/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2010 LAMP/EPFL * @author Martin Odersky */ package scala.tools.nsc import java.io.{ InputStream, OutputStream, BufferedReader, FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, FileReader, InputStreamReader, PrintWriter, FileWriter, IOException } import java.io.{ File => JFile } import io.{ Directory, File, Path, PlainFile } import java.net.URL import java.util.jar.{ JarEntry, JarOutputStream } import util.{ waitingForThreads } import scala.tools.util.PathResolver import scala.tools.nsc.reporters.{Reporter,ConsoleReporter} import util.Exceptional.unwrap /** An object that runs Scala code in script files. * *

For example, here is a complete Scala script on Unix: *

 *    #!/bin/sh
 *    exec scala "$0" "$@"
 *    !#
 *    Console.println("Hello, world!")
 *    argv.toList foreach Console.println

And here is a batch file example on Windows XP:

 *    ::#!
 *    @echo off
 *    call scala %0 %*
 *    goto :eof
 *    ::!#
 *    Console.println("Hello, world!")
 *    argv.toList foreach Console.println
* * @author Lex Spoon * @version 1.0, 15/05/2006 * @todo It would be better if error output went to stderr instead * of stdout... */ object ScriptRunner { /* While I'm chasing down the fsc and script bugs. */ def DBG(msg: Any) { System.err.println(msg.toString) System.err.flush() } /** Default name to use for the wrapped script */ val defaultScriptMain = "Main" /** Pick a main object name from the specified settings */ def scriptMain(settings: Settings) = settings.script.value match { case "" => defaultScriptMain case x => x } def isScript(settings: Settings) = settings.script.value != "" /** Choose a jar filename to hold the compiled version of a script. */ private def jarFileFor(scriptFile: String): File = { val name = if (scriptFile endsWith ".jar") scriptFile else scriptFile + ".jar" File(name) } def copyStreams(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) = { val buf = new Array[Byte](10240) def loop: Unit = in.read(buf, 0, buf.length) match { case -1 => in.close() case n => out.write(buf, 0, n) ; loop } loop } /** Try to create a jar file out of all the contents * of the directory sourcePath. */ private def tryMakeJar(jarFile: File, sourcePath: Directory) = { def addFromDir(jar: JarOutputStream, dir: Directory, prefix: String) { def addFileToJar(entry: File) = { jar putNextEntry new JarEntry(prefix + entry.name) copyStreams(entry.inputStream, jar) jar.closeEntry } dir.list foreach { entry => if (entry.isFile) addFileToJar(entry.toFile) else addFromDir(jar, entry.toDirectory, prefix + entry.name + "/") } } try { val jar = new JarOutputStream(jarFile.outputStream()) addFromDir(jar, sourcePath, "") jar.close } catch { case _: Exception => jarFile.delete() } } /** Read the entire contents of a file as a String. */ private def contentsOfFile(filename: String) = File(filename).slurp() /** Split a fully qualified object name into a * package and an unqualified object name */ private def splitObjectName(fullname: String): (Option[String], String) = (fullname lastIndexOf '.') match { case -1 => (None, fullname) case idx => (Some(fullname take idx), fullname drop (idx + 1)) } /** Compile a script using the fsc compilation daemon. * * @param settings ... * @param scriptFileIn ... * @return ... */ private def compileWithDaemon( settings: GenericRunnerSettings, scriptFileIn: String): Boolean = { val scriptFile = Path(scriptFileIn).toAbsolute.path val compSettingNames = new Settings(sys.error).visibleSettings.toList map (_.name) val compSettings = settings.visibleSettings.toList filter (compSettingNames contains _.name) val coreCompArgs = compSettings flatMap (_.unparse) val compArgs = coreCompArgs ::: List("-Xscript", scriptMain(settings), scriptFile) var compok = true val socket = CompileSocket getOrCreateSocket "" getOrElse (return false) socket.applyReaderAndWriter { (in, out) => out println (CompileSocket getPassword socket.getPort) out println (compArgs mkString "\0") try { for (fromServer <- (Iterator continually in.readLine()) takeWhile (_ != null)) { Console.err println fromServer if (CompileSocket.errorPattern matcher fromServer matches) compok = false } } finally socket.close() } compok } protected def newGlobal(settings: Settings, reporter: Reporter) = new Global(settings, reporter) /** Compile a script and then run the specified closure with * a classpath for the compiled script. * * @return true if compilation and the handler succeeds, false otherwise. */ private def withCompiledScript( settings: GenericRunnerSettings, scriptFile: String) (handler: String => Boolean): Boolean = { /** Compiles the script file, and returns the directory with the compiled * class files, if the compilation succeeded. */ def compile: Option[Directory] = { val compiledPath = Directory makeTemp "scalascript" // delete the directory after the user code has finished sys.addShutdownHook(compiledPath.deleteRecursively()) settings.outdir.value = compiledPath.path if (settings.nocompdaemon.value) { /** Setting settings.script.value informs the compiler this is not a * self contained compilation unit. */ settings.script.value = scriptMain(settings) val reporter = new ConsoleReporter(settings) val compiler = newGlobal(settings, reporter) val cr = new compiler.Run cr compile List(scriptFile) if (reporter.hasErrors) None else Some(compiledPath) } else if (compileWithDaemon(settings, scriptFile)) Some(compiledPath) else None } /** The script runner calls sys.exit to communicate a return value, but this must * not take place until there are no non-daemon threads running. Tickets #1955, #2006. */ waitingForThreads { if (settings.savecompiled.value) { val jarFile = jarFileFor(scriptFile) def jarOK = jarFile.canRead && (jarFile isFresher File(scriptFile)) def recompile() = { jarFile.delete() compile match { case Some(compiledPath) => tryMakeJar(jarFile, compiledPath) if (jarOK) { compiledPath.deleteRecursively() handler(jarFile.toAbsolute.path) } // jar failed; run directly from the class files else handler(compiledPath.path) case _ => false } } if (jarOK) handler(jarFile.toAbsolute.path) // pre-compiled jar is current else recompile() // jar old - recompile the script. } // don't use a cache jar at all--just use the class files else compile exists (cp => handler(cp.path)) } } /** Run a script after it has been compiled * * @return true if execution succeeded, false otherwise */ private def runCompiled( settings: GenericRunnerSettings, compiledLocation: String, scriptArgs: List[String]): Boolean = { val pr = new PathResolver(settings) val classpath = File(compiledLocation).toURL +: pr.asURLs ObjectRunner.runAndCatch(classpath, scriptMain(settings), scriptArgs) match { case Left(ex) => ex.printStackTrace() ; false case _ => true } } /** Run a script file with the specified arguments and compilation * settings. * * @return true if compilation and execution succeeded, false otherwise. */ def runScript( settings: GenericRunnerSettings, scriptFile: String, scriptArgs: List[String]): Boolean = { if (File(scriptFile).isFile) withCompiledScript(settings, scriptFile) { runCompiled(settings, _, scriptArgs) } else throw new IOException("no such file: " + scriptFile) } /** Calls runScript and catches the enumerated exceptions, routing * them to Left(ex) if thrown. */ def runScriptAndCatch( settings: GenericRunnerSettings, scriptFile: String, scriptArgs: List[String]): Either[Throwable, Boolean] = { try Right(runScript(settings, scriptFile, scriptArgs)) catch { case e => Left(unwrap(e)) } } /** Run a command * * @return true if compilation and execution succeeded, false otherwise. */ def runCommand( settings: GenericRunnerSettings, command: String, scriptArgs: List[String]): Boolean = { val scriptFile = File.makeTemp("scalacmd", ".scala") // save the command to the file scriptFile writeAll command try withCompiledScript(settings, scriptFile.path) { runCompiled(settings, _, scriptArgs) } finally scriptFile.delete() // in case there was a compilation error } }