package package backend.jvm import{AbstractInsnNode, MethodNode} import import scala.reflect.internal.util.Position import import scala.util.control.ControlThrowable /** * Interface for emitting inline warnings. The interface is required because the implementation * depends on Global, which is not available in BTypes (only in BTypesFromSymbols). */ sealed abstract class BackendReporting { def inlinerWarning(pos: Position, message: String): Unit } final class BackendReportingImpl(val global: Global) extends BackendReporting { import global._ def inlinerWarning(pos: Position, message: String): Unit = { currentRun.reporting.inlinerWarning(pos, message) } } /** * Utilities for error reporting. * * Defines some tools to make error reporting with Either easier. Would be subsumed by a right-biased * Either in the standard library (or scalaz \/) (Validation is different, it accumulates multiple * errors). */ object BackendReporting { def methodSignature(classInternalName: InternalName, name: String, desc: String) = { classInternalName + "::" + name + desc } def methodSignature(classInternalName: InternalName, method: MethodNode): String = { methodSignature(classInternalName,, method.desc) } def assertionError(message: String): Nothing = throw new AssertionError(message) implicit class RightBiasedEither[A, B](val v: Either[A, B]) extends AnyVal { def map[C](f: B => C): Either[A, C] = def flatMap[C](f: B => Either[A, C]): Either[A, C] = v.right.flatMap(f) def withFilter(f: B => Boolean)(implicit empty: A): Either[A, B] = v match { case Left(_) => v case Right(e) => if (f(e)) v else Left(empty) // scalaz.\/ requires an implicit Monoid m to get m.empty } def foreach[U](f: B => U): Unit = v.right.foreach(f) def getOrElse[C >: B](alt: => C): C = v.right.getOrElse(alt) /** * Get the value, fail with an assertion if this is an error. */ def get: B = { assert(v.isRight, v.left.get) v.right.get } /** * Get the right value of an `Either` by throwing a potential error message. Can simplify the * implementation of methods that act on multiple `Either` instances. Instead of flat-mapping, * the first error can be collected as * * tryEither { * eitherOne.orThrow .... eitherTwo.orThrow ... eitherThree.orThrow * } */ def orThrow: B = v match { case Left(m) => throw Invalid(m) case Right(t) => t } } case class Invalid[A](e: A) extends ControlThrowable /** * See documentation of orThrow above. */ def tryEither[A, B](op: => Either[A, B]): Either[A, B] = try { op } catch { case Invalid(e) => Left(e.asInstanceOf[A]) } sealed trait OptimizerWarning { def emitWarning(settings: ScalaSettings): Boolean } // Method withFilter in RightBiasedEither requires an implicit empty value. Taking the value here // in scope allows for-comprehensions that desugar into withFilter calls (for example when using a // tuple de-constructor). implicit object emptyOptimizerWarning extends OptimizerWarning { def emitWarning(settings: ScalaSettings): Boolean = false } sealed trait MissingBytecodeWarning extends OptimizerWarning { override def toString = this match { case ClassNotFound(internalName, definedInJavaSource) => s"The classfile for $internalName could not be found on the compilation classpath." + { if (definedInJavaSource) "\nThe class is defined in a Java source file that is being compiled (mixed compilation), therefore no bytecode is available." else "" } case MethodNotFound(name, descriptor, ownerInternalName, missingClass) => val missingClassWarning = missingClass match { case None => "" case Some(c) => if (c.definedInJavaSource) s"\nNote that the parent class ${c.internalName} is defined in a Java source (mixed compilation), no bytecode is available." else s"\nNote that the parent class ${c.internalName} could not be found on the classpath." } s"The method $name$descriptor could not be found in the class $ownerInternalName or any of its parents." + missingClassWarning case FieldNotFound(name, descriptor, ownerInternalName, missingClass) => s"The field node $name$descriptor could not be found because the classfile $ownerInternalName cannot be found on the classpath." + => s" Reason:\n$c").getOrElse("") } def emitWarning(settings: ScalaSettings): Boolean = this match { case ClassNotFound(_, javaDefined) => if (javaDefined) settings.optWarningNoInlineMixed else settings.optWarningNoInlineMissingBytecode case m @ MethodNotFound(_, _, _, missing) => if (m.isArrayMethod) false else settings.optWarningNoInlineMissingBytecode || missing.exists(_.emitWarning(settings)) case FieldNotFound(_, _, _, missing) => settings.optWarningNoInlineMissingBytecode || missing.exists(_.emitWarning(settings)) } } case class ClassNotFound(internalName: InternalName, definedInJavaSource: Boolean) extends MissingBytecodeWarning case class MethodNotFound(name: String, descriptor: String, ownerInternalNameOrArrayDescriptor: InternalName, missingClass: Option[ClassNotFound]) extends MissingBytecodeWarning { def isArrayMethod = ownerInternalNameOrArrayDescriptor.charAt(0) == '[' } case class FieldNotFound(name: String, descriptor: String, ownerInternalName: InternalName, missingClass: Option[ClassNotFound]) extends MissingBytecodeWarning sealed trait NoClassBTypeInfo extends OptimizerWarning { override def toString = this match { case NoClassBTypeInfoMissingBytecode(cause) => cause.toString case NoClassBTypeInfoClassSymbolInfoFailedSI9111(classFullName) => s"Failed to get the type of class symbol $classFullName due to SI-9111." } def emitWarning(settings: ScalaSettings): Boolean = this match { case NoClassBTypeInfoMissingBytecode(cause) => cause.emitWarning(settings) case NoClassBTypeInfoClassSymbolInfoFailedSI9111(_) => settings.optWarningNoInlineMissingBytecode } } case class NoClassBTypeInfoMissingBytecode(cause: MissingBytecodeWarning) extends NoClassBTypeInfo case class NoClassBTypeInfoClassSymbolInfoFailedSI9111(classFullName: String) extends NoClassBTypeInfo /** * Used in the CallGraph for nodes where an issue occurred determining the callee information. */ sealed trait CalleeInfoWarning extends OptimizerWarning { def declarationClass: InternalName def name: String def descriptor: String def warningMessageSignature = BackendReporting.methodSignature(declarationClass, name, descriptor) override def toString = this match { case MethodInlineInfoIncomplete(_, _, _, cause) => s"The inline information for $warningMessageSignature may be incomplete:\n" + cause case MethodInlineInfoMissing(_, _, _, cause) => s"No inline information for method $warningMessageSignature could be found." +" Possible reason:\n" + _).getOrElse("") case MethodInlineInfoError(_, _, _, cause) => s"Error while computing the inline information for method $warningMessageSignature:\n" + cause } def emitWarning(settings: ScalaSettings): Boolean = this match { case MethodInlineInfoIncomplete(_, _, _, cause) => cause.emitWarning(settings) case MethodInlineInfoMissing(_, _, _, Some(cause)) => cause.emitWarning(settings) case MethodInlineInfoMissing(_, _, _, None) => settings.optWarningNoInlineMissingBytecode case MethodInlineInfoError(_, _, _, cause) => cause.emitWarning(settings) } } case class MethodInlineInfoIncomplete(declarationClass: InternalName, name: String, descriptor: String, cause: ClassInlineInfoWarning) extends CalleeInfoWarning case class MethodInlineInfoMissing(declarationClass: InternalName, name: String, descriptor: String, cause: Option[ClassInlineInfoWarning]) extends CalleeInfoWarning case class MethodInlineInfoError(declarationClass: InternalName, name: String, descriptor: String, cause: NoClassBTypeInfo) extends CalleeInfoWarning sealed trait CannotInlineWarning extends OptimizerWarning { def calleeDeclarationClass: InternalName def name: String def descriptor: String def calleeMethodSig = BackendReporting.methodSignature(calleeDeclarationClass, name, descriptor) override def toString = this match { case IllegalAccessInstruction(_, _, _, callsiteClass, instruction) => s"The callee $calleeMethodSig contains the instruction ${AsmUtils.textify(instruction)}" + s"\nthat would cause an IllegalAccessError when inlined into class $callsiteClass." case IllegalAccessCheckFailed(_, _, _, callsiteClass, instruction, cause) => s"Failed to check if $calleeMethodSig can be safely inlined to $callsiteClass without causing an IllegalAccessError. Checking instruction ${AsmUtils.textify(instruction)} failed:\n" + cause case MethodWithHandlerCalledOnNonEmptyStack(_, _, _, callsiteClass, callsiteName, callsiteDesc) => s"""The operand stack at the callsite in ${BackendReporting.methodSignature(callsiteClass, callsiteName, callsiteDesc)} contains more values than the |arguments expected by the callee $calleeMethodSig. These values would be discarded |when entering an exception handler declared in the inlined method.""".stripMargin case SynchronizedMethod(_, _, _) => s"Method $calleeMethodSig cannot be inlined because it is synchronized." case StrictfpMismatch(_, _, _, callsiteClass, callsiteName, callsiteDesc) => s"""The callsite method ${BackendReporting.methodSignature(callsiteClass, callsiteName, callsiteDesc)} |does not have the same strictfp mode as the callee $calleeMethodSig. """.stripMargin case ResultingMethodTooLarge(_, _, _, callsiteClass, callsiteName, callsiteDesc) => s"""The size of the callsite method ${BackendReporting.methodSignature(callsiteClass, callsiteName, callsiteDesc)} |would exceed the JVM method size limit after inlining $calleeMethodSig. """.stripMargin } def emitWarning(settings: ScalaSettings): Boolean = this match { case _: IllegalAccessInstruction | _: MethodWithHandlerCalledOnNonEmptyStack | _: SynchronizedMethod | _: StrictfpMismatch | _: ResultingMethodTooLarge => settings.optWarnings.contains(settings.optWarningsChoices.anyInlineFailed) case IllegalAccessCheckFailed(_, _, _, _, _, cause) => cause.emitWarning(settings) } } case class IllegalAccessInstruction(calleeDeclarationClass: InternalName, name: String, descriptor: String, callsiteClass: InternalName, instruction: AbstractInsnNode) extends CannotInlineWarning case class IllegalAccessCheckFailed(calleeDeclarationClass: InternalName, name: String, descriptor: String, callsiteClass: InternalName, instruction: AbstractInsnNode, cause: OptimizerWarning) extends CannotInlineWarning case class MethodWithHandlerCalledOnNonEmptyStack(calleeDeclarationClass: InternalName, name: String, descriptor: String, callsiteClass: InternalName, callsiteName: String, callsiteDesc: String) extends CannotInlineWarning case class SynchronizedMethod(calleeDeclarationClass: InternalName, name: String, descriptor: String) extends CannotInlineWarning case class StrictfpMismatch(calleeDeclarationClass: InternalName, name: String, descriptor: String, callsiteClass: InternalName, callsiteName: String, callsiteDesc: String) extends CannotInlineWarning case class ResultingMethodTooLarge(calleeDeclarationClass: InternalName, name: String, descriptor: String, callsiteClass: InternalName, callsiteName: String, callsiteDesc: String) extends CannotInlineWarning // TODO: this should be a subtype of CannotInlineWarning // but at the place where it's created (in findIllegalAccess) we don't have the necessary data (calleeName, calleeDescriptor). case object UnknownInvokeDynamicInstruction extends OptimizerWarning { override def toString = "The callee contains an InvokeDynamic instruction with an unknown bootstrap method (not a LambdaMetaFactory)." def emitWarning(settings: ScalaSettings): Boolean = settings.optWarnings.contains(settings.optWarningsChoices.anyInlineFailed) } /** * Used in `rewriteClosureApplyInvocations` when a closure apply callsite cannot be rewritten * to the closure body method. */ sealed trait RewriteClosureApplyToClosureBodyFailed extends OptimizerWarning { def pos: Position override def emitWarning(settings: ScalaSettings): Boolean = this match { case RewriteClosureAccessCheckFailed(_, cause) => cause.emitWarning(settings) case RewriteClosureIllegalAccess(_, _) => settings.optWarnings.contains(settings.optWarningsChoices.anyInlineFailed) } override def toString: String = this match { case RewriteClosureAccessCheckFailed(_, cause) => s"Failed to rewrite the closure invocation to its implementation method:\n" + cause case RewriteClosureIllegalAccess(_, callsiteClass) => s"The closure body invocation cannot be rewritten because the target method is not accessible in class $callsiteClass." } } case class RewriteClosureAccessCheckFailed(pos: Position, cause: OptimizerWarning) extends RewriteClosureApplyToClosureBodyFailed case class RewriteClosureIllegalAccess(pos: Position, callsiteClass: InternalName) extends RewriteClosureApplyToClosureBodyFailed /** * Used in the InlineInfo of a ClassBType, when some issue occurred obtaining the inline information. */ sealed trait ClassInlineInfoWarning extends OptimizerWarning { override def toString = this match { case NoInlineInfoAttribute(internalName) => s"The Scala classfile $internalName does not have a ScalaInlineInfo attribute." case ClassSymbolInfoFailureSI9111(classFullName) => s"Failed to get the type of a method of class symbol $classFullName due to SI-9111." case ClassNotFoundWhenBuildingInlineInfoFromSymbol(missingClass) => s"Failed to build the inline information: $missingClass" case UnknownScalaInlineInfoVersion(internalName, version) => s"Cannot read ScalaInlineInfo version $version in classfile $internalName. Use a more recent compiler." } def emitWarning(settings: ScalaSettings): Boolean = this match { case NoInlineInfoAttribute(_) => settings.optWarningNoInlineMissingScalaInlineInfoAttr case ClassNotFoundWhenBuildingInlineInfoFromSymbol(cause) => cause.emitWarning(settings) case ClassSymbolInfoFailureSI9111(_) => settings.optWarningNoInlineMissingBytecode case UnknownScalaInlineInfoVersion(_, _) => settings.optWarningNoInlineMissingScalaInlineInfoAttr } } case class NoInlineInfoAttribute(internalName: InternalName) extends ClassInlineInfoWarning case class ClassSymbolInfoFailureSI9111(classFullName: String) extends ClassInlineInfoWarning case class ClassNotFoundWhenBuildingInlineInfoFromSymbol(missingClass: ClassNotFound) extends ClassInlineInfoWarning case class UnknownScalaInlineInfoVersion(internalName: InternalName, version: Int) extends ClassInlineInfoWarning }