/* ____ ____ ____ ____ ______ *\ ** / __// __ \/ __// __ \/ ____/ SOcos COmpiles Scala ** ** __\_ \/ /_/ / /__/ /_/ /\_ \ (c) 2002, LAMP/EPFL ** ** /_____/\____/\___/\____/____/ ** ** ** $Id$ \* */ //todo check significance of JAVA flag. package scalac.symtab; import ch.epfl.lamp.util.Position; import scalac.ApplicationError; import scalac.Global; import scalac.Phase; import scalac.framework.History; import scalac.util.ArrayApply; import scalac.util.Name; import scalac.util.Names; import scalac.util.NameTransformer; import scalac.util.Debug; import scalac.symtab.classfile.*; public abstract class Symbol implements Modifiers, Kinds { /** An empty symbol array */ public static final Symbol[] EMPTY_ARRAY = new Symbol[0]; /** An empty array of symbol arrays */ public static final Symbol[][] EMPTY_ARRAY_ARRAY = new Symbol[0][]; /** The error symbol */ public static final ErrorSymbol ERROR = new ErrorSymbol(); /** The absent symbol */ public static final NoSymbol NONE = new NoSymbol(); // Attribues ------------------------------------------------------------- public static final int IS_ROOT = 0x00000001; // Fields ------------------------------------------------------------- /** The unique identifier generator */ private static int ids; /** The kind of the symbol */ public int kind; /** The position of the symbol */ public int pos; /** The name of the symbol */ public Name name; /** The modifiers of the symbol */ public int flags; /** The owner of the symbol */ private Symbol owner; /** The infos of the symbol */ private TypeIntervalList infos; /** The attributes of the symbol */ private final int attrs; /** The unique identifier */ public final int id; // Constructors ----------------------------------------------------------- /** Generic symbol constructor */ public Symbol(int kind, int pos, Name name, Symbol owner, int flags, int attrs) { this.kind = kind; this.pos = pos; this.name = name; this.owner = owner == null ? this : owner; this.flags = flags & ~(INITIALIZED | LOCKED); // safety first this.attrs = attrs; this.id = ids++; } protected void update(int pos, int flags) { this.pos = pos; this.flags = (flags & ~(INITIALIZED | LOCKED)) | (this.flags & (INITIALIZED | LOCKED)); } /** Return a fresh symbol with the same fields as this one. */ public final Symbol cloneSymbol() { return cloneSymbol(owner); } /** Return a fresh symbol with the same fields as this one and the * given owner. */ public abstract Symbol cloneSymbol(Symbol owner); /** Returns a shallow copy of the given array. */ public static Symbol[] cloneArray(Symbol[] array) { return cloneArray(0, array, 0); } /** * Returns a shallow copy of the given array prefixed by "prefix" * null items. */ public static Symbol[] cloneArray(int prefix, Symbol[] array) { return cloneArray(prefix, array, 0); } /** * Returns a shallow copy of the given array suffixed by "suffix" * null items. */ public static Symbol[] cloneArray(Symbol[] array, int suffix) { return cloneArray(0, array, suffix); } /** * Returns a shallow copy of the given array prefixed by "prefix" * null items and suffixed by "suffix" null items. */ public static Symbol[] cloneArray(int prefix, Symbol[] array, int suffix) { assert prefix >= 0 && suffix >= 0: prefix + " - " + suffix; int size = prefix + array.length + suffix; if (size == 0) return EMPTY_ARRAY; Symbol[] clone = new Symbol[size]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) clone[prefix + i] = array[i]; return clone; } /** Returns the concatenation of the two arrays. */ public static Symbol[] concat(Symbol[] array1, Symbol[] array2) { if (array1.length == 0) return array2; if (array2.length == 0) return array1; Symbol[] clone = cloneArray(array1.length, array2); for (int i = 0; i < array1.length; i++) clone[i] = array1[i]; return clone; } /** copy all fields to `sym' */ public void copyTo(Symbol sym) { sym.kind = kind; sym.pos = pos; sym.name = name; sym.flags = flags; sym.owner = owner; sym.infos = infos; } // Setters --------------------------------------------------------------- /** Set owner */ public Symbol setOwner(Symbol owner) { assert !isConstructor() && !isNone() && !isError(): Debug.show(this); setOwner0(owner); return this; } protected void setOwner0(Symbol owner) { this.owner = owner; } /** Set type -- this is an alias for setInfo(Type info) */ public final Symbol setType(Type info) { return setInfo(info); } /** * Set initial information valid from start of current phase. This * information is visible in the current phase and will be * transformed by the current phase (except if current phase is * the first one). */ public Symbol setInfo(Type info) { return setInfoAt(info, Global.instance.currentPhase); } /** * Set initial information valid from start of given phase. This * information is visible in the given phase and will be * transformed by the given phase. */ private final Symbol setInfoAt(Type info, Phase phase) { assert info != null: Debug.show(this); assert phase != null: Debug.show(this); assert !isConstructor() || info instanceof Type.LazyType || info == Type.NoType || info == Type.ErrorType || info instanceof Type.MethodType || info instanceof Type.OverloadedType || info instanceof Type.PolyType : "illegal type for " + this + ": " + info; // !!! if (phase.prev != null) phase = phase.prev; infos = new TypeIntervalList(null, info, phase); if (info instanceof Type.LazyType) flags &= ~INITIALIZED; else flags |= INITIALIZED; return this; } /** * Set new information valid from start of next phase. This * information is only visible in next phase or through * "nextInfo". It will not be transformed by the current phase. */ public final Symbol updateInfo(Type info) { return updateInfoAt_(info, Global.instance.currentPhase.next); } /** * Set new information valid from start of given phase. This * information is only visible from the start of the given phase * which is also the first phase that will transform this * information. */ private final Symbol updateInfoAt_(Type info, Phase phase) { assert info != null: Debug.show(this); assert phase != null: Debug.show(this); assert infos != null: Debug.show(this); assert !phase.precedes(infos.limit()) : Debug.show(this) + " -- " + phase + " -- " + infos.limit(); if (infos.limit() == phase) { if (infos.start == phase) infos = infos.prev; else infos.setLimit(infos.limit().prev); } infos = new TypeIntervalList(infos, info, phase); return this; } /** Set type of `this' in current class */ public Symbol setTypeOfThis(Type tp) { throw new ApplicationError(this + ".setTypeOfThis"); } /** Set the low bound of this type variable */ public Symbol setLoBound(Type lobound) { throw new ApplicationError("setLoBound inapplicable for " + this); } /** Add an auxiliary constructor to class; return created symbol. */ public Symbol addConstructor() { throw new ApplicationError("addConstructor inapplicable for " + this); } // Symbol classification ---------------------------------------------------- /** Does this symbol denote the error symbol? */ public final boolean isError() { return kind == Kinds.ERROR; } /** Does this symbol denote the none symbol? */ public final boolean isNone() { return kind == Kinds.NONE; } /** Does this symbol denote a type? */ public final boolean isType() { return kind == TYPE || kind == CLASS || kind == ALIAS; } /** Does this symbol denote a term? */ public final boolean isTerm() { return kind == VAL; } /** Does this symbol denote a value? */ public final boolean isValue() { preInitialize(); return kind == VAL && !(isModule() && isJava()) && !isPackage(); } /** Does this symbol denote a stable value? */ public final boolean isStable() { return kind == VAL && ((flags & DEF) == 0) && ((flags & STABLE) != 0 || (flags & MUTABLE) == 0 && type().isObjectType()); } /** Does this symbol have the STABLE flag? */ public final boolean hasStableFlag() { return (flags & STABLE) != 0; } /** Is this symbol static (i.e. with no outer instance)? */ public final boolean isStatic() { return owner.isPackage() || (owner.isJava() && owner.isModuleClass()); } /** Is this symbol final? */ public final boolean isFinal() { return (flags & (FINAL | PRIVATE)) != 0 || isLocal() || owner.isModuleClass(); } /** Does this symbol denote a variable? */ public final boolean isVariable() { return kind == VAL && (flags & MUTABLE) != 0; } /** * Does this symbol denote a final method? A final method is one * that can't be overridden in a subclass. This method assumes * that this symbol denotes a method. It doesn't test it. */ public final boolean isMethodFinal() { return (flags & FINAL) != 0 || isPrivate() || isLifted(); } /** Does this symbol denote a sealed class symbol? */ public final boolean isSealed() { return (flags & SEALED) != 0; } /** Does this symbol denote a method? */ public final boolean isInitializedMethod() { if (infos == null) return false; switch (rawInfo()) { case MethodType(_, _): case PolyType(_, _): return true; case OverloadedType(Symbol[] alts, _): for (int i = 0; i < alts.length; i++) if (alts[i].isMethod()) return true; return false; default: return false; } } public final boolean isMethod() { initialize(); return isInitializedMethod(); } public final boolean isCaseFactory() { return isMethod() && !isConstructor() && (flags & CASE) != 0; } public final boolean isAbstractClass() { preInitialize(); return kind == CLASS && (flags & ABSTRACT) != 0 && this != Global.instance.definitions.ARRAY_CLASS; } public final boolean isAbstractOverride() { preInitialize(); return (flags & (ABSTRACT | OVERRIDE)) == (ABSTRACT | OVERRIDE); } /* Does this symbol denote an anonymous class? */ public final boolean isAnonymousClass() { return isClass() && name.startsWith(Names.ANON_CLASS_NAME); } /** Does this symbol denote the root class or root module? */ public final boolean isRoot() { return (attrs & IS_ROOT) != 0; } /** Does this symbol denote something loaded from a Java class? */ public final boolean isJava() { preInitialize(); return (flags & JAVA) != 0; } /** Does this symbol denote a Java package? */ public final boolean isPackage() { return (flags & PACKAGE) != 0; } /** Does this symbol denote a module? */ public final boolean isModule() { return kind == VAL && (flags & MODUL) != 0; } /** Does this symbol denote a global module? */ public final boolean isGlobalModule() { return isModule() && (owner().isPackage() //|| owner().isGlobalModule() // add later? translation does not work (yet?) ); } /** Does this symbol denote a module class? */ public final boolean isModuleClass() { return kind == CLASS && (flags & MODUL) != 0; } /** Does this symbol denote a global module class? */ public final boolean isGlobalModuleClass() { return isModuleClass() && (owner.isPackage() //|| owner().isGlobalModuleClass() // add later? translation does not work (yet?) ); } /** Does this symbol denote a class? */ public final boolean isClass() { return kind == CLASS && (flags & PACKAGE) == 0; } /** Does this symbol denote a case class? */ public final boolean isCaseClass() { preInitialize(); return kind == CLASS && (flags & CASE) != 0; } /** Does this symbol denote a uniform (i.e. parameterless) class? */ public final boolean isTrait() { //preInitialize(); todo: enable, problem is that then we cannot print // during unpickle return kind == CLASS && (flags & TRAIT) != 0; } /** Does this class symbol denote a compound type symbol? */ public final boolean isCompoundSym() { return name == Names.COMPOUND_NAME.toTypeName(); } /** Does this symbol denote a this symbol? */ public final boolean isThisSym() { return owner.isClass() && owner.thisSym() == this; } /** Does this symbol denote an interface? */ public final boolean isInterface() { info(); // force delayed transformInfos that may change this flag return (flags & INTERFACE) != 0; } /** Does this symbol denote a type alias? */ public final boolean isTypeAlias() { return kind == ALIAS; } /** Does this symbol denote an abstract type? */ public final boolean isAbstractType() { return kind == TYPE; } /** Does this symbol denote a class type? */ public final boolean isClassType() { return kind == CLASS; } /** Does this symbol denote a public symbol? */ public final boolean isPublic() { return !isProtected() && !isPrivate(); } /** Does this symbol denote a protected symbol? */ public final boolean isProtected() { preInitialize(); return (flags & PROTECTED) != 0; } /** Does this symbol denote a private symbol? */ public final boolean isPrivate() { preInitialize(); return (flags & PRIVATE) != 0; } /** Has this symbol been lifted? */ public final boolean isLifted() { preInitialize(); return (flags & LIFTED) != 0; } /** Does this symbol denote a deferred symbol? */ public final boolean isDeferred() { return (flags & DEFERRED) != 0; } /** Does this symbol denote a synthetic symbol? */ public final boolean isSynthetic() { return (flags & SYNTHETIC) != 0; } /** Does this symbol denote an accessor? */ public final boolean isAccessor() { return (flags & ACCESSOR) != 0; } /** Is this symbol locally defined? I.e. not a member of a class or module */ public final boolean isLocal() { return owner.kind == VAL && !((flags & PARAM) != 0 && owner.isPrimaryConstructor()); } /** Is this symbol a parameter? Includes type parameters of methods. */ public final boolean isParameter() { return (flags & PARAM) != 0; } /** Is this symbol a def parameter? */ public final boolean isDefParameter() { return (flags & (PARAM | DEF)) == (PARAM | DEF); } /** Is this class locally defined? * A class is local, if * - it is anonymous, or * - its owner is a value * - it is defined within a local class */ public final boolean isLocalClass() { return isClass() && (isAnonymousClass() || owner.isValue() || owner.isLocalClass()); } /** Is this symbol an instance initializer? */ public boolean isInitializer() { return false; } /** Is this symbol a constructor? */ public boolean isConstructor() { return false; } /** Is this symbol the primary constructor of a type? */ public final boolean isPrimaryConstructor() { return isConstructor() && this == constructorClass().primaryConstructor(); } public final boolean isGenerated() { return name.pos((byte)'$') < name.length(); } /** Symbol was preloaded from package */ public final boolean isExternal() { return pos == Position.NOPOS; } /** Is this symbol an overloaded symbol? */ public final boolean isOverloaded() { switch (info()) { case OverloadedType(_,_): return true; default : return false; } } /** Does this symbol denote a label? */ public final boolean isLabel() { return (flags & LABEL) != 0; } /** Is this symbol accessed? */ public final boolean isAccessed() { return (flags & ACCESSED) != 0; } /** The variance of this symbol as an integer */ public int variance() { if ((flags & COVARIANT) != 0) return 1; else if ((flags & CONTRAVARIANT) != 0) return -1; else return 0; } // Symbol names ---------------------------------------------------------------- /** Get the fully qualified name of this Symbol * (this is always a normal name, never a type name) */ /** Get the simple name of this Symbol (this is always a term name) */ public Name simpleName() { if (isConstructor()) return constructorClass().name.toTermName(); if (isInitializer()) return owner().name.toTermName(); return name; } // Acess to related symbols ----------------------------------------------------- /** Get type parameters */ public Symbol[] typeParams() { return EMPTY_ARRAY; } /** Get value parameters */ public Symbol[] valueParams() { return EMPTY_ARRAY; } /** Get result type */ public final Type resultType() { return type().resultType(); } /** Get type parameters at start of next phase */ public final Symbol[] nextTypeParams() { Global.instance.nextPhase(); Symbol[] tparams = typeParams(); Global.instance.prevPhase(); return tparams; } /** Get value parameters at start of next phase */ public final Symbol[] nextValueParams() { Global.instance.nextPhase(); Symbol[] vparams = valueParams(); Global.instance.prevPhase(); return vparams; } /** Get result type at start of next phase */ public final Type nextResultType() { return nextType().resultType(); } /** Get all constructors of class */ public Symbol allConstructors() { return NONE; } /** Get primary constructor of class */ public Symbol primaryConstructor() { return NONE; } /** Get module associated with class */ public Symbol module() { return NONE; } /** Get owner */ public Symbol owner() { return owner; } /** Get owner, but if owner is primary constructor of a class, * get class symbol instead. This is useful for type parameters * and value parameters in classes which have the primary constructor * as owner. */ public Symbol classOwner() { Symbol owner = owner(); Symbol clazz = owner.constructorClass(); if (clazz.primaryConstructor() == owner) return clazz; else return owner; } /** The next enclosing class */ public Symbol enclClass() { return owner().enclClass(); } /** The next enclosing method */ public Symbol enclMethod() { return isMethod() ? this : owner().enclMethod(); } /** The top-level class enclosing `sym' */ Symbol enclToplevelClass() { Symbol sym = this; while (sym.kind == VAL || (sym.kind == CLASS && !sym.owner().isPackage())) { sym = sym.owner(); } return sym; } /** If this is a constructor, return the class it constructs. * Otherwise return the symbol itself. */ public Symbol constructorClass() { return this; } /** Return first alternative if this has a (possibly lazy) * overloaded type, otherwise symbol itself. * Needed in ClassSymbol.primaryConstructor() and in UnPickle. */ public Symbol firstAlternative() { if (infos == null) return this; else if (infos.info instanceof Type.OverloadedType) return infos.info.alternativeSymbols()[0]; else if (infos.info instanceof LazyOverloadedType) return ((LazyOverloadedType) infos.info).sym1.firstAlternative(); else return this; } /* If this is a module, return its class. * Otherwise return the symbol itself. */ public Symbol moduleClass() { return this; } /** if type is a (possibly lazy) overloaded type, return its alternatves * else return array consisting of symbol itself */ public Symbol[] alternativeSymbols() { Symbol[] alts = type().alternativeSymbols(); if (alts.length == 0) return new Symbol[]{this}; else return alts; } /** if type is a (possibly lazy) overloaded type, return its alternatves * else return array consisting of type itself */ public Type[] alternativeTypes() { return type().alternativeTypes(); } /** The symbol accessed by this accessor function. */ public Symbol accessed() { assert (flags & ACCESSOR) != 0; Name name1 = name; if (name1.endsWith(Names._EQ)) name1 = name1.subName(0, name1.length() - Names._EQ.length()); return owner.info().lookup(Name.fromString(name1 + "$")); } /** The members of this class or module symbol */ public Scope members() { return info().members(); } /** Lookup symbol with given name; return Symbol.NONE if not found. */ public Symbol lookup(Name name) { return info().lookup(name); } // Symbol types -------------------------------------------------------------- /** Was symbol's type updated during given phase? */ public final boolean isUpdatedAt(Phase phase) { Phase next = phase.next; TypeIntervalList infos = this.infos; while (infos != null) { if (infos.start == next) return true; if (infos.limit().precedes(next)) return false; infos = infos.prev; } return false; } /** Is this symbol locked? */ public final boolean isLocked() { return (flags & LOCKED) != 0; } /** Is this symbol initialized? */ public final boolean isInitialized() { return (flags & INITIALIZED) != 0; } /** Initialize the symbol */ public final Symbol initialize() { info(); return this; } /** Make sure symbol is entered */ public final void preInitialize() { //todo: clean up if (infos.info instanceof ClassParser || infos.info instanceof SourceCompleter || infos.info instanceof ClassParser.StaticsParser) infos.info.complete(this); } /** Get info at start of current phase; This is: * for a term symbol, its type * for a type variable, its bound * for a type alias, its right-hand side * for a class symbol, the compound type consisting of * its baseclasses and members. */ public final Type info() { //if (isModule()) moduleClass().initialize(); if ((flags & INITIALIZED) == 0) { Global global = Global.instance; Phase current = global.currentPhase; global.currentPhase = rawFirstInfoStartPhase(); Type info = rawFirstInfo(); assert info != null : this; if ((flags & LOCKED) != 0) { setInfo(Type.ErrorType); flags |= INITIALIZED; throw new CyclicReference(this, info); } flags |= LOCKED; //System.out.println("completing " + this);//DEBUG info.complete(this); flags = flags & ~LOCKED; if (info instanceof SourceCompleter && (flags & SNDTIME) == 0) { flags |= SNDTIME; Type tp = info(); flags &= ~SNDTIME; } else { assert !(rawInfo() instanceof Type.LazyType) : this; //flags |= INITIALIZED; } //System.out.println("done: " + this);//DEBUG global.currentPhase = current; } return rawInfo(); } /** Get info at start of next phase */ public final Type nextInfo() { Global.instance.nextPhase(); Type info = info(); Global.instance.prevPhase(); return info; } /** Get info at start of given phase */ protected final Type infoAt(Phase phase) { Global global = phase.global; Phase current = global.currentPhase; global.currentPhase = phase; Type info = info(); global.currentPhase = current; return info; } /** Get info at start of current phase, without forcing lazy types. */ public final Type rawInfo() { return rawInfoAt(Global.instance.currentPhase); } /** Get info at start of next phase, without forcing lazy types. */ public final Type rawNextInfo() { Global.instance.nextPhase(); Type info = rawInfo(); Global.instance.prevPhase(); return info; } /** Get info at start of given phase, without forcing lazy types. */ private final Type rawInfoAt(Phase phase) { //if (infos == null) return Type.NoType;//DEBUG assert infos != null : this; assert phase != null : this; if (infos.limit().id <= phase.id) { switch (infos.info) { case LazyType(): // don't force lazy types return infos.info; } while (infos.limit() != phase) { Phase limit = infos.limit(); Type info = transformInfo(limit, infos.info); assert info != null: Debug.show(this) + " -- " + limit; if (info != infos.info) { infos = new TypeIntervalList(infos, info, limit.next); } else { infos.setLimit(limit.next); } } return infos.info; } else { TypeIntervalList infos = this.infos; // !!! && infos.prev != null while (phase.id < infos.start.id && infos.prev != null) infos = infos.prev; return infos.info; } } // where private Type transformInfo(Phase phase, Type info) { Global global = phase.global; Phase current = global.currentPhase; switch (info) { case ErrorType: case NoType: return info; case OverloadedType(Symbol[] alts, Type[] alttypes): global.currentPhase = phase.next; for (int i = 0; i < alts.length; i++) { Type type = alts[i].info(); if (type != alttypes[i]) { Type[] types = new Type[alttypes.length]; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) types[j] = alttypes[j]; alttypes[i] = type; for (; i < alts.length; i++) types[i] = alts[i].info(); global.currentPhase = current; return Type.OverloadedType(alts, types); } } global.currentPhase = current; return info; default: global.currentPhase = phase; info = phase.transformInfo(this, info); global.currentPhase = current; return info; } } /** Get first defined info, without forcing lazy types. */ public final Type rawFirstInfo() { TypeIntervalList infos = this.infos; assert infos != null : this; while (infos.prev != null) infos = infos.prev; return infos.info; } /** Get phase that first defined an info, without forcing lazy types. */ public final Phase rawFirstInfoStartPhase() { TypeIntervalList infos = this.infos; assert infos != null : this; while (infos.prev != null) infos = infos.prev; return infos.start; } /** Get type at start of current phase. The type of a symbol is: * for a type symbol, the type corresponding to the symbol itself * for a term symbol, its usual type */ public Type type() { return info(); } public Type getType() { return info(); } /** Get type at start of next phase */ public final Type nextType() { Global.instance.nextPhase(); Type type = type(); Global.instance.prevPhase(); return type; } /** The infos of these symbols as an array. */ static public Type[] info(Symbol[] syms) { Type[] tps = new Type[syms.length]; for (int i = 0; i < syms.length; i++) tps[i] = syms[i].info(); return tps; } /** The types of these symbols as an array. */ static public Type[] type(Symbol[] syms) { Type[] tps = new Type[syms.length]; for (int i = 0; i < syms.length; i++) tps[i] = syms[i].type(); return tps; } static public Type[] getType(Symbol[] syms) { return type(syms); } /** The type constructor of a symbol is: * For a type symbol, the type corresponding to the symbol itself, excluding * parameters. * Not applicable for term symbols. */ public Type typeConstructor() { throw new ApplicationError("typeConstructor inapplicable for " + this); } /** The low bound of this type variable */ public Type loBound() { return Global.instance.definitions.ALL_TYPE(); } /** Get this.type corresponding to this symbol */ public Type thisType() { return Type.localThisType; } /** Get type of `this' in current class. */ public Type typeOfThis() { return type(); } /** Get this symbol of current class */ public Symbol thisSym() { return this; } /** A total ordering between symbols that refines the class * inheritance graph (i.e. subclass.isLess(superclass) always holds). */ public boolean isLess(Symbol that) { if (this == that) return false; int diff; if (this.isType()) { if (that.isType()) { diff = this.closure().length - that.closure().length; if (diff > 0) return true; if (diff < 0) return false; } else { return true; } } else if (that.isType()) { return false; } return this.id < that.id; } /** Return the symbol's type itself followed by all its direct and indirect * base types, sorted by isLess(). Overridden for class symbols. */ public Type[] closure() { return info().closure(); } /** Return position of `c' in the closure of this type; -1 if not there. */ public int closurePos(Symbol c) { if (this == c) return 0; if (c.isCompoundSym()) return -1; Type[] closure = closure(); int lo = 0; int hi = closure.length - 1; while (lo <= hi) { int mid = (lo + hi) / 2; Symbol clsym = closure[mid].symbol(); if (c == clsym) return mid; else if (c.isLess(clsym)) hi = mid - 1; else if (clsym.isLess(c)) lo = mid + 1; else throw new ApplicationError(); } return -1; } public Type baseType(Symbol sym) { int i = closurePos(sym); if (i >= 0) return closure()[i]; else return Type.NoType; } /** Is this class a subclass of `c'? I.e. does it have a type instance * of `c' as indirect base class? */ public boolean isSubClass(Symbol c) { return this == c || c.kind == Kinds.ERROR || closurePos(c) >= 0 || this == Global.instance.definitions.ALL_CLASS || (this == Global.instance.definitions.ALLREF_CLASS && c != Global.instance.definitions.ALL_CLASS && c.isSubClass(Global.instance.definitions.ANYREF_CLASS)); } /** Get base types of this symbol */ public Type[] parents() { return info().parents(); } // ToString ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** String representation of symbol's simple name. * Translates expansions of operators back to operator symbol. E.g. * $eq => =. */ public String nameString() { return NameTransformer.decode(simpleName()); } /** String representation, including symbol's kind * e.g., "class Foo", "function Bar". */ public String toString() { return new SymbolTablePrinter().printSymbolKindAndName(this).toString(); } /** String representation of location. */ public String locationString() { if (owner.kind == CLASS && !owner.isAnonymousClass() && !owner.isCompoundSym() || Global.instance.debug) return " in " + owner; else return ""; } /** String representation of definition. */ public String defString() { return new SymbolTablePrinter().printSignature(this).toString(); } public static String[] defString(Symbol[] defs) { String[] strs = new String[defs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < defs.length; i++) strs[i] = defs[i].defString(); return strs; } // Overloading and Overriding ------------------------------------------- /** Add another overloaded alternative to this symbol. */ public Symbol overloadWith(Symbol that) { assert isTerm() : Debug.show(this); assert this.name == that.name : Debug.show(this) + " <> " + Debug.show(that); assert this.owner == that.owner : Debug.show(this) + " != " + Debug.show(that); assert this.isConstructor() == that.isConstructor(); int overflags = (this.flags & that.flags & (JAVA | ACCESSFLAGS | DEFERRED)) | ((this.flags | that.flags) & ACCESSOR); TermSymbol overloaded = (this.isConstructor()) ? TermSymbol.newConstructor(this.constructorClass(), overflags) : new TermSymbol(pos, name, owner, overflags); overloaded.setInfo(new LazyOverloadedType(this, that)); return overloaded; } /** A lazy type which, when forced computed the overloaded type * of symbols `sym1' and `sym2'. It also checks that this type is well-formed. */ public static class LazyOverloadedType extends Type.LazyType { Symbol sym1; Symbol sym2; LazyOverloadedType(Symbol sym1, Symbol sym2) { this.sym1 = sym1; this.sym2 = sym2; } public Symbol[] alternativeSymbols() { Symbol[] alts1 = sym1.alternativeSymbols(); Symbol[] alts2 = sym2.alternativeSymbols(); Symbol[] alts3 = new Symbol[alts1.length + alts2.length]; System.arraycopy(alts1, 0, alts3, 0, alts1.length); System.arraycopy(alts2, 0, alts3, alts1.length, alts2.length); return alts3; } public Type[] alternativeTypes() { Type[] alts1 = sym1.alternativeTypes(); Type[] alts2 = sym2.alternativeTypes(); Type[] alts3 = new Type[alts1.length + alts2.length]; System.arraycopy(alts1, 0, alts3, 0, alts1.length); System.arraycopy(alts2, 0, alts3, alts1.length, alts2.length); return alts3; } public void complete(Symbol overloaded) { overloaded.setInfo( Type.OverloadedType( alternativeSymbols(), alternativeTypes())); } public String toString() { return "LazyOverloadedType(" + sym1 + "," + sym2 + ")"; } } /** * Returns the symbol in type "base" which is overridden by this * symbol in class "this.owner()". Returns "NONE" if no such * symbol exists. The type "base" must be a supertype of class * "this.owner()". If "exact" is true, overriding is restricted to * symbols that have the same type. The method may return this * symbol only if "base.symbol()" is equal to "this.owner()". */ public final Symbol overriddenSymbol(Type base, boolean exact) { return overriddenSymbol(base, owner(), exact); } public final Symbol overriddenSymbol(Type base) { return overriddenSymbol(base, false); } /** * Returns the symbol in type "base" which is overridden by this * symbol in "clasz". Returns "NONE" if no such symbol exists. The * type "base" must be a supertype of "clasz" and "this.owner()" * must be a superclass of "clasz". If "exact" is true, overriding * is restricted to symbols that have the same type. The method * may return this symbol if "base.symbol()" is a subclass of * "this.owner()". */ public final Symbol overriddenSymbol(Type base, Symbol clasz, boolean exact) { Type.Relation relation = exact ? Type.Relation.SameType : Type.Relation.SuperType; return base.lookup(this, clasz.thisType(), relation); } public final Symbol overriddenSymbol(Type base, Symbol clasz) { return overriddenSymbol(base, clasz, false); } /** * Returns the symbol in type "sub" which overrides this symbol in * class "sub.symbol()". Returns this symbol if no such symbol * exists. The class "sub.symbol()" must be a subclass of * "this.owner()". If "exact" is true, overriding is restricted to * symbols that have the same type. */ public final Symbol overridingSymbol(Type sub, boolean exact) { Type.Relation relation = exact ? Type.Relation.SameType : Type.Relation.SubType; return sub.lookup(this, sub, relation); } public final Symbol overridingSymbol(Type sub) { return overridingSymbol(sub, false); } /** Does this symbol override that symbol? */ public boolean overrides(Symbol that) { return ((this.flags | that.flags) & PRIVATE) == 0 && this.name == that.name && owner.thisType().memberType(this).derefDef().isSubType( owner.thisType().memberType(that).derefDef()); } /** Reset symbol to initial state */ public void reset(Type completer) { this.flags &= SOURCEFLAGS; this.pos = 0; this.infos = null; this.setInfo(completer); } /** * Returns the symbol to use in case of a rebinding due to a more * precise type prefix. */ public Symbol rebindSym() { return this; } /** return a tag which (in the ideal case) uniquely identifies * class symbols */ public int tag() { return name.toString().hashCode(); } } /** A class for term symbols */ public class TermSymbol extends Symbol { private Symbol clazz; /** Constructor */ public TermSymbol(int pos, Name name, Symbol owner, int flags) { this(pos, name, owner, flags, 0); } public TermSymbol(int pos, Name name, Symbol owner, int flags, int attrs) { super(VAL, pos, name, owner, flags, attrs); assert !name.isTypeName() : this; } public static TermSymbol define( int pos, Name name, Symbol owner, int flags, Scope scope) { Scope.Entry e = scope.lookupEntry(name); if (e.owner == scope && e.sym.isExternal() && e.sym.kind == VAL) { TermSymbol sym = (TermSymbol) e.sym; if (sym.isInitialized()) { switch (sym.type()) { case OverloadedType(Symbol[] alts, Type[] alttypes): int i = 0; while (i < alts.length && !alts[i].isExternal()) i++; if (i < alts.length) { //System.out.println("PATCH: " + alts[i] + ":" + alttypes[i]);//DEBUG alts[i].update(pos, flags); if (i == alts.length - 1) sym.update(pos, sym.flags); return (TermSymbol) alts[i]; } throw new ApplicationError("TermSymbol.define " + sym); } } sym.update(pos, flags); return sym; } else { return new TermSymbol(pos, name, owner, flags); } } public static TermSymbol newConstructor(Symbol clazz, int flags) { TermSymbol sym = new TermSymbol( clazz.pos, Names.CONSTRUCTOR, clazz.owner(), flags); sym.clazz = clazz; return sym; } public TermSymbol makeConstructor(ClassSymbol clazz) { this.clazz = clazz; return this; } public static TermSymbol newJavaConstructor(Symbol clazz) { return newConstructor(clazz, clazz.flags & (ACCESSFLAGS | JAVA)); } public TermSymbol makeModule(ClassSymbol clazz) { flags |= MODUL | FINAL; this.clazz = clazz; clazz.setModule(this); setInfo(clazz.typeConstructor()); return this; } public TermSymbol makeModule() { ClassSymbol clazz = new ClassSymbol( pos, name.toTypeName(), owner(), flags | MODUL | FINAL); clazz.primaryConstructor().setInfo( Type.MethodType(Symbol.EMPTY_ARRAY, clazz.typeConstructor())); return makeModule(clazz); } /** Constructor for companion modules to classes, which need to be completed. */ public static TermSymbol newCompanionModule(Symbol clazz, int flags, Type.LazyType parser) { TermSymbol sym = new TermSymbol( Position.NOPOS, clazz.name.toTermName(), clazz.owner(), flags | STABLE) .makeModule(); sym.clazz.setInfo(parser); return sym; } /** Java package module constructor */ public static TermSymbol newJavaPackageModule(Name name, Symbol owner, Type.LazyType parser) { TermSymbol sym = new TermSymbol(Position.NOPOS, name, owner, JAVA | PACKAGE) .makeModule(); sym.clazz.flags |= SYNTHETIC; sym.clazz.setInfo(parser != null ? parser : Type.compoundType(Type.EMPTY_ARRAY, new Scope(), sym)); return sym; } /** Dummy symbol for template of given class */ public static Symbol newLocalDummy(Symbol clazz) { return new TermSymbol(clazz.pos, Names.LOCAL(clazz), clazz, 0) .setInfo(Type.NoType); } /** Is this symbol an instance initializer? */ public boolean isInitializer() { return clazz == null && name == Names.CONSTRUCTOR; } /** Is this symbol a constructor? */ public boolean isConstructor() { return clazz != null && name == Names.CONSTRUCTOR; } /** Return a fresh symbol with the same fields as this one. */ public Symbol cloneSymbol(Symbol owner) { assert !isPrimaryConstructor() : Debug.show(this); TermSymbol other; if (isModule()) { other = new TermSymbol(pos, name, owner, flags).makeModule(); } else { other = new TermSymbol(pos, name, owner, flags); other.clazz = clazz; } other.setInfo(info()); return other; } public Symbol[] typeParams() { return type().typeParams(); } public Symbol[] valueParams() { return type().valueParams(); } public Symbol constructorClass() { return isConstructor() && clazz != null ? clazz : this; } public Symbol moduleClass() { return (flags & MODUL) != 0 ? clazz : this; } } /** A base class for all type symbols. * It has AliasTypeSymbol, AbsTypeSymbol, ClassSymbol as subclasses. */ public abstract class TypeSymbol extends Symbol { /** The history of closures of this symbol */ private final History/**/ closures; /** A cache for type constructors */ private Type tycon = null; /** The primary constructor of this type */ private Symbol constructor; /** Constructor */ public TypeSymbol(int kind, int pos, Name name, Symbol owner, int flags, int attrs) { super(kind, pos, name, owner, flags, attrs); this.closures = new ClosureHistory(); assert name.isTypeName() : this; this.constructor = TermSymbol.newConstructor(this, flags & CONSTRFLAGS); } protected void update(int pos, int flags) { super.update(pos, flags); constructor.pos = pos; } /** copy all fields to `sym' */ public void copyTo(Symbol sym) { super.copyTo(sym); Symbol symconstr = ((TypeSymbol) sym).constructor; constructor.copyTo(symconstr); if (constructor.isInitialized()) symconstr.setInfo(fixConstrType(symconstr.type(), sym)); } protected final void copyConstructorInfo(TypeSymbol other) { { Type info = primaryConstructor().info().cloneType( primaryConstructor(), other.primaryConstructor()); if (!isTypeAlias()) info = fixConstrType(info, other); other.primaryConstructor().setInfo(info); } Symbol[] alts = allConstructors().alternativeSymbols(); for (int i = 1; i < alts.length; i++) { Symbol constr = other.addConstructor(); constr.flags = other.flags; Type info = alts[i].info().cloneType(alts[i], constr); if (!isTypeAlias()) info = fixConstrType(info, other); constr.setInfo(info); } } private final Type fixConstrType(Type type, Symbol clone) { switch (type) { case MethodType(Symbol[] vparams, Type result): result = fixConstrType(result, clone); return new Type.MethodType(vparams, result); case PolyType(Symbol[] tparams, Type result): result = fixConstrType(result, clone); return new Type.PolyType(tparams, result); case TypeRef(Type pre, Symbol sym, Type[] args): if (sym != this && isTypeAlias() && owner().isCompoundSym()) return type; assert sym == this: Debug.show(sym) + " != " + Debug.show(this); return Type.typeRef(pre, clone, args); case LazyType(): return type; default: throw Debug.abort("unexpected constructor type:" + clone + ":" + type); } } /** add a constructor */ public final Symbol addConstructor() { Symbol constr = TermSymbol.newConstructor(this, flags & CONSTRFLAGS); constructor = constructor.overloadWith(constr); return constr; } /** Get primary constructor */ public final Symbol primaryConstructor() { return constructor.firstAlternative(); } /** Get all constructors */ public final Symbol allConstructors() { return constructor; } /** Get type parameters */ public final Symbol[] typeParams() { return primaryConstructor().info().typeParams(); } /** Get value parameters */ public final Symbol[] valueParams() { return (kind == CLASS) ? primaryConstructor().info().valueParams() : Symbol.EMPTY_ARRAY; } /** Get type constructor */ public final Type typeConstructor() { if (tycon == null) tycon = Type.typeRef(owner().thisType(), this, Type.EMPTY_ARRAY); return tycon; } public Symbol setOwner(Symbol owner) { tycon = null; constructor.setOwner0(owner); switch (constructor.type()) { case OverloadedType(Symbol[] alts, _): for (int i = 0; i < alts.length; i++) alts[i].setOwner0(owner); } return super.setOwner(owner); } /** Get type */ public final Type type() { return primaryConstructor().type().resultType(); } public final Type getType() { return primaryConstructor().type().resultType(); } /** * Get closure at start of current phase. The closure of a symbol * is a list of types which contains the type of the symbol * followed by all its direct and indirect base types, sorted by * isLess(). */ public final Type[] closure() { if (kind == ALIAS) return info().symbol().closure(); return (Type[])closures.getValue(this); } public void reset(Type completer) { super.reset(completer); closures.reset(); tycon = null; } } public class AliasTypeSymbol extends TypeSymbol { /** Constructor */ public AliasTypeSymbol(int pos, Name name, Symbol owner, int flags) { this(pos, name, owner, flags, 0); } public AliasTypeSymbol(int pos, Name name, Symbol owner, int flags, int attrs) { super(ALIAS, pos, name, owner, flags, attrs); } public static AliasTypeSymbol define( int pos, Name name, Symbol owner, int flags, Scope scope) { Scope.Entry e = scope.lookupEntry(name); if (e.owner == scope && e.sym.isExternal() && e.sym.kind == ALIAS) { AliasTypeSymbol sym = (AliasTypeSymbol) e.sym; sym.update(pos, flags); return sym; } else { return new AliasTypeSymbol(pos, name, owner, flags); } } /** Return a fresh symbol with the same fields as this one. */ public Symbol cloneSymbol(Symbol owner) { AliasTypeSymbol other = new AliasTypeSymbol(pos, name, owner, flags); other.setInfo(info()); copyConstructorInfo(other); return other; } } public class AbsTypeSymbol extends TypeSymbol { private Type lobound = null; /** Constructor */ public AbsTypeSymbol(int pos, Name name, Symbol owner, int flags) { this(pos, name, owner, flags, 0); } public AbsTypeSymbol(int pos, Name name, Symbol owner, int flags, int attrs) { super(TYPE, pos, name, owner, flags, attrs); allConstructors().setInfo(Type.MethodType(EMPTY_ARRAY, Type.typeRef(owner.thisType(), this, Type.EMPTY_ARRAY))); } public static AbsTypeSymbol define( int pos, Name name, Symbol owner, int flags, Scope scope) { Scope.Entry e = scope.lookupEntry(name); if (e.owner == scope && e.sym.isExternal() && e.sym.kind == TYPE) { AbsTypeSymbol sym = (AbsTypeSymbol) e.sym; sym.update(pos, flags); return sym; } else { return new AbsTypeSymbol(pos, name, owner, flags); } } /** Return a fresh symbol with the same fields as this one. */ public Symbol cloneSymbol(Symbol owner) { TypeSymbol other = new AbsTypeSymbol(pos, name, owner, flags); other.setInfo(info()); other.setLoBound(loBound()); return other; } /** copy all fields to `sym' */ public void copyTo(Symbol sym) { super.copyTo(sym); ((AbsTypeSymbol) sym).lobound = lobound; } public Type loBound() { initialize(); return lobound == null ? Global.instance.definitions.ALL_TYPE() : lobound; } public Symbol setLoBound(Type lobound) { this.lobound = lobound; return this; } } /** A class for class symbols. It has JavaClassSymbol as a subclass. */ public class ClassSymbol extends TypeSymbol { /** The module belonging to the class. This means: * For Java classes, its statics parts. * For module classes, the corresponding module. * For other classes, null. */ private Symbol module = NONE; /** The given type of self, or NoType, if no explicit type was given. */ private Symbol thisSym = this; public Symbol thisSym() { return thisSym; } /** A cache for this.thisType() */ final private Type thistp = Type.ThisType(this); private final Symbol rebindSym; /** Principal Constructor */ public ClassSymbol(int pos, Name name, Symbol owner, int flags) { this(pos, name, owner, flags, 0); } public ClassSymbol(int pos, Name name, Symbol owner, int flags, int attrs) { super(CLASS, pos, name, owner, flags, attrs); this.rebindSym = new AliasTypeSymbol(pos, Names.ALIAS(this), owner, 0); Type rebindType = new ClassAliasLazyType(); this.rebindSym.setInfo(rebindType); this.rebindSym.primaryConstructor().setInfo(rebindType); } private class ClassAliasLazyType extends Type.LazyType { public void complete(Symbol ignored) { Symbol clasz = ClassSymbol.this; Symbol alias = rebindSym; Type prefix = clasz.owner().thisType(); Type constrtype = clasz.type(); constrtype = Type.MethodType(Symbol.EMPTY_ARRAY, constrtype); constrtype = Type.PolyType(clasz.typeParams(), constrtype); constrtype = constrtype.cloneType( clasz.primaryConstructor(), alias.primaryConstructor()); alias.primaryConstructor().setInfo(constrtype); alias.setInfo(constrtype.resultType()); } } public static ClassSymbol define( int pos, Name name, Symbol owner, int flags, Scope scope) { Scope.Entry e = scope.lookupEntry(name); if (e.owner == scope && e.sym.isExternal() && e.sym.kind == CLASS) { ClassSymbol sym = (ClassSymbol) e.sym; sym.update(pos, flags); return sym; } else { return new ClassSymbol(pos, name, owner, flags); } } /** Constructor for classes to load as source files */ public ClassSymbol(Name name, Symbol owner, SourceCompleter parser) { this(Position.NOPOS, name, owner, 0); this.module = TermSymbol.newCompanionModule(this, 0, parser); this.setInfo(parser); } /** Constructor for classes to load as class files. */ public ClassSymbol(Name name, Symbol owner, ClassParser parser) { this(Position.NOPOS, name, owner, JAVA); this.module = TermSymbol.newCompanionModule(this, JAVA, parser.staticsParser(this)); this.setInfo(parser); } /** Creates the root class. */ public static Symbol newRootClass(PackageParser parser) { int pos = Position.NOPOS; Name name = Names.ROOT.toTypeName(); Symbol owner = Symbol.NONE; int flags = JAVA | PACKAGE | FINAL | SYNTHETIC; int attrs = IS_ROOT; Symbol clasz = new ClassSymbol(pos, name, owner, flags, attrs); clasz.setInfo(parser); clasz.primaryConstructor().setInfo( Type.MethodType(Symbol.EMPTY_ARRAY, clasz.typeConstructor())); // !!! Type.MethodType(Symbol.EMPTY_ARRAY, clasz.thisType())); return clasz; } /** Return a fresh symbol with the same fields as this one. */ public Symbol cloneSymbol(Symbol owner) { ClassSymbol other = new ClassSymbol(pos, name, owner, flags); other.module = module; other.setInfo(info()); copyConstructorInfo(other); if (thisSym != this) other.setTypeOfThis(typeOfThis()); return other; } /** copy all fields to `sym' */ public void copyTo(Symbol sym) { super.copyTo(sym); if (thisSym != this) sym.setTypeOfThis(typeOfThis()); } /** Get module */ public Symbol module() { assert !isRoot(): this + ".module()"; return module; } /** Set module; only used internally from TermSymbol */ void setModule(Symbol module) { this.module = module; } public Type thisType() { Global global = Global.instance; if (global.currentPhase.id > global.PHASE.ERASURE.id()) return type(); return thistp; } public Type typeOfThis() { return thisSym.type(); } public Symbol setTypeOfThis(Type tp) { thisSym = new TermSymbol(this.pos, Names.this_, this, SYNTHETIC); thisSym.setInfo(tp); return this; } /** Return the next enclosing class */ public Symbol enclClass() { return this; } public Symbol caseFieldAccessor(int index) { assert (flags & CASE) != 0 : this; Scope.SymbolIterator it = info().members().iterator(); Symbol sym = null; if ((flags & JAVA) == 0) { for (int i = 0; i <= index; i++) { do { sym = it.next(); } while (sym.kind != VAL || (sym.flags & CASEACCESSOR) == 0 || !sym.isMethod()); } //System.out.println(this + ", case field[" + index + "] = " + sym);//DEBUG } else { sym = it.next(); while ((sym.flags & SYNTHETIC) == 0) { //System.out.println("skipping " + sym); sym = it.next(); } for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) sym = it.next(); //System.out.println("field accessor = " + sym);//DEBUG } assert sym != null : this; return sym; } public final Symbol rebindSym() { return rebindSym; } public void reset(Type completer) { super.reset(completer); module().reset(completer); thisSym = this; } } /** A class for error symbols. */ public final class ErrorSymbol extends Symbol { /** Constructor */ public ErrorSymbol() { super(Kinds.ERROR, Position.NOPOS, Name.ERROR, null, 0, 0); super.setInfo(Type.ErrorType); } public Symbol cloneSymbol(Symbol owner) { assert owner == this : Debug.show(owner); return this; } /** Set type */ public Symbol setInfo(Type info) { assert info == Type.ErrorType : info; return this; } /** Get primary constructor */ public Symbol primaryConstructor() { return TermSymbol.newConstructor(this, 0).setInfo(Type.ErrorType); } /** Return the next enclosing class */ public Symbol enclClass() { return this; } /** Return the next enclosing method */ public Symbol enclMethod() { return this; } public Type loBound() { return Type.ErrorType; } public void reset(Type completer) { } } /** The class of Symbol.NONE */ public final class NoSymbol extends Symbol { /** Constructor */ public NoSymbol() { super(Kinds.NONE, Position.NOPOS, Names.NOSYMBOL, null, 0, 0); super.setInfo(Type.NoType); } /** Return a fresh symbol with the same fields as this one. */ public Symbol cloneSymbol(Symbol owner) { assert owner == this : Debug.show(owner); return this; } /** Set type */ public Symbol setInfo(Type info) { assert info == Type.NoType : info; return this; } /** Return the next enclosing class */ public Symbol enclClass() { return this; } /** Return the next enclosing method */ public Symbol enclMethod() { return this; } public Symbol owner() { throw new ApplicationError(); } public Type thisType() { return Type.NoPrefix; } public void reset(Type completer) { } } /** A class for symbols generated in label definitions. */ public class LabelSymbol extends TermSymbol { /** give as argument the symbol of the function that triggered the creation of this label */ public LabelSymbol(Symbol f) { super(f.pos, f.name, f, LABEL); } } /** An exception for signalling cyclic references. */ public class CyclicReference extends Type.Error { public Symbol sym; public Type info; public CyclicReference(Symbol sym, Type info) { super("illegal cyclic reference involving " + sym); this.sym = sym; this.info = info; } } /** A base class for values indexed by phases. */ abstract class IntervalList { /** Interval starts at start of phase "start" (inclusive) */ public final Phase start; /** Interval ends at start of phase "limit" (inclusive) */ private Phase limit; public IntervalList(IntervalList prev, Phase start) { this.start = start; this.limit = start; assert start != null && (prev == null || prev.limit.next == start) : Global.instance.currentPhase + " - " + prev + " - " + start; } public Phase limit() { return limit; } public void setLimit(Phase phase) { assert phase != null && !phase.precedes(start) : start + " - " + phase; limit = phase; } public String toString() { return "[" + start + "->" + limit + "]"; } } /** A class for types indexed by phases. */ class TypeIntervalList extends IntervalList { /** Previous interval */ public final TypeIntervalList prev; /** Info valid during this interval */ public final Type info; public TypeIntervalList(TypeIntervalList prev, Type info, Phase start) { super(prev, start); this.prev = prev; this.info = info; assert info != null; } }