/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Martin Odersky */ package scala package tools package nsc import java.io.{File, FileNotFoundException, IOException} import java.net.URL import java.nio.charset.{Charset, CharsetDecoder, IllegalCharsetNameException, UnsupportedCharsetException} import scala.collection.{immutable, mutable} import io.{AbstractFile, Path, SourceReader} import reporters.Reporter import util.{ClassPath, StatisticsInfo, returning} import scala.reflect.ClassTag import scala.reflect.internal.util.{BatchSourceFile, NoSourceFile, ScalaClassLoader, ScriptSourceFile, SourceFile} import scala.reflect.internal.pickling.PickleBuffer import symtab.{Flags, SymbolTable, SymbolTrackers} import symtab.classfile.Pickler import plugins.Plugins import ast._ import ast.parser._ import typechecker._ import transform.patmat.PatternMatching import transform._ import backend.{JavaPlatform, ScalaPrimitives} import backend.jvm.GenBCode import scala.language.postfixOps import scala.tools.nsc.ast.{TreeGen => AstTreeGen} import scala.tools.nsc.classpath._ class Global(var currentSettings: Settings, var reporter: Reporter) extends SymbolTable with CompilationUnits with Plugins with PhaseAssembly with Trees with Printers with DocComments with Positions with Reporting with Parsing { self => // the mirror -------------------------------------------------- override def isCompilerUniverse = true override val useOffsetPositions = !currentSettings.Yrangepos type RuntimeClass = java.lang.Class[_] implicit val RuntimeClassTag: ClassTag[RuntimeClass] = ClassTag[RuntimeClass](classOf[RuntimeClass]) class GlobalMirror extends Roots(NoSymbol) { val universe: self.type = self def rootLoader: LazyType = new loaders.PackageLoader(ClassPath.RootPackage, classPath) override def toString = "compiler mirror" } implicit val MirrorTag: ClassTag[Mirror] = ClassTag[Mirror](classOf[GlobalMirror]) lazy val rootMirror: Mirror = { val rm = new GlobalMirror rm.init() rm.asInstanceOf[Mirror] } def RootClass: ClassSymbol = rootMirror.RootClass def EmptyPackageClass: ClassSymbol = rootMirror.EmptyPackageClass import definitions.findNamedMember def findMemberFromRoot(fullName: Name): Symbol = rootMirror.findMemberFromRoot(fullName) // alternate constructors ------------------------------------------ override def settings = currentSettings /** Switch to turn on detailed type logs */ var printTypings = settings.Ytyperdebug.value def this(reporter: Reporter) = this(new Settings(err => reporter.error(null, err)), reporter) def this(settings: Settings) = this(settings, Global.reporter(settings)) def picklerPhase: Phase = if (currentRun.isDefined) currentRun.picklerPhase else NoPhase def erasurePhase: Phase = if (currentRun.isDefined) currentRun.erasurePhase else NoPhase // platform specific elements protected class GlobalPlatform extends { val global: Global.this.type = Global.this val settings: Settings = Global.this.settings } with JavaPlatform type ThisPlatform = JavaPlatform { val global: Global.this.type } lazy val platform: ThisPlatform = new GlobalPlatform def classPath: ClassPath = platform.classPath // sub-components -------------------------------------------------- /** Tree generation, usually based on existing symbols. */ override object gen extends { val global: Global.this.type = Global.this } with AstTreeGen { def mkAttributedCast(tree: Tree, pt: Type): Tree = typer.typed(mkCast(tree, pt)) } /** A spare instance of TreeBuilder left for backwards compatibility. */ lazy val treeBuilder: TreeBuilder { val global: Global.this.type } = new TreeBuilder { val global: Global.this.type = Global.this; def unit = currentUnit def source = currentUnit.source } /** Fold constants */ object constfold extends { val global: Global.this.type = Global.this } with ConstantFolder /** For sbt compatibility (https://github.com/scala/scala/pull/4588) */ object icodes { class IClass(val symbol: Symbol) } /** Scala primitives, used the backend */ object scalaPrimitives extends { val global: Global.this.type = Global.this } with ScalaPrimitives /** Computing pairs of overriding/overridden symbols */ object overridingPairs extends { val global: Global.this.type = Global.this } with OverridingPairs type SymbolPair = overridingPairs.SymbolPair // Components for collecting and generating output /** Some statistics (normally disabled) set with -Ystatistics */ object statistics extends { val global: Global.this.type = Global.this } with StatisticsInfo /** Print tree in detailed form */ object nodePrinters extends { val global: Global.this.type = Global.this } with NodePrinters { var lastPrintedPhase: Phase = NoPhase var lastPrintedSource: String = "" infolevel = InfoLevel.Verbose def showUnit(unit: CompilationUnit) { print(" // " + unit.source) if (unit.body == null) println(": tree is null") else { val source = util.stringFromWriter(w => newTreePrinter(w) print unit.body) // treePrinter show unit.body if (lastPrintedSource == source) println(": tree is unchanged since " + lastPrintedPhase) else { lastPrintedPhase = phase.prev // since we're running inside "exitingPhase" lastPrintedSource = source println("") println(source) println("") } } } } def withInfoLevel[T](infolevel: nodePrinters.InfoLevel.Value)(op: => T) = { val saved = nodePrinters.infolevel try { nodePrinters.infolevel = infolevel op } finally { nodePrinters.infolevel = saved } } /** Representing ASTs as graphs */ object treeBrowsers extends { val global: Global.this.type = Global.this } with TreeBrowsers val nodeToString = nodePrinters.nodeToString val treeBrowser = treeBrowsers.create() // ------------ Hooks for interactive mode------------------------- /** Called every time an AST node is successfully typechecked in typerPhase. */ def signalDone(context: analyzer.Context, old: Tree, result: Tree) {} /** Called from parser, which signals hereby that a method definition has been parsed. */ def signalParseProgress(pos: Position) {} /** Called by ScaladocAnalyzer when a doc comment has been parsed. */ def signalParsedDocComment(comment: String, pos: Position) = { // TODO: this is all very broken (only works for scaladoc comments, not regular ones) // --> add hooks to parser and refactor Interactive global to handle comments directly // in any case don't use reporter for parser hooks reporter.comment(pos, comment) } /** Register new context; called for every created context */ def registerContext(c: analyzer.Context) { lastSeenContext = c } /** Register top level class (called on entering the class) */ def registerTopLevelSym(sym: Symbol) {} // ------------------ Debugging ------------------------------------- // Getting in front of Predef's asserts to supplement with more info. // This has the happy side effect of masking the one argument forms // of assert and require (but for now I've reproduced them here, // because there are a million to fix.) @inline final def assert(assertion: Boolean, message: => Any) { // calling Predef.assert would send a freshly allocated closure wrapping the one received as argument. if (!assertion) throw new java.lang.AssertionError("assertion failed: "+ supplementErrorMessage("" + message)) } @inline final def assert(assertion: Boolean) { assert(assertion, "") } @inline final def require(requirement: Boolean, message: => Any) { // calling Predef.require would send a freshly allocated closure wrapping the one received as argument. if (!requirement) throw new IllegalArgumentException("requirement failed: "+ supplementErrorMessage("" + message)) } @inline final def require(requirement: Boolean) { require(requirement, "") } @inline final def ifDebug(body: => Unit) { if (settings.debug) body } override protected def isDeveloper = settings.developer || super.isDeveloper /** This is for WARNINGS which should reach the ears of scala developers * whenever they occur, but are not useful for normal users. They should * be precise, explanatory, and infrequent. Please don't use this as a * logging mechanism. !!! is prefixed to all messages issued via this route * to make them visually distinct. */ @inline final override def devWarning(msg: => String): Unit = devWarning(NoPosition, msg) @inline final def devWarning(pos: Position, msg: => String) { def pos_s = if (pos eq NoPosition) "" else s" [@ $pos]" if (isDeveloper) warning(pos, "!!! " + msg) else log(s"!!!$pos_s $msg") // such warnings always at least logged } def logError(msg: String, t: Throwable): Unit = () override def shouldLogAtThisPhase = settings.log.isSetByUser && ( (settings.log containsPhase globalPhase) || (settings.log containsPhase phase) ) // Over 200 closure objects are eliminated by inlining this. @inline final def log(msg: => AnyRef) { if (shouldLogAtThisPhase) inform(s"[log $globalPhase$atPhaseStackMessage] $msg") } @inline final override def debuglog(msg: => String) { if (settings.debug) log(msg) } @deprecated("Renamed to reportThrowable", "2.10.1") def logThrowable(t: Throwable): Unit = reportThrowable(t) def reportThrowable(t: Throwable): Unit = globalError(throwableAsString(t)) override def throwableAsString(t: Throwable) = util.stackTraceString(t) // ------------ File interface ----------------------------------------- private val reader: SourceReader = { val defaultEncoding = Properties.sourceEncoding def loadCharset(name: String) = try Some(Charset.forName(name)) catch { case _: IllegalCharsetNameException => globalError(s"illegal charset name '$name'") None case _: UnsupportedCharsetException => globalError(s"unsupported charset '$name'") None } val charset = settings.encoding.valueSetByUser flatMap loadCharset getOrElse { settings.encoding.value = defaultEncoding // A mandatory charset Charset.forName(defaultEncoding) } def loadReader(name: String): Option[SourceReader] = { def ccon = Class.forName(name).getConstructor(classOf[CharsetDecoder], classOf[Reporter]) try Some(ccon.newInstance(charset.newDecoder(), reporter).asInstanceOf[SourceReader]) catch { case ex: Throwable => globalError("exception while trying to instantiate source reader '" + name + "'") None } } settings.sourceReader.valueSetByUser flatMap loadReader getOrElse { new SourceReader(charset.newDecoder(), reporter) } } if (settings.verbose || settings.Ylogcp) reporter.echo( s"[search path for source files: ${classPath.asSourcePathString}]\n" + s"[search path for class files: ${classPath.asClassPathString}]" ) // The current division between scala.reflect.* and scala.tools.nsc.* is pretty // clunky. It is often difficult to have a setting influence something without having // to create it on that side. For this one my strategy is a constant def at the file // where I need it, and then an override in Global with the setting. override protected val etaExpandKeepsStar = settings.etaExpandKeepsStar.value // Here comes another one... override protected val enableTypeVarExperimentals = settings.Xexperimental.value def getSourceFile(f: AbstractFile): BatchSourceFile = new BatchSourceFile(f, reader read f) def getSourceFile(name: String): SourceFile = { val f = AbstractFile.getFile(name) if (f eq null) throw new FileNotFoundException( "source file '" + name + "' could not be found") getSourceFile(f) } lazy val loaders = new { val global: Global.this.type = Global.this val platform: Global.this.platform.type = Global.this.platform } with GlobalSymbolLoaders /** Returns the mirror that loaded given symbol */ def mirrorThatLoaded(sym: Symbol): Mirror = rootMirror // ------------ Phases -------------------------------------------} var globalPhase: Phase = NoPhase val MaxPhases = 64 val phaseWithId: Array[Phase] = Array.fill(MaxPhases)(NoPhase) abstract class GlobalPhase(prev: Phase) extends Phase(prev) { phaseWithId(id) = this def run() { echoPhaseSummary(this) currentRun.units foreach applyPhase } def apply(unit: CompilationUnit): Unit /** Is current phase cancelled on this unit? */ def cancelled(unit: CompilationUnit) = { // run the typer only if in `createJavadoc` mode val maxJavaPhase = if (createJavadoc) currentRun.typerPhase.id else currentRun.namerPhase.id reporter.cancelled || unit.isJava && this.id > maxJavaPhase } final def withCurrentUnit(unit: CompilationUnit)(task: => Unit) { if ((unit ne null) && unit.exists) lastSeenSourceFile = unit.source if (settings.debug && (settings.verbose || currentRun.size < 5)) inform("[running phase " + name + " on " + unit + "]") if (!cancelled(unit)) { currentRun.informUnitStarting(this, unit) try withCurrentUnitNoLog(unit)(task) finally currentRun.advanceUnit() } } final def withCurrentUnitNoLog(unit: CompilationUnit)(task: => Unit) { val unit0 = currentUnit try { currentRun.currentUnit = unit task } finally { //assert(currentUnit == unit) currentRun.currentUnit = unit0 } } final def applyPhase(unit: CompilationUnit) = withCurrentUnit(unit)(apply(unit)) } // phaseName = "parser" lazy val syntaxAnalyzer = new { val global: Global.this.type = Global.this } with SyntaxAnalyzer { val runsAfter = List[String]() val runsRightAfter = None override val initial = true } import syntaxAnalyzer.{ UnitScanner, UnitParser, JavaUnitParser } // !!! I think we're overdue for all these phase objects being lazy vals. // There's no way for a Global subclass to provide a custom typer // despite the existence of a "def newTyper(context: Context): Typer" // which is clearly designed for that, because it's defined in // Analyzer and Global's "object analyzer" allows no override. For now // I only changed analyzer. // // factory for phases: namer, packageobjects, typer lazy val analyzer = new { val global: Global.this.type = Global.this } with Analyzer // phaseName = "patmat" object patmat extends { val global: Global.this.type = Global.this val runsAfter = List("typer") val runsRightAfter = None // patmat doesn't need to be right after typer, as long as we run before superaccessors // (sbt does need to run right after typer, so don't conflict) } with PatternMatching // phaseName = "superaccessors" object superAccessors extends { val global: Global.this.type = Global.this val runsAfter = List("patmat") val runsRightAfter = None } with SuperAccessors // phaseName = "extmethods" object extensionMethods extends { val global: Global.this.type = Global.this val runsAfter = List("superaccessors") val runsRightAfter = None } with ExtensionMethods // phaseName = "pickler" object pickler extends { val global: Global.this.type = Global.this val runsAfter = List("extmethods") val runsRightAfter = None } with Pickler // phaseName = "refchecks" object refChecks extends { val global: Global.this.type = Global.this val runsAfter = List("pickler") val runsRightAfter = None } with RefChecks // phaseName = "uncurry" override object uncurry extends { val global: Global.this.type = Global.this val runsAfter = List("refchecks") val runsRightAfter = None } with UnCurry // phaseName = "tailcalls" object tailCalls extends { val global: Global.this.type = Global.this val runsAfter = List("uncurry") val runsRightAfter = None } with TailCalls // phaseName = "fields" object fields extends { val global: Global.this.type = Global.this // after refchecks, so it doesn't have to make weird exceptions for synthetic accessors // after uncurry as it produces more work for the fields phase as well as being confused by it: // - sam expansion synthesizes classes, which may need trait fields mixed in // - the fields phase adds synthetic abstract methods to traits that should not disqualify them from being a SAM type // before erasure: correct signatures & bridges for accessors val runsAfter = List("uncurry") val runsRightAfter = None } with Fields // phaseName = "explicitouter" object explicitOuter extends { val global: Global.this.type = Global.this val runsAfter = List("fields") val runsRightAfter = None } with ExplicitOuter // phaseName = "specialize" object specializeTypes extends { val global: Global.this.type = Global.this val runsAfter = List("") val runsRightAfter = Some("tailcalls") } with SpecializeTypes // phaseName = "erasure" override object erasure extends { val global: Global.this.type = Global.this val runsAfter = List("explicitouter") val runsRightAfter = Some("explicitouter") } with Erasure // phaseName = "posterasure" override object postErasure extends { val global: Global.this.type = Global.this val runsAfter = List("erasure") val runsRightAfter = Some("erasure") } with PostErasure // phaseName = "lazyvals" object lazyVals extends { val global: Global.this.type = Global.this val runsAfter = List("erasure") val runsRightAfter = None } with LazyVals // phaseName = "lambdalift" object lambdaLift extends { val global: Global.this.type = Global.this val runsAfter = List("lazyvals") val runsRightAfter = None } with LambdaLift // phaseName = "constructors" object constructors extends { val global: Global.this.type = Global.this val runsAfter = List("lambdalift") val runsRightAfter = None } with Constructors // phaseName = "flatten" object flatten extends { val global: Global.this.type = Global.this val runsAfter = List("constructors") val runsRightAfter = None } with Flatten // phaseName = "mixin" object mixer extends { val global: Global.this.type = Global.this val runsAfter = List("flatten", "constructors") val runsRightAfter = None } with Mixin // phaseName = "cleanup" object cleanup extends { val global: Global.this.type = Global.this val runsAfter = List("mixin") val runsRightAfter = None } with CleanUp // phaseName = "delambdafy" object delambdafy extends { val global: Global.this.type = Global.this val runsAfter = List("cleanup") val runsRightAfter = None } with Delambdafy // phaseName = "bcode" object genBCode extends { val global: Global.this.type = Global.this val runsAfter = List("cleanup") val runsRightAfter = None } with GenBCode // phaseName = "terminal" object terminal extends { val global: Global.this.type = Global.this } with SubComponent { val phaseName = "terminal" val runsAfter = List("jvm") val runsRightAfter = None override val terminal = true def newPhase(prev: Phase): GlobalPhase = { new TerminalPhase(prev) } private class TerminalPhase(prev: Phase) extends GlobalPhase(prev) { def name = phaseName def apply(unit: CompilationUnit) {} } } /** The checkers are for validating the compiler data structures * at phase boundaries. */ /** Tree checker */ object treeChecker extends { val global: Global.this.type = Global.this } with TreeCheckers object typer extends analyzer.Typer( analyzer.NoContext.make(EmptyTree, RootClass, newScope) ) /** Add the internal compiler phases to the phases set. * This implementation creates a description map at the same time. */ protected def computeInternalPhases(): Unit = { // Note: this fits -Xshow-phases into 80 column width, which is // desirable to preserve. val phs = List( syntaxAnalyzer -> "parse source into ASTs, perform simple desugaring", analyzer.namerFactory -> "resolve names, attach symbols to named trees", analyzer.packageObjects -> "load package objects", analyzer.typerFactory -> "the meat and potatoes: type the trees", patmat -> "translate match expressions", superAccessors -> "add super accessors in traits and nested classes", extensionMethods -> "add extension methods for inline classes", pickler -> "serialize symbol tables", refChecks -> "reference/override checking, translate nested objects", uncurry -> "uncurry, translate function values to anonymous classes", fields -> "synthesize accessors and fields", tailCalls -> "replace tail calls by jumps", specializeTypes -> "@specialized-driven class and method specialization", explicitOuter -> "this refs to outer pointers", erasure -> "erase types, add interfaces for traits", postErasure -> "clean up erased inline classes", lazyVals -> "allocate bitmaps, translate lazy vals into lazified defs", lambdaLift -> "move nested functions to top level", constructors -> "move field definitions into constructors", mixer -> "mixin composition", delambdafy -> "remove lambdas", cleanup -> "platform-specific cleanups, generate reflective calls", terminal -> "the last phase during a compilation run" ) phs foreach (addToPhasesSet _).tupled } // This is slightly inelegant but it avoids adding a new member to SubComponent, // and attractive -Xshow-phases output is unlikely if the descs span 20 files anyway. private val otherPhaseDescriptions = Map( "flatten" -> "eliminate inner classes", "jvm" -> "generate JVM bytecode" ) withDefaultValue "" protected def computePlatformPhases() = platform.platformPhases foreach { sub => addToPhasesSet(sub, otherPhaseDescriptions(sub.phaseName)) } // sequences the phase assembly protected def computePhaseDescriptors: List[SubComponent] = { /** Allow phases to opt out of the phase assembly. */ def cullPhases(phases: List[SubComponent]) = { val enabled = if (settings.debug && settings.isInfo) phases else phases filter (_.enabled) def isEnabled(q: String) = enabled exists (_.phaseName == q) val (satisfied, unhappy) = enabled partition (_.requires forall isEnabled) unhappy foreach (u => globalError(s"Phase '${u.phaseName}' requires: ${u.requires filterNot isEnabled}")) satisfied // they're happy now, but they may need an unhappy phase that was booted } computeInternalPhases() // Global.scala computePlatformPhases() // backend/Platform.scala computePluginPhases() // plugins/Plugins.scala cullPhases(computePhaseAssembly()) // PhaseAssembly.scala } /* The phase descriptor list. Components that are phase factories. */ lazy val phaseDescriptors: List[SubComponent] = computePhaseDescriptors /* The set of phase objects that is the basis for the compiler phase chain */ protected lazy val phasesSet = new mutable.HashSet[SubComponent] protected lazy val phasesDescMap = new mutable.HashMap[SubComponent, String] withDefaultValue "" protected def addToPhasesSet(sub: SubComponent, descr: String) { phasesSet += sub phasesDescMap(sub) = descr } /** The names of the phases. */ lazy val phaseNames = { new Run // force some initialization phaseDescriptors map (_.phaseName) } /** A description of the phases that will run in this configuration, or all if -Ydebug. */ def phaseDescriptions: String = phaseHelp("description", elliptically = true, phasesDescMap) /** Summary of the per-phase values of nextFlags and newFlags, shown under -Xshow-phases -Ydebug. */ def phaseFlagDescriptions: String = { def fmt(ph: SubComponent) = { def fstr1 = if (ph.phaseNewFlags == 0L) "" else "[START] " + Flags.flagsToString(ph.phaseNewFlags) def fstr2 = if (ph.phaseNextFlags == 0L) "" else "[END] " + Flags.flagsToString(ph.phaseNextFlags) if (ph.initial) Flags.flagsToString(Flags.InitialFlags) else if (ph.phaseNewFlags != 0L && ph.phaseNextFlags != 0L) fstr1 + " " + fstr2 else fstr1 + fstr2 } phaseHelp("new flags", elliptically = false, fmt) } /** Emit a verbose phase table. * The table includes the phase id in the current assembly, * or "oo" to indicate a skipped phase, or "xx" to indicate * a disabled phase. * * @param title descriptive header * @param elliptically whether to truncate the description with an ellipsis (...) * @param describe how to describe a component */ def phaseHelp(title: String, elliptically: Boolean, describe: SubComponent => String) = { val Limit = 16 // phase names should not be absurdly long val MaxCol = 80 // because some of us edit on green screens val maxName = phaseNames map (_.length) max val width = maxName min Limit val maxDesc = MaxCol - (width + 6) // descriptions not novels val fmt = if (settings.verbose || !elliptically) s"%${maxName}s %2s %s%n" else s"%${width}.${width}s %2s %.${maxDesc}s%n" val line1 = fmt.format("phase name", "id", title) val line2 = fmt.format("----------", "--", "-" * title.length) // built-in string precision merely truncates import java.util.{ Formattable, FormattableFlags, Formatter } def dotfmt(s: String) = new Formattable { def elliptically(s: String, max: Int) = ( if (max < 0 || s.length <= max) s else if (max < 4) s.take(max) else s.take(max - 3) + "..." ) override def formatTo(formatter: Formatter, flags: Int, width: Int, precision: Int) { val p = elliptically(s, precision) val w = if (width > 0 && p.length < width) { import FormattableFlags.LEFT_JUSTIFY val leftly = (flags & LEFT_JUSTIFY) == LEFT_JUSTIFY val sb = new StringBuilder def pad() = 1 to width - p.length foreach (_ => sb.append(' ')) if (!leftly) pad() sb.append(p) if (leftly) pad() sb.toString } else p formatter.out.append(w) } } // phase id in run, or suitable icon def idOf(p: SubComponent) = ( if (settings.skip contains p.phaseName) "oo" // (currentRun skipPhase p.phaseName) else if (!p.enabled) "xx" else p.ownPhase.id.toString ) def mkText(p: SubComponent) = { val (name, text) = if (elliptically) (dotfmt(p.phaseName), dotfmt(describe(p))) else (p.phaseName, describe(p)) fmt.format(name, idOf(p), text) } line1 :: line2 :: (phaseDescriptors map mkText) mkString } /** Returns List of (phase, value) pairs, including only those * where the value compares unequal to the previous phase's value. */ def afterEachPhase[T](op: => T): List[(Phase, T)] = { // used in tests phaseDescriptors.map(_.ownPhase).filterNot(_ eq NoPhase).foldLeft(List[(Phase, T)]()) { (res, ph) => val value = exitingPhase(ph)(op) if (res.nonEmpty && res.head._2 == value) res else ((ph, value)) :: res } reverse } // ------------ REPL utilities --------------------------------- /** Extend classpath of `platform` and rescan updated packages. */ def extendCompilerClassPath(urls: URL*): Unit = { val urlClasspaths = urls.map(u => ClassPathFactory.newClassPath(AbstractFile.getURL(u), settings)) val newClassPath = AggregateClassPath.createAggregate(platform.classPath +: urlClasspaths : _*) platform.currentClassPath = Some(newClassPath) invalidateClassPathEntries(urls.map(_.getPath): _*) } // ------------ Invalidations --------------------------------- /** Is given package class a system package class that cannot be invalidated? */ private def isSystemPackageClass(pkg: Symbol) = pkg == RootClass || (pkg.hasTransOwner(definitions.ScalaPackageClass) && !pkg.hasTransOwner(this.rootMirror.staticPackage("scala.tools").moduleClass.asClass)) /** Invalidates packages that contain classes defined in a classpath entry, and * rescans that entry. * * First, the classpath entry referred to by one of the `paths` is rescanned, * so that any new files or changes in subpackages are picked up. * Second, any packages for which one of the following conditions is met is invalidated: * - the classpath entry contained during the last compilation run now contains classfiles * that represent a member in the package; * - the classpath entry now contains classfiles that represent a member in the package; * - the set of subpackages has changed. * * The invalidated packages are reset in their entirety; all member classes and member packages * are re-accessed using the new classpath. * * System packages that the compiler needs to access as part of standard definitions * are not invalidated. A system package is: * Any package rooted in "scala", with the exception of packages rooted in "scala.tools". * * @param paths Fully-qualified names that refer to directories or jar files that are * entries on the classpath. */ def invalidateClassPathEntries(paths: String*): Unit = { implicit object ClassPathOrdering extends Ordering[ClassPath] { def compare(a: ClassPath, b: ClassPath): Int = a.asClassPathString compareTo b.asClassPathString } val invalidated, failed = new mutable.ListBuffer[ClassSymbol] def assoc(path: String): Option[(ClassPath, ClassPath)] = { def origin(lookup: ClassPath): Option[String] = lookup match { case cp: JFileDirectoryLookup[_] => Some(cp.dir.getPath) case cp: ZipArchiveFileLookup[_] => Some(cp.zipFile.getPath) case _ => None } def entries(lookup: ClassPath): Seq[ClassPath] = lookup match { case cp: AggregateClassPath => cp.aggregates case cp: ClassPath => Seq(cp) } val dir = AbstractFile.getDirectory(path) // if path is a `jar`, this is a FileZipArchive (isDirectory is true) val canonical = dir.canonicalPath // this is the canonical path of the .jar def matchesCanonical(e: ClassPath) = origin(e) match { case Some(opath) => AbstractFile.getDirectory(opath).canonicalPath == canonical case None => false } entries(classPath) find matchesCanonical match { case Some(oldEntry) => Some(oldEntry -> ClassPathFactory.newClassPath(dir, settings)) case None => error(s"Error adding entry to classpath. During invalidation, no entry named $path in classpath $classPath") None } } val subst = immutable.TreeMap(paths flatMap assoc: _*) if (subst.nonEmpty) { platform updateClassPath subst informProgress(s"classpath updated on entries [${subst.keys mkString ","}]") def mkClassPath(elems: Iterable[ClassPath]): ClassPath = if (elems.size == 1) elems.head else AggregateClassPath.createAggregate(elems.toSeq: _*) val oldEntries = mkClassPath(subst.keys) val newEntries = mkClassPath(subst.values) classPath match { case cp: ClassPath => mergeNewEntries( RootClass, "", oldEntries, newEntries, cp, invalidated, failed) } } def show(msg: String, syms: scala.collection.Traversable[Symbol]) = if (syms.nonEmpty) informProgress(s"$msg: ${syms map (_.fullName) mkString ","}") show("invalidated packages", invalidated) show("could not invalidate system packages", failed) } /** * Merges new classpath entries into the symbol table * * @param packageClass The ClassSymbol for the package being updated * @param fullPackageName The full name of the package being updated * @param oldEntries The classpath that was removed, it is no longer part of fullClasspath * @param newEntries The classpath that was added, it is already part of fullClasspath * @param fullClasspath The full classpath, equivalent to global.classPath * @param invalidated A ListBuffer collecting the invalidated package classes * @param failed A ListBuffer collecting system package classes which could not be invalidated * * If either oldEntries or newEntries contains classes in the current package, the package symbol * is re-initialized to a fresh package loader, provided that a corresponding package exists in * fullClasspath. Otherwise it is removed. * * Otherwise, sub-packages in newEntries are looked up in the symbol table (created if * non-existent) and the merge function is called recursively. */ private def mergeNewEntries(packageClass: ClassSymbol, fullPackageName: String, oldEntries: ClassPath, newEntries: ClassPath, fullClasspath: ClassPath, invalidated: mutable.ListBuffer[ClassSymbol], failed: mutable.ListBuffer[ClassSymbol]): Unit = { ifDebug(informProgress(s"syncing $packageClass, $oldEntries -> $newEntries")) def packageExists(cp: ClassPath): Boolean = { val (parent, _) = PackageNameUtils.separatePkgAndClassNames(fullPackageName) cp.packages(parent).exists(_.name == fullPackageName) } def invalidateOrRemove(pkg: ClassSymbol) = { if (packageExists(fullClasspath)) pkg setInfo new loaders.PackageLoader(fullPackageName, fullClasspath) else pkg.owner.info.decls unlink pkg.sourceModule invalidated += pkg } val classesFound = oldEntries.classes(fullPackageName).nonEmpty || newEntries.classes(fullPackageName).nonEmpty if (classesFound) { // if the package contains classes either in oldEntries or newEntries, the package is invalidated (or removed if there are no more classes in it) if (!isSystemPackageClass(packageClass)) invalidateOrRemove(packageClass) else if (packageClass.isRoot) invalidateOrRemove(EmptyPackageClass) else failed += packageClass } else { // no new or removed classes in the current package for (p <- newEntries.packages(fullPackageName)) { val (_, subPackageName) = PackageNameUtils.separatePkgAndClassNames(p.name) val subPackage = packageClass.info.decl(newTermName(subPackageName)) orElse { // package does not exist in symbol table, create a new symbol loaders.enterPackage(packageClass, subPackageName, new loaders.PackageLoader(p.name, fullClasspath)) } mergeNewEntries( subPackage.moduleClass.asClass, p.name, oldEntries, newEntries, fullClasspath, invalidated, failed) } } } // ----------- Runs --------------------------------------- private var curRun: Run = null private var curRunId = 0 object typeDeconstruct extends { val global: Global.this.type = Global.this } with typechecker.StructuredTypeStrings /** There are common error conditions where when the exception hits * here, currentRun.currentUnit is null. This robs us of the knowledge * of what file was being compiled when it broke. Since I really * really want to know, this hack. */ protected var lastSeenSourceFile: SourceFile = NoSourceFile /** Let's share a lot more about why we crash all over the place. * People will be very grateful. */ protected var lastSeenContext: analyzer.Context = null /** The currently active run */ def currentRun: Run = curRun def currentUnit: CompilationUnit = if (currentRun eq null) NoCompilationUnit else currentRun.currentUnit def currentSource: SourceFile = if (currentUnit.exists) currentUnit.source else lastSeenSourceFile def currentFreshNameCreator = currentUnit.fresh def isGlobalInitialized = ( definitions.isDefinitionsInitialized && rootMirror.isMirrorInitialized ) override def isPastTyper = ( (curRun ne null) && isGlobalInitialized // defense against init order issues && (globalPhase.id > currentRun.typerPhase.id) ) // TODO - trim these to the absolute minimum. @inline final def exitingErasure[T](op: => T): T = exitingPhase(currentRun.erasurePhase)(op) @inline final def exitingPostErasure[T](op: => T): T = exitingPhase(currentRun.posterasurePhase)(op) @inline final def exitingExplicitOuter[T](op: => T): T = exitingPhase(currentRun.explicitouterPhase)(op) @inline final def exitingFlatten[T](op: => T): T = exitingPhase(currentRun.flattenPhase)(op) @inline final def exitingMixin[T](op: => T): T = exitingPhase(currentRun.mixinPhase)(op) @inline final def exitingDelambdafy[T](op: => T): T = exitingPhase(currentRun.delambdafyPhase)(op) @inline final def exitingPickler[T](op: => T): T = exitingPhase(currentRun.picklerPhase)(op) @inline final def exitingRefchecks[T](op: => T): T = exitingPhase(currentRun.refchecksPhase)(op) @inline final def exitingSpecialize[T](op: => T): T = exitingPhase(currentRun.specializePhase)(op) @inline final def exitingTyper[T](op: => T): T = exitingPhase(currentRun.typerPhase)(op) @inline final def exitingUncurry[T](op: => T): T = exitingPhase(currentRun.uncurryPhase)(op) @inline final def enteringErasure[T](op: => T): T = enteringPhase(currentRun.erasurePhase)(op) @inline final def enteringExplicitOuter[T](op: => T): T = enteringPhase(currentRun.explicitouterPhase)(op) @inline final def enteringFlatten[T](op: => T): T = enteringPhase(currentRun.flattenPhase)(op) @inline final def enteringMixin[T](op: => T): T = enteringPhase(currentRun.mixinPhase)(op) @inline final def enteringDelambdafy[T](op: => T): T = enteringPhase(currentRun.delambdafyPhase)(op) @inline final def enteringJVM[T](op: => T): T = enteringPhase(currentRun.jvmPhase)(op) @inline final def enteringPickler[T](op: => T): T = enteringPhase(currentRun.picklerPhase)(op) @inline final def enteringSpecialize[T](op: => T): T = enteringPhase(currentRun.specializePhase)(op) @inline final def enteringTyper[T](op: => T): T = enteringPhase(currentRun.typerPhase)(op) @inline final def enteringUncurry[T](op: => T): T = enteringPhase(currentRun.uncurryPhase)(op) // Owners which aren't package classes. private def ownerChainString(sym: Symbol): String = ( if (sym == null) "" else sym.ownerChain takeWhile (!_.isPackageClass) mkString " -> " ) private def formatExplain(pairs: (String, Any)*): String = ( pairs.toList collect { case (k, v) if v != null => "%20s: %s".format(k, v) } mkString "\n" ) /** Don't want to introduce new errors trying to report errors, * so swallow exceptions. */ override def supplementTyperState(errorMessage: String): String = try { val tree = analyzer.lastTreeToTyper val sym = tree.symbol val tpe = tree.tpe val site = lastSeenContext.enclClassOrMethod.owner val pos_s = if (tree.pos.isDefined) s"line ${tree.pos.line} of ${tree.pos.source.file}" else "" val context_s = try { // Taking 3 before, 3 after the fingered line. val start = 0 max (tree.pos.line - 3) val xs = scala.reflect.io.File(tree.pos.source.file.file).lines drop start take 7 val strs = xs.zipWithIndex map { case (line, idx) => f"${start + idx}%6d $line" } strs.mkString("== Source file context for tree position ==\n\n", "\n", "") } catch { case t: Exception => devWarning("" + t) ; "" } val info1 = formatExplain( "while compiling" -> currentSource.path, "during phase" -> ( if (globalPhase eq phase) phase else "globalPhase=%s, enteringPhase=%s".format(globalPhase, phase) ), "library version" -> scala.util.Properties.versionString, "compiler version" -> Properties.versionString, "reconstructed args" -> settings.recreateArgs.mkString(" ") ) val info2 = formatExplain( "last tree to typer" -> tree.summaryString, "tree position" -> pos_s, "tree tpe" -> tpe, "symbol" -> Option(sym).fold("null")(_.debugLocationString), "symbol definition" -> Option(sym).fold("null")(s => s.defString + s" (a ${s.shortSymbolClass})"), "symbol package" -> sym.enclosingPackage.fullName, "symbol owners" -> ownerChainString(sym), "call site" -> (site.fullLocationString + " in " + site.enclosingPackage) ) ("\n " + errorMessage + "\n" + info1) :: info2 :: context_s :: Nil mkString "\n\n" } catch { case _: Exception | _: TypeError => errorMessage } /** The id of the currently active run */ override def currentRunId = curRunId def echoPhaseSummary(ph: Phase) = { /* Only output a summary message under debug if we aren't echoing each file. */ if (settings.debug && !(settings.verbose || currentRun.size < 5)) inform("[running phase " + ph.name + " on " + currentRun.size + " compilation units]") } def newSourceFile(code: String, filename: String = "") = new BatchSourceFile(filename, code) def newCompilationUnit(code: String, filename: String = "") = new CompilationUnit(newSourceFile(code, filename)) def newUnitScanner(unit: CompilationUnit): UnitScanner = new UnitScanner(unit) def newUnitParser(unit: CompilationUnit): UnitParser = new UnitParser(unit) def newUnitParser(code: String, filename: String = ""): UnitParser = newUnitParser(newCompilationUnit(code, filename)) def newJavaUnitParser(unit: CompilationUnit): JavaUnitParser = new JavaUnitParser(unit) /** A Run is a single execution of the compiler on a set of units. */ class Run extends RunContextApi with RunReporting with RunParsing { /** Have been running into too many init order issues with Run * during erroneous conditions. Moved all these vals up to the * top of the file so at least they're not trivially null. */ var isDefined = false /** The currently compiled unit; set from GlobalPhase */ var currentUnit: CompilationUnit = NoCompilationUnit // used in sbt def uncheckedWarnings: List[(Position, String)] = reporting.uncheckedWarnings.map{case (pos, (msg, since)) => (pos, msg)} // used in sbt def deprecationWarnings: List[(Position, String)] = reporting.deprecationWarnings.map{case (pos, (msg, since)) => (pos, msg)} private class SyncedCompilationBuffer { self => private val underlying = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[CompilationUnit] def size = synchronized { underlying.size } def +=(cu: CompilationUnit): this.type = { synchronized { underlying += cu }; this } def head: CompilationUnit = synchronized{ underlying.head } def apply(i: Int): CompilationUnit = synchronized { underlying(i) } def iterator: Iterator[CompilationUnit] = new collection.AbstractIterator[CompilationUnit] { private var used = 0 def hasNext = self.synchronized{ used < underlying.size } def next = self.synchronized { if (!hasNext) throw new NoSuchElementException("next on empty Iterator") used += 1 underlying(used-1) } } def toList: List[CompilationUnit] = synchronized{ underlying.toList } } private val unitbuf = new SyncedCompilationBuffer val compiledFiles = new mutable.HashSet[String] /** A map from compiled top-level symbols to their source files */ val symSource = new mutable.HashMap[Symbol, AbstractFile] /** A map from compiled top-level symbols to their picklers */ val symData = new mutable.HashMap[Symbol, PickleBuffer] private var phasec: Int = 0 // phases completed private var unitc: Int = 0 // units completed this phase def size = unitbuf.size override def toString = "scalac Run for:\n " + compiledFiles.toList.sorted.mkString("\n ") // Calculate where to stop based on settings -Ystop-before or -Ystop-after. // The result is the phase to stop at BEFORE running it. private lazy val stopPhaseSetting = { def isBefore(pd: SubComponent) = settings.stopBefore contains pd.phaseName phaseDescriptors sliding 2 collectFirst { case xs if xs exists isBefore => (xs find isBefore).get case xs if settings.stopAfter contains xs.head.phaseName => xs.last } } /** Should we stop right before entering the given phase? */ protected def stopPhase(name: String) = stopPhaseSetting exists (_.phaseName == name) /** Should we skip the given phase? */ protected def skipPhase(name: String) = settings.skip contains name private val firstPhase = { // Initialization. definitions.init requires phase != NoPhase import scala.reflect.internal.SomePhase curRunId += 1 curRun = this phase = SomePhase phaseWithId(phase.id) = phase definitions.init() // the components to use, omitting those named by -Yskip and stopping at the -Ystop phase val components = { // stop on a dime, but this test fails if pd is after the stop phase def unstoppable(pd: SubComponent) = { val stoppable = stopPhase(pd.phaseName) if (stoppable && pd.initial) { globalError(s"Cannot stop before initial phase '${pd.phaseName}'.") true } else !stoppable } // skip a component for -Yskip or if not enabled def skippable(pd: SubComponent) = { val skippable = skipPhase(pd.phaseName) if (skippable && (pd.initial || pd.terminal)) { globalError(s"Cannot skip an initial or terminal phase '${pd.phaseName}'.") false } else skippable || !pd.enabled } val phs = phaseDescriptors takeWhile unstoppable filterNot skippable // Ensure there is a terminal phase at the end, since -Ystop may have limited the phases. if (phs.isEmpty || !phs.last.terminal) { val t = if (phaseDescriptors.last.terminal) phaseDescriptors.last else terminal phs :+ t } else phs } // Create phases and link them together. We supply the previous, and the ctor sets prev.next. val last = components.foldLeft(NoPhase: Phase)((prev, c) => c newPhase prev) // rewind (Iterator.iterate(last)(_.prev) dropWhile (_.prev ne NoPhase)).next val first = { var p = last ; while (p.prev ne NoPhase) p = p.prev ; p } val ss = settings // As a final courtesy, see if the settings make any sense at all. // If a setting selects no phase, it's a mistake. If a name prefix // doesn't select a unique phase, that might be surprising too. def checkPhaseSettings(including: Boolean, specs: Seq[String]*) = { def isRange(s: String) = s.forall(c => c.isDigit || c == '-') def isSpecial(s: String) = (s == "all" || isRange(s)) val setting = new ss.PhasesSetting("fake","fake") for (p <- specs.flatten.to[Set]) { setting.value = List(p) val count = ( if (including) first.iterator count (setting containsPhase _) else phaseDescriptors count (setting contains _.phaseName) ) if (count == 0) warning(s"'$p' specifies no phase") if (count > 1 && !isSpecial(p)) warning(s"'$p' selects $count phases") if (!including && isSpecial(p)) globalError(s"-Yskip and -Ystop values must name phases: '$p'") setting.clear() } } // phases that are excluded; for historical reasons, these settings only select by phase name val exclusions = List(ss.stopBefore, ss.stopAfter, ss.skip) val inclusions = ss.visibleSettings collect { case s: ss.PhasesSetting if !(exclusions contains s) => s.value } checkPhaseSettings(including = true, inclusions.toSeq: _*) checkPhaseSettings(including = false, exclusions map (_.value): _*) phase = first //parserPhase first } // --------------- Miscellania ------------------------------- /** Progress tracking. Measured in "progress units" which are 1 per * compilation unit per phase completed. * * @param current number of "progress units" completed * @param total total number of "progress units" in run */ def progress(current: Int, total: Int) {} /** * For subclasses to override. Called when `phase` is about to be run on `unit`. * Variables are passed explicitly to indicate that `globalPhase` and `currentUnit` have been set. */ def informUnitStarting(phase: Phase, unit: CompilationUnit) { } /** take note that phase is completed * (for progress reporting) */ def advancePhase() { unitc = 0 phasec += 1 refreshProgress() } /** take note that a phase on a unit is completed * (for progress reporting) */ def advanceUnit() { unitc += 1 refreshProgress() } // for sbt def cancel() { reporter.cancelled = true } private def currentProgress = (phasec * size) + unitc private def totalProgress = (phaseDescriptors.size - 1) * size // -1: drops terminal phase private def refreshProgress() = if (size > 0) progress(currentProgress, totalProgress) // ----- finding phases -------------------------------------------- def phaseNamed(name: String): Phase = findOrElse(firstPhase.iterator)(_.name == name)(NoPhase) /** All phases as of 3/2012 here for handiness; the ones in * active use uncommented. */ val parserPhase = phaseNamed("parser") val namerPhase = phaseNamed("namer") // val packageobjectsPhase = phaseNamed("packageobjects") val typerPhase = phaseNamed("typer") // val inlineclassesPhase = phaseNamed("inlineclasses") // val superaccessorsPhase = phaseNamed("superaccessors") val picklerPhase = phaseNamed("pickler") val refchecksPhase = phaseNamed("refchecks") val uncurryPhase = phaseNamed("uncurry") // val fieldsPhase = phaseNamed("fields") // val tailcallsPhase = phaseNamed("tailcalls") val specializePhase = phaseNamed("specialize") val explicitouterPhase = phaseNamed("explicitouter") val erasurePhase = phaseNamed("erasure") val posterasurePhase = phaseNamed("posterasure") // val lazyvalsPhase = phaseNamed("lazyvals") val lambdaliftPhase = phaseNamed("lambdalift") // val constructorsPhase = phaseNamed("constructors") val flattenPhase = phaseNamed("flatten") val mixinPhase = phaseNamed("mixin") val delambdafyPhase = phaseNamed("delambdafy") val cleanupPhase = phaseNamed("cleanup") val jvmPhase = phaseNamed("jvm") def runIsAt(ph: Phase) = globalPhase.id == ph.id def runIsAtOptimiz = runIsAt(jvmPhase) isDefined = true // ----------- Units and top-level classes and objects -------- /** add unit to be compiled in this run */ private def addUnit(unit: CompilationUnit) { unitbuf += unit compiledFiles += unit.source.file.path } private def warnDeprecatedAndConflictingSettings(unit: CompilationUnit) { // issue warnings for any usage of deprecated settings settings.userSetSettings filter (_.isDeprecated) foreach { s => currentRun.reporting.deprecationWarning(NoPosition, s.name + " is deprecated: " + s.deprecationMessage.get, "") } val supportedTarget = "jvm-1.8" if (settings.target.value != supportedTarget) { currentRun.reporting.deprecationWarning(NoPosition, settings.target.name + ":" + settings.target.value + " is deprecated and has no effect, setting to " + supportedTarget, "2.12.0") settings.target.value = supportedTarget } settings.conflictWarning.foreach(reporter.warning(NoPosition, _)) } /* An iterator returning all the units being compiled in this run */ /* !!! Note: changing this to unitbuf.toList.iterator breaks a bunch of tests in tests/res. This is bad, it means the resident compiler relies on an iterator of a mutable data structure reflecting changes made to the underlying structure. */ def units: Iterator[CompilationUnit] = unitbuf.iterator def registerPickle(sym: Symbol): Unit = () /** does this run compile given class, module, or case factory? */ // NOTE: Early initialized members temporarily typechecked before the enclosing class, see typedPrimaryConstrBody! // Here we work around that wrinkle by claiming that a early-initialized member is compiled in // *every* run. This approximation works because this method is exclusively called with `this` == `currentRun`. def compiles(sym: Symbol): Boolean = if (sym == NoSymbol) false else if (symSource.isDefinedAt(sym)) true else if (!sym.isTopLevel) compiles(sym.enclosingTopLevelClassOrDummy) else if (sym.isModuleClass) compiles(sym.sourceModule) else false /** Is this run allowed to redefine the given symbol? Usually this is true * if the run does not already compile `sym`, but for interactive mode * we have a more liberal interpretation. */ def canRedefine(sym: Symbol) = !compiles(sym) // --------------- Compilation methods ---------------------------- protected def runCheckers() { val toCheck = globalPhase.prev val canCheck = toCheck.checkable val fmt = if (canCheck) "[Now checking: %s]" else "[Not checkable: %s]" inform(fmt format toCheck.name) if (canCheck) { phase = globalPhase if (globalPhase.id <= cleanupPhase.id) treeChecker.checkTrees() } } private def showMembers() = { // Allows for syntax like scalac -Xshow-class Random@erasure,typer def splitClassAndPhase(str: String, term: Boolean): Name = { def mkName(s: String) = if (term) newTermName(s) else newTypeName(s) (str indexOf '@') match { case -1 => mkName(str) case idx => val phasePart = str drop (idx + 1) settings.Yshow.tryToSetColon(phasePart split ',' toList) mkName(str take idx) } } if (settings.Xshowcls.isSetByUser) showDef(splitClassAndPhase(settings.Xshowcls.value, term = false), declsOnly = false, globalPhase) if (settings.Xshowobj.isSetByUser) showDef(splitClassAndPhase(settings.Xshowobj.value, term = true), declsOnly = false, globalPhase) } // Similarly, this will only be created under -Yshow-syms. object trackerFactory extends SymbolTrackers { val global: Global.this.type = Global.this lazy val trackers = currentRun.units.toList map (x => SymbolTracker(x)) def snapshot() = { inform("\n[[symbol layout at end of " + phase + "]]") exitingPhase(phase) { trackers foreach { t => t.snapshot() inform(t.show("Heading from " + phase.prev.name + " to " + phase.name)) } } } } /** Caching member symbols that are def-s in Definitions because they might change from Run to Run. */ val runDefinitions: definitions.RunDefinitions = new definitions.RunDefinitions /** Compile list of source files, * unless there is a problem already, * such as a plugin was passed a bad option. */ def compileSources(sources: List[SourceFile]) = if (!reporter.hasErrors) { def checkDeprecations() = { warnDeprecatedAndConflictingSettings(newCompilationUnit("")) reporting.summarizeErrors() } val units = sources map scripted map (new CompilationUnit(_)) units match { case Nil => checkDeprecations() // nothing to compile, report deprecated options case _ => compileUnits(units, firstPhase) } } def compileUnits(units: List[CompilationUnit], fromPhase: Phase): Unit = compileUnitsInternal(units, fromPhase) private def compileUnitsInternal(units: List[CompilationUnit], fromPhase: Phase) { def currentTime = java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime()) units foreach addUnit val startTime = currentTime reporter.reset() warnDeprecatedAndConflictingSettings(unitbuf.head) globalPhase = fromPhase while (globalPhase.hasNext && !reporter.hasErrors) { val startTime = currentTime phase = globalPhase globalPhase.run() // progress update informTime(globalPhase.description, startTime) if ((settings.Xprint containsPhase globalPhase) || settings.printLate && runIsAt(cleanupPhase)) { // print trees if (settings.Xshowtrees || settings.XshowtreesCompact || settings.XshowtreesStringified) nodePrinters.printAll() else printAllUnits() } // print the symbols presently attached to AST nodes if (settings.Yshowsyms) trackerFactory.snapshot() // print members if (settings.Yshow containsPhase globalPhase) showMembers() // browse trees with swing tree viewer if (settings.browse containsPhase globalPhase) treeBrowser browse (phase.name, units) // move the pointer globalPhase = globalPhase.next // run tree checkers if (settings.check containsPhase globalPhase.prev) runCheckers() // output collected statistics if (settings.YstatisticsEnabled) statistics.print(phase) advancePhase() } reporting.summarizeErrors() if (traceSymbolActivity) units map (_.body) foreach (traceSymbols recordSymbolsInTree _) // In case no phase was specified for -Xshow-class/object, show it now for sure. if (settings.Yshow.isDefault) showMembers() if (reporter.hasErrors) { for ((sym, file) <- symSource.iterator) { if (file != null) sym.reset(new loaders.SourcefileLoader(file)) if (sym.isTerm) sym.moduleClass reset loaders.moduleClassLoader } } symSource.keys foreach (x => resetPackageClass(x.owner)) informTime("total", startTime) // Clear any sets or maps created via perRunCaches. perRunCaches.clearAll() } /** Compile list of abstract files. */ def compileFiles(files: List[AbstractFile]) { try compileSources(files map getSourceFile) catch { case ex: IOException => globalError(ex.getMessage()) } } /** Compile list of files given by their names */ def compile(filenames: List[String]) { try { val sources: List[SourceFile] = if (settings.script.isSetByUser && filenames.size > 1) returning(Nil)(_ => globalError("can only compile one script at a time")) else filenames map getSourceFile compileSources(sources) } catch { case ex: IOException => globalError(ex.getMessage()) } } /** If this compilation is scripted, convert the source to a script source. */ private def scripted(s: SourceFile) = s match { case b: BatchSourceFile if settings.script.isSetByUser => ScriptSourceFile(b) case _ => s } /** Compile abstract file until `globalPhase`, but at least * to phase "namer". */ def compileLate(file: AbstractFile) { if (!compiledFiles(file.path)) compileLate(new CompilationUnit(scripted(getSourceFile(file)))) } /** Compile abstract file until `globalPhase`, but at least to phase "namer". */ def compileLate(unit: CompilationUnit) { addUnit(unit) if (firstPhase ne null) { // we might get here during initialization, is a source is newer than the binary val maxId = math.max(globalPhase.id, typerPhase.id) firstPhase.iterator takeWhile (_.id < maxId) foreach (ph => enteringPhase(ph)(ph.asInstanceOf[GlobalPhase] applyPhase unit)) refreshProgress() } } /** Reset package class to state at typer (not sure what this is needed for?) */ private def resetPackageClass(pclazz: Symbol): Unit = if (typerPhase != NoPhase) { enteringPhase(firstPhase) { pclazz.setInfo(enteringPhase(typerPhase)(pclazz.info)) } if (!pclazz.isRoot) resetPackageClass(pclazz.owner) } } // class Run def printAllUnits() { print("[[syntax trees at end of %25s]]".format(phase)) exitingPhase(phase)(currentRun.units foreach { unit => nodePrinters showUnit unit }) } /** We resolve the class/object ambiguity by passing a type/term name. */ def showDef(fullName: Name, declsOnly: Boolean, ph: Phase) = { val boringOwners = Set[Symbol](definitions.AnyClass, definitions.AnyRefClass, definitions.ObjectClass) def phased[T](body: => T): T = exitingPhase(ph)(body) def boringMember(sym: Symbol) = boringOwners(sym.owner) def symString(sym: Symbol) = if (sym.isTerm) sym.defString else sym.toString def members(sym: Symbol) = phased(sym.info.members filterNot boringMember map symString) def decls(sym: Symbol) = phased(sym.info.decls.toList map symString) def bases(sym: Symbol) = phased(sym.info.baseClasses map (x => x.kindString + " " + x.fullName)) // make the type/term selections walking from the root. val syms = findMemberFromRoot(fullName) match { // The name as given was not found, so we'll sift through every symbol in // the run looking for plausible matches. case NoSymbol => phased(currentRun.symSource.keys map (sym => findNamedMember(fullName, sym)) filterNot (_ == NoSymbol) toList) // The name as given matched, so show only that. case sym => List(sym) } syms foreach { sym => val name = "\n<<-- %s %s after phase '%s' -->>".format(sym.kindString, sym.fullName, ph.name) val baseClasses = bases(sym).mkString("Base classes:\n ", "\n ", "") val contents = if (declsOnly) decls(sym).mkString("Declarations:\n ", "\n ", "") else members(sym).mkString("Members (excluding Any/AnyRef unless overridden):\n ", "\n ", "") inform(List(name, baseClasses, contents) mkString "\n\n") } } def getFile(source: AbstractFile, segments: Array[String], suffix: String): File = { val outDir = Path( settings.outputDirs.outputDirFor(source).path match { case "" => "." case path => path } ) val dir = segments.init.foldLeft(outDir)(_ / _).createDirectory() new File(dir.path, segments.last + suffix) } /** Returns the file with the given suffix for the given class. Used for icode writing. */ def getFile(clazz: Symbol, suffix: String): File = getFile(clazz.sourceFile, clazz.fullName split '.', suffix) def createJavadoc = false } object Global { def apply(settings: Settings, reporter: Reporter): Global = new Global(settings, reporter) def apply(settings: Settings): Global = new Global(settings, reporter(settings)) private def reporter(settings: Settings): Reporter = { //val loader = ScalaClassLoader(getClass.getClassLoader) // apply does not make delegate val loader = new ClassLoader(getClass.getClassLoader) with ScalaClassLoader loader.create[Reporter](settings.reporter.value, settings.errorFn)(settings) } }