/* ____ ____ ____ ____ ______ *\ ** / __// __ \/ __// __ \/ ____/ SOcos COmpiles Scala ** ** __\_ \/ /_/ / /__/ /_/ /\_ \ (c) 2002, LAMP/EPFL ** ** /_____/\____/\___/\____/____/ ** \* */ // $Id$ package scalac.transformer; import scalac.Global; import scalac.util.Name; import scalac.ast.Tree; import Tree.*; import scalac.ast.Transformer; import scalac.symtab.Type; import scalac.symtab.Symbol; import scalac.symtab.TermSymbol; import scalac.symtab.Scope; import scalac.symtab.Kinds; import scalac.symtab.Modifiers; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.ArrayList; import scalac.util.Debug; /** * 1. For each class add a single method (DefDef) designated as * constructor whose parameters are the class parameters. The * constructor contains: * - call to the constructor of the supertype with the appropriate arguments * - initialize the fields corresponding to the class ValDefs * - the bodies of the class level expressions; * they are also removed from the ClassDef body * * 2. The right hand sides of the ValDefs are left empty * * 3. Substitute the appropriate constructor symbol into the * 'new' expressions * * @author Nikolay Mihaylov * @version 1.2 */ public class AddConstructors extends Transformer { public final static Name CTOR_N = Name.fromString("").toConstrName(); // True iff we generate code for INT backend. protected final boolean forINT; // True iff we generate code for JVM backend. protected final boolean forJVM; // True iff we generate code for MSIL backend. protected final boolean forMSIL; final HashMap constructors; public AddConstructors(Global global, HashMap constructors) { super(global); this.constructors = constructors; this.forINT = global.target == global.TARGET_INT; this.forJVM = global.target == global.TARGET_JVM; this.forMSIL = global.target == global.TARGET_MSIL; } /** return new constructor symbol if it isn't already defined */ Symbol getConstructor(Symbol classConstr) { return getConstructor(classConstr, (((Type.MethodType)classConstr.info()).vparams), classConstr.primaryConstructorClass()); } Symbol getConstructor(Symbol classConstr, Symbol[] paramSyms, Symbol owner) { assert classConstr.isConstructor() : "Class constructor expected: " + Debug.show(classConstr); Symbol constr = (Symbol) constructors.get(classConstr); if (constr == null) { assert !owner.isInterface(); int flags = forJVM ? classConstr.flags & (Modifiers.PRIVATE | Modifiers.PROTECTED) : classConstr.flags; constr = new TermSymbol(classConstr.pos, CTOR_N, owner, flags); Type constrType = Type.MethodType (paramSyms, forJVM ? global.definitions.UNIT_TYPE : owner.type()).erasure(); constr.setInfo(constrType.erasure()); constructors.put(classConstr, constr); constructors.put(constr, constr); } return constr; } /** process the tree */ public Tree transform(Tree tree) { Symbol treeSym = tree.symbol(); switch (tree) { case ClassDef(_, _, _, ValDef[][] vparams, _, //: Template(Tree[] baseClasses, Tree[] body)): assert treeSym.name.isTypeName(); if (treeSym.isInterface()) return tree; Symbol[] paramSyms = new Symbol[vparams[0].length]; for (int i = 0; i < paramSyms.length; i++) paramSyms[i] = vparams[0][i].symbol(); ArrayList constrBody = new ArrayList(); ArrayList classBody = new ArrayList(); Symbol constrSym = getConstructor(treeSym.constructor(), paramSyms, treeSym); Scope classScope = new Scope(); classScope.enter(constrSym); assert constrSym.owner() == treeSym : "Wrong owner of the constructor: \n\tfound: " + Debug.show(constrSym.owner()) + "\n\texpected: " + Debug.show(treeSym); // inline the call to the super constructor Type superType = treeSym.parents()[0]; if ( !forINT || !superType.symbol().isJava()) { switch (baseClasses[0]) { case Apply(Tree fun, Tree[] args): int pos = baseClasses[0].pos; Tree superConstr = gen.Select (gen.Super(pos, superType), getConstructor(fun.symbol())); constrBody.add(gen.Apply(superConstr, transform(args))); break; default: new scalac.ast.printer.TextTreePrinter().print(baseClasses[0]).println().end(); assert false; } } // inline initialization of module values if (forINT && treeSym.isModuleClass()) { constrBody.add( gen.Assign( gen.mkRef(tree.pos, treeSym.module()), gen.This(tree.pos, treeSym))); } // for every ValDef move the initialization code into the constructor for (int i = 0; i < body.length; i++) { Tree t = body[i]; if (t.definesSymbol()) { Symbol sym = t.symbol(); switch (t) { case ValDef(_, _, _, Tree rhs): if (rhs != Tree.Empty) { // !!!FIXME: revert to this.whatever when the bug is fixed //Tree ident = gen.Select(gen.This(t.pos, treeSym), sym); Tree ident = gen.Ident(sym); constrBody.add (gen.Assign(t.pos, ident, transform(rhs))); t = gen.ValDef(sym, Tree.Empty); } break; } classBody.add(transform(t)); classScope.enter(sym); } else // move every class-level expression into the constructor constrBody.add(transform(t)); } // add result expression consistent with the // result type of the constructor if (! forJVM) constrBody.add(gen.This(tree.pos, treeSym)); Tree constrTree = constrBody.size() > 1 ? gen.Block((Tree[])constrBody. toArray(new Tree[constrBody.size()])): (Tree) constrBody.get(0); classBody.add(gen.DefDef(tree.pos, constrSym, constrTree)); // strip off the class constructor from parameters switch (treeSym.constructor().info()) { case MethodType(_, Type result): treeSym.constructor(). updateInfo(Type.MethodType(Symbol.EMPTY_ARRAY, result)); break; default : assert false; } Type classType = Type.compoundType(treeSym.parents(), classScope, treeSym); Symbol classSym = treeSym.updateInfo(classType); Tree[] newBody = (Tree[]) classBody.toArray(Tree.EMPTY_ARRAY); return gen.ClassDef(classSym, newBody); // Substitute the constructor into the 'new' expressions case New(Template(Tree[] baseClasses, _)): Tree base = baseClasses[0]; switch (base) { case Apply(Tree fun, Tree[] args): return gen.New(copy.Apply (base, gen.Ident(base.pos, getConstructor(fun.symbol())), transform(args))); default: assert false; } break; } // switch(tree) return super.transform(tree); } // transform() } // class AddConstructors