sha, so modules are always re-built. if [[ "$3" == "" || "${3:0:4}" == "-bin" || ("$patch" != "0" && "$3" =~ ^-[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$) ]]; then echo "$majMin" else echo "$1" fi } determineScalaVersion() { cd $WORKSPACE parseScalaProperties "versions.properties" # each of the branches below defines the following vars: SCALA_VER_BASE, SCALA_VER_SUFFIX, publishToSonatype if [ -z "$SCALA_VER_BASE" ]; then echo "No SCALA_VER_BASE specified." scalaTag=$(git describe --tag --exact-match ||:) if [ -z "$scalaTag" ] then echo "No tag found, running an integration build." $SBT_CMD $sbtArgs 'set baseVersionSuffix in Global := "SHA"' generateBuildCharacterPropertiesFile parseScalaProperties "buildcharacter.properties" SCALA_VER_BASE="$maven_version_base" SCALA_VER_SUFFIX="$maven_version_suffix" # TODO: publish nightly snapshot using this script - currently it's a separate jenkins job still running at EPFL. publishToSonatype="no" else echo "HEAD is tagged as $scalaTag." # borrowed from https://github.com/cloudflare/semver_bash/blob/master/semver.sh local RE='v*\([0-9]*\)[.]\([0-9]*\)[.]\([0-9]*\)\([0-9A-Za-z-]*\)' # don't change this to make it more accurate, it's not worth it SCALA_VER_BASE="$(echo $scalaTag | sed -e "s#$RE#\1.\2.\3#")" SCALA_VER_SUFFIX="$(echo $scalaTag | sed -e "s#$RE#\4#")" if [ "$SCALA_VER_BASE" == "$scalaTag" ]; then echo "Could not parse version $scalaTag" exit 1 fi publishToSonatype=${publishToSonatype-"yes"} # unless forced previously, publish fi else publishToSonatype=${publishToSonatype-"yes"} # unless forced previously, publish fi SCALA_VER="$SCALA_VER_BASE$SCALA_VER_SUFFIX" SCALA_BINARY_VER=$(scalaVerToBinary $SCALA_VER $SCALA_VER_BASE $SCALA_VER_SUFFIX) echo "version=$SCALA_VER" >> $baseDir/jenkins.properties echo "sbtDistVersionOverride=-Dproject.version=$SCALA_VER" >> $baseDir/jenkins.properties scalaVersionTasks=('set every scalaVersion := "'$SCALA_VER'"') echo "Building Scala $SCALA_VER." } # determineScalaVersion must have been called (versions.properties is parsed to env vars) deriveModuleVersions() { XML_VER=${XML_VER-$scala_xml_version_number} PARTEST_VER=${PARTEST_VER-$partest_version_number} SCALACHECK_VER=${SCALACHECK_VER-$scalacheck_version_number} XML_REF="v$XML_VER" PARTEST_REF="v$PARTEST_VER" SCALACHECK_REF="$SCALACHECK_VER" # no `v` in their tags echo "PARTEST = $PARTEST_VER at $PARTEST_REF" # echo "SCALACHECK = $SCALACHECK_VER at $SCALACHECK_REF" echo "XML = $XML_VER at $XML_REF" } createNetrcFile() { local netrcFile=$HOME/`basename $1`-netrc grep 'host=' $1 | sed 's/host=\(.*\)/machine \1/' > $netrcFile grep 'user=' $1 | sed 's/user=\(.*\)/login \1/' >> $netrcFile grep 'password=' $1 | sed 's/password=\(.*\)/password \1/' >> $netrcFile } # deletes existing artifacts (core and modules) matching the $SCALA_VER from the repository passed as argument removeExistingBuilds() { local repoUrl=$1 local repoPrefix="https://scala-ci.typesafe.com/artifactory/" if [[ $repoUrl == "$repoPrefix"* ]]; then local repoId=${1#$repoPrefix} local storageApiUrl="${repoPrefix}api/storage/$repoId" createNetrcFile "$HOME/.credentials-private-repo" local netrcFile="$HOME/.credentials-private-repo-netrc" # "module" is not a scala module (like scala-xml), but an artifact of a boostrap build. the variable # contains: "org/scala-lang/modules", "org/scala-lang/scala-compiler", "org/scala-lang/scala-library", ... local scalaLangModules=`curl -s $storageApiUrl/org/scala-lang | jq -r '.children | .[] | "org/scala-lang" + .uri' | grep -v actors-migration` for module in $scalaLangModules; do local artifacts=`curl -s $storageApiUrl/$module | jq -r ".children | .[] | select(.uri | endswith(\"$SCALA_VER\")) | .uri"` for artifact in $artifacts; do echo "Deleting $repoUrl$module$artifact" curl -s --netrc-file $netrcFile -X DELETE $repoUrl$module$artifact done done else echo "Unknown repo, not deleting anything: $repoUrl" fi } constructUpdatedModuleVersions() { updatedModuleVersions=() # force the new module versions for building the core. these may be different from the values in versions.properties # if the variables (XML_VER) were provided. in the common case, the values are the same as in versions.properties. updatedModuleVersions=("${updatedModuleVersions[@]}" "-Dscala-xml.version.number=$XML_VER") updatedModuleVersions=("${updatedModuleVersions[@]}" "-Dpartest.version.number=$PARTEST_VER") # updatedModuleVersions=("${updatedModuleVersions[@]}" "-Dscalacheck.version.number=$SCALACHECK_VER") # allow overriding the jline version using a jenkins build parameter if [ ! -z "$JLINE_VER" ] ; then updatedModuleVersions=("${updatedModuleVersions[@]}" "-Djline.version=$JLINE_VER"); fi if [ ! -z "$SCALA_BINARY_VER" ]; then updatedModuleVersions=("${updatedModuleVersions[@]}" "-Dscala.binary.version=$SCALA_BINARY_VER"); fi } # build locker (scala + modules) and quick, publishing everything to artifactory bootstrap() { echo "### Bootstrapping" cd $WORKSPACE #### (Optional) STARR. if [ ! -z "$STARR_REF" ]; then echo "### Building STARR" STARR_DIR=./scala-starr STARR_VER_SUFFIX="-$(git rev-parse --short $STARR_REF)-starr" STARR_VER=$SCALA_VER_BASE$STARR_VER_SUFFIX rm -rf "$STARR_DIR" ( git clone --reference $WORKSPACE/.git $WORKSPACE/.git $STARR_DIR cd $STARR_DIR git co $STARR_REF $SBT_CMD -no-colors $sbtArgs --warn "setupBootstrapStarr $releaseTempRepoUrl $STARR_VER" $clean publish >> $baseDir/logs/builds 2>&1 ) fi #### LOCKER echo "### Building locker" # for bootstrapping, publish core (or at least smallest subset we can get away with) # so that we can build modules with this version of Scala and publish them locally # must publish under $SCALA_VER so that the modules will depend on this (binary) version of Scala # publish more than just core: partest needs scalap # in sabbus lingo, the resulting Scala build will be used as starr to build the released Scala compiler if [ ! -z "$STARR_VER" ]; then SET_STARR=-Dstarr.version=$STARR_VER; fi $SBT_CMD -no-colors $sbtArgs $SET_STARR --warn "setupBootstrapLocker $releaseTempRepoUrl $SCALA_VER" $clean publish >> $baseDir/logs/builds 2>&1 echo "### Building modules using locker" # build, test and publish modules with this core # publish to our internal repo (so we can resolve the modules in the scala build below) # we only need to build the modules necessary to build Scala itself # since the version of locker and quick are the same buildModules constructUpdatedModuleVersions #### QUICK echo "### Bootstrapping Scala using locker" # # TODO: close all open staging repos so that we can be reasonably sure the only open one we see after publishing below is ours # # the sbt call will create a new one # # Rebuild Scala with these modules so that all binary versions are consistent. # Update versions.properties to new modules. # Sanity check: make sure the Scala test suite passes / docs can be generated with these modules. cd $baseDir rm -rf build/ $SBT_CMD $sbtArgs \ --warn \ -Dstarr.version=$SCALA_VER \ ${updatedModuleVersions[@]} \ "setupBootstrapQuick $integrationRepoUrl $SCALA_VER" \ $clean \ $sbtBuildTask \ dist/mkQuick \ publish # clear ivy cache (and to be sure, local as well), so the next round of sbt builds sees the fresh scala rm -rf $baseDir/ivy2 # TODO: create PR with following commit (note that release will have been tagged already) # git commit versions.properties -m"Bump versions.properties for $SCALA_VER." } testStability() { echo "### Testing stability" cd $baseDir # Run stability tests using the just built version as "quick" and a new version as "strap" mv build/quick quick1 rm -rf build/ $SBT_CMD $sbtArgs \ --warn \ -Dstarr.version=$SCALA_VER \ ${updatedModuleVersions[@]} \ "setupBootstrapQuick $integrationRepoUrl $SCALA_VER" \ $clean \ dist/mkQuick mv build/quick build/strap mv quick1 build/quick $scriptsDir/stability-test.sh } # assumes we just bootstrapped, and current directory is $baseDir # publishes locker to sonatype, then builds modules again (those for which version numbers were provided), # and publishes those to sonatype as well # finally, the staging repos are closed publishSonatype() { # stage to sonatype, along with all modules -Dmaven.version.suffix/-Dbuild.release not necessary, # since we're just publishing an existing build echo "### Publishing core to sonatype" $SBT_CMD $sbtArgs \ --warn \ -Dstarr.version=$SCALA_VER \ ${updatedModuleVersions[@]} \ "setupBootstrapPublish $integrationRepoUrl $SCALA_VER" \ $publishSonatypeTaskCore echo "### Publishing modules to sonatype" # build/test/publish scala core modules to sonatype (this will start a new staging repo) # (was hoping we could make everything go to the same staging repo, but it's not timing that causes two staging repos to be opened) # NOTE: only publish those for which versions are set # test and publish to sonatype, assuming you have ~/.sbt/0.13/sonatype.sbt and ~/.sbt/0.13/plugin/gpg.sbt buildPublishedModules open=$(st_stagingReposOpen) allOpenUrls=$(echo $open | jq '.repositoryURI' | tr -d \") allOpen=$(echo $open | jq '.repositoryId' | tr -d \") echo "Closing open repos: $allOpen" for repo in $allOpen; do st_stagingRepoClose $repo; done echo "Closed sonatype staging repos: $allOpenUrls." } #### MAIN determineScalaVersion deriveModuleVersions removeExistingBuilds $integrationRepoUrl removeExistingBuilds $releaseTempRepoUrl bootstrap # for stability testing and sonatype publishing, use artifacts in `integrationRepoUrl` generateRepositoriesConfig $integrationRepoUrl if [ "$testStability" == "yes" ] then testStability fi if [ "$publishToSonatype" == "yes" ] then publishSonatype fi