package scalac.transformer.matching ; import scalac.ast.Tree ; import Tree.* ; import java.util.* ; import scalac.ApplicationError ; public class DetWordAutom { // BEGIN stuff from FiniteAutom //final static Integer FINTAG = new Integer(0); /** number of states */ protected int nstates; /** the 'alphabet' */ protected HashSet labels; /** the set of final states, here as a TreeMap */ protected TreeMap finals; /** dfa: HashMap trans: Object -> Integer * nfa: HashMap trans: Object -> Vector [ Integer ] * * nfa: Integer ->(Object -> Vector [ Int ]) * [q] |->( a |-> { q' | (q,a,q') in \deltaright } ) * * dfa: Integer ->(Object -> Int) * [q] |->( a |-> q' | \deltaright(q,a) = q' } ) */ public HashMap[] deltaq; public Integer[] defaultq; // this gives the default transitions //protected HashMap deltaq[]; // --- accessor methods /** returns number of states */ public int nstates() { return nstates; } /** returns the labels */ public HashSet labels() { return labels; } /** returns the transitions */ public HashMap deltaq( int state ) { return deltaq[ state ]; } /** returns the transitions */ public HashMap deltaq( Integer state ) { return deltaq[ state.intValue() ]; } /** returns the transitions */ public Integer defaultq( int state ) { return defaultq[ state ]; } /** returns the transitions */ public Integer defaultq( Integer state ) { return defaultq[ state.intValue() ]; } /** returns true if the state is final */ public boolean isFinal( int state ) { return ((finals != null) && (finals.get( new Integer( state )) != null)); } /** returns true if the state is final */ public boolean isFinal( Integer state ) { return ((finals != null) && finals.containsKey( state )); } /** returns true if the state is final */ public Integer finalTag( Integer state ) { return (Integer) finals.get( state ); } public Integer finalTag( int state ) { return (Integer) finals.get( new Integer (state )); } /** returns true if the set of states contains at least one final state */ boolean containsFinal( TreeSet Q ) { for( Iterator it = Q.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { if( isFinal( (Integer) return true; } return false; } /** returns true if there are no finite states */ public boolean isEmpty() { return finals.isEmpty(); } // END stuff from FiniteAutom static final int FIRST = 0; static final int LAST = FIRST + 1; //static final int WHICH_LONGEST_MATCH = FIRST ; static final int WHICH_LONGEST_MATCH = LAST ; // inherited from FiniteAutom: // int nstates; // number of states // HashSet labels;// the alphabet // TreeMap finals; // HashMap deltaq[]; //Integer defaultq[]; // TEMPORARY VAR used only during determinization and debug printing // Q -> (Label -> Q ) HashMap delta; // Q -> Integer; HashMap indexMap; // Integer -> Q HashMap invIndexMap; // only not null if this is a right-transducer public Vector qbinders[]; final static Integer NODEFAULT = new Integer( -1 ); public boolean isSink( int i ) { return ( deltaq[ i ].keySet().isEmpty() && (defaultq != null ) && (defaultq( i ).intValue() == i) ); } public boolean hasDefault( int i ) { return defaultq( i ) != NODEFAULT; } void determinize( NondetWordAutom nfa ) { //System.out.println("DetWordAutom:determinize"); //System.out.println("nfa:");nfa.print(); TreeSet states;// temp: Set[Set[Integer]] HashMap deftrans; // Set[Integer] -> Int HashMap trans; // always points to a mapping ( Label -> Q ) int ix = 0; // state index this.labels = nfa.labels; ////System.out.println("Labels: "+labels); = new HashMap(); //this.dead = -1; states = new TreeSet( new StateSetComparator() ); deftrans = new HashMap(); // temporarily: Map[Set[Integer]] later: Map[Integer] this.finals = new TreeMap( new StateSetComparator() ); this.invIndexMap = new HashMap(); this.indexMap = new HashMap(); // new initial state (singleton set { q0 } by construction) TreeSet q0 = new TreeSet(); q0.addAll( nfa.initials ); /*new Integer( 0 )); */ states.add( q0 ); TreeSet empty = new TreeSet(); deftrans.put( q0, empty ); states.add( empty ); deftrans.put( empty, empty ); Stack rest = new Stack(); if( nfa.isFinal( 0 ) ) this.finals.put( q0, nfa.finalTag( 0 ) ); rest.push( empty ); rest.push( q0 ); while( !rest.empty() ) { TreeSet P1 = (TreeSet) rest.pop(); //System.out.println("states:"+ states); //System.out.println("P1:"+ P1); invIndexMap.put( new Integer( ix ), P1 ); indexMap.put( P1, new Integer( ix++ )); delta.put( P1, trans = new HashMap()); // labelled transitions for( Iterator it = labels.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object label =; //System.out.print( "Label: " + label +" "); // Qdest will contain all states reachable via `label' // from some nfa state in P1; TreeSet Qdest = nfa.getSide( P1, label ); //System.out.println("Qdest:"+Qdest); if( !states.contains( Qdest ) ) { states.add( Qdest ); ////System.out.print(" (added)" ); rest.push( Qdest ); ////System.out.print(" (pushed)"); if( nfa.containsFinal( Qdest ) ) this.finals.put( Qdest, nfa.finalTag( Qdest )); ////System.out.print(" (added final)"); } ////System.out.println(".Qdest"); trans.put( label, Qdest ); // //System.out.println( "Qdest: " + Qdest); } // default transitions TreeSet defTarget = (TreeSet) nfa.defaultq( P1 ); //System.out.println("defTarget:"+defTarget); deftrans.put( P1, defTarget ); if( !states.contains( defTarget ) ) { states.add( defTarget ); rest.push( defTarget ); if( nfa.containsFinal( defTarget ) ) this.finals.put( defTarget, nfa.finalTag( defTarget )); } } // //printBefore( states, deftrans ); // do not call printBefore after this point // //System.out.println("indexMap: "+indexMap); this.nstates = states.size(); deltaq = new HashMap[ nstates ]; defaultq = new Integer[ nstates ]; // we replace Set[Set[Integer]] by its index and clean up for( Iterator it = states.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { TreeSet state = (TreeSet); Integer state_x = (Integer) indexMap.get( state ); TreeSet defTarget = (TreeSet) deftrans.get( state ); Integer defTarget_x; if( defTarget != null ) { defTarget_x = (Integer) indexMap.get( defTarget ); ////System.out.println("deftarget" + defTarget); } else defTarget_x = NODEFAULT; ////System.out.print(state.toString() + " --> " + state_x); //System.out.println(" deftarget " + defTarget + " --> "+defTarget_x); trans = (HashMap) delta.get( state ); HashMap newTrans = new HashMap(); for( Iterator labs = labels.iterator(); labs.hasNext() ;) { Object label =; TreeSet target = (TreeSet) trans.get( label ); Integer target_x; if( target != null ) { // //System.out.println("target :"+target); target_x = (Integer) indexMap.get( target ); if( target_x.intValue() != defTarget_x.intValue() ) { // replace target by target_x // (use type-unawareness) newTrans.put( label, target_x ); } trans.remove( label ); } } deltaq[ state_x.intValue() ] = newTrans; defaultq[ state_x.intValue() ] = defTarget_x; delta.remove( state ); deftrans.remove( state ); } TreeMap oldfin = finals; this.finals = new TreeMap(); for( Iterator it = oldfin.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { TreeSet state = (TreeSet); Integer state_x = (Integer) indexMap.get( state ); this.finals.put( state_x, oldfin.get( state ) );// conserve tags } // clean up, delete temporary stuff /* // we cannot clean up, indexmap is needed later for( Iterator it = states.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { ((TreeSet); } */ states.clear(); //minimize(); } public DetWordAutom() {} public boolean isDead( int state ) { return state == nstates - 1; // by construction } public boolean isDead( Integer state ) { return state.intValue() == nstates - 1; // by construction } /** determinization -- standard algorithm considering only * reachable states */ public DetWordAutom( NondetWordAutom nfa ) { determinize( nfa ); } /** for a set of nfa states (that must exist), returns its transitions */ HashMap deltaq( TreeSet nset ) { return deltaq( (Integer) indexMap.get( nset ) ); } /** for a set of nfa states (that must exist), returns its transitions */ Integer defaultq( TreeSet nset ) { return defaultq( (Integer) indexMap.get( nset ) ); } /** returns target of the transition from state i with label label. * null if no such transition exists. */ Integer delta( int i, Label label ) { Integer target; switch( label ) { case DefaultLabel: if( !hasDefault( i ) ) return null; return (Integer) defaultq( i ) ; case SimpleLabel( _ ): case TreeLabel( _ ): return (Integer) deltaq[ i ].get( label ) ; /*case Pair( Integer state, Label lab ): return state; */ default: throw new ApplicationError("whut's this: label="+label+", class "+label.getClass()); } } Integer delta( Integer i, Label label ) { return delta( i.intValue(), label ); } /** should maybe in nfa, not here */ protected static Integer smallestFinal( NondetWordAutom nfa, TreeSet states ) { int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE ; for( Iterator it = states.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Integer state = (Integer); if( nfa.isFinal( state ) && (state.intValue() < min )) min = state.intValue(); } if( min == Integer.MAX_VALUE ) throw new ApplicationError("I expected a final set of states"); return new Integer( min ); } protected Vector allSetsThatContain( Integer ndstate ) { Vector v = new Vector(); for( Iterator it = indexMap.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { TreeSet ndstateSet = (TreeSet); if( ndstateSet.contains( ndstate )) v.add( ndstateSet ); } return v; } protected void filterItOutQuoi( DetWordAutom dLeft, Cartesian.Npair npTarget, Label.Pair lab, TreeMap nsrc ) { Label theLabel = lab.lab; Integer ntarget = lab.state; // e.g.[2,(3),4] --> 7 Integer dstate = (Integer) dLeft.indexMap.get( npTarget.nset ); // eg. 3 -> [3] [2,3] Vector targets = dLeft.allSetsThatContain( ntarget ); ////System.out.println( targets+", of these " ) ; // filter out those source states which arrive here... for( Iterator su = targets.iterator(); su.hasNext(); ) { TreeSet nset = (TreeSet); HashMap ddelta = dLeft.deltaq( nset ); // ... at THIS dstate if( (Integer) ddelta.get( theLabel ) == dstate ) { Cartesian.Npair np1 = new Cartesian.Npair( ntarget, nset ); ////System.out.print( np1.toString( dLeft.indexMap )); if( WHICH_LONGEST_MATCH == FIRST ) addTransitionFLM( nsrc, np1 ); else addTransitionLLM( nsrc, np1 ); } } } /** all default transitions from sets that contain nq to npTarget */ protected void filterItOutQuoiDefault( DetWordAutom dLeft, Cartesian.Npair npTarget, Integer nq, TreeMap nsrc ) { ////System.out.println( "npTarget = " + npTarget ) ; Vector allSources = dLeft.allSetsThatContain( npTarget.nstate ); for( Iterator it = allSources.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { // e.g.[2,(3),4] --> 7 //Integer dstate = (Integer) dLeft.indexMap.get( npTarget.nset ); Integer dstate = (Integer) dLeft.indexMap.get( ); //System.out.println( "dstate = " + dstate ) ; assert dstate != null; // eg. 3 -> [3] [2,3] Vector targets = dLeft.allSetsThatContain( nq ); //System.out.println( "targets: " + targets ) ; // filter out those source states which arrive here... for( Iterator su = targets.iterator(); su.hasNext(); ) { TreeSet nset = (TreeSet); Integer ddef = dLeft.defaultq( nset ); //System.out.println( "ddef ="+ddef ); // ... at THIS dstate if( ddef == dstate ) { Cartesian.Npair np1 = new Cartesian.Npair( nq, nset ); // print target //System.out.print( np1.toString( dLeft.indexMap )); if( WHICH_LONGEST_MATCH == FIRST ) addTransitionFLM( nsrc, np1 ); else addTransitionLLM( nsrc, np1 ); } } } } /** this implements the first longest match policy */ protected static void addTransitionFLM( TreeMap nsrc, Cartesian.Npair np ) { Cartesian.Npair np2 = (Cartesian.Npair) nsrc.get( np.nset ); // (policy) first longest match if(( np2 == null ) ||( np2.nstate.intValue() > np.nstate.intValue())) { nsrc.put( np.nset, np ); } } /** this implements the last longest match policy (!) */ protected static void addTransitionLLM( TreeMap nsrc, Cartesian.Npair np ) { Cartesian.Npair np2 = (Cartesian.Npair) nsrc.get( np.nset ); // (policy) first longest match if(( np2 == null ) ||( np2.nstate.intValue() < np.nstate.intValue())) { nsrc.put( np.nset, np ); } } /** build a deterministic right to left transducer from the args */ public DetWordAutom( NondetWordAutom right, NondetWordAutom left, DetWordAutom dLeft ) { /* System.out.println("DetWordAutom.(nfa,nfa,dfa)"); System.out.println("nfa-left:");left.print(); System.out.println("nfa-right:");right.print(); System.out.println("dLeft:"+dLeft.print()); System.out.println("dLeft.finals"+dLeft.finals); */ this.indexMap = dLeft.indexMap; this.invIndexMap = dLeft.invIndexMap; // fix indexMap /* // unnecessary TreeSet q0 = new TreeSet(); q0.add( new Integer( 0 )); indexMap.put( q0, new Integer( 0 )); //System.out.println("check out the indexMap!" + indexMap); */ TreeSet visited_n = new TreeSet( new NpairComparator() ); Stack rest = new Stack(); // right is "nearly deterministic" // we can follow reverse traces paths by using dLeft.indexMap // start with right.initials,, for( Iterator it = dLeft.finals.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Integer fstate = (Integer); TreeSet nfstate = (TreeSet) invIndexMap.get( fstate ); //System.out.print( "final state:"+fstate); //System.out.print( " correspond to set of states:"+ nfstate ); Integer min_ndstate = smallestFinal( left, nfstate ); Cartesian.Npair npair = new Cartesian.Npair( min_ndstate, nfstate ); //System.out.println( " smallest final of these: "+ min_ndstate ); //System.out.println( "push final nfa state "+npair.toString( dLeft.indexMap )); if( !visited_n.contains( npair )) { visited_n.add( npair ); rest.push( npair ); } } HashMap ratLab = new HashMap(); // maps nset to label,HashMap HashMap ratDelta = new HashMap(); // maps nset to Vector[ NP ]targets HashMap ratDefault = new HashMap(); // maps nset to NP (one target) int ix = 1; Stack ix_initial = (Stack) rest.clone(); TreeSet ix_final = new TreeSet( new NpairComparator() );; TreeMap newIndexMap = new TreeMap( new NpairComparator() ); while( !rest.isEmpty() ) { Cartesian.Npair npair = (Cartesian.Npair) rest.pop(); newIndexMap.put( npair, new Integer(ix)); ratDelta.put( npair, new Vector() ); if( npair.nset.contains( new Integer( 0 )) ) { ix_final.add( npair ); } ix++; //System.out.println(" popped "+npair.toString( dLeft.indexMap )); ////System.out.print(" binders: "); ////System.out.print( right.qbinders[ npair.nstate.intValue() ] ); HashMap delta = right.deltaq( npair.nstate ); ////System.out.print(" we could have arrived : "); //search the delta for target invIndexMap HashMap labelToNset = new HashMap(); HashMap labelToFrom = new HashMap(); // maps nsets to the active nstates TreeMap nsrc = new TreeMap( new StateSetComparator() ); // berry-sethi construction assures that // there is only one label for outgoing transitions Label theLabel = null; // collect all transition possible in the DFA for( Iterator it = delta.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Label.Pair lab = (Label.Pair); // lab.state is the target in the NFA if( theLabel == null ) { ratLab.put( npair, lab.lab ); ////System.out.print(" with \""+lab.lab+"\" "); } theLabel = lab.lab ; ////System.out.print("\nfrom n" + lab.state +" ... "); // these are too many, filter out those that exist in DFA filterItOutQuoi( dLeft, npair, lab, nsrc ); } ////System.out.println( "---" ); ////System.out.println("all sources: "); // !! first longest match for( Iterator ut = nsrc.keySet().iterator(); ut.hasNext(); ) { TreeSet nset = (TreeSet); Cartesian.Npair np2 = (Cartesian.Npair) nsrc.get( nset ); assert( np2 != null ); ////System.out.println("target: n"+npair.nstate+" via: "+theLabel+" from "+ np2.toString( dLeft.indexMap ));// nset:"+nset+ " namely state n"+ dest); Vector v = (Vector) ratDelta.get( npair ); v.add( np2 ); if( !visited_n.contains( np2 ) ) { visited_n.add( np2 ); rest.push( np2 ); } } //System.out.println("default sources: "); // maps nsets to the active nstates nsrc = new TreeMap( new StateSetComparator() ); // now for all default transitions that arrive at this nfa state Vector defqs = right.defaultq( npair.nstate ); for( Iterator it = defqs.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Integer nq = (Integer); //System.out.println("checking nq="+nq); filterItOutQuoiDefault( dLeft, npair, nq, nsrc ); //System.out.println( "nsrc after "+nq+" is "+nsrc ); } //System.out.println( "defqs :"+defqs ); //System.out.println( "nsrc :"+nsrc ); for( Iterator ut = nsrc.keySet().iterator(); ut.hasNext(); ) { Cartesian.Npair np2 = (Cartesian.Npair) nsrc.get( ); Vector v = (Vector) ratDefault.get( npair ); if( v == null ) ratDefault.put( npair, v = new Vector() ); v.add( np2 ); if( !visited_n.contains( np2 ) ) { visited_n.add( np2 ); rest.push( np2 ); } } ////System.out.println("zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"); } // Renumbering ////System.out.println( "output: a dfa with "+ix+"states"); // FIX: empty regular expression (as in "List()") is valid //assert ( !ix_final.isEmpty() ) : "no final states found"; ////System.out.println( "final state:"+ix_final); //System.out.println( "indexMap: " +indexMap); //System.out.println( "newIndexMap: " +newIndexMap); this.finals = new TreeMap(); this.nstates = ix; HashMap dratDelta[] = new HashMap[ ix ]; qbinders = new Vector[ ix ]; labels = new HashSet(); for( Iterator it = ratDelta.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Cartesian.Npair np = (Cartesian.Npair); //System.out.print( "\nstate: "+np); TreeSet ndset = np.nset; Integer dstate = (Integer) newIndexMap.get( np ); assert dstate != null : "no dstate for "+np.toString(dLeft.indexMap); //System.out.print(" binders:"); qbinders[ dstate.intValue() ] = left.qbinders[ np.nstate.intValue() ]; //System.out.print( qbinders[dstate.intValue() ]); //System.out.println(" transitions:"); if( ix_final.contains( np ) ) { Integer fin_ix = (Integer) newIndexMap.get( np ); finals.put( fin_ix, new Integer( 0 )); } Label lab = (Label) ratLab.get( np ); Vector v = (Vector) ratDelta.get( np ); HashMap ddelta = new HashMap(); // v might be null if there are only default transitions if( v != null ) for( Iterator it2 = v.iterator(); it2.hasNext() ; ) { Cartesian.Npair np2= (Cartesian.Npair); //System.out.print( "("+lab+","+np2+") " ); Integer ddestR = (Integer) newIndexMap.get( np2 ); Integer ddest = (Integer) indexMap.get( np2.nset ); assert ddest != null : "no ddest for " +np2.toString(dLeft.indexMap); Label.Pair newLab = new Label.Pair(ddest, lab); ddelta.put( newLab, ddestR ); labels.add( newLab ); } dratDelta[ dstate.intValue() ] = ddelta; } for( Iterator it = ratDefault.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Cartesian.Npair np = (Cartesian.Npair); Integer dstate = (Integer) newIndexMap.get( np ); //System.out.print("\nstate: "+np+" default trans: "); Vector v = (Vector) ratDefault.get( np ); for( Iterator ut = v.iterator(); ut.hasNext(); ) { Cartesian.Npair np2 = (Cartesian.Npair); Integer targetL = (Integer) indexMap.get( np2.nset ); Integer targetR = (Integer) newIndexMap.get( np2 ); Label defLab = new Label.Pair( targetL, Label.DefaultLabel ); labels.add( defLab ); //System.out.print( "("+defLab+","+np2+") " ); HashMap d = dratDelta[ dstate.intValue() ]; if( d == null ) dratDelta[ dstate.intValue() ] = d = new HashMap(); d.put( defLab, targetR ); } } deltaq = dratDelta; HashMap hmap = new HashMap(); // final states of left are initial states of right // problem: still need to choose the one while( !ix_initial.isEmpty() ) { Cartesian.Npair np = (Cartesian.Npair) ix_initial.pop(); Integer i = (Integer) newIndexMap.get( np ); //R-state Integer dtarget = (Integer) indexMap.get( np.nset );// left-d-state hmap.put( dtarget, i ); } deltaq[ 0 ] = hmap; // careful, this maps Int to Int qbinders[ 0 ] = new Vector(); //((Vector[])defaultq)[ 0 ] = new Vector(); is null printBeforeRAT( dratDelta ); } void printBeforeRAT1( String str ) { StringBuffer tmp = new StringBuffer( str ); for( int j = tmp.length(); j < 20; j++ ) { tmp.append(" "); } //System.out.print( tmp.toString() ); } void printBeforeRAT( HashMap dratDelta[] ) { //System.out.println(); printBeforeRAT1( "dratDelta" ); printBeforeRAT1( "[index]" ); //System.out.println(); for( int i = 0; i < dratDelta.length; i++ ) { if( isFinal( i )) printBeforeRAT1( "*"+i ); else printBeforeRAT1( " "+i ); //System.out.println( dratDelta[ i ] ); } } /** you may only call this before the set[set[...]] representation * gets flattened. */ public void printBefore( TreeSet states, HashMap deftrans ) { HashMap trans; System.out.println( states ); for( Iterator it = states.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { TreeSet state = (TreeSet); System.out.print("state:"+state.toString()+" transitions "); trans = (HashMap) delta.get( state ); for( Iterator labs = labels.iterator(); labs.hasNext() ;) { Object label =; TreeSet target = (TreeSet) trans.get( label ); System.out.print( " (" + label.toString() + "," + target.toString()+")"); } System.out.print("default trans"+deftrans.get( state )); System.out.println(); } System.out.println("final states:" + finals ); } /* public void minimize() { // TO DO //System.out.println("minimization"); boolean mark[][] = new boolean[nstates][]; for( int i = 0; i < nstates; i++ ) { mark[i] = new boolean[nstates - i]; for( int j = 0; j < (nstates - i); j++ ) mark[i][j] = false; } debugPrint( mark ); } protected void debugPrint( boolean mark[][] ) { for( int i = 0; i < nstates; i++ ) { //System.out.print("["); for( int j = 0; j < nstates - i; j++ ) { //System.out.print(" "+mark[i][j]); if( mark[i][j] ) //System.out.print(" "); } //System.out.println(" ]"); } } */ /* public void createDeadState() { assert dead == -1; this.dead = this.nstates++; Integer deadI = new Integer( dead ); HashMap odelta[] = ((HashMap[])deltaq); deltaq = new HashMap[ this.nstates ]; System.arraycopy(odelta, 0, ((HashMap[])deltaq), 0, odelta.length); HashMap trans = new HashMap(); ((HashMap[])deltaq)[ this.dead ] = trans; for( Iterator labs = labels.iterator(); labs.hasNext(); ) { trans.put( labels, deadI ); } //System.out.println("createDeadState, new dead state:"+dead); } // adjusts the alphabet of this automaton public void addLabels( HashSet labels ) { for(Iterator it = labels.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object label =; if( this.labels.add( label )) { // new // adjust all transitions if( this.dead == -1 ) createDeadState(); Integer deadI = new Integer( this.dead ); for( int i = 0; i < this.nstates; i++ ) { ((HashMap[])deltaq)[ i ].put( label, deadI ); } } } } */ // wishlist for jaco: why does Cartesian have to be static ? // if not, error "inner classes must not have static members" /** cartesian */ static class Cartesian { /** Int x TreeSet[ Int ] */ case Npair(Integer nstate, TreeSet nset); public boolean equals( Object that ) { if( !(that instanceof Cartesian )) return false; switch( this ) { case Npair( Integer nstate, TreeSet nset ): switch((Cartesian) that) { case Npair( Integer _nstate, TreeSet _nset ): return ((nstate == _nstate) &&( nset == _nset )); } } return false; } public String toString() { switch( this ) { case Npair( Integer nstate, TreeSet nset ): //Integer dstate = (Integer) indexMap.get( nset ); return ""; } return null; } public String toString( HashMap indexMap ) { //assert indexMap != null; switch( this ) { case Npair( Integer nstate, TreeSet nset ): assert nstate!=null; Integer dstate = (Integer) indexMap.get( nset ); return ""; } return null; } } static class NpairComparator extends StateSetComparator { public int compare( Object o1, Object o2 ) { if(( o1 instanceof Cartesian.Npair )&& ( o2 instanceof Cartesian.Npair )) switch((Cartesian) o1) { case Npair( Integer nstate, TreeSet nset ): switch( (Cartesian) o2 ) { case Npair( Integer _nstate, TreeSet _nset ): int res = nstate.compareTo( _nstate ); ////System.out.println("nstate"+nstate+" <> _nstate "+ _nstate+" res"+res); if( res != 0 ) return res; else return nset, _nset ); } } throw new ApplicationError( "illegal arg. to compare. " +o1.getClass()+" "+o2.getClass()); } } }