/* NSC -- new scala compiler * Copyright 2005-06 LAMP/EPFL * @author Martin Odersky */ // $Id$ package scala.tools.nsc; import scala.tools.nsc.util.{Position}; import scala.tools.nsc.reporters.{Reporter, ConsoleReporter}; /** The main class for NSC, a compiler for the programming * language Scala. */ object Main extends Object with EvalLoop { val PRODUCT: String = System.getProperty("scala.product", "scalac"); val VERSION: String = System.getProperty("scala.version", "unknown version"); val COPYRIGHT: String = System.getProperty("scala.copyright", "(c) 2002-06 LAMP/EPFL"); val versionMsg = PRODUCT + " " + VERSION + " -- " + COPYRIGHT; val prompt = "\nnsc> "; private var reporter: ConsoleReporter = _; def error(msg: String): unit = reporter.error(new Position(PRODUCT), msg + "\n " + PRODUCT + " -help gives more information"); def errors() = reporter.errors; def resident(compiler: Global): unit = { loop(line => { val args = List.fromString(line, ' '); val command = new CompilerCommand(args, error, true); (new compiler.Run) compile command.files }) } def process(args: Array[String]): unit = { reporter = new ConsoleReporter(); val command = new CompilerCommand(List.fromArray(args), error, false); reporter.prompt = command.settings.prompt.value; if (command.settings.version.value) reporter.info(null, versionMsg, true) else if (command.settings.help.value) reporter.info(null, command.usageMsg, true) else { try { val compiler = new Global(command.settings, reporter); if (command.settings.resident.value) resident(compiler); else if (command.files.isEmpty) reporter.info(null, command.usageMsg, true) else (new compiler.Run) compile command.files; } catch { case ex @ FatalError(msg) => if (command.settings.debug.value) ex.printStackTrace(); reporter.error(null, "fatal error: " + msg); } reporter.printSummary() } } def main(args: Array[String]): unit = { process(args); System.exit(if (reporter.errors > 0) 1 else 0); } }