/* ____ ____ ____ ____ ______ *\ ** / __// __ \/ __// __ \/ ____/ SOcos COmpiles Scala ** ** __\_ \/ /_/ / /__/ /_/ /\_ \ (c) 2002, LAMP/EPFL ** ** /_____/\____/\___/\____/____/ ** ** ** \* */ // $Id$ package scalac.util; import java.util.HashMap; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import scalac.Global; import scalac.ApplicationError; import scalac.ast.Tree; import scalac.symtab.Type; import scalac.symtab.Symbol; import scalac.symtab.Scope; /** * Debugging class, used e.g. to obtain string representations of * compiler data structures that are not "pretty-printed" and thus * easier to relate to the source code. * * All methods are static to be easily useable in any context. * * @author Michel Schinz * @version 1.0 */ public abstract class Debug { //######################################################################## // Debug interface - abort public static Error abort() { return new ApplicationError(); } public static Error abort(String message) { return new ApplicationError(message); } public static Error abort(Object object) { return new ApplicationError(object); } public static Error abort(Throwable cause) { return new ApplicationError(cause); } public static Error abort(String message, Object object) { return new ApplicationError(message, object); } public static Error abort(String message, Throwable cause) { return new ApplicationError(message, cause); } public static Error abort(Object object, Throwable cause) { return new ApplicationError(object, cause); } public static Error abort(String message, Object object, Throwable cause) { return new ApplicationError(message, object, cause); } //######################################################################## // Debug interface - log public static boolean log(Object a) { return logAll(new Object[] {a}); } public static boolean log(Object a, Object b) { return logAll(new Object[] {a, b}); } public static boolean log(Object a, Object b, Object c) { return logAll(new Object[] {a, b, c}); } public static boolean log(Object a, Object b, Object c, Object d) { return logAll(new Object[] {a, b, c, d}); } public static boolean logAll(Object[] args) { return Global.instance.log(showAll(args)); } //######################################################################## // Debug interface - handlers public static final HashMap/**/ handlers; static { handlers = new HashMap(); handlers.put(String.class, DebugToStringHandler.instance); handlers.put(Tree.class, DebugToStringHandler.instance); handlers.put(Type.class, DebugType.instance); handlers.put(Symbol.class, DebugSymbol.instance); handlers.put(Scope.class, DebugScope.instance); } public static DebugHandler getHandler(Object that) { if (that == null) return DebugDefaultHandler.instance; return getHandler(that.getClass()); } public static DebugHandler getHandler(Class clasz) { if (clasz == null) return DebugDefaultHandler.instance; Object handler = handlers.get(clasz); if (handler != null) return (DebugHandler)handler; return getHandler(clasz.getSuperclass()); } //######################################################################## // Debug interface - toString public static String toString(Object that) { return show(that); } //######################################################################## // Debug interface - show public static String show(Object a) { return showAll(new Object[] {a}); } public static String show(Object a, Object b) { return showAll(new Object[] {a, b}); } public static String show(Object a, Object b, Object c) { return showAll(new Object[] {a, b, c}); } public static String show(Object a, Object b, Object c, Object d) { return showAll(new Object[] {a, b, c, d}); } public static String show(Object a, Object b, Object c, Object d, Object e) { return showAll(new Object[] {a, b, c, d, e}); } public static String show(Object a, Object b, Object c, Object d, Object e, Object f) { return showAll(new Object[] {a, b, c, d, e, f}); } public static String show(Object a, Object b, Object c, Object d, Object e, Object f, Object g) { return showAll(new Object[] {a, b, c, d, e, f, g}); } public static String show(Object a, Object b, Object c, Object d, Object e, Object f, Object g, Object h) { return showAll(new Object[] {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h}); } public static String show(Object a, Object b, Object c, Object d, Object e, Object f, Object g, Object h, Object i) { return showAll(new Object[] {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i}); } public static String show(Object a, Object b, Object c, Object d, Object e, Object f, Object g, Object h, Object i, Object j) { return showAll(new Object[] {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j}); } public static String show(Object a, Object b, Object c, Object d, Object e, Object f, Object g, Object h, Object i, Object j, Object k) { return showAll(new Object[] {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k}); } public static String show(Object a, Object b, Object c, Object d, Object e, Object f, Object g, Object h, Object i, Object j, Object k, Object l) { return showAll(new Object[] {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l}); } public static String showAll(Object[] args) { if (args == null) return "null"; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) append(buffer, args[i]); return buffer.toString(); } //######################################################################## // Debug interface - append public static void append(StringBuffer buffer, Object that) { getHandler(that).append0(buffer, that); } public static void appendDefault(StringBuffer buffer, Object that) { if (that == null) { buffer.append("null"); return; } if (!that.getClass().isArray()) { appendObject(buffer, that); } else { appendArray(buffer, (Object[])that); } } public static void appendObject(StringBuffer buffer, Object that) { if (that == null) { buffer.append("null"); return; } buffer.append(getClassName(that)); Class owner = null; if (hasToString(that.getClass())) { buffer.append('('); buffer.append(that); buffer.append(')'); } else { int code = System.identityHashCode(that); buffer.append('@'); buffer.append(Integer.toHexString(code)); } } public static void appendArray(StringBuffer buffer, Object[] that) { if (that == null) { buffer.append("null"); return; } buffer.append('['); for (int i = 0; i < that.length; i++) { if (i > 0) buffer.append(','); append(buffer, that[i]); } buffer.append(']'); } //######################################################################## // Debug interface - utils public static final Class OBJECT_CLASS = Object.class; public static boolean hasToString(Class clasz) { try { Method toString = clasz.getMethod("toString", new Class[0]); return toString.getDeclaringClass() != OBJECT_CLASS; } catch (NoSuchMethodException excpetion) { return false; } catch (SecurityException excpetion) { return false; } } public static String getClassName(Object object) { if (object == null) return "null"; Class clasz = object.getClass(); String name = clasz.getName(); if (!name.endsWith("$$Var")) return name; Class superclass = clasz.getSuperclass(); Field[] fields = superclass.getDeclaredFields(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { try { Field field = fields[i]; if (field.getType() != clasz) continue; if (!Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers())) continue; Object value = field.get(null); if (value != object) continue; return name + "[" + field.getName() + "]"; } catch (IllegalAccessException exception) { // continue } } return name; } //######################################################################## } public interface DebugHandler { //######################################################################## // DebugHandler interface public void append0(StringBuffer buffer, Object that); //######################################################################## } public abstract class DebugAbstractHandler implements DebugHandler { //######################################################################## // DebugAbstractHandler interface public String show(Object that) { return Debug.show(that, this); } //######################################################################## } public class DebugDefaultHandler extends DebugAbstractHandler { //######################################################################## // DebugDefaultHandler interface public static DebugDefaultHandler instance = new DebugDefaultHandler(); //######################################################################## // DebugHandler interface public void append0(StringBuffer buffer, Object that) { Debug.appendDefault(buffer, that); } //######################################################################## } public class DebugToStringHandler extends DebugAbstractHandler { //######################################################################## // DebugToStringHandler interface public static DebugToStringHandler instance = new DebugToStringHandler(); //######################################################################## // DebugHandler interface public void append0(StringBuffer buffer, Object that) { buffer.append(that); } //######################################################################## } public class DebugObject extends DebugAbstractHandler { //######################################################################## // DebugObject interface public static DebugObject instance = new DebugObject(); public void append1(StringBuffer buffer, Object that) { Debug.appendObject(buffer, that); } //######################################################################## // DebugHandler interface public void append0(StringBuffer buffer, Object that) { append1(buffer, (Object)that); } //######################################################################## } public class DebugArray extends DebugAbstractHandler { //######################################################################## // DebugArray interface public static DebugArray instance = new DebugArray(); public void append1(StringBuffer buffer, Object[] that) { Debug.appendArray(buffer, that); } //######################################################################## // DebugHandler interface public void append0(StringBuffer buffer, Object that) { append1(buffer, (Object[])that); } //######################################################################## } public class DebugType extends DebugAbstractHandler { //######################################################################## // DebugType interface public static DebugType instance = new DebugType(); public void append1(StringBuffer buffer, Type that) { switch (that) { case ErrorType: buffer.append("ErrorType"); return; case AnyType: buffer.append("AnyType"); return; case NoType: buffer.append("NoType"); return; case ThisType(Symbol symbol): buffer.append("ThisType("); Debug.append(buffer, symbol); buffer.append(')'); return; case TypeRef(Type prefix, Symbol symbol, Type[] args) : buffer.append("TypeRef("); Debug.append(buffer, prefix); buffer.append(','); Debug.append(buffer, symbol); buffer.append(','); Debug.append(buffer, args); buffer.append(')'); return; case SingleType(Type prefix, Symbol symbol): buffer.append("SingleType("); Debug.append(buffer, prefix); buffer.append(','); Debug.append(buffer, symbol); buffer.append(')'); return; case CompoundType(Type[] basetypes, Scope members): buffer.append("CompoundType("); Debug.append(buffer, basetypes); buffer.append(','); Debug.append(buffer, members); buffer.append(','); Debug.append(buffer, that.symbol()); buffer.append(')'); return; case MethodType(Symbol[] vparams, Type result): buffer.append("MethodType("); Debug.append(buffer, vparams); buffer.append(','); Debug.append(buffer, result); buffer.append(')'); return; case PolyType(Symbol[] tparams, Type result): buffer.append("PolyType("); Debug.append(buffer, tparams); buffer.append(','); Debug.append(buffer, result); buffer.append(')'); return; case OverloadedType(Symbol[] alts, Type[] alttypes): buffer.append("OverloadedType("); Debug.append(buffer, alts); buffer.append(','); Debug.append(buffer, alttypes); buffer.append(')'); return; case LazyType(): buffer.append("LazyType()"); return; case TypeVar(Type origin, Type.Constraint constr): buffer.append("TypeVar("); Debug.append(buffer, origin); buffer.append(','); Debug.append(buffer, constr); buffer.append(')'); return; case UnboxedType(int tag): buffer.append("UnboxedType("); buffer.append(tag); buffer.append(')'); return; case UnboxedArrayType(Type elemtp): buffer.append("UnboxedArrayType("); Debug.append(buffer, elemtp); buffer.append(')'); return; default: Debug.appendDefault(buffer, that); return; } } //######################################################################## // DebugHandler interface public void append0(StringBuffer buffer, Object that) { append1(buffer, (Type)that); } //######################################################################## } public class DebugSymbol extends DebugAbstractHandler { //######################################################################## // DebugSymbol interface public static DebugSymbol instance = new DebugSymbol(); public void append1(StringBuffer buffer, Symbol that) { if (that != Symbol.NONE && that != Symbol.ERROR) { if (!that.owner().isRoot() && !that.isRoot()) { Debug.append(buffer, that.owner()); buffer.append("."); } } buffer.append(that.name); if (Global.instance.uniqid) { buffer.append('#'); buffer.append(Global.instance.uniqueID.id(that)); } } //######################################################################## // DebugHandler interface public void append0(StringBuffer buffer, Object that) { append1(buffer, (Symbol)that); } //######################################################################## } public class DebugScope extends DebugAbstractHandler { //######################################################################## // DebugScope interface public static DebugScope instance = new DebugScope(); public void append1(StringBuffer buffer, Scope that) { buffer.append('{'); for (Scope.SymbolIterator i = that.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Debug.append(buffer, i.next()); if (i.hasNext()) buffer.append(','); } buffer.append('}'); } //######################################################################## // DebugHandler interface public void append0(StringBuffer buffer, Object that) { append1(buffer, (Scope)that); } //######################################################################## }