/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2006-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Stephane Micheloud */ package scala.tools.nsc /** Loads `compiler.properties` from the jar archive file. */ object Properties extends scala.util.PropertiesTrait { protected def propCategory = "compiler" protected def pickJarBasedOn = classOf[Global] // settings based on jar properties, falling back to System prefixed by "scala." def residentPromptString = scalaPropOrElse("resident.prompt", "\nnsc> ") def shellPromptString = scalaPropOrElse("shell.prompt", "\nscala> ") // message to display at EOF (which by default ends with // a newline so as not to break the user's terminal) def shellInterruptedString = scalaPropOrElse("shell.interrupted", f":quit$lineSeparator") // derived values def isEmacsShell = propOrEmpty("env.emacs") != "" }