/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL * @author Martin Odersky */ package scala.tools.nsc package ast import symtab._ import reporters.Reporter import util.{Position, NoPosition} import util.DocStrings._ import util.Chars._ import scala.collection.mutable.{HashMap, ListBuffer, StringBuilder} /* * @author Martin Odersky * @version 1.0 */ trait DocComments { self: SymbolTable => def reporter: Reporter /** The raw doc comment map */ val docComments = new HashMap[Symbol, DocComment] /** Associate comment with symbol `sym` at position `pos`. */ def docComment(sym: Symbol, docStr: String, pos: Position = NoPosition) = if ((sym ne null) && (sym ne NoSymbol)) docComments += (sym -> DocComment(docStr, pos)) /** The raw doc comment of symbol `sym`, as it appears in the source text, "" if missing. */ def rawDocComment(sym: Symbol): String = docComments get sym map (_.raw) getOrElse "" /** The position of the raw doc comment of symbol `sym`, or NoPosition if missing * If a symbol does not have a doc comment but some overridden version of it does, * the position of the doc comment of the overridden version is returned instead. */ def docCommentPos(sym: Symbol): Position = getDocComment(sym) map (_.pos) getOrElse NoPosition /** A version which doesn't consider self types, as a temporary measure: * an infinite loop has broken out between superComment and cookedDocComment * since r23926. */ private def allInheritedOverriddenSymbols(sym: Symbol): List[Symbol] = { if (!sym.owner.isClass) Nil else sym.owner.ancestors map (sym overriddenSymbol _) filter (_ != NoSymbol) } /** The raw doc comment of symbol `sym`, minus @usecase and @define sections, augmented by * missing sections of an inherited doc comment. * If a symbol does not have a doc comment but some overridden version of it does, * the doc comment of the overridden version is copied instead. */ def cookedDocComment(sym: Symbol, docStr: String = ""): String = { val ownComment = if (docStr.length == 0) docComments get sym map (_.template) getOrElse "" else DocComment(docStr).template superComment(sym) match { case None => ownComment case Some(sc) => if (ownComment == "") sc else merge(sc, ownComment, sym) } } /** The cooked doc comment of symbol `sym` after variable expansion, or "" if missing. * * @param sym The symbol for which doc comment is returned * @param site The class for which doc comments are generated * @throws ExpansionLimitExceeded when more than 10 successive expansions * of the same string are done, which is * interpreted as a recursive variable definition. */ def expandedDocComment(sym: Symbol, site: Symbol, docStr: String = ""): String = { // when parsing a top level class or module, use the (module-)class itself to look up variable definitions val site1 = if ((sym.isModule || sym.isClass) && site.hasPackageFlag) sym else site expandVariables(cookedDocComment(sym, docStr), sym, site1) } /** The cooked doc comment of symbol `sym` after variable expansion, or "" if missing. * @param sym The symbol for which doc comment is returned (site is always the containing class) */ def expandedDocComment(sym: Symbol): String = expandedDocComment(sym, sym.enclClass) /** The list of use cases of doc comment of symbol `sym` seen as a member of class * `site`. Each use case consists of a synthetic symbol (which is entered nowhere else), * of an expanded doc comment string, and of its position. * * @param sym The symbol for which use cases are returned * @param site The class for which doc comments are generated * @throws ExpansionLimitExceeded when more than 10 successive expansions * of the same string are done, which is * interpreted as a recursive variable definition. */ def useCases(sym: Symbol, site: Symbol): List[(Symbol, String, Position)] = { def getUseCases(dc: DocComment) = { for (uc <- dc.useCases; defn <- uc.expandedDefs(site)) yield (defn, expandVariables(merge(cookedDocComment(sym), uc.comment.raw, defn, copyFirstPara = true), sym, site), uc.pos) } getDocComment(sym) map getUseCases getOrElse List() } def useCases(sym: Symbol): List[(Symbol, String, Position)] = useCases(sym, sym.enclClass) /** Returns the javadoc format of doc comment string `s`, including wiki expansion */ def toJavaDoc(s: String): String = expandWiki(s) private val wikiReplacements = List( ("""(\n\s*\*?)(\s*\n)""" .r, """$1

$2"""), ("""<([^\w/])""" .r, """<$1"""), ("""([^\w/])>""" .r, """$1>"""), ("""\{\{\{(.*(?:\n.*)*)\}\}\}""".r, """

"""), ("""`([^`]*)`""" .r, """$1"""), ("""__([^_]*)__""" .r, """$1"""), ("""''([^']*)''""" .r, """$1"""), ("""'''([^']*)'''""" .r, """$1"""), ("""\^([^^]*)\^""" .r, """$1"""), (""",,([^,]*),,""" .r, """$1""")) /** Returns just the wiki expansion (this would correspond to * a comment in the input format of the JavaDoc tool, modulo differences * in tags.) */ def expandWiki(str: String): String = (str /: wikiReplacements) { (str1, regexRepl) => regexRepl._1 replaceAllIn(str1, regexRepl._2) } private def getDocComment(sym: Symbol): Option[DocComment] = mapFind(sym :: allInheritedOverriddenSymbols(sym))(docComments get _) /** The cooked doc comment of an overridden symbol */ protected def superComment(sym: Symbol): Option[String] = allInheritedOverriddenSymbols(sym).iterator map (x => cookedDocComment(x)) find (_ != "") private def mapFind[A, B](xs: Iterable[A])(f: A => Option[B]): Option[B] = xs collectFirst scala.Function.unlift(f) private def isMovable(str: String, sec: (Int, Int)): Boolean = startsWithTag(str, sec, "@param") || startsWithTag(str, sec, "@tparam") || startsWithTag(str, sec, "@return") /** Merge elements of doccomment `src` into doc comment `dst` for symbol `sym`. * In detail: * 1. If `copyFirstPara` is true, copy first paragraph * 2. For all parameters of `sym` if there is no @param section * in `dst` for that parameter name, but there is one on `src`, copy that section. * 3. If there is no @return section in `dst` but there is one in `src`, copy it. */ def merge(src: String, dst: String, sym: Symbol, copyFirstPara: Boolean = false): String = { val srcSections = tagIndex(src) val dstSections = tagIndex(dst) val srcParams = paramDocs(src, "@param", srcSections) val dstParams = paramDocs(dst, "@param", dstSections) val srcTParams = paramDocs(src, "@tparam", srcSections) val dstTParams = paramDocs(dst, "@tparam", dstSections) val out = new StringBuilder var copied = 0 var tocopy = startTag(dst, dstSections dropWhile (!isMovable(dst, _))) if (copyFirstPara) { val eop = // end of comment body (first para), which is delimited by blank line, or tag, or end of comment (findNext(src, 0)(src.charAt(_) == '\n')) min startTag(src, srcSections) out append src.substring(0, eop).trim copied = 3 tocopy = 3 } def mergeSection(srcSec: Option[(Int, Int)], dstSec: Option[(Int, Int)]) = dstSec match { case Some((start, end)) => if (end > tocopy) tocopy = end case None => srcSec match { case Some((start1, end1)) => { out append dst.substring(copied, tocopy).trim out append "\n" copied = tocopy out append src.substring(start1, end1).trim } case None => } } for (params <- sym.paramss; param <- params) mergeSection(srcParams get param.name.toString, dstParams get param.name.toString) for (tparam <- sym.typeParams) mergeSection(srcTParams get tparam.name.toString, dstTParams get tparam.name.toString) mergeSection(returnDoc(src, srcSections), returnDoc(dst, dstSections)) if (out.length == 0) dst else { out append dst.substring(copied) out.toString } } /** Maps symbols to the variable -> replacement maps that are defined * in their doc comments */ private val defs = new HashMap[Symbol, Map[String, String]] { override def default(key: Symbol) = Map() } /** Lookup definition of variable. * * @param vble The variable for which a definition is searched * @param owner The current owner in which variable definitions are searched. * @param site The class for which doc comments are generated */ def lookupVariable(vble: String, site: Symbol): Option[String] = site match { case NoSymbol => None case _ => val searchList = if (site.isModule) site :: site.info.baseClasses else site.info.baseClasses searchList collectFirst { case x if defs(x) contains vble => defs(x)(vble) } match { case Some(str) if str startsWith '$' => lookupVariable(str.tail, site) case res => res orElse lookupVariable(vble, site.owner) } } /** Expand variable occurrences in string `str', until a fix point is reached or * a expandLimit is exceeded. * * @param str The string to be expanded * @param sym The symbol for which doc comments are generated * @param site The class for which doc comments are generated * @return Expanded string */ protected def expandVariables(initialStr: String, sym: Symbol, site: Symbol): String = { val expandLimit = 10 def expandInternal(str: String, depth: Int): String = { if (depth >= expandLimit) throw new ExpansionLimitExceeded(str) val out = new StringBuilder var copied, idx = 0 // excluding variables written as \$foo so we can use them when // necessary to document things like Symbol#decode def isEscaped = idx > 0 && str.charAt(idx - 1) == '\\' while (idx < str.length) { if ((str charAt idx) != '$' || isEscaped) idx += 1 else { val vstart = idx idx = skipVariable(str, idx + 1) def replaceWith(repl: String) { out append str.substring(copied, vstart) out append repl copied = idx } variableName(str.substring(vstart + 1, idx)) match { case "super" => superComment(sym) foreach { sc => val superSections = tagIndex(sc) replaceWith(sc.substring(3, startTag(sc, superSections))) for (sec @ (start, end) <- superSections) if (!isMovable(sc, sec)) out append sc.substring(start, end) } case "" => idx += 1 case vname => lookupVariable(vname, site) match { case Some(replacement) => replaceWith(replacement) case None => reporter.warning(sym.pos, "Variable " + vname + " undefined in comment for " + sym) } } } } if (out.length == 0) str else { out append str.substring(copied) expandInternal(out.toString, depth + 1) } } // We suppressed expanding \$ throughout the recursion, and now we // need to replace \$ with $ so it looks as intended. expandInternal(initialStr, 0).replaceAllLiterally("""\$""", "$") } // !!! todo: inherit from Comment? case class DocComment(raw: String, pos: Position = NoPosition) { /** Returns: * template: the doc comment minus all @define and @usecase sections * defines : all define sections (as strings) * useCases: all usecase sections (as instances of class UseCase) */ lazy val (template, defines, useCases) = { val sections = tagIndex(raw, idx => startsWithTag(raw, idx, "@define") || startsWithTag(raw, idx, "@usecase")) val (defines, usecases) = sections partition (startsWithTag(raw, _, "@define")) val end = startTag(raw, sections) /* println("processing doc comment:") println(raw) println("===========>") println(raw.substring(0, end)) println("++++++++++++++++") println(sections map { case (s, e) => raw.substring(s, e) }) */ (if (end == raw.length - 2) raw else raw.substring(0, end) + "*/", defines map { case (start, end) => raw.substring(start, end) }, usecases map { case (start, end) => decomposeUseCase(start, end) }) } private def decomposeUseCase(start: Int, end: Int): UseCase = { val codeStart = skipWhitespace(raw, start + "@usecase".length) val codeEnd = skipToEol(raw, codeStart) val code = raw.substring(codeStart, codeEnd) val codePos = subPos(codeStart, codeEnd) val commentStart = skipLineLead(raw, codeEnd + 1) min end val comment = "/** " + raw.substring(commentStart, end) + "*/" val commentPos = subPos(commentStart, end) UseCase(DocComment(comment, commentPos), code, codePos) } private def subPos(start: Int, end: Int) = if (pos == NoPosition) NoPosition else { val start1 = pos.start + start val end1 = pos.end + end pos withStart start1 withPoint start1 withEnd end1 } def defineVariables(sym: Symbol) { for (str <- defines) { val start = skipWhitespace(str, "@define".length) var idx = skipVariable(str, start) val vble = variableName(str.substring(start, idx)) defs(sym) += vble -> (str drop idx).trim.replaceAll("""\s+\*+$""", "") } } } case class UseCase(comment: DocComment, body: String, pos: Position) { var defined: List[Symbol] = List() // initialized by Typer var aliases: List[Symbol] = List() // initialized by Typer def expandedDefs(site: Symbol): List[Symbol] = { def select(site: Type, name: Name, orElse: => Type): Type = { val member = site.nonPrivateMember(name) if (member.isTerm) singleType(site, member) else if (member.isType) site.memberType(member) else orElse } def getSite(name: Name): Type = { def findIn(sites: List[Symbol]): Type = sites match { case List() => NoType case site :: sites1 => select(site.thisType, name, findIn(sites1)) } val (classes, pkgs) = site.ownerChain.span(!_.isPackageClass) findIn(classes ::: List(pkgs.head, definitions.RootClass)) } def getType(str: String): Type = { def getParts(start: Int): List[String] = { val end = skipIdent(str, start) if (end == start) List() else str.substring (start, end) :: { if (end < str.length && (str charAt end) == '.') getParts(end + 1) else List() } } val parts = getParts(0) assert(parts.nonEmpty, "parts is empty '" + str + "' in site " + site) val partnames = (parts.init map newTermName) :+ newTypeName(parts.last) val (start, rest) = parts match { case "this" :: _ => (site.thisType, partnames.tail) case _ :: "this" :: _ => site.ownerChain.find(_.name == partnames.head) match { case Some(clazz) => (clazz.thisType, partnames drop 2) case _ => (NoType, Nil) } case _ => (getSite(partnames.head), partnames.tail) } (start /: rest)(select(_, _, NoType)) } val aliasExpansions: List[Type] = for (alias <- aliases) yield lookupVariable(alias.name.toString.substring(1), site) match { case Some(repl) => val tpe = getType(repl.trim) if (tpe != NoType) tpe else { val alias1 = alias.cloneSymbol(definitions.RootClass) alias1.name = repl.toTypeName typeRef(NoPrefix, alias1, Nil) } case None => typeRef(NoPrefix, alias, Nil) } def subst(sym: Symbol, from: List[Symbol], to: List[Type]): Type = if (from.isEmpty) sym.tpe else if (from.head == sym) to.head else subst(sym, from.tail, to.tail) val substAliases = new TypeMap { def apply(tp: Type) = mapOver(tp) match { case tp1 @ TypeRef(pre, sym, args) if (sym.name.length > 1 && sym.name(0) == '$') => subst(sym, aliases, aliasExpansions) match { case TypeRef(pre1, sym1, _) => typeRef(pre1, sym1, args) case _ => tp1 } case tp1 => tp1 } } for (defn <- defined) yield { defn.cloneSymbol.setFlag(Flags.SYNTHETIC).setInfo( substAliases(defn.info).asSeenFrom(site.thisType, defn.owner)) } } } class ExpansionLimitExceeded(str: String) extends Exception }