package scalac.transformer.matching ; import scalac.* ; import scalac.symtab.Symbol ; import scalac.symtab.Type ; import scalac.symtab.TermSymbol ; import scalac.symtab.Definitions ; import scalac.ast.Tree; import scalac.ast.TreeGen; import scalac.util.Name; import scalac.util.Names; import Tree.*; import scalac.transformer.TransMatch.Matcher ; import java.util.* ; import ch.epfl.lamp.util.Position; public class Autom2Scala { protected boolean optimize = true; static final Name HASNEXT = Name.fromString("hasnext"); static final Name CURRENT_ELEM = Name.fromString("cur"); final int FAIL = -1; DetWordAutom dfa; protected CodeFactory cf; //Vector freeVars; //Vector mdefs; Definitions defs; TreeGen gen; /** owner of the pattern matching expression */ protected Symbol owner; /** symbol of the matcher fun */ Symbol funSym; /** symbol of the iterator ( scala.SequenceIterator ) */ Symbol iterSym; /** symbol of the switching result ( scala.Int ) */ Symbol resultSym; /** symbol of the state variable ( scala.Int ) */ Symbol stateSym; protected Type elementType; public int pos; String funSymName; Symbol newFunSym( String prefix ) { return new TermSymbol( pos, cf.fresh.newName( prefix ), owner, 0); } Symbol newParam( String prefix ) { return new TermSymbol( /*Kinds.VAL, */ pos, cf.fresh.newName( prefix ), funSym, 0); } Type funRetType() { switch( funSym.type() ) { case MethodType( _, Type retType ): return retType; } throw new RuntimeException(); } Tree callFun( Tree[] args ) { return gen.mkApply_V(gen.Ident(pos, funSym), args); } /** init funSym, iterSym, stateSym, resultSym + allocate mdefs. * a subclass overriding initializeSyms may change these * (esp. funSym) */ protected void initializeSyms() { if( funSymName == null ) funSymName = "matcher"; // the function that does the matching this.funSym = newFunSym( funSymName ); this.iterSym = newParam("iter") .setType( cf._seqIterType( elementType ) ) ; this.stateSym = newParam("q") .setType( defs.INT_TYPE ) ; this.resultSym = new TermSymbol( pos, cf.fresh.newName("swRes"), owner, 0 ) .setType( defs.INT_TYPE ) ; this.funSym .setType( new Type.MethodType( new Symbol[] { iterSym, stateSym }, defs.INT_TYPE )); this.curSym = new TermSymbol( pos, CURRENT_ELEM, funSym, 0) .setType( elementType ); this.hasnSym = new TermSymbol( pos, HASNEXT, funSym, 0) .setType( defs.BOOLEAN_TYPE ); } public Autom2Scala( DetWordAutom dfa, Type elementType, Symbol owner, CodeFactory cf ) { this.dfa = dfa; this.elementType = elementType; this.defs = cf.defs; this.gen = cf.gen; this.owner = owner; this.pos = Position.FIRSTPOS; = cf; = new AlgebraicMatcher( cf.unit ); //this.mdefs = new Vector(); //this.freeVars = new Vector(); } public Tree theDefDef; Symbol curSym; Symbol hasnSym; // overridden in TracerInScala Tree loadCurrentElem( Tree body ) { return gen.mkBlock( new Tree[] { cf.gen.ValDef( this.hasnSym, cf._hasNext( _iter() ) ), cf.gen.ValDef( this.curSym, gen.If( gen.Ident( pos, hasnSym ),//cf._hasNext( _iter() ), cf._next( _iter() ), gen.mkDefaultValue(cf.pos,curSym.type()))), //cf.ignoreValue( curSym.type() ) body }); } Tree currentElem() { return gen.Ident(Position.FIRSTPOS, curSym); } Tree currentMatches( Label label ) { return _cur_eq( _iter(), label ); } // // translation of automata to scala code // /** creates an int variable */ Tree _intvar( Symbol sym, Tree init ) { return gen.ValDef( sym, init ); } Tree _scala() { return gen.Ident(pos, defs.SCALA ); } /** `' */ public Tree _swres() { return gen.Ident( pos, resultSym );} /** `' */ public Tree _state() { return gen.Ident( pos, stateSym ); } /** code to reference the iterator */ Tree _iter() { return gen.Ident( pos, iterSym ); } /** body of the matcherDefFun */ public Tree code_body_NEW() { int[] tags = new int[dfa.nstates]; Tree[] bodies = new Tree[dfa.nstates]; for( int i = 0; i= 0; i-- ) res = gen.If( cf.Equals( _state(), gen.mkIntLit( cf.pos, i )), bodies[ i ] , res ); return loadCurrentElem( res ); } Tree _cur_eq( Tree iter, Label label ) { switch( label ) { case TreeLabel( Tree pat ): return _cur_match( pat ); case SimpleLabel( Tree.Literal lit ): return cf.Equals( currentElem(), lit ); } throw new ApplicationError("expected either algebraic or simple label:"+label); } AlgebraicMatcher am; /* void handleVars( ) { } */ // calling the /*AlgebraicMatcher*/PatternMatcher here Tree _cur_match( Tree pat ) { Matcher m = new Matcher( funSym,//this.funSym, currentElem(), defs.BOOLEAN_TYPE ); am.construct( m, new CaseDef[] { cf.gen.CaseDef( pat, gen.mkBooleanLit( pat.pos, true )), cf.gen.CaseDef( cf.gen.Ident(pat.pos, defs.PATTERN_WILDCARD), gen.mkBooleanLit( pat.pos, false )) }, false); return am.toTree(); } Tree code_delta( int i, Label label ) { throw new RuntimeException(); } Tree code_fail() { return gen.mkIntLit(Position.FIRSTPOS, FAIL ); } /** code for the return value of the automaton translation */ Tree run_finished( int state ) { if( dfa.isFinal( state )) { return gen.mkIntLit(Position.FIRSTPOS, ((Integer) dfa.finals.get( new Integer( state ) )).intValue() ); } return gen.mkIntLit(Position.FIRSTPOS, FAIL ); } /* Tree ifInputHasNext() { return cf.If( cf._hasNext( _iter() ), cf.Block( stateBody.pos, new Tree[] { loadCurrentElem(), stateBody}, stateBody.type()) ); } */ Tree code_state_NEW( int i ) { Tree stateBody = code_delta(i, Label.DefaultLabel ); HashMap trans = ((HashMap[])dfa.deltaq)[ i ]; for( Iterator labs = dfa.labels.iterator(); labs.hasNext() ; ) { Object label =; Integer next = (Integer) trans.get( label ); Tree action = code_delta( i, (Label) label ); if( action != null ) { stateBody = gen.If( currentMatches((Label) label ), action, stateBody); } } return stateBody; } }