/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2010 LAMP/EPFL * * @author Paul Phillips */ package scala.tools.nsc package ast /** A DSL for generating scala code. The goal is that the * code generating code should look a lot like the code it * generates. */ trait TreeDSL { val global: Global import global._ import definitions._ import gen.{ scalaDot } import PartialFunction._ object CODE { // Add a null check to a Tree => Tree function def nullSafe[T](f: Tree => Tree, ifNull: Tree): Tree => Tree = tree => IF (tree MEMBER_== NULL) THEN ifNull ELSE f(tree) // Applies a function to a value and then returns the value. def returning[T](f: T => Unit)(x: T): T = { f(x) ; x } // strip bindings to find what lies beneath final def unbind(x: Tree): Tree = x match { case Bind(_, y) => unbind(y) case y => y } object LIT extends (Any => Literal) { def apply(x: Any) = Literal(Constant(x)) def unapply(x: Any) = condOpt(x) { case Literal(Constant(value)) => value } } // You might think these could all be vals, but empirically I have found that // at least in the case of UNIT the compiler breaks if you re-use trees. // However we need stable identifiers to have attractive pattern matching. // So it's inconsistent until I devise a better way. val TRUE = LIT(true) val FALSE = LIT(false) val ZERO = LIT(0) def NULL = LIT(null) def UNIT = LIT(()) object WILD { def apply(tpe: Type = null) = if (tpe == null) Ident(nme.WILDCARD) else Ident(nme.WILDCARD) setType tpe def unapply(other: Any) = cond(other) { case Ident(nme.WILDCARD) => true } } def fn(lhs: Tree, op: Name, args: Tree*) = Apply(Select(lhs, op), args.toList) def fn(lhs: Tree, op: Symbol, args: Tree*) = Apply(Select(lhs, op), args.toList) class TreeMethods(target: Tree) { private def toAnyRef(x: Tree) = x setType AnyRefClass.tpe /** logical/comparison ops **/ def OR(other: Tree) = if (target == EmptyTree) other else if (other == EmptyTree) target else gen.mkOr(target, other) def AND(other: Tree) = if (target == EmptyTree) other else if (other == EmptyTree) target else gen.mkAnd(target, other) /** Note - calling ANY_== in the matcher caused primitives to get boxed * for the comparison, whereas looking up nme.EQ does not. */ def MEMBER_== (other: Tree) = { if (target.tpe == null) ANY_==(other) else fn(target, target.tpe member nme.EQ, other) } def ANY_NE (other: Tree) = fn(target, nme.ne, toAnyRef(other)) def ANY_EQ (other: Tree) = fn(target, nme.eq, toAnyRef(other)) def ANY_== (other: Tree) = fn(target, Any_==, other) def ANY_>= (other: Tree) = fn(target, nme.GE, other) def ANY_<= (other: Tree) = fn(target, nme.LE, other) def OBJ_!= (other: Tree) = fn(target, Object_ne, other) def INT_| (other: Tree) = fn(target, getMember(IntClass, nme.OR), other) def INT_& (other: Tree) = fn(target, getMember(IntClass, nme.AND), other) def INT_== (other: Tree) = fn(target, getMember(IntClass, nme.EQ), other) def INT_!= (other: Tree) = fn(target, getMember(IntClass, nme.NE), other) def BOOL_&& (other: Tree) = fn(target, getMember(BooleanClass, nme.ZAND), other) def BOOL_|| (other: Tree) = fn(target, getMember(BooleanClass, nme.ZOR), other) /** Apply, Select, Match **/ def APPLY(params: Tree*) = Apply(target, params.toList) def APPLY(params: List[Tree]) = Apply(target, params) def MATCH(cases: CaseDef*) = Match(target, cases.toList) def DOT(member: Name) = SelectStart(Select(target, member)) def DOT(sym: Symbol) = SelectStart(Select(target, sym)) /** Assignment */ def ===(rhs: Tree) = Assign(target, rhs) /** Methods for sequences **/ def DROP(count: Int): Tree = if (count == 0) target else (target DOT nme.drop)(LIT(count)) /** Casting & type tests -- working our way toward understanding exactly * what differs between the different forms of IS and AS. * * See ticket #2168 for one illustration of AS vs. AS_ANY. */ def AS(tpe: Type) = TypeApply(Select(target, Any_asInstanceOf), List(TypeTree(tpe))) def AS_ANY(tpe: Type) = gen.mkAsInstanceOf(target, tpe) def AS_ATTR(tpe: Type) = gen.mkAttributedCast(target, tpe) def IS(tpe: Type) = gen.mkIsInstanceOf(target, tpe, true) def IS_OBJ(tpe: Type) = gen.mkIsInstanceOf(target, tpe, false) // XXX having some difficulty expressing nullSafe in a way that doesn't freak out value types // def TOSTRING() = nullSafe(fn(_: Tree, nme.toString_), LIT("null"))(target) def TOSTRING() = fn(target, nme.toString_) def GETCLASS() = fn(target, Object_getClass) } case class SelectStart(tree: Select) { def apply(args: Tree*) = Apply(tree, args.toList) } class CaseStart(pat: Tree, guard: Tree) { def IF(g: Tree): CaseStart = new CaseStart(pat, g) def ==>(body: Tree): CaseDef = CaseDef(pat, guard, body) } abstract class ValOrDefStart(sym: Symbol) { def ===(body: Tree): ValOrDefDef } class DefStart(sym: Symbol) extends ValOrDefStart(sym) { def ===(body: Tree) = DefDef(sym, body) } class ValStart(sym: Symbol) extends ValOrDefStart(sym) { def ===(body: Tree) = ValDef(sym, body) } class IfStart(cond: Tree, thenp: Tree) { def THEN(x: Tree) = new IfStart(cond, x) def ELSE(elsep: Tree) = If(cond, thenp, elsep) def ENDIF = If(cond, thenp, EmptyTree) } class TryStart(body: Tree, catches: List[CaseDef], fin: Tree) { def CATCH(xs: CaseDef*) = new TryStart(body, xs.toList, fin) def FINALLY(x: Tree) = Try(body, catches, x) def ENDTRY = Try(body, catches, fin) } def CASE(pat: Tree): CaseStart = new CaseStart(pat, EmptyTree) def DEFAULT: CaseStart = new CaseStart(WILD(), EmptyTree) class NameMethods(target: Name) { def BIND(body: Tree) = Bind(target, body) } class SymbolMethods(target: Symbol) { def BIND(body: Tree) = Bind(target, body) // Option def IS_DEFINED() = if (target.tpe.typeSymbol == SomeClass) TRUE // is Some[_] else NOT(ID(target) DOT nme.isEmpty) // is Option[_] def IS_NULL() = REF(target) ANY_EQ NULL def NOT_NULL() = REF(target) ANY_NE NULL def GET() = fn(REF(target), nme.get) // name of nth indexed argument to a method (first parameter list), defaults to 1st def ARG(idx: Int = 0) = Ident(target.paramss.head(idx)) def ARGS = target.paramss.head def ARGNAMES = ARGS map Ident } /** Top level accessible. */ def THROW(sym: Symbol, msg: Tree = null) = { val arg: List[Tree] = if (msg == null) Nil else List(msg.TOSTRING()) Throw(New(TypeTree(sym.tpe), List(arg))) } def NEW(tpe: Tree, args: Tree*) = New(tpe, List(args.toList)) def NEW(sym: Symbol, args: Tree*) = if (args.isEmpty) New(TypeTree(sym.tpe)) else New(TypeTree(sym.tpe), List(args.toList)) def VAL(sym: Symbol) = new ValStart(sym) def DEF(sym: Symbol) = new DefStart(sym) def AND(guards: Tree*) = if (guards.isEmpty) EmptyTree else guards reduceLeft gen.mkAnd def OR(guards: Tree*) = if (guards.isEmpty) EmptyTree else guards reduceLeft gen.mkOr def IF(tree: Tree) = new IfStart(tree, EmptyTree) def TRY(tree: Tree) = new TryStart(tree, Nil, EmptyTree) def BLOCK(xs: Tree*) = Block(xs.init.toList, xs.last) def NOT(tree: Tree) = Select(tree, getMember(BooleanClass, nme.UNARY_!)) private val _SOME = scalaDot(nme.Some) def SOME(xs: Tree*) = Apply(_SOME, List(makeTupleTerm(xs.toList, true))) /** Typed trees from symbols. */ def THIS(sym: Symbol) = gen.mkAttributedThis(sym) def ID(sym: Symbol) = gen.mkAttributedIdent(sym) def REF(sym: Symbol) = gen.mkAttributedRef(sym) def REF(pre: Type, sym: Symbol) = gen.mkAttributedRef(pre, sym) /** Some of this is basically verbatim from TreeBuilder, but we do not want * to get involved with him because he's an untyped only sort. */ private def tupleName(count: Int, f: (String) => Name = newTermName(_: String)) = scalaDot(f("Tuple" + count)) def makeTupleTerm(trees: List[Tree], flattenUnary: Boolean): Tree = trees match { case Nil => UNIT case List(tree) if flattenUnary => tree case _ => Apply(tupleName(trees.length), trees) } def makeTupleType(trees: List[Tree], flattenUnary: Boolean): Tree = trees match { case Nil => gen.scalaUnitConstr case List(tree) if flattenUnary => tree case _ => AppliedTypeTree(tupleName(trees.length, newTypeName), trees) } /** Implicits - some of these should probably disappear **/ implicit def mkTreeMethods(target: Tree): TreeMethods = new TreeMethods(target) implicit def mkTreeMethodsFromSymbol(target: Symbol): TreeMethods = new TreeMethods(Ident(target)) implicit def mkTreeMethodsFromName(target: Name): TreeMethods = new TreeMethods(Ident(target)) implicit def mkTreeMethodsFromString(target: String): TreeMethods = new TreeMethods(Ident(target)) implicit def mkNameMethodsFromName(target: Name): NameMethods = new NameMethods(target) implicit def mkNameMethodsFromString(target: String): NameMethods = new NameMethods(target) implicit def mkSymbolMethodsFromSymbol(target: Symbol): SymbolMethods = new SymbolMethods(target) /** (foo DOT bar) might be simply a Select, but more likely it is to be immediately * followed by an Apply. We don't want to add an actual apply method to arbitrary * trees, so SelectStart is created with an apply - and if apply is not the next * thing called, the implicit from SelectStart -> Tree will provide the tree. */ implicit def mkTreeFromSelectStart(ss: SelectStart): Select = ss.tree implicit def mkTreeMethodsFromSelectStart(ss: SelectStart): TreeMethods = mkTreeMethods(ss.tree) } }