/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2014 LAMP/EPFL, Typesafe Inc. * @author Adriaan Moors */ package scala package tools package nsc import reporters.{ Reporter, ConsoleReporter } import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable } import scala.reflect.internal.util.StringOps.countElementsAsString /** Provides delegates to the reporter doing the actual work. * PerRunReporting implements per-Run stateful info tracking and reporting * * TODO: make reporting configurable */ trait Reporting extends scala.reflect.internal.Reporting { self: ast.Positions with CompilationUnits with scala.reflect.internal.Symbols => def settings: Settings // not deprecated yet, but a method called "error" imported into // nearly every trait really must go. For now using globalError. def error(msg: String) = globalError(msg) // a new instance of this class is created for every Run (access the current instance via `currentRun.reporting`) protected def PerRunReporting = new PerRunReporting class PerRunReporting extends PerRunReportingBase { /** Collects for certain classes of warnings during this run. */ private class ConditionalWarning(what: String, option: Settings#BooleanSetting) { val warnings = mutable.LinkedHashMap[Position, String]() def warn(pos: Position, msg: String) = if (option) reporter.warning(pos, msg) else if (!(warnings contains pos)) warnings += ((pos, msg)) def summarize() = if (warnings.nonEmpty && (option.isDefault || settings.fatalWarnings)) { val numWarnings = warnings.size val warningVerb = if (numWarnings == 1) "was" else "were" val warningCount = countElementsAsString(numWarnings, s"$what warning") reporter.warning(NoPosition, s"there $warningVerb $warningCount; re-run with ${option.name} for details") } } // This change broke sbt; I gave it the thrilling name of uncheckedWarnings0 so // as to recover uncheckedWarnings for its ever-fragile compiler interface. private val _deprecationWarnings = new ConditionalWarning("deprecation", settings.deprecation) private val _uncheckedWarnings = new ConditionalWarning("unchecked", settings.unchecked) private val _featureWarnings = new ConditionalWarning("feature", settings.feature) private val _inlinerWarnings = new ConditionalWarning("inliner", settings.YinlinerWarnings) private val _allConditionalWarnings = List(_deprecationWarnings, _uncheckedWarnings, _featureWarnings, _inlinerWarnings) // TODO: remove in favor of the overload that takes a Symbol, give that argument a default (NoSymbol) def deprecationWarning(pos: Position, msg: String): Unit = _deprecationWarnings.warn(pos, msg) def uncheckedWarning(pos: Position, msg: String): Unit = _uncheckedWarnings.warn(pos, msg) def featureWarning(pos: Position, msg: String): Unit = _featureWarnings.warn(pos, msg) def inlinerWarning(pos: Position, msg: String): Unit = _inlinerWarnings.warn(pos, msg) def deprecationWarnings = _deprecationWarnings.warnings.toList def uncheckedWarnings = _uncheckedWarnings.warnings.toList def featureWarnings = _featureWarnings.warnings.toList def inlinerWarnings = _inlinerWarnings.warnings.toList def allConditionalWarnings = _allConditionalWarnings flatMap (_.warnings) // behold! the symbol that caused the deprecation warning (may not be deprecated itself) def deprecationWarning(pos: Position, sym: Symbol, msg: String): Unit = _deprecationWarnings.warn(pos, msg) def deprecationWarning(pos: Position, sym: Symbol): Unit = { val suffix = sym.deprecationMessage match { case Some(msg) => ": "+ msg case _ => "" } deprecationWarning(pos, sym, s"$sym${sym.locationString} is deprecated$suffix") } private[this] var reportedFeature = Set[Symbol]() def featureWarning(pos: Position, featureName: String, featureDesc: String, featureTrait: Symbol, construct: => String = "", required: Boolean): Unit = { val req = if (required) "needs to" else "should" val fqname = "scala.language." + featureName val explain = ( if (reportedFeature contains featureTrait) "" else s"""| |This can be achieved by adding the import clause 'import $fqname' |or by setting the compiler option -language:$featureName. |See the Scala docs for value $fqname for a discussion |why the feature $req be explicitly enabled.""".stripMargin ) reportedFeature += featureTrait val msg = s"$featureDesc $req be enabled\nby making the implicit value $fqname visible.$explain" replace ("#", construct) if (required) reporter.error(pos, msg) else featureWarning(pos, msg) } /** Has any macro expansion used a fallback during this run? */ var seenMacroExpansionsFallingBack = false def summarizeErrors(): Unit = if (!reporter.hasErrors) { _allConditionalWarnings foreach (_.summarize()) if (seenMacroExpansionsFallingBack) reporter.warning(NoPosition, "some macros could not be expanded and code fell back to overridden methods;"+ "\nrecompiling with generated classfiles on the classpath might help.") // todo: migrationWarnings if (settings.fatalWarnings && reporter.hasWarnings) reporter.error(NoPosition, "No warnings can be incurred under -Xfatal-warnings.") } } }