/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2010 LAMP/EPFL * @author Martin Odersky */ package scala.tools.nsc package ast.parser import scala.tools.nsc.util._ import Chars._ import Tokens._ import scala.annotation.switch import scala.collection.mutable.{ListBuffer, ArrayBuffer} import scala.xml.Utility.{ isNameStart } trait Scanners { val global : Global import global._ /** Offset into source character array */ type Offset = Int /** An undefined offset */ val NoOffset: Offset = -1 trait TokenData { /** the next token */ var token: Int = EMPTY /** the offset of the first character of the current token */ var offset: Offset = 0 /** the offset of the character following the token preceding this one */ var lastOffset: Offset = 0 /** the name of an identifier */ var name: Name = null /** the string value of a literal */ var strVal: String = null /** the base of a number */ var base: Int = 0 def copyFrom(td: TokenData) = { this.token = td.token this.offset = td.offset this.lastOffset = td.lastOffset this.name = td.name this.strVal = td.strVal this.base = td.base } } abstract class Scanner extends CharArrayReader with TokenData { def flush = { charOffset = offset; nextChar(); this } def resume(lastCode: Int) = { token = lastCode assert(next.token == EMPTY || reporter.hasErrors) nextToken() } // things to fill in, in addition to buf, decodeUni def warning(off: Offset, msg: String): Unit def error (off: Offset, msg: String): Unit def incompleteInputError(off: Offset, msg: String): Unit def deprecationWarning(off: Offset, msg: String): Unit /** the last error offset */ var errOffset: Offset = NoOffset /** A character buffer for literals */ val cbuf = new StringBuilder /** append Unicode character to "cbuf" buffer */ protected def putChar(c: Char) { // assert(cbuf.size < 10000, cbuf) cbuf.append(c) } /** Clear buffer and set name and token */ private def finishNamed() { name = newTermName(cbuf.toString) token = name2token(name) cbuf.clear() } /** Clear buffer and set string */ private def setStrVal() { strVal = cbuf.toString cbuf.clear() } /** Should doc comments be built? */ def buildDocs: Boolean = onlyPresentation /** buffer for the documentation comment */ var docBuffer: StringBuilder = null var docPos: Position = null /** Return current docBuffer and set docBuffer to null */ def flushDoc: DocComment = { val ret = if (docBuffer != null) DocComment(docBuffer.toString, docPos) else null docBuffer = null ret } /** add the given character to the documentation buffer */ protected def putDocChar(c: Char) { if (docBuffer ne null) docBuffer.append(c) } protected def foundComment(value: String, start: Int, end: Int) = () protected def foundDocComment(value: String, start: Int, end: Int) = () private class TokenData0 extends TokenData /** we need one token lookahead and one token history */ val next : TokenData = new TokenData0 val prev : TokenData = new TokenData0 /** a stack of tokens which indicates whether line-ends can be statement separators */ var sepRegions: List[Int] = List() // Get next token ------------------------------------------------------------ /** read next token and return last offset */ def skipToken(): Offset = { val off = offset nextToken() off } /** Produce next token, filling TokenData fields of Scanner. */ def nextToken() { val lastToken = token // Adapt sepRegions according to last token (lastToken: @switch) match { case LPAREN => sepRegions = RPAREN :: sepRegions case LBRACKET => sepRegions = RBRACKET :: sepRegions case LBRACE => sepRegions = RBRACE :: sepRegions case CASE => sepRegions = ARROW :: sepRegions case RBRACE => sepRegions = sepRegions dropWhile (_ != RBRACE) if (!sepRegions.isEmpty) sepRegions = sepRegions.tail case RBRACKET | RPAREN | ARROW => if (!sepRegions.isEmpty && sepRegions.head == lastToken) sepRegions = sepRegions.tail case _ => } (lastToken: @switch) match { case RBRACE | RBRACKET | RPAREN => docBuffer = null case _ => } // Read a token or copy it from `next` tokenData if (next.token == EMPTY) { lastOffset = charOffset - 1 if(lastOffset > 0 && buf(lastOffset) == '\n' && buf(lastOffset - 1) == '\r') { lastOffset -= 1 } fetchToken() } else { this copyFrom next next.token = EMPTY } /** Insert NEWLINE or NEWLINES if * - we are after a newline * - we are within a { ... } or on toplevel (wrt sepRegions) * - the current token can start a statement and the one before can end it * insert NEWLINES if we are past a blank line, NEWLINE otherwise */ if (!applyBracePatch() && afterLineEnd() && inLastOfStat(lastToken) && inFirstOfStat(token) && (sepRegions.isEmpty || sepRegions.head == RBRACE)) { next copyFrom this offset = if (lineStartOffset <= offset) lineStartOffset else lastLineStartOffset token = if (pastBlankLine()) NEWLINES else NEWLINE } // Join CASE + CLASS => CASECLASS, CASE + OBJECT => CASEOBJECT, SEMI + ELSE => ELSE if (token == CASE) { prev copyFrom this val nextLastOffset = charOffset - 1 fetchToken() if (token == CLASS) { token = CASECLASS } else if (token == OBJECT) { token = CASEOBJECT } else { lastOffset = nextLastOffset next copyFrom this this copyFrom prev } } else if (token == SEMI) { prev copyFrom this fetchToken() if (token != ELSE) { next copyFrom this this copyFrom prev } } // print("["+this+"]") } /** Is current token first one after a newline? */ private def afterLineEnd(): Boolean = lastOffset < lineStartOffset && (lineStartOffset <= offset || lastOffset < lastLineStartOffset && lastLineStartOffset <= offset) /** Is there a blank line between the current token and the last one? * @pre afterLineEnd(). */ private def pastBlankLine(): Boolean = { var idx = lastOffset var ch = buf(idx) val end = offset while (idx < end) { if (ch == LF || ch == FF) { do { idx += 1; ch = buf(idx) if (ch == LF || ch == FF) { // println("blank line found at "+lastOffset+":"+(lastOffset to idx).map(buf(_)).toList) return true } if (idx == end) return false } while (ch <= ' ') } idx += 1; ch = buf(idx) } false } /** read next token, filling TokenData fields of Scanner. */ protected final def fetchToken() { offset = charOffset - 1 (ch: @switch) match { case ' ' | '\t' | CR | LF | FF => nextChar() fetchToken() case 'A' | 'B' | 'C' | 'D' | 'E' | 'F' | 'G' | 'H' | 'I' | 'J' | 'K' | 'L' | 'M' | 'N' | 'O' | 'P' | 'Q' | 'R' | 'S' | 'T' | 'U' | 'V' | 'W' | 'X' | 'Y' | 'Z' | '$' | '_' | 'a' | 'b' | 'c' | 'd' | 'e' | 'f' | 'g' | 'h' | 'i' | 'j' | 'k' | 'l' | 'm' | 'n' | 'o' | 'p' | 'q' | 'r' | 's' | 't' | 'u' | 'v' | 'w' | 'x' | 'y' | // scala-mode: need to understand multi-line case patterns 'z' => putChar(ch) nextChar() getIdentRest() // scala-mode: wrong indent for multi-line case blocks case '<' => // is XMLSTART? val last = if (charOffset >= 2) buf(charOffset - 2) else ' ' nextChar() last match { case ' '|'\t'|'\n'|'{'|'('|'>' if isNameStart(ch) || ch == '!' || ch == '?' => token = XMLSTART case _ => // Console.println("found '<', but last is '"+in.last+"'"); // DEBUG putChar('<') getOperatorRest() } case '~' | '!' | '@' | '#' | '%' | '^' | '*' | '+' | '-' | /*'<' | */ '>' | '?' | ':' | '=' | '&' | '|' | '\\' => putChar(ch) nextChar() getOperatorRest() case '/' => nextChar() if (skipComment()) { fetchToken() } else { putChar('/') getOperatorRest() } case '0' => putChar(ch) nextChar() if (ch == 'x' || ch == 'X') { nextChar() base = 16 } else { base = 8 } getNumber() case '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' => base = 10 getNumber() case '`' => getBackquotedIdent() case '\"' => nextChar() if (ch == '\"') { nextChar() if (ch == '\"') { nextRawChar() val saved = lineStartOffset getMultiLineStringLit() if (lineStartOffset != saved) // ignore linestarts within a multi-line string lastLineStartOffset = saved } else { token = STRINGLIT strVal = "" } } else if (getStringLit('\"')) { setStrVal() token = STRINGLIT } else { syntaxError("unclosed string literal") } case '\'' => nextChar() if (isIdentifierStart(ch)) charLitOr(getIdentRest) else if (isOperatorPart(ch) && (ch != '\\')) charLitOr(getOperatorRest) else { getLitChar() if (ch == '\'') { nextChar() token = CHARLIT setStrVal() } else { syntaxError("unclosed character literal") } } case '.' => nextChar() if ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9') { putChar('.'); getFraction() } else { token = DOT } case ';' => nextChar(); token = SEMI case ',' => nextChar(); token = COMMA case '(' => nextChar(); token = LPAREN case '{' => nextChar(); token = LBRACE case ')' => nextChar(); token = RPAREN case '}' => nextChar(); token = RBRACE case '[' => nextChar(); token = LBRACKET case ']' => nextChar(); token = RBRACKET case SU => if (charOffset >= buf.length) token = EOF else { syntaxError("illegal character") nextChar() } case _ => if (ch == '\u21D2') { nextChar(); token = ARROW } else if (ch == '\u2190') { nextChar(); token = LARROW } else if (Character.isUnicodeIdentifierStart(ch)) { putChar(ch) nextChar() getIdentRest() } else if (isSpecial(ch)) { putChar(ch) nextChar() getOperatorRest() } else { syntaxError("illegal character") nextChar() } } } private def skipComment(): Boolean = { if (ch == '/' || ch == '*') { val comment = new StringBuilder("/") def appendToComment() = comment.append(ch) if (ch == '/') { do { appendToComment() nextChar() } while ((ch != CR) && (ch != LF) && (ch != SU)) } else { docBuffer = null var openComments = 1 appendToComment() nextChar() appendToComment() var buildingDocComment = false if (ch == '*' && buildDocs) { buildingDocComment = true docBuffer = new StringBuilder("/**") } while (openComments > 0) { do { do { if (ch == '/') { nextChar(); putDocChar(ch); appendToComment() if (ch == '*') { nextChar(); putDocChar(ch); appendToComment() openComments += 1 } } if (ch != '*' && ch != SU) { nextChar(); putDocChar(ch); appendToComment() } } while (ch != '*' && ch != SU) while (ch == '*') { nextChar(); putDocChar(ch); appendToComment() } } while (ch != '/' && ch != SU) if (ch == '/') nextChar() else incompleteInputError("unclosed comment") openComments -= 1 } if (buildingDocComment) foundDocComment(comment.toString, offset, charOffset - 2) } foundComment(comment.toString, offset, charOffset - 2) true } else { false } } /** Can token start a statement? */ def inFirstOfStat(token: Int) = token match { case EOF | CATCH | ELSE | EXTENDS | FINALLY | FORSOME | MATCH | WITH | YIELD | COMMA | SEMI | NEWLINE | NEWLINES | DOT | COLON | EQUALS | ARROW | LARROW | SUBTYPE | VIEWBOUND | SUPERTYPE | HASH | RPAREN | RBRACKET | RBRACE | LBRACKET => false case _ => true } /** Can token end a statement? */ def inLastOfStat(token: Int) = token match { case CHARLIT | INTLIT | LONGLIT | FLOATLIT | DOUBLELIT | STRINGLIT | SYMBOLLIT | IDENTIFIER | BACKQUOTED_IDENT | THIS | NULL | TRUE | FALSE | RETURN | USCORE | TYPE | XMLSTART | RPAREN | RBRACKET | RBRACE => true case _ => false } // Identifiers --------------------------------------------------------------- private def getBackquotedIdent(): Unit = { nextChar() if (getStringLit('`')) { finishNamed(); if (name.length == 0) syntaxError("empty quoted identifier") token = BACKQUOTED_IDENT } else syntaxError("unclosed quoted identifier") } private def getIdentRest(): Unit = (ch: @switch) match { case 'A' | 'B' | 'C' | 'D' | 'E' | 'F' | 'G' | 'H' | 'I' | 'J' | 'K' | 'L' | 'M' | 'N' | 'O' | 'P' | 'Q' | 'R' | 'S' | 'T' | 'U' | 'V' | 'W' | 'X' | 'Y' | 'Z' | '$' | 'a' | 'b' | 'c' | 'd' | 'e' | 'f' | 'g' | 'h' | 'i' | 'j' | 'k' | 'l' | 'm' | 'n' | 'o' | 'p' | 'q' | 'r' | 's' | 't' | 'u' | 'v' | 'w' | 'x' | 'y' | 'z' | '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' => putChar(ch) nextChar() getIdentRest() case '_' => putChar(ch) nextChar() getIdentOrOperatorRest() case SU => // strangely enough, Character.isUnicodeIdentifierPart(SU) returns true! finishNamed() case _ => if (Character.isUnicodeIdentifierPart(ch)) { putChar(ch) nextChar() getIdentRest() } else { finishNamed() } } private def getOperatorRest(): Unit = (ch: @switch) match { case '~' | '!' | '@' | '#' | '%' | '^' | '*' | '+' | '-' | '<' | '>' | '?' | ':' | '=' | '&' | '|' | '\\' => putChar(ch); nextChar(); getOperatorRest() case '/' => nextChar() if (skipComment()) finishNamed() else { putChar('/'); getOperatorRest() } case _ => if (isSpecial(ch)) { putChar(ch); nextChar(); getOperatorRest() } else finishNamed() } private def getIdentOrOperatorRest() { if (isIdentifierPart(ch)) getIdentRest() else ch match { case '~' | '!' | '@' | '#' | '%' | '^' | '*' | '+' | '-' | '<' | '>' | '?' | ':' | '=' | '&' | '|' | '\\' | '/' => getOperatorRest() case _ => if (isSpecial(ch)) getOperatorRest() else finishNamed() } } private def getStringLit(delimiter: Char): Boolean = { while (ch != delimiter && (isUnicodeEscape || ch != CR && ch != LF && ch != SU)) { getLitChar() } if (ch == delimiter) { nextChar(); true } else false } private def getMultiLineStringLit() { if (ch == '\"') { nextRawChar() if (ch == '\"') { nextRawChar() if (ch == '\"') { nextChar() while (ch == '\"') { putChar('\"') nextChar() } token = STRINGLIT setStrVal() } else { putChar('\"') putChar('\"') getMultiLineStringLit() } } else { putChar('\"') getMultiLineStringLit() } } else if (ch == SU) { incompleteInputError("unclosed multi-line string literal") } else { putChar(ch) nextRawChar() getMultiLineStringLit() } } // Literals ----------------------------------------------------------------- /** read next character in character or string literal: */ protected def getLitChar() = if (ch == '\\') { nextChar() if ('0' <= ch && ch <= '7') { val leadch: Char = ch var oct: Int = digit2int(ch, 8) nextChar() if ('0' <= ch && ch <= '7') { oct = oct * 8 + digit2int(ch, 8) nextChar() if (leadch <= '3' && '0' <= ch && ch <= '7') { oct = oct * 8 + digit2int(ch, 8) nextChar() } } putChar(oct.toChar) } else { ch match { case 'b' => putChar('\b') case 't' => putChar('\t') case 'n' => putChar('\n') case 'f' => putChar('\f') case 'r' => putChar('\r') case '\"' => putChar('\"') case '\'' => putChar('\'') case '\\' => putChar('\\') case _ => syntaxError(charOffset - 1, "invalid escape character") putChar(ch) } nextChar() } } else { putChar(ch) nextChar() } /** read fractional part and exponent of floating point number * if one is present. */ protected def getFraction() { token = DOUBLELIT while ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9') { putChar(ch) nextChar() } if (ch == 'e' || ch == 'E') { val lookahead = lookaheadReader lookahead.nextChar() if (lookahead.ch == '+' || lookahead.ch == '-') { lookahead.nextChar() } if ('0' <= lookahead.ch && lookahead.ch <= '9') { putChar(ch) nextChar() if (ch == '+' || ch == '-') { putChar(ch) nextChar() } while ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9') { putChar(ch) nextChar() } } token = DOUBLELIT } if (ch == 'd' || ch == 'D') { putChar(ch) nextChar() token = DOUBLELIT } else if (ch == 'f' || ch == 'F') { putChar(ch) nextChar() token = FLOATLIT } checkNoLetter() setStrVal() } /** Convert current strVal to char value */ def charVal: Char = if (strVal.length > 0) strVal.charAt(0) else 0 /** Convert current strVal, base to long value * This is tricky because of max negative value. */ def intVal(negated: Boolean): Long = { if (token == CHARLIT && !negated) { charVal } else { var value: Long = 0 val divider = if (base == 10) 1 else 2 val limit: Long = if (token == LONGLIT) Long.MaxValue else Int.MaxValue var i = 0 val len = strVal.length while (i < len) { val d = digit2int(strVal charAt i, base) if (d < 0) { syntaxError("malformed integer number") return 0 } if (value < 0 || limit / (base / divider) < value || limit - (d / divider) < value * (base / divider) && !(negated && limit == value * base - 1 + d)) { syntaxError("integer number too large") return 0 } value = value * base + d i += 1 } if (negated) -value else value } } def intVal: Long = intVal(false) /** Convert current strVal, base to double value */ def floatVal(negated: Boolean): Double = { val limit: Double = if (token == DOUBLELIT) Double.MaxValue else Float.MaxValue try { val value: Double = java.lang.Double.valueOf(strVal).doubleValue() if (value > limit) syntaxError("floating point number too large") if (negated) -value else value } catch { case _: NumberFormatException => syntaxError("malformed floating point number") 0.0 } } def floatVal: Double = floatVal(false) def checkNoLetter() { if (isIdentifierPart(ch) && ch >= ' ') syntaxError("Invalid literal number") } /** Read a number into strVal and set base */ protected def getNumber() { def isDigit(c: Char) = java.lang.Character isDigit c val base1 = if (base < 10) 10 else base // read 8,9's even if format is octal, produce a malformed number error afterwards. while (digit2int(ch, base1) >= 0) { putChar(ch) nextChar() } token = INTLIT /** When we know for certain it's a number after using a touch of lookahead */ def restOfNumber() = { putChar(ch) nextChar() getFraction() } def restOfUncertainToken() = { def isEfd = ch match { case 'e' | 'E' | 'f' | 'F' | 'd' | 'D' => true ; case _ => false } def isL = ch match { case 'l' | 'L' => true ; case _ => false } if (base <= 10 && isEfd) getFraction() else { setStrVal() if (isL) { nextChar() token = LONGLIT } else checkNoLetter() } } if (base > 10 || ch != '.') restOfUncertainToken() else { val lookahead = lookaheadReader val isDefinitelyNumber = (lookahead.getc(): @switch) match { /** Another digit is a giveaway. */ case '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' => true /** Backquoted idents like 22.`foo`. */ case '`' => return setStrVal() /** Note the early return **/ /** These letters may be part of a literal, or a method invocation on an Int */ case 'd' | 'D' | 'f' | 'F' => !isIdentifierPart(lookahead.getc()) /** A little more special handling for e.g. 5e7 */ case 'e' | 'E' => val ch = lookahead.getc() !isIdentifierPart(ch) || (isDigit(ch) || ch == '+' || ch == '-') case x => !isIdentifierStart(x) } if (isDefinitelyNumber) restOfNumber() else restOfUncertainToken() } } /** Parse character literal if current character is followed by \', * or follow with given op and return a symbol literal token */ def charLitOr(op: () => Unit) { putChar(ch) nextChar() if (ch == '\'') { nextChar() token = CHARLIT setStrVal() } else { op() token = SYMBOLLIT strVal = name.toString } } // Errors ----------------------------------------------------------------- /** generate an error at the given offset */ def syntaxError(off: Offset, msg: String) { error(off, msg) token = ERROR errOffset = off } /** generate an error at the current token offset */ def syntaxError(msg: String): Unit = syntaxError(offset, msg) /** signal an error where the input ended in the middle of a token */ def incompleteInputError(msg: String) { incompleteInputError(offset, msg) token = EOF errOffset = offset } override def toString() = token match { case IDENTIFIER | BACKQUOTED_IDENT => "id(" + name + ")" case CHARLIT => "char(" + intVal + ")" case INTLIT => "int(" + intVal + ")" case LONGLIT => "long(" + intVal + ")" case FLOATLIT => "float(" + floatVal + ")" case DOUBLELIT => "double(" + floatVal + ")" case STRINGLIT => "string(" + strVal + ")" case SEMI => ";" case NEWLINE => ";" case NEWLINES => ";;" case COMMA => "," case _ => token2string(token) } // ------------- brace counting and healing ------------------------------ /** overridden in UnitScanners: * apply brace patch if one exists for this offset * return true if subsequent end of line handling should be suppressed. */ def applyBracePatch(): Boolean = false /** overridden in UnitScanners */ def parenBalance(token: Int) = 0 /** overridden in UnitScanners */ def healBraces(): List[BracePatch] = List() /** Initialization method: read first char, then first token */ def init() { nextChar() nextToken() } } // end Scanner // ------------- keyword configuration ----------------------------------- /** Keyword array; maps from name indices to tokens */ private var keyCode: Array[Byte] = _ /** The highest name index of a keyword token */ private var maxKey = 0 /** An array of all keyword token names */ private var keyName = new Array[Name](128) /** The highest keyword token plus one */ private var tokenCount = 0 /** Enter keyword with given name and token id */ protected def enterKeyword(n: Name, tokenId: Int) { while (tokenId >= keyName.length) { val newTokName = new Array[Name](keyName.length * 2) compat.Platform.arraycopy(keyName, 0, newTokName, 0, newTokName.length) keyName = newTokName } keyName(tokenId) = n if (n.start > maxKey) maxKey = n.start if (tokenId >= tokenCount) tokenCount = tokenId + 1 } /** Enter all keywords */ protected def enterKeywords() { enterKeyword(nme.ABSTRACTkw, ABSTRACT) enterKeyword(nme.CASEkw, CASE) enterKeyword(nme.CATCHkw, CATCH) enterKeyword(nme.CLASSkw, CLASS) enterKeyword(nme.DEFkw, DEF) enterKeyword(nme.DOkw, DO) enterKeyword(nme.ELSEkw, ELSE) enterKeyword(nme.EXTENDSkw, EXTENDS) enterKeyword(nme.FALSEkw, FALSE) enterKeyword(nme.FINALkw, FINAL) enterKeyword(nme.FINALLYkw, FINALLY) enterKeyword(nme.FORkw, FOR) enterKeyword(nme.FORSOMEkw, FORSOME) enterKeyword(nme.IFkw, IF) enterKeyword(nme.IMPLICITkw, IMPLICIT) enterKeyword(nme.IMPORTkw, IMPORT) enterKeyword(nme.LAZYkw, LAZY) enterKeyword(nme.MATCHkw, MATCH) enterKeyword(nme.NEWkw, NEW) enterKeyword(nme.NULLkw, NULL) enterKeyword(nme.OBJECTkw, OBJECT) enterKeyword(nme.OVERRIDEkw, OVERRIDE) enterKeyword(nme.PACKAGEkw, PACKAGE) enterKeyword(nme.PRIVATEkw, PRIVATE) enterKeyword(nme.PROTECTEDkw, PROTECTED) enterKeyword(nme.RETURNkw, RETURN) enterKeyword(nme.SEALEDkw, SEALED) enterKeyword(nme.SUPERkw, SUPER) enterKeyword(nme.THISkw, THIS) enterKeyword(nme.THROWkw, THROW) enterKeyword(nme.TRAITkw, TRAIT) enterKeyword(nme.TRUEkw, TRUE) enterKeyword(nme.TRYkw, TRY) enterKeyword(nme.TYPEkw, TYPE) enterKeyword(nme.VALkw, VAL) enterKeyword(nme.VARkw, VAR) enterKeyword(nme.WHILEkw, WHILE) enterKeyword(nme.WITHkw, WITH) enterKeyword(nme.YIELDkw, YIELD) enterKeyword(nme.DOTkw, DOT) enterKeyword(nme.USCOREkw, USCORE) enterKeyword(nme.COLONkw, COLON) enterKeyword(nme.EQUALSkw, EQUALS) enterKeyword(nme.ARROWkw, ARROW) enterKeyword(nme.LARROWkw, LARROW) enterKeyword(nme.SUBTYPEkw, SUBTYPE) enterKeyword(nme.VIEWBOUNDkw, VIEWBOUND) enterKeyword(nme.SUPERTYPEkw, SUPERTYPE) enterKeyword(nme.HASHkw, HASH) enterKeyword(nme.ATkw, AT) } { // initialization enterKeywords() // Build keyword array keyCode = Array.fill(maxKey + 1)(IDENTIFIER) for (j <- 0 until tokenCount if keyName(j) ne null) keyCode(keyName(j).start) = j.toByte } /** Convert name to token */ def name2token(name: Name): Int = if (name.start <= maxKey) keyCode(name.start) else IDENTIFIER // Token representation ---------------------------------------------------- /** Returns the string representation of given token. */ def token2string(token: Int): String = (token: @switch) match { case IDENTIFIER | BACKQUOTED_IDENT => "identifier" case CHARLIT => "character literal" case INTLIT => "integer literal" case LONGLIT => "long literal" case FLOATLIT => "float literal" case DOUBLELIT => "double literal" case STRINGLIT => "string literal" case SYMBOLLIT => "symbol literal" case LPAREN => "'('" case RPAREN => "')'" case LBRACE => "'{'" case RBRACE => "'}'" case LBRACKET => "'['" case RBRACKET => "']'" case EOF => "eof" case ERROR => "something" case SEMI => "';'" case NEWLINE => "';'" case NEWLINES => "';'" case COMMA => "','" case CASECLASS => "case class" case CASEOBJECT => "case object" case XMLSTART => "$XMLSTART$<" case _ => if (token <= maxKey) "'" + keyName(token) + "'" else "'<" + token + ">'" } /** A scanner over a given compilation unit */ class UnitScanner(unit: CompilationUnit, patches: List[BracePatch]) extends Scanner { def this(unit: CompilationUnit) = this(unit, List()) val buf = unit.source.content override val decodeUni: Boolean = !settings.nouescape.value def warning(off: Offset, msg: String) = unit.warning(unit.position(off), msg) def error (off: Offset, msg: String) = unit.error(unit.position(off), msg) def incompleteInputError(off: Offset, msg: String) = unit.incompleteInputError(unit.position(off), msg) def deprecationWarning(off: Offset, msg: String) = unit.deprecationWarning(unit.position(off), msg) private var bracePatches: List[BracePatch] = patches lazy val parensAnalyzer = new ParensAnalyzer(unit, List()) override def parenBalance(token: Int) = parensAnalyzer.balance(token) override def healBraces(): List[BracePatch] = { var patches: List[BracePatch] = List() if (!parensAnalyzer.tabSeen) { var bal = parensAnalyzer.balance(RBRACE) while (bal < 0) { patches = new ParensAnalyzer(unit, patches).insertRBrace() bal += 1 } while (bal > 0) { patches = new ParensAnalyzer(unit, patches).deleteRBrace() bal -= 1 } } patches } /** Insert or delete a brace, if a patch exists for this offset */ override def applyBracePatch(): Boolean = { if (bracePatches.isEmpty || bracePatches.head.off != offset) false else { val patch = bracePatches.head bracePatches = bracePatches.tail // println("applying brace patch "+offset)//DEBUG if (patch.inserted) { next copyFrom this error(offset, "Missing closing brace `}' assumed here") token = RBRACE true } else { error(offset, "Unmatched closing brace '}' ignored here") fetchToken() false } } } override def foundComment(value: String, start: Int, end: Int) { val pos = new RangePosition(unit.source, start, start, end) unit.comments += unit.Comment(value, pos) unit.comment(pos, value) } override def foundDocComment(value: String, start: Int, end: Int) { docPos = new RangePosition(unit.source, start, start, end) unit.comment(docPos, value) } } class ParensAnalyzer(unit: CompilationUnit, patches: List[BracePatch]) extends UnitScanner(unit, patches) { var balance = collection.mutable.Map(RPAREN -> 0, RBRACKET -> 0, RBRACE -> 0) init() /** The offset of the first token on this line, or next following line if blank */ val lineStart = new ArrayBuffer[Int] /** The list of matching top-level brace pairs (each of which may contain nested brace pairs). */ val bracePairs: List[BracePair] = { var lineCount = 1 var lastOffset = 0 var indent = 0 val oldBalance = collection.mutable.Map[Int, Int]() def markBalance() = for ((k, v) <- balance) oldBalance(k) = v markBalance() def scan(bpbuf: ListBuffer[BracePair]): (Int, Int) = { if (token != NEWLINE && token != NEWLINES) { while (lastOffset < offset) { if (buf(lastOffset) == LF) lineCount += 1 lastOffset += 1 } while (lineCount > lineStart.length) { lineStart += offset // reset indentation unless there are new opening brackets or // braces since last ident line and at the same time there // are no new braces. if (balance(RPAREN) >= oldBalance(RPAREN) && balance(RBRACKET) >= oldBalance(RBRACKET) || balance(RBRACE) != oldBalance(RBRACE)) { indent = column(offset) markBalance() } } } token match { case LPAREN => balance(RPAREN) -= 1; nextToken(); scan(bpbuf) case LBRACKET => balance(RBRACKET) -= 1; nextToken(); scan(bpbuf) case RPAREN => balance(RPAREN) += 1; nextToken(); scan(bpbuf) case RBRACKET => balance(RBRACKET) += 1; nextToken(); scan(bpbuf) case LBRACE => balance(RBRACE) -= 1 val lc = lineCount val loff = offset val lindent = indent val bpbuf1 = new ListBuffer[BracePair] nextToken() val (roff, rindent) = scan(bpbuf1) if (lc != lineCount) bpbuf += BracePair(loff, lindent, roff, rindent, bpbuf1.toList) scan(bpbuf) case RBRACE => balance(RBRACE) += 1 val off = offset; nextToken(); (off, indent) case EOF => (-1, -1) case _ => nextToken(); scan(bpbuf) } } val bpbuf = new ListBuffer[BracePair] while (token != EOF) { val (roff, rindent) = scan(bpbuf) if (roff != -1) { val current = BracePair(-1, -1, roff, rindent, bpbuf.toList) bpbuf.clear() bpbuf += current } } def printBP(bp: BracePair, indent: Int) { println(" "*indent+line(bp.loff)+":"+bp.lindent+" to "+line(bp.roff)+":"+bp.rindent) if (bp.nested.nonEmpty) for (bp1 <- bp.nested) { printBP(bp1, indent + 2) } } // println("lineStart = "+lineStart)//DEBUG // println("bracepairs = ") // for (bp <- bpbuf.toList) printBP(bp, 0) bpbuf.toList } var tabSeen = false def line(offset: Int): Int = { def findLine(lo: Int, hi: Int): Int = { val mid = (lo + hi) / 2 if (offset < lineStart(mid)) findLine(lo, mid - 1) else if (mid + 1 < lineStart.length && offset >= lineStart(mid + 1)) findLine(mid + 1, hi) else mid } if (offset <= 0) 0 else findLine(0, lineStart.length - 1) } def column(offset: Int): Int = { var col = 0 var i = offset - 1 while (i >= 0 && buf(i) != CR && buf(i) != LF) { if (buf(i) == '\t') tabSeen = true col += 1 i -= 1 } col } def insertPatch(patches: List[BracePatch], patch: BracePatch): List[BracePatch] = patches match { case List() => List(patch) case bp :: bps => if (patch.off < bp.off) patch :: patches else bp :: insertPatch(bps, patch) } def leftColumn(offset: Int) = if (offset == -1) -1 else column(lineStart(line(offset))) def rightColumn(offset: Int, default: Int) = if (offset == -1) -1 else { val rlin = line(offset) if (lineStart(rlin) == offset) column(offset) else if (rlin + 1 < lineStart.length) column(lineStart(rlin + 1)) else default } def insertRBrace(): List[BracePatch] = { def insert(bps: List[BracePair]): List[BracePatch] = bps match { case List() => patches case (bp @ BracePair(loff, lindent, roff, rindent, nested)) :: bps1 => if (lindent <= rindent) insert(bps1) else { // println("patch inside "+bp+"/"+line(loff)+"/"+lineStart(line(loff))+"/"+lindent"/"+rindent)//DEBUG val patches1 = insert(nested) if (patches1 ne patches) patches1 else { var lin = line(loff) + 1 while (lin < lineStart.length && column(lineStart(lin)) > lindent) lin += 1 if (lin < lineStart.length) { val patches1 = insertPatch(patches, BracePatch(lineStart(lin), true)) //println("patch for "+bp+"/"+imbalanceMeasure+"/"+new ParensAnalyzer(unit, patches1).imbalanceMeasure) /*if (improves(patches1))*/ patches1 /*else insert(bps1)*/ // (this test did not seem to work very well in practice) } else patches } } } insert(bracePairs) } def deleteRBrace(): List[BracePatch] = { def delete(bps: List[BracePair]): List[BracePatch] = bps match { case List() => patches case BracePair(loff, lindent, roff, rindent, nested) :: bps1 => if (lindent >= rindent) delete(bps1) else { val patches1 = delete(nested) if (patches1 ne patches) patches1 else insertPatch(patches, BracePatch(roff, false)) } } delete(bracePairs) } def imbalanceMeasure: Int = { def measureList(bps: List[BracePair]): Int = (bps map measure).sum def measure(bp: BracePair): Int = (if (bp.lindent != bp.rindent) 1 else 0) + measureList(bp.nested) measureList(bracePairs) } def improves(patches1: List[BracePatch]): Boolean = imbalanceMeasure > new ParensAnalyzer(unit, patches1).imbalanceMeasure override def error(offset: Int, msg: String) {} } }