/* ____ ____ ____ ____ ______ *\ ** / __// __ \/ __// __ \/ ____/ SOcos COmpiles Scala ** ** __\_ \/ /_/ / /__/ /_/ /\_ \ (c) 2002, LAMP/EPFL ** ** /_____/\____/\___/\____/____/ ** \* */ // $Id$ package scalac.util; import scala.tools.util.debug.Debugger; import scala.tools.util.debug.ToStringDebugger; import scalac.Global; import scalac.ast.Tree; import scalac.symtab.Scope; import scalac.symtab.Symbol; import scalac.symtab.Type; /** * Debugging class, used e.g. to obtain string representations of * compiler data structures that are not "pretty-printed" and thus * easier to relate to the source code. * * All methods are static to be easily useable in any context. * * @author Michel Schinz * @version 1.0 */ public class Debug extends scala.tools.util.debug.Debug { //######################################################################## // Private Initialization /** * Forces the initialization of this class. Returns the boolean * value true so that it can be invoked from an assert statement. */ public static boolean initialize() { // nothing to do, everything is done in the static initializer return true; } static { addDebugger(new ToStringDebugger(Tree.class)); addDebugger(new ToStringDebugger(Type.class)); addDebugger(SymbolDebugger.object); addDebugger(ScopeDebugger.object); } //######################################################################## // Public Methods - Logging public static boolean log(Object a) { return logAll(new Object[] {a}); } public static boolean log(Object a, Object b) { return logAll(new Object[] {a, b}); } public static boolean log(Object a, Object b, Object c) { return logAll(new Object[] {a, b, c}); } public static boolean log(Object a, Object b, Object c, Object d) { return logAll(new Object[] {a, b, c, d}); } public static boolean logAll(Object[] args) { return Global.instance.log(showAll(args, null)); } //######################################################################## // Public Methods - Bootstrapping // !!! all the following methods are only needed for bootstraping // !!! remove them after next release (current is public static Error abort() { return scala.tools.util.debug.Debug.abort(); } public static Error abort(Throwable cause) { return scala.tools.util.debug.Debug.abort(cause); } public static Error abort(Object object) { return scala.tools.util.debug.Debug.abort(object); } public static Error abort(Object object, Throwable cause) { return scala.tools.util.debug.Debug.abort(object, cause); } public static Error abort(String message) { return scala.tools.util.debug.Debug.abort(message); } public static Error abort(String message, Throwable cause) { return scala.tools.util.debug.Debug.abort(message, cause); } public static Error abort(String message, Object object) { return scala.tools.util.debug.Debug.abort(message, object); } public static Error abort(String message, Object object, Throwable cause) { return scala.tools.util.debug.Debug.abort(message, object, cause); } public static Error abortIllegalCase(int value) { return scala.tools.util.debug.Debug.abortIllegalCase(value); } public static Error abortIllegalCase(Object object) { return scala.tools.util.debug.Debug.abortIllegalCase(object); } public static String show(Object a) { return scala.tools.util.debug.Debug.show(a); } public static String show(Object a, Object b) { return scala.tools.util.debug.Debug.show(a, b); } public static String show(Object a, Object b, Object c) { return scala.tools.util.debug.Debug.show(a, b, c); } public static String show(Object a, Object b, Object c, Object d) { return scala.tools.util.debug.Debug.show(a, b, c, d); } public static String show(Object a, Object b, Object c, Object d, Object e) { return scala.tools.util.debug.Debug.show(a, b, c, d, e); } public static String show(Object a, Object b, Object c, Object d, Object e, Object f) { return scala.tools.util.debug.Debug.show(a, b, c, d, e, f); } public static String show(Object a, Object b, Object c, Object d, Object e, Object f, Object g) { return scala.tools.util.debug.Debug.show(a, b, c, d, e, f, g); } public static String show(Object a, Object b, Object c, Object d, Object e, Object f, Object g, Object h) { return scala.tools.util.debug.Debug.show(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h); } public static String show(Object a, Object b, Object c, Object d, Object e, Object f, Object g, Object h, Object i) { return scala.tools.util.debug.Debug.show(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i); } public static String show(Object a, Object b, Object c, Object d, Object e, Object f, Object g, Object h, Object i, Object j) { return scala.tools.util.debug.Debug.show(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j); } public static String show(Object a, Object b, Object c, Object d, Object e, Object f, Object g, Object h, Object i, Object j, Object k) { return scala.tools.util.debug.Debug.show(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k); } public static String show(Object a, Object b, Object c, Object d, Object e, Object f, Object g, Object h, Object i, Object j, Object k, Object l) { return scala.tools.util.debug.Debug.show(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l); } public static String showAll(Object[] objects) { return scala.tools.util.debug.Debug.showAll(objects); } public static String showAll(Object[] objects, String separator) { return scala.tools.util.debug.Debug.showAll(objects, separator); } //######################################################################## } /** This class implements a debugger for symbols. */ public class SymbolDebugger implements Debugger { //######################################################################## // Public Constants /** The unique instance of this class. */ public static final SymbolDebugger object = new SymbolDebugger(); //######################################################################## // Protected Constructors /** Initializes this instance. */ protected SymbolDebugger() {} //######################################################################## // Public Methods public boolean canAppend(Object object) { return object instanceof Symbol; } public void append(StringBuffer buffer, Object object) { Symbol symbol = (Symbol)object; if (!symbol.isNone() && !symbol.owner().isRoot() && !symbol.isRoot()) { Debug.append(buffer, symbol.owner()); buffer.append("."); } buffer.append(symbol.name); if (Global.instance.uniqid) { buffer.append('#'); buffer.append(Global.instance.uniqueID.id(symbol)); } } //######################################################################## } /** This class implements a debugger for scopes. */ public class ScopeDebugger implements Debugger { //######################################################################## // Public Constants /** The unique instance of this class. */ public static final ScopeDebugger object = new ScopeDebugger(); //######################################################################## // Protected Constructors /** Initializes this instance. */ protected ScopeDebugger() {} //######################################################################## // Public Methods public boolean canAppend(Object object) { return object instanceof Scope; } public void append(StringBuffer buffer, Object object) { Scope scope = (Scope)object; buffer.append('{'); for (Scope.SymbolIterator i = scope.iterator(true); i.hasNext();) { Debug.append(buffer, i.next()); if (i.hasNext()) buffer.append(','); } buffer.append('}'); } //######################################################################## }