/* ____ ____ ____ ____ ______ *\ ** / __// __ \/ __// __ \/ ____/ SOcos COmpiles Scala ** ** __\_ \/ /_/ / /__/ /_/ /\_ \ (c) 2002, LAMP/EPFL ** ** /_____/\____/\___/\____/____/ ** \* */ // $Id$ package ch.epfl.lamp.util; import java.io.*; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; /** This class provides methods to print HTML document. */ public class HTMLPrinter { public static final String DEFAULT_STYLESHEET = "style.css"; //######################################################################## // Private Fields /** The underlying code printer */ private final CodePrinter printer; /** The document title */ private final String title; //######################################################################## // Protected Fields /** The document representation */ protected final HTMLRepresentation representation; //######################################################################## // Public Constructors /** Creates a new instance */ public HTMLPrinter(Writer writer, String title, HTMLRepresentation representation) { this.printer = new CodePrinter(writer, " "); this.title = title; this.representation = representation; } /** Creates a new instance */ public HTMLPrinter(Writer writer, String title, String encoding) { this.printer = new CodePrinter(writer, " "); this.title = title; this.representation = new HTMLRepresentation("HTML 4.01 Transitional", encoding); } /** Creates a new instance */ public HTMLPrinter(Writer writer, String title) { this(writer, title, "iso-8859-1"); } //######################################################################## // Public Methods - Getting & Setting /** Returns the underlying code printer. */ public CodePrinter getCodePrinter() { return printer; } /** Returns the underlying title. */ public String getTitle() { return title; } //######################################################################## // Public Methods - Formatting /** Increases the indentation level by one. */ public HTMLPrinter indent() { printer.indent(); return this; } /** Decreases the indentation level by one. */ public HTMLPrinter undent() { printer.undent(); return this; } /** Inserts a new line. */ public HTMLPrinter line() { printer.line(); return this; } /** Inserts a white space. */ public HTMLPrinter space() { printer.space(); return this; } //######################################################################## // Public Methods - Printing simple values followed by a new line /** Prints a new line. */ public HTMLPrinter println() { printer.println(); return this; } /** Prints the boolean value followed by a new line. */ public HTMLPrinter println(boolean value) { printer.println(value); return this; } /** Prints the byte value followed by a new line. */ public HTMLPrinter println(byte value) { printer.println(value); return this; } /** Prints the short value followed by a new line. */ public HTMLPrinter println(short value) { printer.println(value); return this; } /** Prints the char value followed by a new line. */ public HTMLPrinter println(char value) { printer.println(value); return this; } /** Prints the int value followed by a new line. */ public HTMLPrinter println(int value) { printer.println(value); return this; } /** Prints the long value followed by a new line. */ public HTMLPrinter println(long value) { printer.println(value); return this; } /** Prints the float value followed by a new line. */ public HTMLPrinter println(float value) { printer.println(value); return this; } /** Prints the double value followed by a new line. */ public HTMLPrinter println(double value) { printer.println(value); return this; } /** Prints the string followed by a new line. */ public HTMLPrinter println(String value) { printer.println(value); return this; } /** Prints the opening HTML tag followed by a new line. */ public HTMLPrinter printlnOTag(String label) { printer.print("<"); printer.print(label); printer.println(">"); return this; } /** Prints the HTML tag with attributes followed by a new line. */ public HTMLPrinter printlnOTag(String label, XMLAttribute[] attrs) { printer.print("<"); printer.print(label); printer.print(" "); printer.print(StringOf.object.array(attrs, "", " ", "")); printer.println(">"); return this; } /** Prints the closing HTML tag followed by a new line. */ public HTMLPrinter printlnCTag(String label) { printer.print(""); return this; } /** Prints HTML tag with label and contents followed by a new line. */ public HTMLPrinter printlnTag(String label, String text) { printOTag(label); print(text); return printlnCTag(label); } /** Prints the HTML tag 'label' with attributes 'attrs' and contents 'text' * followed by a new line. */ public HTMLPrinter printlnTag(String label, XMLAttribute[] attrs, String text) { printOTag(label, attrs); print(text); return printlnCTag(label); } /** Prints the short HTML tag followed by a new line. * @param label */ public HTMLPrinter printlnSTag(String label) { printer.print("<"); printer.print(label); printer.println("/>"); return this; } /** Prints the short HTML tag with attributes 'attrs' followed by a new line. */ public HTMLPrinter printlnSTag(String label, XMLAttribute[] attrs) { printer.print("<"); printer.print(label); printer.print(" "); printer.print(StringOf.object.array(attrs, "", " ", "")); printer.println("/>"); return this; } /** Prints text tag followed by a new line. */ public HTMLPrinter printlnAhref(String dest, String text) { printOTag("a", new XMLAttribute[]{ new XMLAttribute("href", dest) }); print(text); printlnCTag("a"); return this; } /** Prints text tag followed by a new line. */ public HTMLPrinter printlnAhref(String dest, String target, String text) { printOTag("a", new XMLAttribute[]{ new XMLAttribute("href", dest), new XMLAttribute("target", target)}); print(text); printlnCTag("a"); return this; } /** Prints text tag followed by a new line. */ public HTMLPrinter printlnAname(String anchor, String text) { printOTag("a", new XMLAttribute[]{new XMLAttribute("name", anchor)}); print(text); printlnCTag("a"); return this; } /** Prints text 'text' in bold followed by a new line. */ public HTMLPrinter printlnBold(String text) { printlnTag("b", text); return this; } /** Prints text 'text' in color 'color' followed by a new line. */ public HTMLPrinter printlnFontColor(String color, String text) { printlnTag("font", new XMLAttribute[]{new XMLAttribute("color", color)}, text); return this; } /** Prints comment with contents 'text' followed by a new line. */ public HTMLPrinter printlnComment(String text) { printer.print(""); return this; } /** Prints the tag with attributes 'attrs' followed by a new line. */ public HTMLPrinter printlnMeta(XMLAttribute[] attrs) { return printlnOTag("meta", attrs); } /** Prints the tag with attributes 'attrs' followed by a new line. */ public HTMLPrinter printlnLink(XMLAttribute[] attrs) { return printlnOTag("link", attrs); } //######################################################################## // Public Methods - Printing simple values /** Prints the boolean value. */ public HTMLPrinter print(boolean value) { printer.print(value); return this; } /** Prints the byte value. */ public HTMLPrinter print(byte value) { printer.print(value); return this; } /** Prints the short value. */ public HTMLPrinter print(short value) { printer.print(value); return this; } /** Prints the char value. */ public HTMLPrinter print(char value) { printer.print(value); return this; } /** Prints the int value. */ public HTMLPrinter print(int value) { printer.print(value); return this; } /** Prints the long value. */ public HTMLPrinter print(long value) { printer.print(value); return this; } /** Prints the float value. */ public HTMLPrinter print(float value) { printer.print(value); return this; } /** Prints the long value. */ public HTMLPrinter print(double value) { printer.print(value); return this; } /** Prints the string. */ public HTMLPrinter print(String value) { printer.print(value); return this; } /** Prints the opening HTML tag. */ public HTMLPrinter printOTag(String label) { printer.print("<"); printer.print(label); printer.print(">"); return this; } /** Prints the opening HTML tag 'label' with attributes 'attrs'. */ public HTMLPrinter printOTag(String label, XMLAttribute[] attrs) { printer.print("<"); printer.print(label); printer.print(" "); printer.print(StringOf.object.array(attrs, "", " ", "")); printer.print(">"); return this; } /** Prints the closing HTML tag 'label'. */ public HTMLPrinter printCTag(String label) { printer.print(""); return this; } /** Prints the HTML tag 'label' with contents 'text'. */ public HTMLPrinter printTag(String label, String text) { printOTag(label); print(text); return printCTag(label); } /** Prints the HTML tag 'label' with attributes 'attrs' and contents 'text'. */ public HTMLPrinter printTag(String label, XMLAttribute[] attrs, String text) { printOTag(label, attrs); print(text); printCTag(label); return this; } /** Prints the short HTML tag 'label'. */ public HTMLPrinter printSTag(String label) { printer.print("<"); printer.print(label); printer.print("/>"); return this; } /** Prints text tag. */ public HTMLPrinter printAhref(String dest, String text) { printOTag("a", new XMLAttribute[]{ new XMLAttribute("href", dest) }); print(text); return printCTag("a"); } /** Prints text tag. */ public HTMLPrinter printAhref(String dest, String target, String text) { printOTag("a", new XMLAttribute[]{ new XMLAttribute("href", dest), new XMLAttribute("target", target)}); print(text); return printCTag("a"); } /** Prints text tag. */ public HTMLPrinter printAname(String anchor, String text) { printOTag("a", new XMLAttribute[]{ new XMLAttribute("name", anchor) }); print(text); return printCTag("a"); } /** Prints text 'text' in bold. */ public HTMLPrinter printBold(String text) { return printTag("b", text); } /** Prints text 'text' in color 'color'. */ public HTMLPrinter printFontColor(String color, String text) { return printTag("font", new XMLAttribute[]{ new XMLAttribute("color", color) }, text); } /** Prints comment with contents 'text'. * @param text */ public HTMLPrinter printComment(String text) { printer.print(""); return this; } /** Prints n HTML blank spaces. * @param n The parameter n gives the number * of printed blank spaces */ public HTMLPrinter printNbsp(int n) { while (n > 0) { print(" "); n--; } return this; } /** Prints an horizontal line separator */ public HTMLPrinter printHLine() { return printOTag("hr"); } /** Prints an horizontal line separator with attributes 'attrs'. */ public HTMLPrinter printHLine(XMLAttribute[] attrs) { return printOTag("hr", attrs); } //######################################################################## // Public Methods - Converting /** Returns the string representation of this printer. */ public String toString() { return printer.toString(); } //######################################################################## /** Prints HTML preamble. */ protected void printPreamble() { println(""); printlnOTag("html").line(); } /** */ protected void printGeneratedBy(String generator) { if (generator != null) { SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM d HH:mm:ss z yyyy"); printlnComment("Generated by " + generator + " on " + df.format(new Date())); } } /** Prints HTML meta information. */ protected void printMetaInfo(XMLAttribute[] attrs) { printlnMeta(new XMLAttribute[]{ new XMLAttribute("http-equiv", "content-type"), new XMLAttribute("content", "text/html; charset=" + representation.getEncoding())}); for (int i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) { printlnMeta(new XMLAttribute[]{ new XMLAttribute("name", attrs[i].name), new XMLAttribute("content", attrs[i].value)}); } } /** Prints HTML link information for style sheets. * @param stylesheets A list of stylesheets to be linked * to the current HTML document */ protected void printStyles(String[] stylesheets) { for (int i = 0; i < stylesheets.length; i++) { printlnLink(new XMLAttribute[]{ new XMLAttribute("rel", "stylesheet"), new XMLAttribute("type", "text/css"), new XMLAttribute("href", stylesheets[i])}); } } /** Prints HTML header section. * @param metaXMLAttributes */ public void printHeader(XMLAttribute[] metaXMLAttributes, String generator, String[] stylesheets) { printPreamble(); printlnOTag("head").indent(); printlnTag("title", title); printGeneratedBy(generator); printMetaInfo(metaXMLAttributes); printStyles(stylesheets); undent().printlnCTag("head").line(); } /** Prints HTML header section. * @param metaXMLAttributes * @param generator * @param stylesheet */ public void printHeader(XMLAttribute[] metaXMLAttributes, String generator, String stylesheet) { printHeader(metaXMLAttributes, generator, new String[]{ stylesheet }); } /** Prints HTML header section. * @param metaXMLAttributes * @param generator */ public void printHeader(XMLAttribute[] metaXMLAttributes, String generator) { printHeader(metaXMLAttributes, generator, DEFAULT_STYLESHEET); } /** Prints HTML header section. * @param metaXMLAttributes */ public void printHeader(XMLAttribute[] metaXMLAttributes) { printHeader(metaXMLAttributes, null); } /** Open the body section. */ public void printOpenBody() { printlnOTag("body").indent(); } /** */ public void printFootpage() { undent().printlnCTag("body"); printlnCTag("html"); } //######################################################################## } /** Map from Object to String. */ public abstract class StringOf { /** Give the string representation of an object. */ public abstract String element(Object o); /** Give the string representation of an array of objects. Return delimiters * for empty arrays depending on "delimWhenEmpty". */ public String array(Object[] objects, String open, String sep, String close, boolean delimWhenEmpty) { if ((objects.length == 0) && !delimWhenEmpty) return ""; else { StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer(); str.append(open); if (objects.length > 0) { str.append(element(objects[0])); for(int i = 1; i < objects.length; i++) str.append(sep + element(objects[i])); } str.append(close); return str.toString(); } } /** Return always delimiters. */ public String array(Object[] objects, String open, String sep, String close) { return array(objects, open, sep, close, true); } /** Basic map. */ public static StringOf object = new StringOf() { public String element(Object o) { return o.toString(); } }; }