/* ____ ____ ____ ____ ______ *\ ** / __// __ \/ __// __ \/ ____/ SOcos COmpiles Scala ** ** __\_ \/ /_/ / /__/ /_/ /\_ \ (c) 2002, LAMP/EPFL ** ** /_____/\____/\___/\____/____/ ** ** ** ** $Id$ \* */ package scalac; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import scalac.util.*; import scalac.ast.*; import scalac.ast.parser.*; import scalac.symtab.Definitions; import scalac.ast.printer.*; /** The global environment of a compiler run * * @author Matthias Zenger * @version 1.0 */ public class Global { public static Global instance; /** global options */ public final boolean noimports; //public final boolean optimize; public final boolean debug; public final boolean uniqid; public final boolean printtypes; public final boolean printtokens; public final String outpath; public final String target; public final String jacoDebug; /** the message reporter */ public final Reporter reporter; /** a stack for maintaining timestamps */ private final Stack startTimes = new Stack(); /** all compilation units */ public Unit[] units; /** the class path */ public final ClassPath classPath; /** the global tree factory */ public final TreeFactory make; /** the fresh name creator */ public final FreshNameCreator freshNameCreator; /** the tree generator */ public final TreeGen treeGen; /** the unique-id generator */ public final UniqueID uniqueID; /** the global tree printer */ public final TreePrinter printer; public OutputStream printStream; public final TreePrinter debugPrinter; /** the current phase */ public PhaseDescriptor currentPhase; /** the global definitions */ public Definitions definitions; /** the global primitives */ //public Primitives primitives; /** compilation phases. */ public final PhaseRepository PHASE; public final PhaseDescriptor[] phases; public final int POST_ANALYZER_PHASE_ID = 3; /** compilation targets */ public static final String TARGET_INT; public static final String TARGET_JAVA; public static final String TARGET_JVM; public static final String TARGET_MSIL; public static final String[] TARGETS = new String[] { TARGET_INT = "int".intern(), TARGET_JAVA = "java".intern(), TARGET_JVM = "jvm".intern(), TARGET_MSIL = "msil".intern(), }; /** tree printers */ public static final String PRINTER_TEXT; public static final String PRINTER_HTML; public static final String[] PRINTERS = new String[] { PRINTER_TEXT = "text".intern(), PRINTER_HTML = "html".intern(), }; public Global(CompilerCommand args) { this(args, false); } public Global(CompilerCommand args, boolean interpret) { if (Global.instance != null) { // jaco bug: can't use assert here new Error("Duplicate creation of Global").printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); }; Global.instance = this; this.reporter = args.reporter(); this.start(); // timestamp to compute the total time this.noimports = args.noimports.value; //this.optimize = args.optimize.optimize; this.debug = args.debug.value; this.uniqid = args.uniqid.value; this.printtypes = args.types.value; this.printtokens = args.print.tokens; this.classPath = args.classpath(); this.outpath = args.outpath(); this.target = interpret ? TARGET_INT : args.target.value.intern(); this.jacoDebug = args.jaco.value; this.uniqueID = new UniqueID(); String printFile = args.printfile.value; try { this.printStream = "-".equals(printFile) ? System.out : new FileOutputStream(printFile); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { error("unable to open file " + printFile + ". Printing on console"); this.printStream = System.out; } String printerName = args.printer.value.intern(); if (printerName == PRINTER_TEXT) this.printer = new TextTreePrinter(printStream); else this.printer = new HTMLTreePrinter(printStream); this.debugPrinter = new TextTreePrinter(System.err); this.freshNameCreator = new FreshNameCreator(); this.make = new TreeCreator(); this.currentPhase = PhaseDescriptor.INITIAL; this.definitions = new Definitions(this); //this.primitives = new Primitives(this); this.treeGen = new TreeGen(this, make); this.PHASE = args.phases; List phases = new ArrayList(); phases.add(PHASE.INITIAL); phases.add(PHASE.PARSER); phases.add(PHASE.ANALYZER); phases.add(PHASE.REFCHECK); phases.add(PHASE.UNCURRY); /* if (optimize) { phases.add(PHASE.OPTIMIZE); } phases.add(PHASE.TRANSMATCH); */ //phases.add(PHASE.LAMBDALIFT); phases.add(PHASE.EXPLICITOUTER); phases.add(PHASE.ADDACCESSORS); phases.add(PHASE.ADDINTERFACES); phases.add(PHASE.EXPANDMIXIN); /* phases.add(PHASE.ERASURE); if (target == TARGET_INT || target == TARGET_MSIL || target == TARGET_JVM) { phases.add(PHASE.ADDCONSTRUCTORS); } if (target == TARGET_JAVA) phases.add(PHASE.GENJAVA); if (target == TARGET_MSIL) phases.add(PHASE.GENMSIL); if (target == TARGET_JVM) phases.add(PHASE.GENJVM); */ phases.add(PHASE.TERMINAL); this.phases = new PhaseDescriptor[phases.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < phases.size(); i++) { PhaseDescriptor phase = (PhaseDescriptor)phases.get(i); this.phases[i] = phase; if (i > 0) this.phases[i - 1].flags |= phase.flags >>> 16; phase.initialize(this, i); assert phase.id == i; } assert PHASE.ANALYZER.id + 1 == POST_ANALYZER_PHASE_ID; } /** Move to next phase */ public void nextPhase() { currentPhase = phases[currentPhase.id + 1]; } /** Move to previous phase */ public void prevPhase() { currentPhase = phases[currentPhase.id - 1]; } /** the top-level compilation process */ public void compile(String[] files, boolean console) { reporter.resetCounters(); // parse files List units = new ArrayList(files.length); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { String file = files[i]; try { units.add(new Unit(this, new Sourcefile(file, console))); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { error("file " + file + " not found"); } catch (IOException e) { error(e.toString()); } } this.units = (Unit[])units.toArray(new Unit[units.size()]); compile(); } /** the top-level compilation process */ public void compile(String input, boolean console) { reporter.resetCounters(); Sourcefile source = new Sourcefile(input.getBytes(), console); units = new Unit[]{new Unit(this, source)}; compile(); } /** compile all compilation units */ private void compile() { printer.begin(); // apply successive phases and pray that it works for (int i = 0; i < phases.length && reporter.errors() == 0; ++i) { currentPhase = phases[i]; if ((currentPhase.flags & PhaseDescriptor.SKIP) != 0) { operation("skipping phase " + currentPhase.name()); } else { currentPhase.apply(this); } if ((currentPhase.flags & PhaseDescriptor.PRINT) != 0) currentPhase.print(this); if ((currentPhase.flags & PhaseDescriptor.GRAPH) != 0) currentPhase.graph(this); if ((currentPhase.flags & PhaseDescriptor.CHECK) != 0) currentPhase.check(this); if ((currentPhase.flags & PhaseDescriptor.STOP) != 0) { operation("stopped after phase " + currentPhase.name()); break; } } printer.end(); } /** stop the compilation process immediately */ public Error fail() { throw new ApplicationError(); } /** stop the compilation process immediately */ public Error fail(String message) { throw new ApplicationError(message); } /** stop the compilation process immediately */ public Error fail(String message, Object object) { throw new ApplicationError(message, object); } /** stop the compilation process immediately */ public Error fail(Object value) { throw new ApplicationError(value); } /** issue a global error */ public void error(String message) { reporter.error("error: " + message); } /** issue a global warning */ public void warning(String message) { reporter.warning("warning: " + message); } /** issue a global note (if in verbose mode) */ public void note(String message) { reporter.note("note: " + message); } /** issue an operation note */ public void operation(String message) { reporter.inform("[" + message + "]"); } /** issue a debug message from currentPhase */ // the boolean return value is here to let one write "assert log( ... )" public boolean log(String message) { if (log()) { reporter.report("[log " + currentPhase.name() + "] " + message); } return true; } /** return true if logging is switched on for the current phase */ public boolean log() { return (currentPhase.flags & PhaseDescriptor.LOG) != 0; } /** start a new timer */ public void start() { startTimes.push(new Long(System.currentTimeMillis())); } /** issue timing information */ public void stop(String message) { long start = ((Long)startTimes.pop()).longValue(); reporter.inform("[" + message + " in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "ms]"); } }