package import import Properties.{ versionString, copyrightString, residentPromptString } import scala.reflect.internal.util.FakePos abstract class Driver { val prompt = residentPromptString val versionMsg = "Scala compiler " + versionString + " -- " + copyrightString var reporter: ConsoleReporter = _ protected var command: CompilerCommand = _ protected var settings: Settings = _ protected def scalacError(msg: String) { reporter.error(FakePos("scalac"), msg + "\n scalac -help gives more information") } protected def processSettingsHook(): Boolean = true protected def newCompiler(): Global protected def doCompile(compiler: Global) { if (command.files.isEmpty) { reporter.echo(command.usageMsg) reporter.echo(compiler.pluginOptionsHelp) } else { val run = new compiler.Run() run compile command.files reporter.printSummary() } } def process(args: Array[String]) { val ss = new Settings(scalacError) reporter = new ConsoleReporter(ss) command = new CompilerCommand(args.toList, ss) settings = command.settings if (settings.version) { reporter.echo(versionMsg) } else if (processSettingsHook()) { val compiler = newCompiler() try { if (reporter.hasErrors) reporter.flush() else if (command.shouldStopWithInfo) reporter.echo(command.getInfoMessage(compiler)) else doCompile(compiler) } catch { case ex: Throwable => compiler.reportThrowable(ex) ex match { case FatalError(msg) => // signals that we should fail compilation. case _ => throw ex // unexpected error, tell the outside world. } } } } def main(args: Array[String]) { process(args) sys.exit(if (reporter.hasErrors) 1 else 0) } }