/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Martin Odersky */ package scala.tools.nsc import io.File /** A class representing command line info for scalac */ class CompilerCommand(arguments: List[String], val settings: Settings) { def this(arguments: List[String], error: String => Unit) = this(arguments, new Settings(error)) def this(arguments: List[String], settings: Settings, error: String => Unit) = this(arguments, settings withErrorFn error) type Setting = Settings#Setting private val processArgumentsResult = if (shouldProcessArguments) processArguments else (true, Nil) def ok = processArgumentsResult._1 def files = processArgumentsResult._2 /** The name of the command. */ def cmdName = "scalac" /** A descriptive alias for version and help messages. */ def cmdDesc = "compiler" private def explainAdvanced = "\n" + """ |-- Notes on option parsing -- |Boolean settings are always false unless set. |Where multiple values are accepted, they should be comma-separated. | example: -Xplugin:option1,option2 | means one or a comma-separated list of: | (partial) phase names, phase ids, phase id ranges, or the string "all". | example: -Xprint:all prints all phases. | example: -Xprint:expl,24-26 prints phases explicitouter, closelim, dce, jvm. | example: -Xprint:-4 prints only the phases up to typer. | """.stripMargin.trim + "\n" def shortUsage = "Usage: %s " format cmdName /** Creates a help message for a subset of options based on cond */ def createUsageMsg(cond: Setting => Boolean): String = { val baseList = (settings.visibleSettings filter cond).toList sortBy (_.name) val width = (baseList map (_.helpSyntax.length)).max def format(s: String) = ("%-" + width + "s") format s def helpStr(s: Setting) = { val str = format(s.helpSyntax) + " " + s.helpDescription val suffix = s.deprecationMessage match { case Some(msg) => "\n" + format("") + " deprecated: " + msg case _ => "" } str + suffix } val debugs = baseList filter (_.isForDebug) val deprecateds = baseList filter (_.isDeprecated) val theRest = baseList filterNot (debugs.toSet ++ deprecateds) def sstring(msg: String, xs: List[Setting]) = if (xs.isEmpty) None else Some(msg :: xs.map(helpStr) mkString "\n ") List( sstring("", theRest), sstring("\nAdditional debug settings:", debugs), sstring("\nDeprecated settings:", deprecateds) ).flatten mkString "\n" } def createUsageMsg(label: String, shouldExplain: Boolean, cond: Setting => Boolean): String = { val prefix = List( Some(shortUsage), Some(explainAdvanced) filter (_ => shouldExplain), Some(label + " options include:") ).flatten mkString "\n" prefix + createUsageMsg(cond) } /** Messages explaining usage and options */ def usageMsg = createUsageMsg("where possible standard", shouldExplain = false, _.isStandard) def xusageMsg = createUsageMsg("Possible advanced", shouldExplain = true, _.isAdvanced) def yusageMsg = createUsageMsg("Possible private", shouldExplain = true, _.isPrivate) /** For info settings, compiler should just print a message and quit. */ def shouldStopWithInfo = settings.isInfo def getInfoMessage(global: Global): String = { import settings._ import Properties.{ versionString, copyrightString } //versionFor def versionFor(command: String) = f"Scala $command $versionString -- $copyrightString" if (version) versionFor(cmdDesc) else if (help) usageMsg + global.pluginOptionsHelp else if (Xhelp) xusageMsg else if (Yhelp) yusageMsg else if (showPlugins) global.pluginDescriptions else if (showPhases) global.phaseDescriptions + ( if (debug) "\n" + global.phaseFlagDescriptions else "" ) else if (genPhaseGraph.isSetByUser) { val components = global.phaseNames // global.phaseDescriptors // one initializes s"Phase graph of ${components.size} components output to ${genPhaseGraph.value}*.dot." } // would be nicer if we could ask all the options for their helpful messages else { val sb = new StringBuilder allSettings foreach { case s if s.isHelping => sb append s.help case _ => } sb.toString } } /** * Expands all arguments starting with @ to the contents of the * file named like each argument. */ def expandArg(arg: String): List[String] = { def stripComment(s: String) = s takeWhile (_ != '#') val file = File(arg stripPrefix "@") if (!file.exists) throw new java.io.FileNotFoundException("argument file %s could not be found" format file.name) settings splitParams (file.lines() map stripComment mkString " ") } // override this if you don't want arguments processed here def shouldProcessArguments: Boolean = true def processArguments: (Boolean, List[String]) = { // expand out @filename to the contents of that filename val expandedArguments = arguments flatMap { case x if x startsWith "@" => expandArg(x) case x => List(x) } settings.processArguments(expandedArguments, processAll = true) } }