/* ____ ____ ____ ____ ______ *\ ** / __// __ \/ __// __ \/ ____/ SOcos COmpiles Scala ** ** __\_ \/ /_/ / /__/ /_/ /\_ \ (c) 2002, LAMP/EPFL ** ** /_____/\____/\___/\____/____/ ** ** ** ** $Id$ \* */ package scalac; import ch.epfl.lamp.util.CodePrinter; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder; import java.nio.charset.IllegalCharsetNameException; import java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException; import java.util.*; import scala.tools.util.AbstractFile; import scala.tools.util.ClassPath; import scala.tools.util.Position; import scala.tools.util.SourceFile; import scala.tools.util.SourceReader; import scala.tools.util.Reporter; import scala.tools.util.Timer; import scala.tools.util.DummyTimer; import scala.tools.util.ReporterTimer; import scalac.ast.*; import scalac.ast.parser.*; import scalac.ast.printer.TreePrinter; import scalac.atree.AConstant; import scalac.atree.ATreePrinter; import scalac.backend.Primitives; // !!! <<< Interpreter stuff import scalac.symtab.*; // !!! >>> Interpreter stuff import scalac.symtab.Definitions; import scalac.symtab.classfile.PackageParser; import scalac.symtab.classfile.CLRPackageParser; import scalac.typechecker.AnalyzerPhase; import scalac.typechecker.Infer; import scalac.transformer.ICodePhase; import scalac.util.*; /** The global environment of a compiler run * * @author Matthias Zenger * @version 1.0 */ public abstract class Global { public static Global instance; /** global options */ public final boolean noimports; public final boolean nopredefs; public final boolean separate; //public final boolean optimize; public final boolean debug; public final boolean debuginfo; public final boolean explaintypes; public final boolean uniqid; public final boolean newMatch; public final boolean xmlPreserveWS; public final boolean runTimeTypes; public final boolean printtypes; public final boolean printtokens; public final String outpath; public final String encoding; public final String target; /** the message reporter */ public final Reporter reporter; /** the timer */ public final Timer timer; /** the source file charset */ private final Charset charset; /** the source file decoder */ private final CharsetDecoder decoder; /** the source file reader */ private final SourceReader reader; /** the class path */ public final ClassPath classPath; /** the global tree factory */ public final TreeFactory make; /** the tree generator */ public final TreeGen treeGen; /** the global tree printer */ public final PrintWriter writer; public final TreePrinter treePrinter; /** documentation comments of symbols */ public final Map/**/ mapSymbolComment = new HashMap(); /** attributes of symbols */ protected final Map/**/ mapSymbolAttr = new HashMap(); /** views associated with (upper-bounded) type parameters */ public final Map/**/ viewOfTypeParam = new HashMap(); /** Pickled info of top-level symbols */ public final Map/**/ symdata = new HashMap(); /** The compiler command arguments */ public final CompilerCommand args; /** The set of currently compiled top-level symbols */ public HashMap/**/ compiledNow = new HashMap(); /** The set of already compiled sourcefiles */ private HashSet/**/ compiledUnits = new HashSet(); /** the current phase */ public Phase currentPhase; /** the global definitions */ public Definitions definitions; /** the global primitives */ public final Primitives primitives; /** compilation phases. */ public final CompilerPhases PHASE; /** The current compilation loop or null */ private CompilationLoop loop; /** compilation targets */ public static final String TARGET_INT; public static final String TARGET_JVM; public static final String TARGET_MSIL; public static final String TARGET_JVMFROMICODE; public static final String[] TARGETS = new String[] { TARGET_INT = "int", TARGET_JVM = "jvm", TARGET_MSIL = "msil", TARGET_JVMFROMICODE = "jvmfromicode" }; /** tree printers */ public static final String PRINTER_TEXT; public static final String PRINTER_HTML; public static final String PRINTER_SWING; public static final String[] PRINTERS = new String[] { PRINTER_TEXT = "text", PRINTER_HTML = "html", PRINTER_SWING = "swing", }; public static Timer getTimer(Reporter reporter) { return reporter.verbose() ? (Timer)new ReporterTimer(reporter) : (Timer)DummyTimer.object; } /** hooks for installing printers */ public abstract Infer newInfer(); public abstract TreePrinter newTextTreePrinter(PrintWriter writer); public abstract TreePrinter newHTMLTreePrinter(PrintWriter writer); public abstract TreePrinter newSwingTreePrinter(PrintWriter writer); /** * Creates an instance variable. * * @param args * @param interpret */ public Global(CompilerCommand args, Timer timer, boolean interpret) { assert Debug.initialize() || true; if (Global.instance != null) // jaco bug: can't use assert here /* throw */ Debug.abort("duplicate creation of Global"); Global.instance = this; this.args = args; this.reporter = args.reporter(); this.timer = timer; this.noimports = args.noimports.value; this.nopredefs = args.nopredefs.value; //this.optimize = args.optimize.optimize; this.debug = args.debug.value; this.debuginfo = args.debuginfo.value; this.uniqid = args.uniqid.value; this.newMatch = args.Xnewmatch.value; this.xmlPreserveWS = args.XpreserveWS.value; this.runTimeTypes = args.XrunTimeTypes.value; this.explaintypes = args.explaintypes.value; this.printtypes = args.types.value; this.printtokens = args.print.tokens; this.classPath = args.classpath(); reporter.info(null, "classpath = " + classPath, false); this.outpath = args.outpath(); String encoding = args.encoding.value; Charset charset = null; try { charset = Charset.forName(encoding); } catch (IllegalCharsetNameException exception) { args.encoding.error("illegal charset name '" + encoding + "'"); } catch (UnsupportedCharsetException exception) { args.encoding.error("unsupported charset '" + encoding + "'"); } if (charset == null) { encoding = "ISO-8859-1"; // A mandatory charset charset = Charset.forName(encoding); } this.encoding = encoding; this.charset = charset; this.decoder = charset.newDecoder(); this.reader = new SourceReader(decoder); this.target = interpret ? TARGET_INT : args.target.value.intern(); this.separate = args.separate.value.equals("yes") || args.separate.value.equals("default") && !this.target.equals(TARGET_INT); String printFile = args.printfile.value; OutputStream stream; try { stream = "-".equals(printFile) ? System.out : new FileOutputStream(printFile); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { error("unable to open file " + printFile + ". Printing on console"); stream = System.out; } this.writer = new PrintWriter(stream, debug); if (args.printer.value.equals(PRINTER_HTML)) { this.treePrinter = newHTMLTreePrinter(writer); } else if (args.printer.value.equals(PRINTER_SWING)) { this.treePrinter = newSwingTreePrinter(writer); } else { if (!args.printer.value.equals(PRINTER_TEXT)) error("unknown printer kind: " + args.printer.value); this.treePrinter = newTextTreePrinter(writer); } this.make = new DefaultTreeFactory(); this.PHASE = args.phases; args.phases.WHOLEPROG.addSkipFlag(); // !!! // if (!optimize) PHASE.remove(args.phases.OPTIMIZE); // TODO: Enable TailCall for other backends when they handle LabelDefs if (target != TARGET_JVMFROMICODE) args.phases.ICODE.addSkipFlag(); PHASE.freeze(); PhaseDescriptor[] descriptors = PHASE.phases(); int i = 0; for (; i < descriptors.length; i++) { if (!descriptors[i].hasSkipFlag()) descriptors[i].create(this); if (descriptors[i] == PHASE.ANALYZER) { i++; break; } } this.treeGen = ((AnalyzerPhase)PHASE.ANALYZER.phase()).gen; this.primitives = new Primitives(this); for (; i < descriptors.length; i++) if (!descriptors[i].hasSkipFlag()) descriptors[i].create(this); assert descriptors.length >= 2 && descriptors[0] == PHASE.INITIAL && descriptors[descriptors.length - 1] == PHASE.TERMINAL: Debug.show(descriptors); assert !PHASE.INITIAL.hasSkipFlag(); this.currentPhase = PHASE.INITIAL.phase(); } /** * Moves to next phase. */ public void nextPhase() { assert currentPhase.next != null; currentPhase = currentPhase.next; } /** Move to previous phase */ public void prevPhase() { assert currentPhase.prev != null; currentPhase = currentPhase.prev; } /** Creates a virtual source file with given name and content. */ public SourceFile getSourceFile(String sourcename, String content) { return new SourceFile(sourcename, content.toCharArray()); } /** Reads and returns the source file in file with given name. */ public SourceFile getSourceFile(String filename) throws IOException { AbstractFile file = AbstractFile.getFile(filename); if (file == null) throw new FileNotFoundException( "source file '" + filename + "' could not be found"); return getSourceFile(file); } /** Reads and returns the source file in given abstract file. */ public SourceFile getSourceFile(AbstractFile file) throws IOException { return new SourceFile(file, reader.read(file)); } /** Reads and returns the source file of given clasz. */ public SourceFile getSourceFile(Symbol clasz) throws IOException { assert clasz.isClass() && clasz.isStatic(): Debug.show(clasz); AbstractFile file = classPath.getRoot().lookupPath( SourceRepresentation.externalizeFileName(clasz, ".scala"), false); if (file == null) throw new FileNotFoundException( "source file for " + clasz + " could not be found"); return getSourceFile(file); } /** Returns the root symbol loader. */ public SymbolLoader getRootLoader() { return target == TARGET_MSIL ? new CLRPackageParser(this, classPath.getRoot()) : new PackageParser(this, classPath.getRoot()); } /** the top-level compilation process */ public CompilationUnit[] compile(String[] files, boolean console) { reporter.resetCounters(); // parse files List units = new ArrayList(files.length); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { try { SourceFile source = getSourceFile(files[i]); units.add(new CompilationUnit(this, source, console)); compiledUnits.add(source); } catch (IOException exception) { error(exception.getMessage()); } } CompilationUnit[] array = new CompilationUnit[units.size()]; return compile((CompilationUnit[])units.toArray(array)); } /** * The top-level compilation process. * * @param filename * @param input * @param console */ public CompilationUnit[] compile(String filename, String input, boolean console) { reporter.resetCounters(); SourceFile source = getSourceFile(filename, input); compiledUnits.add(source); CompilationUnit[] units = {new CompilationUnit(this, source, console)}; return compile(units); } /** compile all compilation units */ private CompilationUnit[] compile(CompilationUnit[] units) { this.currentPhase = PHASE.INITIAL.phase(); treePrinter.begin(); this.loop = new CompilationLoop(this); loadFunctions(); units = loop.compile(units); this.loop = null; if (reporter.errors() != 0) { imports.clear(); for (Iterator i = compiledNow.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry)i.next(); Symbol clasz = (Symbol)entry.getKey(); AbstractFile file = ((SourceFile)entry.getValue()).getFile(); clasz.reset(new SourceCompleter(this, file)); } } compiledNow.clear(); treePrinter.end(); this.currentPhase = PHASE.TERMINAL.phase(); return units; } protected abstract void loadFunctions(); /** Compiles an additional source file. */ public void compileLate(SourceFile source, boolean mixinOnly) { assert loop != null: source; if (!compiledUnits.contains(source)) { compiledUnits.add(source); CompilationUnit unit = new CompilationUnit(this, source, false, mixinOnly); loop.insert(unit); } } public void addAttribute(Symbol sym, Symbol aSym, AConstant[] params) { AttributeInfo attr = getAttributes(sym); attr = new AttributeInfo(aSym, params, attr); //mapSymbolAttr.put(sym, attr); setAttribute(sym, attr); } public void addAttribute(Symbol sym, Symbol aSym) { addAttribute(sym, aSym, AConstant.EMPTY_ARRAY); } public void setAttribute(Symbol sym, AttributeInfo attr) { mapSymbolAttr.put(sym, attr); if (sym.isModule() && !sym.isModuleClass()) mapSymbolAttr.put(sym.moduleClass(), attr); } public AttributeInfo getAttributes(Symbol sym) { return (AttributeInfo)mapSymbolAttr.get(sym); } public AttributeInfo removeAttributes(Symbol sym) { return (AttributeInfo)mapSymbolAttr.remove(sym); } public abstract void dump(CompilationUnit[] units); void print(CompilationUnit[] units) { if (currentPhase.id == PHASE.MAKEBOXINGEXPLICIT.id()) { boolean html = args.printer.value.equals(PRINTER_HTML); if (html) writer.println("
            ATreePrinter printer = new ATreePrinter(new CodePrinter(writer));
            boolean next = currentPhase.next != null;
            if (next) currentPhase = currentPhase.next;
            if (next) currentPhase = currentPhase.prev;
            if (html) writer.println("
"); } else if (currentPhase.id == PHASE.ICODE.id()) { Phase phase = currentPhase; boolean html = args.printer.value.equals(PRINTER_HTML); if (html) writer.println("

            boolean next = currentPhase.next != null;
            if (next) currentPhase = currentPhase.next;
            ((ICodePhase)phase).print(units, new CodePrinter(writer));
            if (next) currentPhase = currentPhase.prev;
            if (html) writer.println("
"); } else { // go to next phase to print symbols with their new type boolean next = currentPhase.next != null; if (next) currentPhase = currentPhase.next; treePrinter.print(units); if (next) currentPhase = currentPhase.prev; } } // !!! <<< Interpreter stuff public static final String CONSOLE_S = "$console$"; private static final Name SHOW_DEFINITION_N = Name.fromString("showDefinition"), SHOW_VALUE_DEFINITION_N = Name.fromString("showValueDefinition"), SET_EVALUATION_RESULT_N = Name.fromString("setEvaluationResult"); private Symbol INTERPRETER; private Symbol PRINTER; private Symbol SHOW_VALUE; private Symbol SET_EVALUATION_RESULT; private Symbol SHOW_DEFINITION; private Symbol SHOW_VALUE_DEFINITION; private Symbol INTERPRETER() { if (INTERPRETER == null) INTERPRETER = definitions.getModule("scala.runtime.InterpreterSupport"); return INTERPRETER; } private Symbol SHOW_DEFINITION() { if (SHOW_DEFINITION == null) SHOW_DEFINITION = INTERPRETER().lookup(SHOW_DEFINITION_N); return SHOW_DEFINITION; } private Symbol SHOW_VALUE_DEFINITION() { if (SHOW_VALUE_DEFINITION == null) SHOW_VALUE_DEFINITION = INTERPRETER().lookup(SHOW_VALUE_DEFINITION_N); return SHOW_VALUE_DEFINITION; } private Symbol SET_EVALUATION_RESULT() { if (SET_EVALUATION_RESULT == null) SET_EVALUATION_RESULT = INTERPRETER().lookup(SET_EVALUATION_RESULT_N); return SET_EVALUATION_RESULT; } private int module = 0; private List imports = new ArrayList(); public Symbol console; void fix1(CompilationUnit[] units) { for (int i = 0; i < units.length; i++) { if (units[i].console) fix1(units[i]); } nextPhase(); for (int i = 0; i < imports.size(); i++) { Symbol module = (Symbol)imports.get(i); ((scalac.typechecker.AnalyzerPhase)PHASE.ANALYZER.phase()).addConsoleImport(module); } prevPhase(); } private void fix1(CompilationUnit unit) { unit.body = new Tree[] { make.ModuleDef(Position.FIRSTPOS, 0, Name.fromString(CONSOLE_S+module), Tree.Empty, make.Template(Position.FIRSTPOS, new Tree[]{ make.Apply(Position.FIRSTPOS, make.Select(Position.FIRSTPOS, make.Ident(Position.FIRSTPOS, Names.scala), Names.AnyRef.toTypeName()), new Tree[0])}, unit.body))}; module++; } void fix2(CompilationUnit[] units) { for (int i = 0; i < units.length; i++) { if (units[i].console) fix2(units[i]); } } private void fix2(CompilationUnit unit) { imports.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < unit.body.length; i++) { switch (unit.body[i]) { case ModuleDef(_, _, _, Tree.Template impl): Symbol symbol = unit.body[i].symbol(); if (!symbol.name.toString().startsWith(CONSOLE_S)) break; console = symbol; if (impl.body.length <= 0) break; imports.add(unit.body[i].symbol()); Tree last = impl.body[impl.body.length - 1]; if (last != Tree.Empty && last.isTerm()) { impl.body[impl.body.length - 1] = treeGen.Apply(last.pos, treeGen.Select(last.pos, treeGen.mkGlobalRef(last.pos, INTERPRETER()), SET_EVALUATION_RESULT()), new Tree[] { last, treeGen.mkStringLit( last.pos, show(last.getType()))}); } TreeList body = new TreeList(); for (int j = 0; j < impl.body.length; j++) fix2(body, impl.body[j]); impl.body = body.toArray(); break; } } } private void fix2(TreeList body, Tree tree) { body.append(tree); switch (tree) { case PatDef(_, _, _): // !!! impossible (removed by analyzer) assert false : Debug.show(tree); return; case ClassDef(_, _, _, _, _, _): case PackageDef(_, _): case ModuleDef(_, _, _, _): case DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, _): case AbsTypeDef(_, _, _, _): case AliasTypeDef(_, _, _, _): if (!mustShow(tree.symbol())) return; body.append( treeGen.Apply(tree.pos, treeGen.Select(tree.pos, treeGen.mkGlobalRef(tree.pos, INTERPRETER()), SHOW_DEFINITION()), new Tree[] { treeGen.mkStringLit(tree.pos, show(tree.symbol()))})); return; case ValDef(_, _, _, _): if (!mustShow(tree.symbol())) return; body.append( treeGen.Apply(tree.pos, treeGen.Select(tree.pos, treeGen.mkGlobalRef(tree.pos, INTERPRETER()), SHOW_VALUE_DEFINITION()), new Tree[] { treeGen.mkStringLit(tree.pos, show(tree.symbol())), treeGen.Ident(tree.pos, tree.symbol())})); return; default: return; } } private boolean mustShow(Symbol symbol) { return !symbol.isAccessor(); } private String show(Symbol symbol) { return new InterpreterPrinter().printSignature(symbol).toString(); } private String show(Type type) { return new InterpreterPrinter().printType(type).toString(); } private class InterpreterPrinter extends SymbolTablePrinter { public InterpreterPrinter() { super(" "); } public String getSymbolName(Symbol symbol) { String string = super.getSymbolName(symbol); if (!debug) { int index = string.indexOf('$'); if (index > 0) string = string.substring(0, index); } return string; } } // !!! >>> Interpreter stuff /** issue a global error */ public void error(String message) { reporter.error(null, message); } /** issue a global warning */ public void warning(String message) { reporter.warning(null, message); } /** issue an operation note */ public void operation(String message) { reporter.info(null, "[" + message + "]", false); } /** issue a debug message from currentPhase */ // the boolean return value is here to let one write "assert log( ... )" public boolean log(String message) { if (log()) { reporter.info(null, "[log " + currentPhase + "] " + message, true); } return true; } /** return true if logging is switched on for the current phase */ public boolean log() { return currentPhase.descriptor.hasLogFlag(); } }