package scalac.transformer.matching ; import scalac.ApplicationError ; import scalac.ast.Tree ; import scalac.util.Name ; import Tree.* ; import java.util.* ; //import scala.compiler.printer.TextTreePrinter ; /** a nondeterministic word automaton. * states are represented (implicitly) as Integer objects. */ public class NondetWordAutom { // BEGIN stuff from FiniteAutom //final static Integer FINTAG = new Integer(0); /** number of states */ protected int nstates; /** the 'alphabet' */ protected HashSet labels; /** the set of final states, here as a TreeMap */ protected TreeMap finals; /** dfa: HashMap trans: Object -> Integer * nfa: HashMap trans: Object -> Vector [ Integer ] * * nfa: Integer ->(Object -> Vector [ Int ]) * [q] |->( a |-> { q' | (q,a,q') in \deltaright } ) * * dfa: Integer ->(Object -> Int) * [q] |->( a |-> q' | \deltaright(q,a) = q' } ) */ public HashMap[] deltaq; public Vector[] defaultq; // this gives the default transitions //protected HashMap deltaq[]; // --- accessor methods /** returns number of states */ public int nstates() { return nstates; } /** returns the labels */ public HashSet labels() { return labels; } /** returns the transitions */ public HashMap deltaq( int state ) { return deltaq[ state ]; } /** returns the transitions */ public HashMap deltaq( Integer state ) { return deltaq[ state.intValue() ]; } /** returns the transitions */ public Vector defaultq( int state ) { return defaultq[ state ]; } /** returns the transitions */ public Vector defaultq( Integer state ) { return defaultq[ state.intValue() ]; } /** returns true if the state is final */ public boolean isFinal( int state ) { return ((finals != null) && (finals.get( new Integer( state )) != null)); } /** returns true if the state is final */ public boolean isFinal( Integer state ) { return ((finals != null) && finals.containsKey( state )); } /** returns true if the state is final */ public Integer finalTag( Integer state ) { return (Integer) finals.get( state ); } public Integer finalTag( int state ) { return (Integer) finals.get( new Integer (state )); } /** returns true if the set of states contains at least one final state */ boolean containsFinal( TreeSet Q ) { for( Iterator it = Q.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { if( isFinal( (Integer) return true; } return false; } /** returns true if there are no finite states */ public boolean isEmpty() { return finals.isEmpty(); } // END stuff from FiniteAutom // inherited from FiniteAutom // set of *distinct* objects that may label transitions // see Object.hashCode() to see why this works //HashSet labels; //TreeMap finals; TreeSet initials; // ? need this ? // --- // Object deltaq --> // HashMap deltaq[]; // this gives the transitions of q; boolean leftTrans; boolean rightTrans; /** if true, this automaton behaves as a special left transducer. * if a run succeeds, the result is not "true" but the entire * run of the automaton as a sequence of (label,state) - pairs. * used for binding variables. */ public boolean producesRun() { return leftTrans; } public boolean consumesRun() { return rightTrans; } public boolean initial( Integer i ) { return initials.contains( i ); } public Vector qbinders[]; /** returns all states accessible from Qsrc via label. * used by class DetWordAutomaton. */ TreeSet getSide ( TreeSet Qsrc, Object label ) { TreeSet Qdest = new TreeSet(); for( Iterator it = Qsrc.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {// state int q = ((Integer); Vector ps = (Vector) deltaq[ q ].get( label ); if( ps!=null ) { Qdest.addAll( ps ); } Qdest.addAll( defaultq( q ) ); } return Qdest; } /** returns the transitions */ public Object defaultq( Set P1 ) { TreeSet defTarget = new TreeSet(); for( Iterator p1 = P1.iterator(); p1.hasNext(); ) { int q1 = ((Integer); //System.out.println(" q1:"+q1+ " defa: "+defaultq( q1 )); defTarget.addAll( defaultq( q1 ) ); } return defTarget; } /** first match policy: among several final states, the smallest one is * chosen. used by class DetWordAutomaton */ Integer finalTag( Set Q ) { int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE ; for( Iterator it = Q.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Integer state = (Integer); Integer tag = (Integer) finals.get( state ); if( tag != null ) { if( tag.intValue() < min ) min = tag.intValue(); } } if ( min == Integer.MAX_VALUE ) throw new ApplicationError( "there should be a final state "); return new Integer( min ); } /* protected void tmap(int offs, TreeMap t) { TreeMap nt = new TreeMap(); for(Iterator it = t.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Integer key = (Integer); Integer newkey = new Integer( key.intValue() + offs ); Integer val = (Integer) t.get( key ); Integer newval = new Integer( val.intValue() + offs ); nt.put( newkey, newval ); } return nt; } */ // hashmaps, treemaps protected Map mapmap(Map src, int offset, Map dest, boolean mapkeys, boolean mapvals) { for(Iterator it = src.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object key =; Object val = src.get( key ); if( mapkeys ) key = new Integer( ((Integer)key).intValue() + offset ); if( mapvals ) val = vmap( offset, (Vector) val ) ; /* new Integer( ((Integer)val).intValue() + offset ); */ dest.put( key, val ); } return dest; } protected static Vector vmap(int offs, Vector v ) { if( v == null ) return null; Vector res = new Vector( v.size() ); for(Iterator it = v.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Integer item = (Integer); res.add( new Integer( item.intValue() + offs )); } return res; } /* protected void relocate_defaultq( int offs, Vector _defaultq[] ) { for( int i = 0; i < this.nstates; i++ ) { _defaultq[ i + offset ] = vmap( offset, ((Vector[])defaultq)[ i ]); } } */ /** copies the values in the fields of this object into the * arguments, possibly adding an offset. */ protected void relocate( int offset, TreeMap _finals, HashMap _deltaq[], Vector _defaultq[], Vector _qbinders[] ) { mapmap( finals, offset, _finals, true, false); for( int i = 0; i < this.nstates; i++ ) { _deltaq [ i + offset ] = (HashMap) mapmap( ((HashMap[])deltaq)[ i ], offset, new HashMap(), false, true); _defaultq[ i + offset ] = vmap( offset, defaultq[ i ] ); } if ((_qbinders != null) &&( qbinders != null )) for( int i = 0; i < this.nstates; i++ ) { //System.out.println("hallo"+qbinders); //System.out.println("qbinders[ i ] :"+qbinders[ i ]); assert _qbinders != null; //System.out.println("_qbinders :"+_qbinders); _qbinders[ i + offset ] = qbinders[ i ]; } } /** if there is more than one initial state, a new initial state * is created, with index 0 */ protected void normalize( TreeSet initials, boolean reloc ) { //if( initials.size() == 1 ) // return; HashMap idelta = new HashMap(); TreeSet idefault = new TreeSet(); Integer q0 = new Integer( 0 ); for( Iterator it = initials.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Integer ostate = (Integer); Integer finTag = (Integer) finals.get( ostate ) ; if(( finTag != null ) && ( finals.get( q0 ) == null)) finals.put( q0, finTag ); HashMap tmp = deltaq( ostate ); if( reloc ) tmp = (HashMap) mapmap( tmp, 1, new HashMap(), false, true ); for( Iterator labs = tmp.keySet().iterator(); labs.hasNext(); ) { Label lab = (Label); Vector itarget = (Vector) idelta.get( lab ); if( itarget == null ) idelta.put( lab, itarget = new Vector()); Vector otarget = (Vector) tmp.get( lab ); itarget.addAll( otarget ); } //System.out.println( "normalize:defaultq[ "+ostate+" ] "+((Vector[]) defaultq) [ ostate.intValue() ]); if( defaultq( ostate ) != null ) idefault.addAll( defaultq( ostate ) ); } if( reloc ) { int m = 1 + this.nstates; TreeMap _finals = new TreeMap(); HashMap _deltaq[] = new HashMap[ m ]; Vector _defaultq[] = new Vector[ m ]; Vector _qbinders[] = null; if( qbinders != null ) _qbinders = new Vector[ m ]; relocate( 1, _finals, _deltaq, _defaultq, _qbinders ); this.nstates = m; this.finals = _finals; this.deltaq = _deltaq; this.defaultq = _defaultq; this.qbinders = _qbinders; } this.deltaq [ 0 ] = idelta; //System.out.println("normalize:deltaq[ 0 ]"+ idelta ); this.defaultq[ 0 ] = new Vector( idefault ); //System.out.println("normalize:defaultq[ 0 ]"+ idefault ); this.initials = new TreeSet(); this.initials.add( q0 ); } /** needed for NondetWordSwitch */ NondetWordAutom() {} /** called from Berry-Sethi construction. */ public NondetWordAutom(int nstates, HashSet labels, TreeSet initials, TreeMap finals, HashMap[] deltaq, Vector[] defaultq, Object qbinders) { this.nstates = nstates; this.labels = labels; this.initials = initials; this.finals = finals; this.deltaq = deltaq; this.defaultq = defaultq; this.qbinders = (Vector[])qbinders; //print(); //System.exit(0); } int offset[]; // only used if constructed from multiple protected void collectLabels( NondetWordAutom nfa[] ) { this.labels = new HashSet(); for( int i = 0; i < nfa.length; i++ ) { this.labels.addAll( nfa[ i ].labels ); } } protected void collectOffsets( NondetWordAutom nfa[] ) { this.offset = new int[ nfa.length + 1 ]; offset[ 0 ] = 1; // we have a new initial state for( int i = 0; i < nfa.length ; i++ ) offset[ i + 1 ] = nfa[ i ].nstates + offset[ i ]; } /** collects variables * @return all variables bound by this binding nfa */ static Set collectVariables( NondetWordAutom nfa ) { HashSet seqVars = new HashSet(); for( int j = 0; j < nfa.nstates; j++ ) { if( nfa.qbinders[ j ] != null ) seqVars.addAll( nfa.qbinders[ j ] ); } return seqVars; } /** collapses several normalized NondetWordAutom objects into one. */ public NondetWordAutom( NondetWordAutom nfa[] ) { //this.m int m = nfa.length; //System.out.println("enter NondetWordSwitch, " // +"combining " + m + " automata"); collectLabels( nfa ); collectOffsets( nfa ); this.nstates = offset[ nfa.length ]; //m - 1 ] + nfa[ m - 1 ].nstates; this.finals = new TreeMap(); this.qbinders = new Vector[ nstates ]; // new initial state gets all transitions from all initial states this.deltaq = new HashMap[ nstates ]; this.defaultq = new Vector [ nstates ]; //TreeSet defaultqSet = new TreeSet(); deltaq[ 0 ] = new HashMap(); // 0 = our new initial state TreeSet initials = new TreeSet(); for( int i = 0; i < m; i++ ) { //System.out.println("i (current NFA):"+i); NondetWordAutom n = nfa[ i ]; int offs = offset[ i ]; initials.add( new Integer( offs )); n.relocate( offs, this.finals, this.deltaq, this.defaultq, (Vector[]) this.qbinders ); } normalize( initials, false ); } public void print() { System.out.print("NFA on labels "+ this.labels); if( offset != null ) { System.out.print("offset"); for( int k = 0; k < offset.length; k++ ) { if( k > 0) System.out.print(", "); System.out.print(offset[k]); } } System.out.println(); System.out.print("max state number :" + (nstates - 1) ); System.out.println("initials" + initials); System.out.println("finals" + finals); for( int i = 0; i < nstates; i++ ) { System.out.print("state: " + i); if( finals.containsKey( new Integer( i )) ){ System.out.print("*"); //final } System.out.print(" transitions: {"); HashMap arrows = deltaq[ i ]; for( Iterator it = arrows.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object label =; Vector targets = (Vector) arrows.get( label ); for( Iterator jt = targets.iterator(); jt.hasNext(); ) { Integer p = (Integer); System.out.print("("+label+","+p+")"); } } System.out.print("} "); System.out.print(" default transitions: "+defaultq( i )); if( qbinders != null ) System.out.println(" binders "+qbinders[ i ]); System.out.println(); } } }