/* ____ ____ ____ ____ ______ *\ ** / __// __ \/ __// __ \/ ____/ SOcos COmpiles Scala ** ** __\_ \/ /_/ / /__/ /_/ /\_ \ (c) 2002, LAMP/EPFL ** ** /_____/\____/\___/\____/____/ ** \* */ // $Id$ package scalac.symtab.classfile; import java.util.HashMap; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintStream; import scala.tools.util.AbstractFile; import scala.tools.util.Position; import scalac.*; import scalac.atree.AConstant; import scalac.util.*; import scalac.symtab.*; import Symbol.*; import Type.*; public class UnPickle implements Kinds, Modifiers, EntryTags, TypeTags { /*************************************************** * Symbol table attribute format: see EntryTags.java */ static final boolean debug = true; public static void parse(Global global, AbstractFile file, Symbol root) throws IOException { try { parse(global, file.read(), root); } catch (BadSignature exception) { throw new IOException("symbol file '" + file.getPath() + "' " + "could not be loaded; " + exception.getMessage()); } } /** * The root symbol must be either a module or a non-module * class. The unpickler initializes it. If it has a linked module * or class, it will also be initialized. */ public static void parse(Global global, byte[] data, Symbol root) throws BadSignature { new UnPickle(global, data, root); } Symbol classroot; Symbol moduleroot; byte[] bytes; int bp; int[] index; Object[] entries; int paramFlags; final Global global; private UnPickle(Global global, byte[] data, Symbol root) { this.global = global; this.classroot = root.isModule() ? root.linkedClass() : root; this.moduleroot = root.isClassType() ? root.linkedModule() : root; assert classroot == null || classroot.isClassType(): Debug.show(root); assert moduleroot == null || moduleroot.isModule(): Debug.show(root); if (root != moduleroot && moduleroot != null) { moduleroot.moduleClass().setInfo(Type.NoType); } if (global.debug) global.log( "unpickle " + root + " " + classroot + " " + moduleroot + (moduleroot != null ? " " + moduleroot.moduleClass() : "")); this.bytes = data; this.bp = 0; index = new int[readNat()]; for (int i = 0; i < index.length; i++) { index[i] = bp; bp++; bp = readNat() + bp; } entries = new Object[index.length]; if (global.debug) print(System.out); for (int i = 0; i < index.length; i++) { if (isSymbolEntry(i)) getSymbol(i); } if (global.debug) global.log("unpickled " + root + ":" + root.rawInfo());//debug if (!classroot.isInitialized() && !moduleroot.isInitialized()) throw new BadSignature(this, "it does not define " + root); // the isModule test is needed because moduleroot may become // the case class factory method of classroot if (moduleroot != null && moduleroot.isModule() && moduleroot.moduleClass().type() == Type.NoType) { moduleroot.setInfo(Type.NoType); } } int readByte() { return bytes[bp++]; } int readNat() { int b; int x = 0; do { b = readByte(); x = (x << 7) + (b & 0x7f); } while ((b & 0x80) != 0); return x; } long readLong(int n) { long x = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { x = (x << 8) + (readByte() & 0xff); } int leading = 64 - (n * 8); return x << leading >> leading; } boolean isTypeEntry(int i) { int tag = bytes[index[i]]; return (firstTypeTag <= tag && tag <= lastTypeTag) || tag == NOpre; } boolean isSymbolEntry(int i) { int tag = bytes[index[i]]; return (firstSymTag <= tag && tag <= lastSymTag); } Name getName(int n) { if (entries[n] == null) { int savedBp = bp; bp = index[n]; int tag = bytes[bp++]; int len = readNat(); Name name = Name.fromAscii(bytes, bp, len); switch (tag) { case TERMname : entries[n] = name; break; case TYPEname : entries[n] = name.toTypeName(); break; default: throw new BadSignature(this); } bp = savedBp; } return (Name) entries[n]; } Name readNameRef() { return getName(readNat()); } String decode(Name name) { if (name.isTypeName()) return "type " + NameTransformer.decode(name); else return "value " + NameTransformer.decode(name); } /* void enterSymbol(Symbol sym) { Symbol owner = sym.owner(); if (owner.kind == CLASS && !sym.isConstructor() && !sym.isModuleClass()) { Scope scope = owner.info().members(); scope.enterOrOverload(sym); } } */ void enterSymbol(Symbol sym) { /* if (global.debug) { global.log("entering " + sym + ":" + sym.type() + " in " + sym.owner());//debug if (sym.kind == CLASS) global.log("primconstr = " + sym.primaryConstructor()); } */ if ((sym.flags & ALTERNATIVE) != 0) { sym.flags &= ~ALTERNATIVE; } else { Symbol owner = sym.owner(); if (owner.kind == CLASS && !sym.isConstructor() && !sym.isModuleClass()) { Scope scope = owner.info().members(); Symbol other = scope.lookup(sym.name); if (other == Symbol.NONE) { scope.enter(sym); } else { assert sym == other : "double enter: " + other + ":" + other.rawFirstInfo() + "," + sym + ":" + sym.rawFirstInfo(); } } } } Symbol getSymbol(int n) { if (entries[n] == null) { int savedBp = bp; bp = index[n]; int tag = bytes[bp++]; int end = readNat() + bp; Symbol sym; Symbol owner; switch (tag) { case NONEsym: entries[n] = sym = Symbol.NONE; break; case EXTref: case EXTMODCLASSref: Name name = readNameRef(); if (bp == end) { owner = global.definitions.ROOT_CLASS; } else { assert bp < end; owner = readSymbolRef(); } if (name == Names.ROOT && owner == Symbol.NONE) { sym = global.definitions.ROOT_CLASS; if (tag == EXTref) sym = sym; // !!! line above is usefull for the transition // !!! after some time, replace it by the following line: // !!! assert tag != EXTref; } else { sym = owner.info().lookup(name); if (tag == EXTMODCLASSref) { /* if (sym.kind == VAL) switch (sym.type()) { case OverloadedType(Symbol[] alts, _): for (int i = 0; i < alts.length; i++) if (alts[i].isModule()) sym = alts[i]; } */ assert sym.isModule(); sym = sym.moduleClass(); } } entries[n] = sym; if (sym.kind == NONE) { if (global.debug) global.log(owner.info().members().toString()); throw new BadSignature(this, "reference " + decode(name) + " of " + owner + " refers to nonexisting symbol."); } break; default: assert isSymbolEntry(n) : n; Name name = readNameRef(); if (global.debug) global.log("reading " + name + " at " + n); owner = readSymbolRef(); if (entries[n] == null) { int flags = readNat(); int inforef = readNat(); switch (tag) { case TYPEsym: entries[n] = sym = owner.newAbstractType( Position.NOPOS, flags, name); if ((flags & VIEWBOUND) != 0) { sym.setInfo(global.definitions.ANY_TYPE()); sym.setVuBound(getType(inforef, sym)); } else { sym.setInfo(getType(inforef, sym)); } sym.setLoBound(readTypeRef(sym)); break; case ALIASsym: entries[n] = sym = owner.newTypeAlias( Position.NOPOS, flags, name); sym.setInfo(getType(inforef, sym)); Symbol constr = readSymbolRef(); break; case CLASSsym: if ((flags & MODUL) != 0) { Symbol modulesym = readSymbolRef(); entries[n] = sym = modulesym.moduleClass(); sym.flags = flags; } else if (classroot != null && name == classroot.name && owner == classroot.owner()) { if (global.debug) global.log("overwriting " + classroot); entries[n] = sym = classroot; sym.flags = flags; } else { entries[n] = sym = owner.newClass( Position.NOPOS, flags, name); } sym.setInfo(getType(inforef, sym)); sym.setTypeOfThis(readTypeRef(sym)); Symbol constr = readSymbolRef(); assert constr == sym.allConstructors(); break; case VALsym: if (moduleroot != null && name == moduleroot.name && owner == moduleroot.owner()) { if (global.debug) global.log("overwriting " + moduleroot); entries[n] = sym = moduleroot; sym.flags = flags; } else if ((flags & MODUL) != 0) { entries[n] = sym = owner.newModule( Position.NOPOS, flags, name); } else if (name == Names.CONSTRUCTOR) { Symbol tsym = bp < end ? readSymbolRef() : null; if (tsym == null) { entries[n] = sym = owner.newConstructor( Position.NOPOS, flags); } else { entries[n] = sym = tsym.allConstructors(); sym.flags = flags; } } else { entries[n] = sym = owner.newTerm( Position.NOPOS, flags, name); } if (sym.isModule()) { Symbol clasz = readSymbolRef(); assert clasz == sym.moduleClass(): Debug.show(sym); } Type owntype = getType(inforef, sym); sym.setInfo(owntype); break; default: throw new BadSignature(this); } enterSymbol(sym); } } bp = savedBp; } return (Symbol) entries[n]; } Symbol readSymbolRef() { return getSymbol(readNat()); } Symbol[] readSymbolRefs(int end) { return readSymbolRefs(0, end); } Symbol[] readSymbolRefs(int nread, int end) { if (bp == end) { return new Symbol[nread]; } else { assert bp < end; int bp0 = bp; int ref = readNat(); if (isSymbolEntry(ref)) { Symbol s = getSymbol(ref); Symbol[] ss = readSymbolRefs(nread+1, end); ss[nread] = s; return ss; } else { bp = bp0; return new Symbol[nread]; } } } Type getType(int n, Symbol owner) { Type tpe = (Type)entries[n]; if (tpe == null) { int savedBp = bp; bp = index[n]; int tag = bytes[bp++]; int end = readNat() + bp; switch (tag) { case NOtpe: tpe = Type.NoType; break; case NOpre: tpe = Type.NoPrefix; break; case THIStpe: Symbol sym = readSymbolRef(); tpe = (sym.kind == NONE) ? Type.NoPrefix : Type.ThisType(sym); // !!! code above is usefull for the transition // !!! after some time, replace it by the following line: // !!! tpe = Type.ThisType(readSymbolRef()); break; case SINGLEtpe: Type prefix = readTypeRef(owner); Symbol symbol = readSymbolRef(); tpe = symbol.isRoot() ? symbol.thisType() : Type.singleType(prefix, symbol); // !!! code above is usefull for the transition // !!! after some time, replace it by the following line: // !!! tpe = Type.singleType(readTypeRef(), readSymbolRef()); break; case CONSTANTtpe: Type base = readTypeRef(owner); AConstant value = readConstantRef(); tpe = new Type.ConstantType(base, value); break; case TYPEREFtpe: tpe = Type.newTypeRefUnsafe( // !!! readTypeRef(owner), readSymbolRef(), readTypeRefs(end, owner)); break; case COMPOUNDtpe: Symbol clazz = readSymbolRef(); Type[] parents = readTypeRefs(end, owner); tpe = Type.compoundType(parents, new Scope(), clazz); break; case METHODtpe: Type restype = readTypeRef(owner); int bp1 = bp; Type[] argtypes = readTypeRefs(end, owner); int[] flags = new int[argtypes.length]; bp = bp1; readFlags(flags); Symbol[] params = new Symbol[argtypes.length]; for (int i = 0; i < argtypes.length; i++) { Name name = Name.fromString("$" + i); params[i] = owner.newVParam( Position.NOPOS, flags[i], name, argtypes[i]); } tpe = Type.MethodType(params, restype); break; case POLYtpe: Type restype = readTypeRef(owner); tpe = Type.PolyType(readSymbolRefs(end), restype); break; case OVERLOADEDtpe: int bp0 = bp; Symbol[] alts = readSymbolRefs(end); int bp1 = bp; Type[] alttypes = readTypeRefs(end, alts); assert alts.length == alttypes.length : alts.length + "!=" + alttypes.length + " at " + bp0 + "/" + bp1 + "/" + bp; tpe = Type.OverloadedType(alts, alttypes); break; case FLAGGEDtpe: readNat(); // skip flags tpe = readTypeRef(owner); break; default: throw new BadSignature(this); } if (tag != METHODtpe) entries[n] = tpe; bp = savedBp; } return tpe; } Type readTypeRef(Symbol owner) { return getType(readNat(), owner); } Type[] readTypeRefs(int end, Symbol owner) { return readTypeRefs(0, end, owner, null); } Type[] readTypeRefs(int end, Symbol[] owners) { return readTypeRefs(0, end, null, owners); } Type[] readTypeRefs(int nread, int end, Symbol owner, Symbol[] owners) { assert (owner != null) ^ (owners != null); if (bp == end) { return new Type[nread]; } else { assert bp < end : bp + ">" + end; int bp0 = bp; int ref = readNat(); if (isTypeEntry(ref)) { Type t = getType(ref, owner != null ? owner : owners[nread]); Type[] ts = readTypeRefs(nread + 1, end, owner, owners); ts[nread] = t; return ts; } else { bp = bp0; return new Type[nread]; } } } void readFlags(int[] flags) { for (int i = 0; i < flags.length; i++) flags[i] = getFlags(readNat()); } int getFlags(int n) { int savedBp = bp; bp = index[n]; int tag = bytes[bp++]; int end = readNat() + bp; int flags = (tag == FLAGGEDtpe) ? decodeFlags(readNat()) : 0; bp = savedBp; return flags; } private static int decodeFlags(int n) { int flags = 0; if ((n & REPEATEDflag) != 0) flags |= REPEATED; if ((n & DEFflag) != 0) flags |= DEF; return flags; } AConstant readConstant() { int tag = bytes[bp++]; int len = readNat(); switch (tag) { case LITERALunit: return AConstant.UNIT; case LITERALboolean: return AConstant.BOOLEAN(readByte() == 0 ? false : true); case LITERALbyte: return AConstant.BYTE((byte)readLong(len)); case LITERALshort: return AConstant.SHORT((short)readLong(len)); case LITERALchar: return AConstant.CHAR((char)readLong(len)); case LITERALint: return AConstant.INT((int)readLong(len)); case LITERALlong: return AConstant.LONG(readLong(len)); case LITERALfloat: return AConstant.FLOAT(Float.intBitsToFloat((int)readLong(len))); case LITERALdouble: return AConstant.DOUBLE(Double.longBitsToDouble(readLong(len))); case LITERALstring: return AConstant.STRING(readNameRef().toString()); case LITERALnull: return AConstant.NULL; case LITERALzero: return AConstant.ZERO; default: throw Debug.abort("illegal tag: " + tag); } } AConstant readConstantRef() { int n = readNat(); int savedBp = bp; bp = index[n]; AConstant constant = readConstant(); bp = savedBp; return constant; } public static class BadSignature extends java.lang.Error { public BadSignature(UnPickle outer, String msg) { super(msg); } public BadSignature(UnPickle outer) { this(outer, "malformed signature at " + outer.bp); } } // --- print symbl files ------------------------------------------------- private static String tag2string(int tag) { switch (tag) { case TERMname: return "TERMname"; case TYPEname: return "TYPEname"; case NONEsym: return "NONEsym"; case TYPEsym: return "TYPEsym"; case ALIASsym: return "ALIASsym"; case CLASSsym: return "CLASSsym"; case VALsym: return "VALsym"; case EXTref: return "EXTref"; case EXTMODCLASSref: return "EXTMODCLASSref"; case NOtpe: return "NOtpe"; case THIStpe: return "THIStpe"; case SINGLEtpe: return "SINGLEtpe"; case TYPEREFtpe: return "TYPEREFtpe"; case CONSTANTtpe: return "CONSTANTtpe"; case COMPOUNDtpe: return "COMPOUNDtpe"; case METHODtpe: return "METHODtpe"; case POLYtpe: return "POLYtpe"; case OVERLOADEDtpe: return "OVERLOADEDtpe"; case UNBOXEDtpe: return "UNBOXEDtpe"; case UNBOXEDARRAYtpe: return "UNBOXEDARRAYtpe"; case FLAGGEDtpe: return "FLAGGEDtpe"; case ERRORtpe: return "ERRORtpe"; case LITERALunit: return "LITERALunit"; case LITERALboolean: return "LITERALboolean"; case LITERALbyte: return "LITERALbyte"; case LITERALshort: return "LITERALshort"; case LITERALchar: return "LITERALchar"; case LITERALint: return "LITERALint"; case LITERALlong: return "LITERALlong"; case LITERALfloat: return "LITERALfloat"; case LITERALdouble: return "LITERALdouble"; case LITERALstring: return "LITERALstring"; case LITERALnull: return "LITERALnull"; case LITERALzero: return "LITERALzero"; default: return "***BAD TAG***(" + tag + ")"; } } private void print(PrintStream out) { out.println("symbl attribute for " + classroot + ":"); for (int i = 0; i < index.length; i++) { out.print(i + "," + index[i] + ": "); bp = index[i]; int tag = readByte(); out.print(tag2string(tag)); int len = readNat(); int end = len + bp; out.print(" " + len); switch (tag) { case TERMname: case TYPEname: String name = SourceRepresentation.ascii2string(bytes, bp, len); out.print(" " + SourceRepresentation.escape(name)); bp = end; break; case NONEsym: break; case TYPEsym: case ALIASsym: case CLASSsym: case VALsym: out.print(" " + readNat()); //name out.print(" " + readNat()); //owner out.print(" " + Integer.toHexString(readNat())); //flags out.print(" " + readNat()); //type break; case FLAGGEDtpe: out.print(" " + Integer.toHexString(readNat())); //flags } while (bp < end) out.print(" " + readNat()); out.println(); } } }