/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL * @author Paul Phillips */ package scala.tools package cmd /** Interpolation logic for generated files. The idea is to be * able to write in terms of @@THIS@@ and @@THAT@@ and the reference * specification knows enough to perform the substitutions. Warrants * expansion. */ trait Interpolation { self: Spec => private lazy val reference = referenceSpec import reference._ object interpolate { def mapper: Map[String, () => String] = Map( "PROGRAM" -> (() => programInfo.runner), "ALLOPTIONS" -> (() => options.all mkString " "), "MAINCLASS" -> (() => programInfo.mainClass) ) private def mark(key: String) = "@@" + key + "@@" def apply(template: String) = mapper.foldLeft(template) { case (s, (key, f)) => s.replaceAll(mark(key), f()) } } } object Interpolation { /** A simple template for generating bash completion functions. */ lazy val bashTemplate = """ |_@@PROGRAM@@() |{ | local cur opts base | COMPREPLY=() | cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}" | opts="@@ALLOPTIONS@@" | | COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${cur})) | _filedir | return 0 |} && complete -F _@@PROGRAM@@ @@PROGRAM@@ """.stripMargin /** A simple template for generating a runner script. */ val runnerTemplate = """ |#!/bin/sh |# | |scala @@MAINCLASS@@ "$@" |""".stripMargin.trim + "\n" }