/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2007 LAMP/EPFL * @author Martin Odersky */ // $Id$ //todo: allow infix type patterns package scala.tools.nsc.ast.parser import scala.tools.nsc.util.{ListBuffer, Position, OffsetPosition} import symtab.Flags import Tokens._ //todo verify when stableId's should be just plain qualified type ids /**

Performs the following context-free rewritings:

  1. * Places all pattern variables in Bind nodes. In a pattern, for * identifiers x:
     *                 x  => x @ _
     *               x:T  => x @ (_ : T)
  2. *
  3. Removes pattern definitions (PatDef's) as follows: * If pattern is a simple (typed) identifier:
     *        val x = e     ==>  val x = e
     *        val x: T = e  ==>  val x: T = e
    * * if there are no variables in pattern
     *        val p = e  ==>  e match (case p => ())
    * * if there is exactly one variable in pattern
     *        val x_1 = e match (case p => (x_1))
    * * if there is more than one variable in pattern
     *        val p = e  ==>  private synthetic val t$ = e match (case p => (x_1, ..., x_N))
     *                        val x_1 = t$._1
     *                        ...
     *                        val x_N = t$._N
  4. *
  5. * Removes function types as follows:
     *        (argtpes) => restpe   ==>   scala.Function_n[argtpes, restpe]
  6. *
  7. * Wraps naked case definitions in a match as follows:
     *        { cases }   ==>   (x => x.match {cases}), except when already argument to match
  8. *
*/ trait Parsers { self: SyntaxAnalyzer => import global._ //import RequiresIntsAsPositions._ private val glob: global.type = global import global.posAssigner.atPos /** ... * * @author Sean McDirmid */ class UnitParser(unit: global.CompilationUnit) extends Parser { val in = new UnitScanner(unit) in.init import in.ScanPosition def freshName(prefix : String) = unit.fresh.newName(prefix) import in.{p2g, g2p} def posToReport = if (!in.currentPos.line.isEmpty && !in.lastPos.line.isEmpty && in.currentPos.line.get > in.lastPos.line.get) in.lastPos; else in.currentPos } abstract class Parser { protected val in: AbstractScanner import in.ScanPosition protected def freshName(prefix: String): Name protected def posToReport: ScanPosition import in.{p2g, g2p} private def inToken = in.token private def inSkipToken = in.skipToken private def inNextToken = in.nextToken private def inCurrentPos = in.currentPos private def inName = in.name private def charVal = in.intVal.asInstanceOf[Char] private def intVal(isNegated : Boolean) = in.intVal(isNegated).asInstanceOf[Int] private def longVal(isNegated : Boolean) = in.intVal(isNegated) private def floatVal(isNegated : Boolean) = in.floatVal(isNegated).asInstanceOf[Float] private def doubleVal(isNegated : Boolean) = in.floatVal(isNegated) private def stringVal = inName.toString private def inNextTokenCode = in.next.token /** whether a non-continuable syntax error has been seen */ private var syntaxErrorSeen = false /** the markup parser */ def xmlp = { if (xmlp0 == null) xmlp0 = this match { case in: UnitParser => new MarkupParser(in, true) case _ => Console.println("Cannot create XML PARSER " + in) null } xmlp0 } private var xmlp0: MarkupParser = null object treeBuilder extends TreeBuilder { val global: Parsers.this.global.type = Parsers.this.global def freshName(prefix: String, pos : Position): Name = Parser.this.freshName(prefix) } import treeBuilder._ object symbXMLBuilder extends SymbolicXMLBuilder(treeBuilder, Parser.this, true) { // DEBUG choices val global: Parsers.this.global.type = Parsers.this.global def freshName(prefix: String): Name = Parser.this.freshName(prefix) } /** The implicit view parameters of the surrounding class */ var implicitClassViews: List[Tree] = Nil /** The implicit parameters introduced by `_' in the current expression. * Parameters appear in reverse order */ var implicitParams: List[ValDef] = Nil /** this is the general parse method */ def parse(): Tree = { val t = compilationUnit() accept(EOF) t } /////// ERROR HANDLING ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private def skip() { //System.out.println(" " + in.configuration.token2string(inToken))//DEBUG var nparens = 0 var nbraces = 0 while (true) { inToken match { case EOF => return case SEMI => if (nparens == 0 && nbraces == 0) return case NEWLINE => if (nparens == 0 && nbraces == 0) return case NEWLINES => if (nparens == 0 && nbraces == 0) return case RPAREN => nparens -= 1 case RBRACE => if (nbraces == 0) return nbraces -= 1 case LPAREN => nparens += 1 case LBRACE => nbraces += 1 case _ => } inNextToken } } def syntaxError(msg: String, skipIt: boolean): unit = syntaxError(inCurrentPos, msg, skipIt) def syntaxError(pos : ScanPosition, msg : String) = in.error(pos, msg) def syntaxError(pos: ScanPosition, msg: String, skipIt: boolean): Unit = { if (pos != in.errpos) { syntaxError(pos, msg) in.errpos = pos } if (skipIt) { in.skipping = true skip() in.skipping = false } syntaxErrorSeen = true } def syntaxErrorMigrate(msg: String) = syntaxError(inCurrentPos, migrateMsg + msg, false) def warning(msg: String) = if (inCurrentPos != in.errpos) { in.warning(inCurrentPos, msg) in.errpos = inCurrentPos } def incompleteInputError(pos: ScanPosition, msg: String) { if (pos == in.errpos) return if (syntaxErrorSeen) syntaxError(pos, msg, false) else { in.incompleteInputError(pos, msg) in.errpos = pos } } def incompleteInputError(msg: String): Unit = incompleteInputError(inCurrentPos, msg) // inCurrentPos should be at the EOF def syntaxErrorOrIncomplete(msg: String, skipIt: Boolean) { if (inToken == EOF) incompleteInputError(msg) else syntaxError(inCurrentPos, msg, skipIt) } def mismatch(expected: Int, found: Int) { val posToReport = this.posToReport val msg = in.configuration.token2string(expected) + " expected but " + in.configuration.token2string(found) + " found." if (found == EOF) incompleteInputError(posToReport, msg) else syntaxError(posToReport, msg, true) } /** Consume one token of the specified type, or * signal an error if it is not there. */ def accept(token: Int): ScanPosition = { val pos = inCurrentPos if (inToken != token) { val posToReport = if (inCurrentPos.line.get(0) > in.lastPos.line.get(0)) in.lastPos else inCurrentPos val msg = in.configuration.token2string(token) + " expected but " + in.configuration.token2string(inToken) + " found." if (inToken == EOF) incompleteInputError(posToReport, msg) else syntaxError(posToReport, msg, true) } if (inToken == token) inNextToken pos } /** semi = nl {nl} | `;' * nl = `\n' // where allowed */ def acceptStatSep(): Unit = if (inToken == NEWLINE || inToken == NEWLINES) inNextToken else accept(SEMI) def errorTypeTree = TypeTree().setType(ErrorType).setPos((inCurrentPos)) def errorTermTree = Literal(Constant(null)).setPos((inCurrentPos)) def errorPatternTree = Ident(nme.WILDCARD).setPos((inCurrentPos)) /////// TOKEN CLASSES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// def isModifier: Boolean = inToken match { case ABSTRACT | FINAL | SEALED | PRIVATE | PROTECTED | OVERRIDE | IMPLICIT => true case _ => false } def isLocalModifier: Boolean = inToken match { case ABSTRACT | FINAL | SEALED | IMPLICIT => true case _ => false } def isDefIntro: Boolean = inToken match { case VAL | VAR | DEF | TYPE | OBJECT | CASEOBJECT | CLASS | CASECLASS | TRAIT => true case _ => false } def isDclIntro: Boolean = inToken match { case VAL | VAR | DEF | TYPE => true case _ => false } def isIdent = inToken == IDENTIFIER || inToken == BACKQUOTED_IDENT def isExprIntroToken(token: int): Boolean = token match { case CHARLIT | INTLIT | LONGLIT | FLOATLIT | DOUBLELIT | STRINGLIT | SYMBOLLIT | TRUE | FALSE | NULL | IDENTIFIER | BACKQUOTED_IDENT | THIS | SUPER | IF | FOR | NEW | USCORE | TRY | WHILE | DO | RETURN | THROW | LPAREN | LBRACE | XMLSTART => true case _ => false } def isExprIntro: Boolean = isExprIntroToken(inToken) def isTypeIntroToken(token: Int): Boolean = token match { case IDENTIFIER | BACKQUOTED_IDENT | THIS | SUPER | USCORE | LPAREN | AT => true case _ => false } def isTypeIntro: Boolean = isTypeIntroToken(inToken) def isStatSep(token: Int): Boolean = token == NEWLINE || token == NEWLINES || token == SEMI def isStatSep: Boolean = isStatSep(inToken) /////// COMMENT AND ATTRIBUTE COLLECTION ////////////////////////////////////// /** Join the comment associated with a definition */ def joinComment(trees: => List[Tree]): List[Tree] = { val buf = in.flushDoc if (buf ne null) trees map (t => DocDef(buf, t) setPos t.pos) else trees } /////// TREE CONSTRUCTION //////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Convert tree to formal parameter list */ def convertToParams(tree: Tree): List[ValDef] = tree match { case Parens(ts) => ts map convertToParam case _ => List(convertToParam(tree)) } /** Convert tree to formal parameter */ def convertToParam(tree: Tree): ValDef = atPos(tree.pos) { tree match { case Ident(name) => ValDef(Modifiers(Flags.PARAM), name, TypeTree(), EmptyTree) case Typed(Ident(name), tpe) => ValDef(Modifiers(Flags.PARAM), name, tpe, EmptyTree) case _ => syntaxError(tree.pos, "not a legal formal parameter", false) ValDef(Modifiers(Flags.PARAM), nme.ERROR, errorTypeTree, EmptyTree) } } /** Convert (qual)ident to type identifier */ def convertToTypeId(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match { case Ident(name) => Ident(name.toTypeName).setPos(tree.pos) case Select(qual, name) => Select(qual, name.toTypeName).setPos(tree.pos) case _ => syntaxError(tree.pos, "identifier expected", false) errorTypeTree } /** make closure from tree staring with a `.' */ def makeDotClosure(tree: Tree): Tree = { val pname = freshName("x$") def insertParam(tree: Tree): Tree = atPos(tree.pos) { tree match { case Ident(name) => Select(Ident(pname), name) case Select(qual, name) => Select(insertParam(qual), name) case Apply(fn, args) => Apply(insertParam(fn), args) case TypeApply(fn, args) => TypeApply(insertParam(fn), args) case _ => syntaxError(tree.pos, "cannot convert to closure", false) errorTermTree } } Function(List(makeSyntheticParam(pname)), insertParam(tree)) } /////// OPERAND/OPERATOR STACK ///////////////////////////////////////////////// case class OpInfo(operand: Tree, operator: Name, pos: ScanPosition) var opstack: List[OpInfo] = Nil def precedence(operator: Name): int = if (operator eq nme.ERROR) -1 else { val firstCh = operator(0) if (((firstCh >= 'A') && (firstCh <= 'Z')) || ((firstCh >= 'a') && (firstCh <= 'z'))) 1 else firstCh match { case '|' => 2 case '^' => 3 case '&' => 4 case '=' | '!' => 5 case '<' | '>' => 6 case ':' => 7 case '+' | '-' => 8 case '*' | '/' | '%' => 9 case _ => 10 } } def checkSize(kind: String, size: int, max: int) { if (size > max) syntaxError("too many "+kind+", maximum = "+max, false) } def checkAssoc(pos: ScanPosition, op: Name, leftAssoc: boolean) = if (treeInfo.isLeftAssoc(op) != leftAssoc) syntaxError( pos, "left- and right-associative operators with same precedence may not be mixed", false) def checkNoImplicitParams() = implicitParams match { case vd :: _ => syntaxError(vd.pos, "unbound wildcard parameter", false) implicitParams = List() case _ => } def reduceStack(isExpr: boolean, base: List[OpInfo], top0: Tree, prec: int, leftAssoc: boolean): Tree = { var top = top0 if (opstack != base && precedence(opstack.head.operator) == prec) checkAssoc(opstack.head.pos, opstack.head.operator, leftAssoc) while (opstack != base && (prec < precedence(opstack.head.operator) || (leftAssoc && prec == precedence(opstack.head.operator)))) { top = atPos(opstack.head.pos) { makeBinop(isExpr, opstack.head.operand, opstack.head.operator, top) } opstack = opstack.tail } top } /////// IDENTIFIERS AND LITERALS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// final val MINUS: Name = "-" final val PLUS : Name = "+" final val BANG : Name = "!" final val TILDE: Name = "~" final val AMP : Name = "&" final val SLASH: Name = "/" final val STAR : Name = "*" final val BAR : Name = "|" final val OPT : Name = "?" final val LT : Name = "<" def ident(): Name = if (inToken == IDENTIFIER || inToken == BACKQUOTED_IDENT) { val name = inName.encode inNextToken name } else { if (settings.migrate.value && inToken == MATCH || inToken == REQUIRES || inToken == IMPLICIT) syntaxErrorMigrate(""+in+" is now a reserved word; cannot be used as identifier") accept(IDENTIFIER) nme.ERROR } def selector(t: Tree) = { if (inToken == MATCH && settings.migrate.value) syntaxErrorMigrate("Period should be omitted before `match'") Select(t, ident()) } /** Path ::= StableId * | [Ident `.'] this * AnnotType ::= Path [`.' type] */ def path(thisOK: boolean, typeOK: boolean): Tree = { var t: Tree = null if (inToken == THIS) { t = atPos(inSkipToken) { This(nme.EMPTY.toTypeName) } if (!thisOK || inToken == DOT) t = selectors(t, typeOK, accept(DOT)) } else if (inToken == SUPER) { t = atPos(inSkipToken) { Super(nme.EMPTY.toTypeName, mixinQualifierOpt()) } t = atPos(accept(DOT)) { selector(t) } if (inToken == DOT) t = selectors(t, typeOK, inSkipToken) } else { val i = atPos(inCurrentPos) { if (inToken == BACKQUOTED_IDENT) new BackQuotedIdent(ident()) else Ident(ident()) } t = i if (inToken == DOT) { val pos = inSkipToken if (inToken == THIS) { inNextToken t = atPos(i.pos) { This(i.name.toTypeName) } if (!thisOK || inToken == DOT) t = selectors(t, typeOK, accept(DOT)) } else if (inToken == SUPER) { inNextToken t = atPos(i.pos) { Super(i.name.toTypeName, mixinQualifierOpt()) } t = atPos(accept(DOT)) {selector(t)} if (inToken == DOT) t = selectors(t, typeOK, inSkipToken) } else { t = selectors(t, typeOK, pos) } } } t } def selectors(t: Tree, typeOK: boolean, pos : ScanPosition): Tree = if (typeOK && inToken == TYPE) { inNextToken atPos(pos) { SingletonTypeTree(t) } } else { val t1 = atPos(pos) { selector(t); } if (inToken == DOT) { selectors(t1, typeOK, inSkipToken) } else t1 } /** MixinQualifier ::= `[' Id `]' */ def mixinQualifierOpt(): Name = if (inToken == LBRACKET) { inNextToken val name = ident().toTypeName accept(RBRACKET) name } else { nme.EMPTY.toTypeName } /** StableId ::= Id * | Path `.' Id * | [id '.'] super [`[' id `]']`.' id */ def stableId(): Tree = path(false, false) /** QualId ::= Id {`.' Id} */ def qualId(): Tree = { val id = atPos(inCurrentPos) { Ident(ident()) } if (inToken == DOT) { selectors(id, false, inSkipToken) } else id } /** SimpleExpr ::= literal * | symbol * | null */ def literal(isPattern: boolean, isNegated: boolean): Tree = { def litToTree() = atPos(inCurrentPos) { Literal( inToken match { case CHARLIT => Constant(charVal) case INTLIT => Constant(intVal(isNegated)) case LONGLIT => Constant(longVal(isNegated)) case FLOATLIT =>Constant(floatVal(isNegated)) case DOUBLELIT => Constant(doubleVal(isNegated)) case STRINGLIT | SYMBOLLIT => Constant(stringVal) case TRUE => Constant(true) case FALSE => Constant(false) case NULL => Constant(null) case _ => syntaxErrorOrIncomplete("illegal literal", true) null }) } val isSymLit = inToken == SYMBOLLIT val t = litToTree() val pos = inSkipToken if (isSymLit) { atPos(pos) { var symid = scalaDot(nme.Symbol) val symobj = Apply(symid, List(t)) if (isPattern) symobj else Select(symobj, nme.intern) } } else { t } } def newLineOpt(): unit = if (inToken == NEWLINE) { if (settings.migrate.value) in.newNewLine = false inNextToken } def newLinesOpt(): unit = if (inToken == NEWLINE || inToken == NEWLINES) { if (settings.migrate.value) in.newNewLine = false inNextToken } def newLineOptWhenFollowedBy(token: int) { // note: next is defined here because current == NEWLINE if (inToken == NEWLINE && inNextTokenCode == token) newLineOpt() } def newLineOptWhenFollowing(p: int => boolean) { // note: next is defined here because current == NEWLINE if (inToken == NEWLINE && p(inNextTokenCode)) newLineOpt() } //////// TYPES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** TypedOpt ::= [`:' Type] */ def typedOpt(): Tree = if (inToken == COLON) { inNextToken; typ() } else TypeTree() /** RequiresTypedOpt ::= [requires AnnotType] */ def requiresTypeOpt(): Tree = if (inToken == COLON | inToken == REQUIRES) { if (inToken == COLON) warning("`:' has been deprecated; use `requires' instead") inNextToken; annotType(false) } else TypeTree() /** Types ::= Type {`,' Type} * ArgTypePats ::= ArgTypePat {`,' ArgTypePat} * * (also eats trailing comma if it finds one) */ def types(isPattern: boolean): List[Tree] = { val ts = new ListBuffer[Tree] + argType(isPattern) while (inToken == COMMA) { inNextToken if (inToken == RPAREN) return List(makeTupleType(ts.toList, false)) ts += argType(isPattern) } ts.toList } /** modes for infix types */ private final val FirstOp = 0 // first operand private final val LeftOp = 1 // left associative private final val RightOp = 2 // right associative /** Type ::= InfixType [`=>' Type] * | `(' [`=>' Type] `)' `=>' Type * XXX: Hook for IDE. */ def typ(): Tree = { val t = if (inToken == LPAREN) { val pos = inSkipToken if (inToken == RPAREN) { inNextToken atPos(accept(ARROW)) { makeFunctionTypeTree(List(), typ()) } } else if (inToken == ARROW) { inNextToken val t0 = typ() accept(RPAREN) atPos(accept(ARROW)) { makeByNameFunctionTypeTree(t0, typ()) } } else { val ts = types(false) accept(RPAREN) if (inToken == ARROW) atPos(inSkipToken) { makeFunctionTypeTree(ts, typ()) } else infixTypeRest(pos, makeTupleType(ts, true), false, FirstOp) } } else { infixType(false, FirstOp) } if (inToken == ARROW) atPos(inSkipToken) { makeFunctionTypeTree(List(t), typ()) } else t } /** InfixType ::= CompoundType {id [nl] CompoundType} * TypePat ::= CompoundTypePat {id [nl] CompoundTypePat */ def infixType(isPattern: boolean, mode: int): Tree = infixTypeRest(inCurrentPos, annotType(isPattern), isPattern, mode) def infixTypeRest(pos: ScanPosition, t0: Tree, isPattern: boolean, mode: int): Tree = { val t = compoundTypeRest(pos, t0, isPattern) if (isIdent && inName != nme.STAR) { val opPos = inCurrentPos val leftAssoc = treeInfo.isLeftAssoc(inName) if (mode == LeftOp) checkAssoc(opPos, inName, true) else if (mode == RightOp) checkAssoc(opPos, inName, false) val op = ident() newLineOptWhenFollowing(isTypeIntroToken) def mkOp(t1: Tree) = atPos(opPos) { AppliedTypeTree(Ident(op.toTypeName), List(t, t1)) } if (leftAssoc) infixTypeRest(inCurrentPos, mkOp(compoundType(isPattern)), isPattern, LeftOp) else mkOp(infixType(isPattern, RightOp)) } else t } /** CompoundType ::= AnnotType {with AnnotType} [Refinement] * CompoundTypePat ::= AnnotTypePat {with AnnotTypePat} */ def compoundType(isPattern: boolean): Tree = compoundTypeRest(inCurrentPos, annotType(isPattern), isPattern) def compoundTypeRest(pos: ScanPosition, t: Tree, isPattern: boolean): Tree = { var ts = new ListBuffer[Tree] + t while (inToken == WITH) { inNextToken; ts += annotType(isPattern) } newLineOptWhenFollowedBy(LBRACE) atPos(pos) { if (inToken == LBRACE && !isPattern) CompoundTypeTree(Template(ts.toList, emptyValDef, refinement())) else makeIntersectionTypeTree(ts.toList) } } /** AnnotType ::= Annotations SimpleType * SimpleType ::= SimpleType TypeArgs * | SimpleType `#' Id * | StableId * | Path `.' type * | `(' Types [`,'] `)' * AnnotTypePat ::= Annotations SimpleTypePat * SimpleTypePat ::= SimpleTypePat1 [TypePatArgs] * SimpleTypePat1 ::= SimpleTypePat1 "#" Id * | StableId * | Path `.' type * | `(' ArgTypePats [`,'] `)' */ def annotType(isPattern: boolean): Tree = { val annots = annotations() val pos = inCurrentPos var t: Tree = if (inToken == LPAREN) { inNextToken val ts = types(isPattern) accept(RPAREN) atPos(pos) { makeTupleType(ts, true) } } else { val r = path(false, true) val x = r match { case SingletonTypeTree(_) => r case _ => convertToTypeId(r) } // System.err.println("SIMPLE_TYPE: " + r.pos + " " + r + " => " + x.pos + " " + x) x } // scan for # and [] var done = false while (!done) { if (inToken == HASH) { t = atPos(inSkipToken) { SelectFromTypeTree(t, ident().toTypeName) } } else if (inToken == LBRACKET) { t = atPos(pos) { AppliedTypeTree(t, typeArgs(isPattern)) } if (isPattern) done=true } else done=true } (t /: annots) (makeAnnotated) } /** TypeArgs ::= `[' ArgType {`,' ArgType} `]' * TypePatArgs ::= '[' ArgTypePat {`,' ArgTypePat} `]' */ def typeArgs(isPattern: boolean): List[Tree] = { accept(LBRACKET) val ts = types(isPattern) accept(RBRACKET) ts } /** ArgType ::= Type * ArgTypePat ::= varid * | `_' * | Type // for array elements only! */ def argType(isPattern: boolean): Tree = if (isPattern) { if (inToken == USCORE) atPos(inSkipToken) { Bind(nme.WILDCARD.toTypeName, EmptyTree) } else if (inToken == IDENTIFIER && treeInfo.isVariableName(inName.toTypeName)) atPos(inCurrentPos) { Bind(ident().toTypeName, EmptyTree) } else { typ() } } else typ() //////// EXPRESSIONS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* // XX_LIFTED var liftedGenerators = new collection.mutable.ListBuffer[ValFrom] // XX_LIFTED def wrapLiftedGenerators(t: Tree): Tree = if (liftedGenerators.isEmpty) t else { val t1 = makeLifted(liftedGenerators.toList, t) liftedGenerators.clear t1 } // XX_LIFTED def noLifting(op: => Tree): Tree = { val savedLiftedGenerators = liftedGenerators if (!savedLiftedGenerators.isEmpty) // optimization to avoid buffer allocation liftedGenerators = new collection.mutable.ListBuffer val t = op if (!liftedGenerators.isEmpty) syntaxError(liftedGenerators.toList.head.pos, "no lifted expression allowed here", false) liftedGenerators = savedLiftedGenerators t } // XX_LIFTED def liftingScope(op: => Tree): Tree = { val savedLiftedGenerators = liftedGenerators if (!savedLiftedGenerators.isEmpty) // optimization to avoid buffer allocation liftedGenerators = new collection.mutable.ListBuffer val t = wrapLiftedGenerators(op) liftedGenerators = savedLiftedGenerators t } */ /** EqualsExpr ::= `=' Expr */ def equalsExpr(): Tree = { accept(EQUALS) expr() } /** Exprs ::= Expr {`,' Expr} * * (also eats trailing comma if it finds one) */ def exprs(): List[Tree] = { val ts = new ListBuffer[Tree] + expr() while (inToken == COMMA) { inNextToken; if (inToken == RPAREN) return List(makeTupleTerm(ts.toList, false)) ts += expr() } ts.toList } private final val Local = 0 private final val InBlock = 1 private final val InTemplate = 2 /** Expr ::= (Bindings | Id) `=>' Expr * | Expr1 * ResultExpr ::= (Bindings | Id `:' CompoundType) `=>' Block * | Expr1 * Expr1 ::= if `(' Expr `)' {nl} Expr [semi] else Expr] * | try `{' block `}' [catch `{' caseClauses `}'] [finally Expr] * | while `(' Expr `)' {nl} Expr * | do Expr [semi] while `(' Expr `)' * | for (`(' Enumerators `)' | '{' Enumerators '}') {nl} [yield] Expr * | throw Expr * | return [Expr] * | [SimpleExpr `.'] Id `=' Expr * | SimpleExpr1 ArgumentExprs `=' Expr * | `.' SimpleExpr * | PostfixExpr Ascription * | PostfixExpr match `{' CaseClauses `}' * | `.' Id {`.' Id | TypeArgs | ArgumentExprs} * Bindings ::= `(' [Binding {`,' Binding}] `)' * Binding ::= Id [`:' Type] * Ascription ::= `:' CompoundType * | `:' Annotation {Annotation} * | `:' `_' `*' */ def expr(): Tree = expr(Local) /** XXX: Hook for IDE */ def expr(location: int): Tree = { def isWildcard(t: Tree): boolean = t match { case Ident(name1) if !implicitParams.isEmpty && name1 == implicitParams.head.name => true case Typed(t1, _) => isWildcard(t1) case Annotated(t1, _) => isWildcard(t1) case _ => false } var savedImplicitParams = implicitParams implicitParams = List() var res = inToken match { case IF => val pos = inSkipToken accept(LPAREN) val cond = expr() accept(RPAREN) newLinesOpt() val thenp = expr() val elsep = if (inToken == ELSE) { inNextToken; expr() } else EmptyTree atPos(pos) { If(cond, thenp, elsep) } case TRY => atPos(inSkipToken) { accept(LBRACE) val body = block() accept(RBRACE) val catches = if (inToken == CATCH) { inNextToken accept(LBRACE) val cases = caseClauses() accept(RBRACE) cases } else List() val finalizer = if (inToken == FINALLY) { inNextToken; expr() } else EmptyTree Try(body, catches, finalizer) } case WHILE => val lname: Name = freshName("while$") val pos = inSkipToken accept(LPAREN) val cond = expr() accept(RPAREN) newLinesOpt() val body = expr() atPos(pos) { makeWhile(lname, cond, body) } case DO => val lname: Name = freshName("doWhile$") val pos = inSkipToken val body = expr() if (isStatSep) inNextToken accept(WHILE) accept(LPAREN) val cond = expr() accept(RPAREN) atPos(pos) { makeDoWhile(lname, body, cond) } case FOR => atPos(inSkipToken) { val startToken = inToken accept(if (startToken == LBRACE) LBRACE else LPAREN) val enums = enumerators() accept(if (startToken == LBRACE) RBRACE else RPAREN) newLinesOpt() if (inToken == YIELD) { inNextToken; makeForYield(enums, expr()) } else makeFor(enums, expr()) } case RETURN => atPos(inSkipToken) { Return(if (isExprIntro) expr() else Literal(())) } case THROW => atPos(inSkipToken) { Throw(expr()) } case DOT => //todo: deprecate atPos(inSkipToken) { if (isIdent) { makeDotClosure(stripParens(simpleExpr())) } else { syntaxErrorOrIncomplete("identifier expected", true) errorTermTree } } case _ => var t = postfixExpr() if (inToken == EQUALS) { t match { case Ident(_) | Select(_, _) | Apply(_, _) => t = atPos(inSkipToken) { makeAssign(t, expr()) } case _ => } } else if (inToken == COLON) { t = stripParens(t) val pos = inSkipToken val annots = annotations() if (inToken == USCORE) { val pos1 = inSkipToken if (isIdent && inName == nme.STAR) { inNextToken t = atPos(pos) { Typed(t, atPos(pos1) { Ident(nme.WILDCARD_STAR.toTypeName) }) } } else { syntaxErrorOrIncomplete("`*' expected", true) } } else if (annots.isEmpty || isTypeIntro) { t = atPos(pos) { val tpt = if (location != Local) compoundType(false) else typ() if (isWildcard(t)) (implicitParams: @unchecked) match { case (vd @ ValDef(mods, name, _, _)) :: rest => implicitParams = copy.ValDef(vd, mods, name, tpt.duplicate, EmptyTree) :: rest } // this does not correspond to syntax, but is necessary to // accept closures. We might restrict closures to be between {...} only! Typed(t, (tpt /: annots) (makeAnnotated)) } } else { t = (t /: annots) (makeAnnotated) } } else if (inToken == MATCH) { t = atPos(inSkipToken) { accept(LBRACE) val cases = caseClauses() accept(RBRACE) Match(stripParens(t), cases) } } if (inToken == ARROW && location != InTemplate) { t = atPos(inSkipToken) { Function(convertToParams(t), if (location == Local) expr() else block()) } } stripParens(t) } if (!implicitParams.isEmpty) if (isWildcard(res)) savedImplicitParams = implicitParams ::: savedImplicitParams else res = Function(implicitParams.reverse, res) implicitParams = savedImplicitParams res } /** PostfixExpr ::= InfixExpr [Id [nl]] * InfixExpr ::= PrefixExpr * | InfixExpr Id [nl] InfixExpr */ def postfixExpr(): Tree = { val base = opstack var top = prefixExpr() while (isIdent) { top = reduceStack( true, base, top, precedence(inName), treeInfo.isLeftAssoc(inName)) val op = inName opstack = OpInfo(top, op, inCurrentPos) :: opstack ident() newLineOptWhenFollowing(isExprIntroToken) if (isExprIntro) { top = prefixExpr() } else { val topinfo = opstack.head opstack = opstack.tail return Select( stripParens(reduceStack(true, base, topinfo.operand, 0, true)), topinfo.operator.encode).setPos(topinfo.pos) } } reduceStack(true, base, top, 0, true) } /** PrefixExpr ::= [`-' | `+' | `~' | `!' | `&'] SimpleExpr */ def prefixExpr(): Tree = { def unaryOp(): Name = "unary_" + ident() if (isIdent && inName == MINUS) { val name = unaryOp() inToken match { case INTLIT | LONGLIT | FLOATLIT | DOUBLELIT => literal(false, true) case _ => atPos(inCurrentPos) { Select(stripParens(simpleExpr()), name) } } } else if (isIdent && (inName == PLUS || inName == TILDE || inName == BANG)) { val pos = inCurrentPos val name = unaryOp() atPos(pos) { Select(stripParens(simpleExpr()), name) } } else if (isIdent && inName == AMP) { val pos = inCurrentPos val name = ident() atPos(pos) { Typed(stripParens(simpleExpr()), Function(List(), EmptyTree)) } /* XX-LIFTING } else if (settings.Xexperimental.value && isIdent && inName == SLASH) { val pos = inSkipToken val name = freshName() liftedGenerators += ValFrom(pos, Bind(name, Ident(nme.WILDCARD)), simpleExpr()) Ident(name) setPos pos */ } else { simpleExpr() } } /* SimpleExpr ::= new ClassTemplate * | BlockExpr * | SimpleExpr1 [`_'] * SimpleExpr1 ::= literal * | xLiteral * | Path * | `(' [Exprs [`,']] `)' * | SimpleExpr `.' Id * | SimpleExpr TypeArgs * | SimpleExpr1 ArgumentExprs */ def simpleExpr(): Tree = { var t: Tree = null var canApply = true inToken match { case CHARLIT | INTLIT | LONGLIT | FLOATLIT | DOUBLELIT | STRINGLIT | SYMBOLLIT | TRUE | FALSE | NULL => t = literal(false, false) case XMLSTART if xmlp != null => assert(xmlp != null) t = xmlp.xLiteral case IDENTIFIER | BACKQUOTED_IDENT | THIS | SUPER => t = path(true, false) case USCORE => val pname = freshName("x$") val pos = inSkipToken val param = makeSyntheticParam(pname) setPos pos implicitParams = param :: implicitParams t = atPos(pos) { Ident(pname) } case LPAREN => val pos = inSkipToken val ts = if (inToken == RPAREN) List() else exprs() accept(RPAREN) t = Parens(ts) setPos g2p(pos) case LBRACE => t = blockExpr() canApply = false case NEW => t = atPos(inSkipToken) { val (parents, argss, self, stats) = template(false) makeNew(parents, self, stats, argss) } canApply = false case _ => if (settings.migrate.value) { if (inToken == MATCH) syntaxErrorMigrate("`match' must be preceded by a selector expression") else if (inToken == REQUIRES || inToken == IMPLICIT) syntaxErrorMigrate(""+in+" is now a reserved word; cannot be used as identifier") } syntaxErrorOrIncomplete("illegal start of simple expression", true) t = errorTermTree } simpleExprRest(t, canApply) } def simpleExprRest(t: Tree, canApply: boolean): Tree = { if (canApply) newLineOptWhenFollowedBy(LBRACE) inToken match { case DOT => simpleExprRest(atPos(inSkipToken) { selector(stripParens(t)) }, true) case LBRACKET => val t1 = stripParens(t) t1 match { case Ident(_) | Select(_, _) => simpleExprRest(atPos(inCurrentPos) { TypeApply(t1, typeArgs(false)) }, true) case _ => t1 } case LPAREN | LBRACE if (canApply) => simpleExprRest(atPos(inCurrentPos) { Apply(stripParens(t), argumentExprs()) }, true) case USCORE => atPos(inSkipToken) { Typed(stripParens(t), Function(List(), EmptyTree)) } case _ => t } } /** ArgumentExprs ::= `(' [Exprs [`,']] `)' * | [nl] BlockExpr */ def argumentExprs(): List[Tree] = { if (inToken == LBRACE) { List(blockExpr()) } else { accept(LPAREN) val ts = if (inToken == RPAREN) List() else exprs() accept(RPAREN) ts } } /** BlockExpr ::= `{' (CaseClauses | Block) `}' */ def blockExpr(): Tree = { val res = atPos(accept(LBRACE)) { if (inToken == CASE) Match(EmptyTree, caseClauses()) else block() } accept(RBRACE) res } /** Block ::= BlockStatSeq */ def block(): Tree = makeBlock(blockStatSeq(new ListBuffer[Tree])) /** CaseClauses ::= CaseClause {CaseClause} */ def caseClauses(): List[CaseDef] = { val ts = new ListBuffer[CaseDef] do { ts += caseClause() } while (inToken == CASE) ts.toList } /** CaseClause ::= case Pattern [Guard] `=>' Block */ def caseClause(): CaseDef = atPos(accept(CASE)) { val pat = pattern() val gd = guard() makeCaseDef(pat, gd, atPos(accept(ARROW))(block())) } /** Guard ::= if PostfixExpr */ def guard(): Tree = if (inToken == IF) { inNextToken; stripParens(postfixExpr()) } else EmptyTree /** Enumerators ::= Generator {semi Enumerator} * Enumerator ::= Generator * | Guard * | val Pattern1 `=' Expr */ def enumerators(): List[Enumerator] = { val newStyle = inToken != VAL val enums = new ListBuffer[Enumerator] generator(enums, false) while (isStatSep) { inNextToken if (newStyle) { if (inToken == IF) enums += Filter(guard()) else generator(enums, true) } else { if (inToken == VAL) generator(enums, true) else enums += Filter(expr()) } } enums.toList } /** Generator ::= val Pattern1 `<-' Expr [Guard] */ def generator(enums: ListBuffer[Enumerator], eqOK: boolean) { val pos = inCurrentPos; if (inToken == VAL) inNextToken val pat = pattern1(false) val tok = inToken if (tok == EQUALS && eqOK) inNextToken else accept(LARROW) enums += makeGenerator(pos, pat, tok == EQUALS, expr) if (inToken == IF) enums += Filter(guard()) } //def p2i(pos : ScanPosition) : Int; //////// PATTERNS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Patterns ::= Pattern { `,' Pattern } * SeqPatterns ::= SeqPattern { `,' SeqPattern } * * (also eats trailing comma if it finds one) */ def patterns(seqOK: boolean): List[Tree] = { val ts = new ListBuffer[Tree] + pattern(seqOK) while (inToken == COMMA) { inNextToken; if (inToken == RPAREN) return List(makeTupleTerm(ts.toList, false)) ts += pattern(seqOK) } ts.toList } /** Pattern ::= Pattern1 { `|' Pattern1 } * SeqPattern ::= SeqPattern1 { `|' SeqPattern1 } */ def pattern(seqOK: boolean): Tree = { val pos = inCurrentPos val t = pattern1(seqOK) if (isIdent && inName == BAR) { val ts = new ListBuffer[Tree] + t while (isIdent && inName == BAR) { inNextToken; ts += pattern1(seqOK) } atPos(pos) { makeAlternative(ts.toList) } } else t } def pattern(): Tree = pattern(false) /** Pattern1 ::= varid `:' TypePat * | `_' `:' TypePat * | Pattern2 * SeqPattern1 ::= varid `:' TypePat * | `_' `:' TypePat * | [SeqPattern2] */ def pattern1(seqOK: boolean): Tree = { //if (false && /*disabled, no regexp matching*/ seqOK && !isExprIntro) { //atPos(inCurrentPos) { Sequence(List()) } //} else { val p = pattern2(seqOK) p match { case Ident(name) if (treeInfo.isVarPattern(p) && inToken == COLON) => atPos(inSkipToken) { Typed(p, compoundType(true)) } case _ => p } //} } /* Pattern2 ::= varid [ @ Pattern3 ] * | Pattern3 * SeqPattern2 ::= varid [ @ SeqPattern3 ] * | SeqPattern3 */ def pattern2(seqOK: boolean): Tree = { val p = pattern3(seqOK) if (inToken == AT) { p match { case Ident(name) => if (name == nme.WILDCARD) { inNextToken; pattern3(seqOK) } else if (treeInfo.isVarPattern(p)) { inNextToken atPos(p.pos) { Bind(name, pattern3(seqOK)) } } else { p } case _ => p } } else p } /* Pattern3 ::= SimplePattern * | SimplePattern {Id [nl] SimplePattern} * SeqPattern3 ::= SeqSimplePattern [ '*' | '?' | '+' ] * | SeqSimplePattern {Id [nl] SeqSimplePattern} */ def pattern3(seqOK: boolean): Tree = { val base = opstack var top = simplePattern(seqOK) if (seqOK && isIdent) { if (inName == STAR) return atPos(inSkipToken)(Star(top)) else if (inName == PLUS) return atPos(inSkipToken)(makePlus(top)) else if (inName == OPT) return atPos(inSkipToken)(makeOpt(top)) } while (isIdent && inName != BAR) { top = reduceStack( false, base, top, precedence(inName), treeInfo.isLeftAssoc(inName)) val op = inName opstack = OpInfo(top, op, inCurrentPos) :: opstack ident() top = simplePattern(seqOK) } stripParens(reduceStack(false, base, top, 0, true)) } /** SimplePattern ::= varid * | `_' * | literal * | XmlPattern * | StableId [TypePatArgs] [`(' [SeqPatterns [`,']] `)'] * | `(' [Patterns [`,']] `)' * SimpleSeqPattern ::= varid * | `_' * | literal * | XmlPattern * | `<' xLiteralPattern * | StableId [TypePatArgs] [`(' [SeqPatterns [`,']] `)'] * | `(' [SeqPatterns [`,']] `)' * * XXX: Hook for IDE */ def simplePattern(seqOK: boolean): Tree = inToken match { case IDENTIFIER | BACKQUOTED_IDENT | THIS => var t = stableId() inToken match { case INTLIT | LONGLIT | FLOATLIT | DOUBLELIT => t match { case Ident(name) if name == nme.MINUS => return literal(true, true) case _ => } case _ => } /* not yet if (inToken == LBRACKET) atPos(inCurrentPos) { val ts = typeArgs(true) accept(LPAREN) val ps = if (inToken == RPAREN) List() else patterns(true, false) accept(RPAREN) Apply(TypeApply(convertToTypeId(t), ts), ps) } else */ if (inToken == LPAREN) { atPos(inCurrentPos) { Apply(t, argumentPatterns()) } } else t case USCORE => atPos(inSkipToken) { Ident(nme.WILDCARD) } case CHARLIT | INTLIT | LONGLIT | FLOATLIT | DOUBLELIT | STRINGLIT | SYMBOLLIT | TRUE | FALSE | NULL => literal(true, false) case LPAREN => val pos = inSkipToken val ps = if (inToken == RPAREN) List() else patterns(false) accept(RPAREN) Parens(ps) setPos g2p(pos) case XMLSTART if xmlp != null => assert(xmlp != null) xmlp.xLiteralPattern case _ => if (settings.migrate.value && inToken == MATCH || inToken == REQUIRES || inToken == IMPLICIT) syntaxErrorMigrate(""+in+" is now a reserved word; cannot be used as identifier") syntaxErrorOrIncomplete("illegal start of simple pattern", true) errorPatternTree } def argumentPatterns(): List[Tree] = { accept(LPAREN) val ps = if (inToken == RPAREN) List() else patterns(true) accept(RPAREN) ps } ////////// MODIFIERS and ANNOTATIONS ///////////////////////////////////////////////// private def normalize(mods: Modifiers): Modifiers = if ((mods hasFlag Flags.PRIVATE) && mods.privateWithin != nme.EMPTY.toTypeName) mods &~ Flags.PRIVATE else if ((mods hasFlag Flags.ABSTRACT) && (mods hasFlag Flags.OVERRIDE)) mods &~ (Flags.ABSTRACT | Flags.OVERRIDE) | Flags.ABSOVERRIDE else mods private def addMod(mods: Modifiers, mod: long): Modifiers = { if (mods hasFlag mod) syntaxError(inCurrentPos, "repeated modifier", false) inNextToken mods | mod } /** AccessQualifier ::= "[" (Id | this) "]" */ def accessQualifierOpt(mods: Modifiers) = { var result = mods if (inToken == LBRACKET) { inNextToken if (mods.privateWithin != nme.EMPTY.toTypeName) syntaxError("duplicate private/protected qualifier", false) result = if (inToken == THIS) { inNextToken; mods | Flags.LOCAL } else Modifiers(mods.flags, ident().toTypeName) accept(RBRACKET) } result } /** AccessModifier ::= (private | protected) [AccessQualifier] */ def accessModifierOpt(): Modifiers = normalize { inToken match { case PRIVATE => inNextToken; accessQualifierOpt(Modifiers(Flags.PRIVATE)) case PROTECTED => inNextToken; accessQualifierOpt(Modifiers(Flags.PROTECTED)) case _ => NoMods } } /** Modifiers ::= {Modifier} * Modifier ::= LocalModifier * | AccessModifier * | override */ def modifiers(): Modifiers = normalize { def loop(mods: Modifiers): Modifiers = inToken match { case ABSTRACT => loop(addMod(mods, Flags.ABSTRACT)) case FINAL => loop(addMod(mods, Flags.FINAL)) case SEALED => loop(addMod(mods, Flags.SEALED)) case PRIVATE => loop(accessQualifierOpt(addMod(mods, Flags.PRIVATE))) case PROTECTED => loop(accessQualifierOpt(addMod(mods, Flags.PROTECTED))) case OVERRIDE => loop(addMod(mods, Flags.OVERRIDE)) case IMPLICIT => loop(addMod(mods, Flags.IMPLICIT)) case _ => mods } loop(NoMods) } /** LocalModifiers ::= {LocalModifier} * LocalModifier ::= abstract | final | sealed | implicit */ def localModifiers(): Modifiers = { def loop(mods: Modifiers): Modifiers = inToken match { case ABSTRACT => loop(addMod(mods, Flags.ABSTRACT)) case FINAL => loop(addMod(mods, Flags.FINAL)) case SEALED => loop(addMod(mods, Flags.SEALED)) case IMPLICIT => loop(addMod(mods, Flags.IMPLICIT)) case _ => mods } loop(NoMods) } /** Annotations ::= {Annotation} * Annotation ::= `@' AnnotationExpr [nl] */ def annotations(): List[Annotation] = { var annots = new ListBuffer[Annotation] if (inToken == LBRACKET) { in.deprecationWarning(in.pos, "The [attribute] syntax has been deprecated; use @annotation instead") while (inToken == LBRACKET) { inNextToken annots += annotation() while (inToken == COMMA) { inNextToken annots += annotation() } accept(RBRACKET) newLineOpt() } } else { while (inToken == AT) { inNextToken annots += annotation() newLineOpt() } } annots.toList } /** TypeAttributes ::= {`[' Exprs `]'} * * Type attributes may be arbitrary expressions. */ def typeAttributes(): List[Tree] = { val exps = new ListBuffer[Tree] if (settings.Xplugtypes.value) { while(inToken == LBRACKET) { accept(LBRACKET) exps ++= exprs() accept(RBRACKET) } } exps.toList } /** Annotation ::= StableId [TypeArgs] [`(' [Exprs] `)'] [[nl] `{' {NameValuePair} `}'] * NameValuePair ::= val id `=' PrefixExpr */ def annotation(): Annotation = { def nameValuePair(): Tree = { accept(VAL) var pos = inCurrentPos val aname = atPos(pos) { Ident(ident()) } accept(EQUALS) atPos(pos) { Assign(aname, stripParens(prefixExpr())) } } val pos = inCurrentPos var t: Tree = convertToTypeId(stableId()) if (inToken == LBRACKET) t = atPos(inCurrentPos)(AppliedTypeTree(t, typeArgs(false))) val args = if (inToken == LPAREN) argumentExprs() else List() newLineOptWhenFollowedBy(LBRACE) val nameValuePairs: List[Tree] = if (inToken == LBRACE) { inNextToken val nvps = new ListBuffer[Tree] + nameValuePair() while (inToken == COMMA) { inNextToken nvps += nameValuePair() } accept(RBRACE) nvps.toList } else List() val constr = atPos(pos) { New(t, List(args)) } Annotation(constr, nameValuePairs) setPos pos } //////// PARAMETERS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** ParamClauses ::= {ParamClause} [[nl] `(' implicit Params `)'] * ParamClause ::= [nl] `(' [Params] ')' * Params ::= Param {`,' Param} * Param ::= Annotations Id [`:' ParamType] * ClassParamClauses ::= {ClassParamClause} [[nl] `(' implicit ClassParams `)'] * ClassParamClause ::= [nl] `(' [ClassParams] ')' * ClassParams ::= ClassParam {`,' ClassParam} * ClassParam ::= Annotations [{Modifier} (`val' | `var')] Id [`:' ParamType] */ def paramClauses(owner: Name, implicitViews: List[Tree], ofCaseClass: boolean): List[List[ValDef]] = { var implicitmod = 0 var caseParam = ofCaseClass def param(): ValDef = { atPos(inCurrentPos) { val annots = annotations() var mods = Modifiers(Flags.PARAM) if (owner.isTypeName) { mods = modifiers() | Flags.PARAMACCESSOR if (inToken == VAL) { inNextToken } else if (inToken == VAR) { mods = mods | Flags.MUTABLE inNextToken } else { if (mods.flags != Flags.PARAMACCESSOR) accept(VAL) if (!(caseParam)) mods = mods | Flags.PRIVATE | Flags.LOCAL } if (caseParam) mods = mods | Flags.CASEACCESSOR } val name = ident() var bynamemod = 0 val tpt = if (settings.Xexperimental.value && !owner.isTypeName && inToken != COLON) { TypeTree() } else { // XX-METHOD-INFER accept(COLON) if (inToken == ARROW) { if (owner.isTypeName && !mods.hasFlag(Flags.LOCAL)) syntaxError( inCurrentPos, (if (mods.hasFlag(Flags.MUTABLE)) "`var'" else "`val'") + " parameters may not be call-by-name", false) else bynamemod = Flags.BYNAMEPARAM } paramType() } ValDef((mods | implicitmod | bynamemod) withAnnotations annots, name, tpt, EmptyTree) } } def paramClause(): List[ValDef] = { val params = new ListBuffer[ValDef] if (inToken != RPAREN) { if (inToken == IMPLICIT) { if (!implicitViews.isEmpty) syntaxError("cannot have both view bounds `<%' and implicit parameters", false) inNextToken implicitmod = Flags.IMPLICIT } params += param() while (inToken == COMMA) { inNextToken; params += param() } } params.toList } val vds = new ListBuffer[List[ValDef]] val pos = inCurrentPos newLineOptWhenFollowedBy(LPAREN) while (implicitmod == 0 && inToken == LPAREN) { inNextToken vds += paramClause() accept(RPAREN) caseParam = false newLineOptWhenFollowedBy(LPAREN) } val result = vds.toList if (owner == nme.CONSTRUCTOR && (result.isEmpty || (!result.head.isEmpty && result.head.head.mods.hasFlag(Flags.IMPLICIT)))) if (inToken == LBRACKET) syntaxError(pos, "no type parameters allowed here", false) else if(inToken == EOF) incompleteInputError(pos, "auxiliary constructor needs non-implicit parameter list") else syntaxError(pos, "auxiliary constructor needs non-implicit parameter list", false) addImplicitViews(owner, result, implicitViews) } /** ParamType ::= Type | `=>' Type | Type `*' */ def paramType(): Tree = if (inToken == ARROW) atPos(inSkipToken) { AppliedTypeTree( scalaDot(nme.BYNAME_PARAM_CLASS_NAME.toTypeName), List(typ())) } else { val t = typ() if (isIdent && inName == STAR) { inNextToken atPos(t.pos) { AppliedTypeTree( scalaDot(nme.REPEATED_PARAM_CLASS_NAME.toTypeName), List(t)) } } else t } /** TypeParamClauseOpt ::= [TypeParamClause] * TypeParamClause ::= `[' VariantTypeParam {`,' VariantTypeParam} `]'] * VariantTypeParam ::= [`+' | `-'] TypeParam * FunTypeParamClauseOpt ::= [FunTypeParamClause] * FunTypeParamClause ::= `[' TypeParam {`,' TypeParam} `]'] * TypeParam ::= Id TypeParamClauseOpt TypeBounds [<% Type] */ def typeParamClauseOpt(owner: Name, implicitViewBuf: ListBuffer[Tree]): List[AbsTypeDef] = { def typeParam(): AbsTypeDef = { var mods = Modifiers(Flags.PARAM) if (owner.isTypeName && isIdent) { if (inName == PLUS) { inNextToken mods = mods | Flags.COVARIANT } else if (inName == MINUS) { inNextToken mods = mods | Flags.CONTRAVARIANT } } val pos = inCurrentPos val pname = if (inToken == USCORE) { // @M! also allow underscore inNextToken nme.WILDCARD } else ident() val tparams = typeParamClauseOpt(pname.toTypeName, null) // @M TODO null --> no higher-order view bounds for now val param = atPos(pos) { typeBounds(mods, pname, tparams) } if (inToken == VIEWBOUND && (implicitViewBuf ne null)) implicitViewBuf += atPos(inSkipToken) { makeFunctionTypeTree(List(Ident(pname.toTypeName)), typ()) } param } val params = new ListBuffer[AbsTypeDef] newLineOptWhenFollowedBy(LBRACKET) if (inToken == LBRACKET) { inNextToken params += typeParam() while (inToken == COMMA) { inNextToken params += typeParam() } accept(RBRACKET) } params.toList } /** TypeBounds ::= [`>:' Type] [`<:' Type] */ def typeBounds(mods: Modifiers, name: Name, tparams: List[AbsTypeDef]): AbsTypeDef = AbsTypeDef(mods, name.toTypeName, tparams, // @M: an abstract type may have type parameters bound(SUPERTYPE, nme.Nothing), bound(SUBTYPE, nme.Any)) def bound(tok: int, default: Name): Tree = if (inToken == tok) { inNextToken; typ() } else scalaDot(default.toTypeName) //////// DEFS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Import ::= import ImportExpr {`,' ImportExpr} */ def importClause(): List[Tree] = { accept(IMPORT) val ts = new ListBuffer[Tree] + importExpr() while (inToken == COMMA) { inNextToken; ts += importExpr() } ts.toList } /** ImportExpr ::= StableId `.' (Id | `_' | ImportSelectors) * XXX: Hook for IDE */ def importExpr(): Tree = atPos(inCurrentPos) { var t: Tree = null var pos : ScanPosition = null.asInstanceOf[ScanPosition] if (inToken == THIS) { t = atPos(inCurrentPos) { This(nme.EMPTY.toTypeName) } t = atPos(accept(DOT)) { selector(t) } pos = accept(DOT) } else { val i = atPos(inCurrentPos) { Ident(ident()) } pos = accept(DOT) if (inToken == THIS) { inNextToken t = atPos(i.pos) { This(i.name.toTypeName) } t = atPos(accept(DOT)) { selector(t) } pos = accept(DOT) } else { t = i } } def loop: Tree = if (inToken == USCORE) { inNextToken Import(t, List((nme.WILDCARD, null))) } else if (inToken == LBRACE) { Import(t, importSelectors()) } else { val name = ident() if (inToken == DOT) { t = atPos(pos) { Select(t, name) } pos = accept(DOT) loop } else { Import(t, List((name, name))) } } loop } /** ImportSelectors ::= `{' {ImportSelector `,'} (ImportSelector | `_') `}' */ def importSelectors(): List[(Name, Name)] = { val names = new ListBuffer[(Name, Name)] accept(LBRACE) var isLast = importSelector(names) while (!isLast && inToken == COMMA) { inNextToken isLast = importSelector(names) } accept(RBRACE) names.toList } /** ImportSelector ::= Id [`=>' Id | `=>' `_'] */ def importSelector(names: ListBuffer[(Name, Name)]): boolean = if (inToken == USCORE) { inNextToken; names += (nme.WILDCARD, null); true } else { val name = ident() names += ( name, if (inToken == ARROW) { inNextToken if (inToken == USCORE) { inNextToken; nme.WILDCARD } else ident() } else { name }) false } /** Def ::= val PatDef * | var VarDef * | def FunDef * | type [nl] TypeDef * | TmplDef * Dcl ::= val ValDcl * | var ValDcl * | def FunDcl * | type [nl] TypeDcl * XXX: Hook for IDE. */ def defOrDcl(mods: Modifiers): List[Tree] = inToken match { case VAL => patDefOrDcl(mods) case VAR => varDefOrDcl(mods) case DEF => List(funDefOrDcl(mods)) case TYPE => inNextToken newLinesOpt() List(typeDefOrDcl(mods)) case _ => List(tmplDef(mods)) } /** PatDef ::= Pattern2 {`,' Pattern2} [`:' Type] `=' Expr * ValDcl ::= Id {`,' Id} `:' Type */ def patDefOrDcl(mods: Modifiers): List[Tree] = { var newmods = mods var lhs = new ListBuffer[Tree] do { inNextToken lhs += stripParens(pattern2(false)) } while (inToken == COMMA) val tp = typedOpt() val rhs = if (tp.isEmpty || inToken == EQUALS) equalsExpr() else { newmods = newmods | Flags.DEFERRED EmptyTree } def mkDefs(p: Tree): List[Tree] = { //Console.println("DEBUG: p = "+p.toString()); // DEBUG val trees = makePatDef(newmods, if (tp.isEmpty) p else Typed(p, tp), rhs.duplicate) map atPos(p.pos) if (rhs == EmptyTree) { trees match { case List(ValDef(_, _, _, EmptyTree)) => case _ => syntaxError(p.pos, "pattern definition may not be abstract", false) } } trees } for (p <- lhs.toList; d <- mkDefs(p)) yield d } /** VarDef ::= Id {`,' Id} [`:' Type] `=' Expr * | Id {`,' Id} `:' Type `=' `_' * VarDcl ::= Id {`,' Id} `:' Type */ def varDefOrDcl(mods: Modifiers): List[Tree] = { var newmods = mods | Flags.MUTABLE val lhs = new ListBuffer[(ScanPosition, Name)] do { lhs += (inSkipToken, ident()) } while (inToken == COMMA) val tp = typedOpt() val rhs = if (tp.isEmpty || inToken == EQUALS) { accept(EQUALS) if (!tp.isEmpty && inToken == USCORE) { inNextToken EmptyTree } else { expr() } } else { newmods = newmods | Flags.DEFERRED EmptyTree } for ((pos, name) <- lhs.toList) yield atPos(pos) { ValDef(newmods, name, tp.duplicate, rhs.duplicate) } } /** FunDef ::= FunSig `:' Type `=' Expr * | FunSig [nl] `{' Block `}' * | this ParamClause ParamClauses (`=' ConstrExpr | [nl] ConstrBlock) * FunDcl ::= FunSig [`:' Type] * FunSig ::= id [FunTypeParamClause] ParamClauses */ def funDefOrDcl(mods: Modifiers): Tree = atPos(inSkipToken) { if (inToken == THIS) { inNextToken val vparamss = paramClauses(nme.CONSTRUCTOR, implicitClassViews map (.duplicate), false) newLineOptWhenFollowedBy(LBRACE) val rhs = if (inToken == LBRACE) constrBlock(vparamss) else { accept(EQUALS); constrExpr(vparamss) } DefDef(mods, nme.CONSTRUCTOR, List(), vparamss, TypeTree(), rhs) } else { var newmods = mods val name = ident() val implicitViewBuf = new ListBuffer[Tree] val tparams = typeParamClauseOpt(name, implicitViewBuf) val vparamss = paramClauses(name, implicitViewBuf.toList, false) newLineOptWhenFollowedBy(LBRACE) var restype = typedOpt() val rhs = if (isStatSep || inToken == RBRACE) { if (restype.isEmpty) restype = scalaUnitConstr newmods = newmods | Flags.DEFERRED EmptyTree } else if (restype.isEmpty && inToken == LBRACE) { restype = scalaUnitConstr blockExpr() } else equalsExpr() DefDef(newmods, name, tparams, vparamss, restype, rhs) } } /** ConstrExpr ::= SelfInvocation * | ConstrBlock */ def constrExpr(vparamss: List[List[ValDef]]): Tree = if (inToken == LBRACE) constrBlock(vparamss) else Block(List(selfInvocation(vparamss)), Literal()) /** SelfInvocation ::= this ArgumentExprs {ArgumentExprs} */ def selfInvocation(vparamss: List[List[ValDef]]): Tree = atPos(accept(THIS)) { newLineOptWhenFollowedBy(LBRACE) var t = Apply(Ident(nme.CONSTRUCTOR), argumentExprs()) while (inToken == LPAREN || inToken == LBRACE) { t = Apply(t, argumentExprs()) newLineOptWhenFollowedBy(LBRACE) } if (!implicitClassViews.isEmpty) t = Apply(t, vparamss.last.map(vd => Ident(vd.name))) t } /** ConstrBlock ::= `{' SelfInvocation {semi BlockStat} `}' */ def constrBlock(vparamss: List[List[ValDef]]): Tree = atPos(inSkipToken) { val statlist = new ListBuffer[Tree] statlist += selfInvocation(vparamss) val stats = if (isStatSep) { inNextToken; blockStatSeq(statlist) } else statlist.toList accept(RBRACE) Block(stats, Literal(())) } /** TypeDef ::= Id [TypeParamClause] `=' Type * TypeDcl ::= Id [TypeParamClause] TypeBounds */ def typeDefOrDcl(mods: Modifiers): Tree = atPos(inCurrentPos) { val name = ident().toTypeName // @M! a type alias as well as an abstract type may declare type parameters val tparams = inToken match { case LBRACKET => typeParamClauseOpt(name, null) case _ => Nil } inToken match { case EQUALS => inNextToken AliasTypeDef(mods, name, tparams, typ()) case SUPERTYPE | SUBTYPE | SEMI | NEWLINE | NEWLINES | COMMA | RBRACE => typeBounds(mods | Flags.DEFERRED, name, tparams) case _ => syntaxErrorOrIncomplete("`=', `>:', or `<:' expected", true) EmptyTree } } /** XXX: Hook for IDE? */ def tmplDefHooked(mods: Modifiers): Tree = tmplDef(mods) /** TmplDef ::= [case] class ClassDef * | [case] object ObjectDef * | trait TraitDef */ def tmplDef(mods: Modifiers): Tree = inToken match { case TRAIT => classDef(mods | Flags.TRAIT | Flags.ABSTRACT) case CLASS => classDef(mods) case CASECLASS => classDef(mods | Flags.CASE) case OBJECT => objectDef(mods) case CASEOBJECT => objectDef(mods | Flags.CASE) case _ => syntaxErrorOrIncomplete("expected start of definition", true) EmptyTree } /** ClassDef ::= Id [TypeParamClause] Annotations [AccessModifier] ClassParamClauses RequiresTypeOpt ClassTemplateOpt * TraitDef ::= Id [TypeParamClause] RequiresTypeOpt TraitTemplateOpt */ def classDef(mods: Modifiers): ClassDef = atPos(inSkipToken) { val name = ident().toTypeName val savedViews = implicitClassViews val implicitViewBuf = new ListBuffer[Tree] val tparams = typeParamClauseOpt(name, implicitViewBuf) implicitClassViews = implicitViewBuf.toList if (!implicitClassViews.isEmpty && mods.hasFlag(Flags.TRAIT)) { syntaxError("traits cannot have type parameters with <% bounds", false) implicitClassViews = List() } val constrAnnots = annotations() val (constrMods, vparamss) = if (mods.hasFlag(Flags.TRAIT)) (Modifiers(Flags.TRAIT), List()) else (accessModifierOpt(), paramClauses(name, implicitClassViews, mods.hasFlag(Flags.CASE))) val thistpe = requiresTypeOpt() var template = templateOpt(mods, name, constrMods withAnnotations constrAnnots, vparamss) if (!thistpe.isEmpty) { if (template.self.isEmpty) { template = copy.Template( template, template.parents, makeSelfDef(nme.WILDCARD, thistpe), template.body) } else syntaxError("`requires' cannot be combined with explicit self type", false) } val mods1 = if (mods.hasFlag(Flags.TRAIT) && (template.body forall treeInfo.isInterfaceMember)) mods | Flags.INTERFACE else mods val result = ClassDef(mods1, name, tparams, template) implicitClassViews = savedViews result } /** ObjectDef ::= Id ClassTemplateOpt */ def objectDef(mods: Modifiers): ModuleDef = atPos(inSkipToken) { val name = ident() val template = templateOpt(mods, name, NoMods, List()) ModuleDef(mods, name, template) } /** ClassParents ::= AnnotType {`(' [Exprs [`,']] `)'} {with AnnotType} * TraitParents ::= AnnotType {with AnnotType} */ def templateParents(isTrait: boolean): (List[Tree], List[List[Tree]]) = { val parents = new ListBuffer[Tree] + annotType(false) val argss = new ListBuffer[List[Tree]] if (inToken == LPAREN && !isTrait) do { argss += argumentExprs() } while (inToken == LPAREN) else argss += List() while (inToken == WITH) { inNextToken parents += annotType(false) } (parents.toList, argss.toList) } /** ClassTemplate ::= [EarlyDefs with] ClassParents [TemplateBody] * TraitTemplate ::= [EarlyDefs with] TraitParents [TemplateBody] * EarlyDefs ::= `{' [EarlyDef {semi EarlyDef}] `}' * EarlyDef ::= Annotations Modifiers PatDef */ def template(isTrait: boolean): (List[Tree], List[List[Tree]], ValDef, List[Tree]) = { newLineOptWhenFollowedBy(LBRACE) if (inToken == LBRACE) { val (self, body) = templateBody() if (inToken == WITH && self.isEmpty) { val vdefs: List[ValDef] = body flatMap { case vdef @ ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs) if !(mods hasFlag Flags.DEFERRED) => List(copy.ValDef(vdef, mods | Flags.PRESUPER, name, tpt, rhs)) case stat => syntaxError(stat.pos, "only concrete field definitions allowed in early object initialization section", false) List() } inNextToken val (parents, argss) = templateParents(isTrait) val (self1, body1) = templateBodyOpt(isTrait) (parents, argss, self1, vdefs ::: body1) } else { (List(), List(List()), self, body) } } else { val (parents, argss) = templateParents(isTrait) val (self, body) = templateBodyOpt(isTrait) (parents, argss, self, body) } } /** ClassTemplateOpt ::= extends ClassTemplate | [[extends] TemplateBody] * TraitTemplateOpt ::= extends TraitTemplate | [[extends] TemplateBody] */ def templateOpt(mods: Modifiers, name: Name, constrMods: Modifiers, vparamss: List[List[ValDef]]): Template = { val pos = inCurrentPos; val (parents0, argss, self, body) = if (inToken == EXTENDS) { inNextToken template(mods hasFlag Flags.TRAIT) } else { newLineOptWhenFollowedBy(LBRACE) val (self, body) = templateBodyOpt(false) (List(), List(List()), self, body) } var parents = parents0 if (name != nme.ScalaObject.toTypeName) parents = parents ::: List(scalaScalaObjectConstr) if (mods.hasFlag(Flags.CASE)) parents = parents ::: List(productConstr) atPos(pos) { Template(parents, self, constrMods, vparamss, argss, body) } } ////////// TEMPLATES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** TemplateBody ::= [nl] `{' TemplateStatSeq `}' */ def templateBody() = { accept(LBRACE) val result @ (self, stats) = templateStatSeq() accept(RBRACE) if (stats.isEmpty) (self, List(EmptyTree)) else result } def templateBodyOpt(traitParentSeen: boolean): (ValDef, List[Tree]) = { newLineOptWhenFollowedBy(LBRACE) if (inToken == LBRACE) { templateBody() } else { if (inToken == LPAREN) syntaxError((if (traitParentSeen) "parents of traits" else "traits")+ " may not have parameters", true) (emptyValDef, List()) } } /** Refinement ::= [nl] `{' RefineStat {semi RefineStat} `}' */ def refinement(): List[Tree] = { accept(LBRACE) val body = refineStatSeq() accept(RBRACE) body } /////// STATSEQS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Packaging ::= package QualId [nl] `{' TopStatSeq `}' */ def packaging(): Tree = { atPos(accept(PACKAGE)) { val pkg = qualId() newLineOptWhenFollowedBy(LBRACE) accept(LBRACE) val stats = topStatSeq() accept(RBRACE) makePackaging(pkg, stats) } } /** TopStatSeq ::= TopStat {semi TopStat} * TopStat ::= Annotations Modifiers TmplDef * | Packaging * | Import * | */ def topStatSeq(): List[Tree] = { val stats = new ListBuffer[Tree] while (inToken != RBRACE && inToken != EOF) { if (inToken == PACKAGE) { stats += packaging() } else if (inToken == IMPORT) { stats ++= importClause() } else if (inToken == CLASS || inToken == CASECLASS || inToken == TRAIT || inToken == OBJECT || inToken == CASEOBJECT || inToken == LBRACKET || //todo: remove inToken == AT || isModifier) { val annots = annotations() stats ++ joinComment(List(tmplDefHooked(modifiers() withAnnotations annots))) } else if (!isStatSep) { syntaxErrorOrIncomplete("expected class or object definition", true) } if (inToken != RBRACE && inToken != EOF) acceptStatSep() } stats.toList } /** TemplateStatSeq ::= [id [`:' Type] `=>'] TemplateStat {semi TemplateStat} * TemplateStat ::= Import * | Annotations Modifiers Def * | Annotations Modifiers Dcl * | Expr1 * | super ArgumentExprs {ArgumentExprs} * | */ def templateStatSeq() = { val savedImplicitParams = implicitParams implicitParams = List() var self: ValDef = emptyValDef val stats = new ListBuffer[Tree] if (isExprIntro) { val first = expr(InTemplate) if (inToken == ARROW) { convertToParam(first) match { case ValDef(_, name, tpt, EmptyTree) if (name != nme.ERROR) => self = makeSelfDef(name, tpt) case _ => } inNextToken } else stats += first } while (inToken != RBRACE && inToken != EOF) { if (inToken == IMPORT) { stats ++= importClause() } else if (isExprIntro) { stats += expr(InTemplate) } else if (isDefIntro || isModifier || inToken == LBRACKET /*todo: remove */ || inToken == AT) { val annots = annotations() stats ++ joinComment(defOrDcl(modifiers() withAnnotations annots)) } else if (!isStatSep) { syntaxErrorOrIncomplete("illegal start of definition", true) } if (inToken != RBRACE && inToken != EOF) acceptStatSep() } checkNoImplicitParams() implicitParams = savedImplicitParams (self, stats.toList) } /** RefineStatSeq ::= RefineStat {semi RefineStat} * RefineStat ::= Dcl * | type TypeDef * | */ def refineStatSeq(): List[Tree] = { val stats = new ListBuffer[Tree] while (inToken != RBRACE && inToken != EOF) { if (isDclIntro) { stats ++= joinComment(defOrDcl(NoMods)) } else if (!isStatSep) { syntaxErrorOrIncomplete("illegal start of declaration", true) } if (inToken != RBRACE) acceptStatSep() } stats.toList } /** BlockStatSeq ::= { BlockStat semi } [ResultExpr] * BlockStat ::= Import * | [implicit] Def * | LocalModifiers TmplDef * | Expr1 * | */ def blockStatSeq(stats: ListBuffer[Tree]): List[Tree] = { def localDef(mods: Modifiers) = { if (!(mods hasFlag ~Flags.IMPLICIT)) stats ++= defOrDcl(mods) else stats += tmplDefHooked(mods) if (inToken == RBRACE || inToken == CASE) syntaxError("block must end in result expression, not in definition", false) else acceptStatSep() if (inToken == RBRACE || inToken == CASE) stats += Literal(()).setPos(inCurrentPos) } val savedImplicitParams = implicitParams implicitParams = List() var last = false while ((inToken != RBRACE) && (inToken != EOF) && (inToken != CASE) && !last) { if (inToken == IMPORT) { stats ++= importClause() acceptStatSep() } else if (isExprIntro) { stats += expr(InBlock) if (inToken != RBRACE && inToken != CASE) acceptStatSep() } else if (isDefIntro) { localDef(NoMods) } else if (isLocalModifier) { localDef(localModifiers()) } else if (isStatSep) { inNextToken } else { syntaxErrorOrIncomplete("illegal start of statement", true) } } checkNoImplicitParams() implicitParams = savedImplicitParams stats.toList } /** CompilationUnit ::= [package QualId semi] TopStatSeq * * XXX: hook in IDE? */ def compilationUnit(): Tree = atPos(inCurrentPos) { val ts = new ListBuffer[Tree] if (inToken == PACKAGE) { inNextToken val pkg = qualId() newLineOptWhenFollowedBy(LBRACE) if (inToken == EOF) { ts += makePackaging(pkg, List()) } else if (isStatSep) { inNextToken ts += makePackaging(pkg, topStatSeq()) } else { accept(LBRACE) ts += makePackaging(pkg, topStatSeq()) accept(RBRACE) ts ++= topStatSeq() } } else { ts ++= topStatSeq() } assert(implicitParams.isEmpty) val stats = ts.toList stats match { case List(stat @ PackageDef(_, _)) => stat case _ => makePackaging(Ident(nme.EMPTY_PACKAGE_NAME), stats) } } } }