/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Martin Odersky */ package scala package tools.nsc package backend.jvm import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable } import scala.reflect.internal.pickling.{ PickleFormat, PickleBuffer } import scala.tools.nsc.backend.jvm.opt.InlineInfoAttribute import scala.tools.nsc.symtab._ import scala.tools.asm import asm.Label import scala.annotation.tailrec /** * @author Iulian Dragos (version 1.0, FJBG-based implementation) * @author Miguel Garcia (version 2.0, ASM-based implementation) * * Documentation at http://lamp.epfl.ch/~magarcia/ScalaCompilerCornerReloaded/2012Q2/GenASM.pdf */ abstract class GenASM extends SubComponent with BytecodeWriters { self => import global._ import icodes._ import icodes.opcodes._ import definitions._ val bCodeAsmCommon: BCodeAsmCommon[global.type] = new BCodeAsmCommon(global) import bCodeAsmCommon._ // Strangely I can't find this in the asm code // 255, but reserving 1 for "this" final val MaximumJvmParameters = 254 val phaseName = "jvm" /** Create a new phase */ override def newPhase(p: Phase): Phase = new AsmPhase(p) /** From the reference documentation of the Android SDK: * The `Parcelable` interface identifies classes whose instances can be written to and restored from a `Parcel`. * Classes implementing the `Parcelable` interface must also have a static field called `CREATOR`, * which is an object implementing the `Parcelable.Creator` interface. */ private val androidFieldName = newTermName("CREATOR") private lazy val AndroidParcelableInterface = rootMirror.getClassIfDefined("android.os.Parcelable") private lazy val AndroidCreatorClass = rootMirror.getClassIfDefined("android.os.Parcelable$Creator") /** JVM code generation phase */ class AsmPhase(prev: Phase) extends ICodePhase(prev) { def name = phaseName override def erasedTypes = true def apply(cls: IClass) = sys.error("no implementation") // An AsmPhase starts and ends within a Run, thus the caches in question will get populated and cleared within a Run, too), SI-7422 javaNameCache.clear() javaNameCache ++= List( NothingClass -> binarynme.RuntimeNothing, RuntimeNothingClass -> binarynme.RuntimeNothing, NullClass -> binarynme.RuntimeNull, RuntimeNullClass -> binarynme.RuntimeNull ) // unlike javaNameCache, reverseJavaName contains entries only for class symbols and their internal names. reverseJavaName.clear() reverseJavaName ++= List( binarynme.RuntimeNothing.toString() -> RuntimeNothingClass, // RuntimeNothingClass is the bytecode-level return type of Scala methods with Nothing return-type. binarynme.RuntimeNull.toString() -> RuntimeNullClass ) // Lazy val; can't have eager vals in Phase constructors which may // cause cycles before Global has finished initialization. lazy val BeanInfoAttr = rootMirror.getRequiredClass("scala.beans.BeanInfo") private def initBytecodeWriter(entryPoints: List[IClass]): BytecodeWriter = { settings.outputDirs.getSingleOutput match { case Some(f) if f hasExtension "jar" => // If no main class was specified, see if there's only one // entry point among the classes going into the jar. if (settings.mainClass.isDefault) { entryPoints map (_.symbol fullName '.') match { case Nil => log("No Main-Class designated or discovered.") case name :: Nil => log("Unique entry point: setting Main-Class to " + name) settings.mainClass.value = name case names => log("No Main-Class due to multiple entry points:\n " + names.mkString("\n ")) } } else log("Main-Class was specified: " + settings.mainClass.value) new DirectToJarfileWriter(f.file) case _ => factoryNonJarBytecodeWriter() } } private def isJavaEntryPoint(icls: IClass) = { val sym = icls.symbol def fail(msg: String, pos: Position = sym.pos) = { reporter.warning(sym.pos, sym.name + " has a main method with parameter type Array[String], but " + sym.fullName('.') + " will not be a runnable program.\n" + " Reason: " + msg // TODO: make this next claim true, if possible // by generating valid main methods as static in module classes // not sure what the jvm allows here // + " You can still run the program by calling it as " + sym.javaSimpleName + " instead." ) false } def failNoForwarder(msg: String) = { fail(msg + ", which means no static forwarder can be generated.\n") } val possibles = if (sym.hasModuleFlag) (sym.tpe nonPrivateMember nme.main).alternatives else Nil val hasApproximate = possibles exists { m => m.info match { case MethodType(p :: Nil, _) => p.tpe.typeSymbol == ArrayClass case _ => false } } // At this point it's a module with a main-looking method, so either succeed or warn that it isn't. hasApproximate && { // Before erasure so we can identify generic mains. enteringErasure { val companion = sym.linkedClassOfClass if (hasJavaMainMethod(companion)) failNoForwarder("companion contains its own main method") else if (companion.tpe.member(nme.main) != NoSymbol) // this is only because forwarders aren't smart enough yet failNoForwarder("companion contains its own main method (implementation restriction: no main is allowed, regardless of signature)") else if (companion.isTrait) failNoForwarder("companion is a trait") // Now either succeeed, or issue some additional warnings for things which look like // attempts to be java main methods. else (possibles exists isJavaMainMethod) || { possibles exists { m => m.info match { case PolyType(_, _) => fail("main methods cannot be generic.") case MethodType(params, res) => if (res.typeSymbol :: params exists (_.isAbstractType)) fail("main methods cannot refer to type parameters or abstract types.", m.pos) else isJavaMainMethod(m) || fail("main method must have exact signature (Array[String])Unit", m.pos) case tp => fail("don't know what this is: " + tp, m.pos) } } } } } } override def run() { if (settings.debug) inform("[running phase " + name + " on icode]") if (settings.Xdce) { val classes = icodes.classes.keys.toList // copy to avoid mutating the map while iterating for (sym <- classes if inliner.isClosureClass(sym) && !deadCode.liveClosures(sym)) { log(s"Optimizer eliminated ${sym.fullNameString}") deadCode.elidedClosures += sym icodes.classes -= sym } } // For predictably ordered error messages. var sortedClasses = classes.values.toList sortBy (_.symbol.fullName) // Warn when classes will overwrite one another on case-insensitive systems. for ((_, v1 :: v2 :: _) <- sortedClasses groupBy (_.symbol.javaClassName.toString.toLowerCase)) { reporter.warning(v1.symbol.pos, s"Class ${v1.symbol.javaClassName} differs only in case from ${v2.symbol.javaClassName}. " + "Such classes will overwrite one another on case-insensitive filesystems.") } debuglog(s"Created new bytecode generator for ${classes.size} classes.") val bytecodeWriter = initBytecodeWriter(sortedClasses filter isJavaEntryPoint) val needsOutfile = bytecodeWriter.isInstanceOf[ClassBytecodeWriter] val plainCodeGen = new JPlainBuilder( bytecodeWriter, needsOutfile) val mirrorCodeGen = new JMirrorBuilder( bytecodeWriter, needsOutfile) val beanInfoCodeGen = new JBeanInfoBuilder(bytecodeWriter, needsOutfile) def emitFor(c: IClass) { if (isStaticModule(c.symbol) && isTopLevelModule(c.symbol)) { if (c.symbol.companionClass == NoSymbol) mirrorCodeGen genMirrorClass (c.symbol, c.cunit) else log(s"No mirror class for module with linked class: ${c.symbol.fullName}") } plainCodeGen genClass c if (c.symbol hasAnnotation BeanInfoAttr) beanInfoCodeGen genBeanInfoClass c } while (!sortedClasses.isEmpty) { val c = sortedClasses.head try emitFor(c) catch { case e: FileConflictException => reporter.error(c.symbol.pos, s"error writing ${c.symbol}: ${e.getMessage}") } sortedClasses = sortedClasses.tail classes -= c.symbol // GC opportunity } bytecodeWriter.close() /* don't javaNameCache.clear() because that causes the following tests to fail: * test/files/run/macro-repl-dontexpand.scala * test/files/jvm/interpreter.scala * TODO but why? what use could javaNameCache possibly see once GenASM is over? */ /* TODO After emitting all class files (e.g., in a separate compiler phase) ASM can perform bytecode verification: * * (1) call the asm.util.CheckAdapter.verify() overload: * public static void verify(ClassReader cr, ClassLoader loader, boolean dump, PrintWriter pw) * * (2) passing a custom ClassLoader to verify inter-dependent classes. * * Alternatively, an offline-bytecode verifier could be used (e.g. Maxine brings one as separate tool). */ } // end of AsmPhase.run() } // end of class AsmPhase var pickledBytes = 0 // statistics val javaNameCache = perRunCaches.newAnyRefMap[Symbol, Name]() // unlike javaNameCache, reverseJavaName contains entries only for class symbols and their internal names. val reverseJavaName = perRunCaches.newAnyRefMap[String, Symbol]() private def mkFlags(args: Int*) = args.foldLeft(0)(_ | _) private def hasPublicBitSet(flags: Int) = (flags & asm.Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC) != 0 private def isRemote(s: Symbol) = s hasAnnotation RemoteAttr /** * Return the Java modifiers for the given symbol. * Java modifiers for classes: * - public, abstract, final, strictfp (not used) * for interfaces: * - the same as for classes, without 'final' * for fields: * - public, private (*) * - static, final * for methods: * - the same as for fields, plus: * - abstract, synchronized (not used), strictfp (not used), native (not used) * * (*) protected cannot be used, since inner classes 'see' protected members, * and they would fail verification after lifted. */ def javaFlags(sym: Symbol): Int = { // constructors of module classes should be private // PP: why are they only being marked private at this stage and not earlier? val privateFlag = sym.isPrivate || (sym.isPrimaryConstructor && isTopLevelModule(sym.owner)) // Final: the only fields which can receive ACC_FINAL are eager vals. // Neither vars nor lazy vals can, because: // // Source: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se7/html/jls-17.html#jls-17.5.3 // "Another problem is that the specification allows aggressive // optimization of final fields. Within a thread, it is permissible to // reorder reads of a final field with those modifications of a final // field that do not take place in the constructor." // // A var or lazy val which is marked final still has meaning to the // scala compiler. The word final is heavily overloaded unfortunately; // for us it means "not overridable". At present you can't override // vars regardless; this may change. // // The logic does not check .isFinal (which checks flags for the FINAL flag, // and includes symbols marked lateFINAL) instead inspecting rawflags so // we can exclude lateFINAL. Such symbols are eligible for inlining, but to // avoid breaking proxy software which depends on subclassing, we do not // emit ACC_FINAL. // Nested objects won't receive ACC_FINAL in order to allow for their overriding. val finalFlag = ( (((sym.rawflags & Flags.FINAL) != 0) || isTopLevelModule(sym)) && !sym.enclClass.isInterface && !sym.isClassConstructor && !sym.isMutable // lazy vals and vars both ) // Primitives are "abstract final" to prohibit instantiation // without having to provide any implementations, but that is an // illegal combination of modifiers at the bytecode level so // suppress final if abstract if present. import asm.Opcodes._ mkFlags( if (privateFlag) ACC_PRIVATE else ACC_PUBLIC, if (sym.isDeferred || sym.hasAbstractFlag) ACC_ABSTRACT else 0, if (sym.isInterface) ACC_INTERFACE else 0, if (finalFlag && !sym.hasAbstractFlag) ACC_FINAL else 0, if (sym.isStaticMember) ACC_STATIC else 0, if (sym.isBridge) ACC_BRIDGE | ACC_SYNTHETIC else 0, if (sym.isArtifact) ACC_SYNTHETIC else 0, if (sym.isClass && !sym.isInterface) ACC_SUPER else 0, if (sym.hasJavaEnumFlag) ACC_ENUM else 0, if (sym.isVarargsMethod) ACC_VARARGS else 0, if (sym.hasFlag(Flags.SYNCHRONIZED)) ACC_SYNCHRONIZED else 0 ) } def javaFieldFlags(sym: Symbol) = { javaFlags(sym) | mkFlags( if (sym hasAnnotation TransientAttr) asm.Opcodes.ACC_TRANSIENT else 0, if (sym hasAnnotation VolatileAttr) asm.Opcodes.ACC_VOLATILE else 0, if (sym.isMutable) 0 else asm.Opcodes.ACC_FINAL ) } def isTopLevelModule(sym: Symbol): Boolean = exitingPickler { sym.isModuleClass && !sym.isImplClass && !sym.isNestedClass } def isStaticModule(sym: Symbol): Boolean = { sym.isModuleClass && !sym.isImplClass && !sym.isLifted } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // finding the least upper bound in agreement with the bytecode verifier (given two internal names handed by ASM) // Background: // http://gallium.inria.fr/~xleroy/publi/bytecode-verification-JAR.pdf // http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.java.vm.languages/2293 // https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-3872 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Given an internal name (eg "java/lang/Integer") returns the class symbol for it. * * Better not to need this method (an example where control flow arrives here is welcome). * This method is invoked only upon both (1) and (2) below happening: * (1) providing an asm.ClassWriter with an internal name by other means than javaName() * (2) forgetting to track the corresponding class-symbol in reverseJavaName. * * (The first item is already unlikely because we rely on javaName() * to do the bookkeeping for entries that should go in innerClassBuffer.) * * (We could do completely without this method at the expense of computing stack-map-frames ourselves and * invoking visitFrame(), but that would require another pass over all instructions.) * * Right now I can't think of any invocation of visitSomething() on MethodVisitor * where we hand an internal name not backed by a reverseJavaName. * However, I'm leaving this note just in case any such oversight is discovered. */ def inameToSymbol(iname: String): Symbol = { val name = global.newTypeName(iname) val res0 = if (nme.isModuleName(name)) rootMirror.getModuleByName(name.dropModule) else rootMirror.getClassByName(name.replace('/', '.')) // TODO fails for inner classes (but this hasn't been tested). assert(res0 != NoSymbol) val res = jsymbol(res0) res } def jsymbol(sym: Symbol): Symbol = { if(sym.isJavaDefined && sym.isModuleClass) sym.linkedClassOfClass else if(sym.isModule) sym.moduleClass else sym // we track only module-classes and plain-classes } private def superClasses(s: Symbol): List[Symbol] = { assert(!s.isInterface) s.superClass match { case NoSymbol => List(s) case sc => s :: superClasses(sc) } } private def firstCommonSuffix(as: List[Symbol], bs: List[Symbol]): Symbol = { assert(!(as contains NoSymbol)) assert(!(bs contains NoSymbol)) var chainA = as var chainB = bs var fcs: Symbol = NoSymbol do { if (chainB contains chainA.head) fcs = chainA.head else if (chainA contains chainB.head) fcs = chainB.head else { chainA = chainA.tail chainB = chainB.tail } } while(fcs == NoSymbol) fcs } private def jvmWiseLUB(a: Symbol, b: Symbol): Symbol = { assert(a.isClass) assert(b.isClass) val res = (a.isInterface, b.isInterface) match { case (true, true) => global.lub(List(a.tpe, b.tpe)).typeSymbol // TODO assert == firstCommonSuffix of resp. parents case (true, false) => if(b isSubClass a) a else ObjectClass case (false, true) => if(a isSubClass b) b else ObjectClass case _ => firstCommonSuffix(superClasses(a), superClasses(b)) } assert(res != NoSymbol) res } /* The internal name of the least common ancestor of the types given by inameA and inameB. It's what ASM needs to know in order to compute stack map frames, http://asm.ow2.org/doc/developer-guide.html#controlflow */ def getCommonSuperClass(inameA: String, inameB: String): String = { val a = reverseJavaName.getOrElseUpdate(inameA, inameToSymbol(inameA)) val b = reverseJavaName.getOrElseUpdate(inameB, inameToSymbol(inameB)) // global.lub(List(a.tpe, b.tpe)).typeSymbol.javaBinaryName.toString() // icodes.lub(icodes.toTypeKind(a.tpe), icodes.toTypeKind(b.tpe)).toType val lcaSym = jvmWiseLUB(a, b) val lcaName = lcaSym.javaBinaryName.toString // don't call javaName because that side-effects innerClassBuffer. val oldsym = reverseJavaName.put(lcaName, lcaSym) assert(oldsym.isEmpty || (oldsym.get == lcaSym), "somehow we're not managing to compute common-super-class for ASM consumption") assert(lcaName != "scala/Any") lcaName // TODO ASM caches the answer during the lifetime of a ClassWriter. We outlive that. Do some caching. } class CClassWriter(flags: Int) extends asm.ClassWriter(flags) { override def getCommonSuperClass(iname1: String, iname2: String): String = { GenASM.this.getCommonSuperClass(iname1, iname2) } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // constants // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private val classfileVersion: Int = settings.target.value match { case "jvm-1.5" => asm.Opcodes.V1_5 case "jvm-1.6" => asm.Opcodes.V1_6 case "jvm-1.7" => asm.Opcodes.V1_7 case "jvm-1.8" => asm.Opcodes.V1_8 } private val majorVersion: Int = (classfileVersion & 0xFF) private val emitStackMapFrame = (majorVersion >= 50) private val extraProc: Int = mkFlags( asm.ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS, if(emitStackMapFrame) asm.ClassWriter.COMPUTE_FRAMES else 0 ) val JAVA_LANG_OBJECT = asm.Type.getObjectType("java/lang/Object") val JAVA_LANG_STRING = asm.Type.getObjectType("java/lang/String") /** * We call many Java varargs methods from ASM library that expect Arra[asm.Type] as argument so * we override default (compiler-generated) ClassTag so we can provide specialized newArray implementation. * * Examples of methods that should pick our definition are: JBuilder.javaType and JPlainBuilder.genMethod. */ private implicit val asmTypeTag: scala.reflect.ClassTag[asm.Type] = new scala.reflect.ClassTag[asm.Type] { def runtimeClass: java.lang.Class[asm.Type] = classOf[asm.Type] final override def newArray(len: Int): Array[asm.Type] = new Array[asm.Type](len) } /** basic functionality for class file building */ abstract class JBuilder(bytecodeWriter: BytecodeWriter, needsOutfile: Boolean) { val EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY = Array.empty[String] val mdesc_arglessvoid = "()V" val CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME = "" val INSTANCE_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME = "" // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // factory methods // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns a new ClassWriter for the class given by arguments. * * @param access the class's access flags. This parameter also indicates if the class is deprecated. * * @param name the internal name of the class. * * @param signature the signature of this class. May be null if * the class is not a generic one, and does not extend or implement * generic classes or interfaces. * * @param superName the internal of name of the super class. For interfaces, * the super class is [[Object]]. May be null, but * only for the [[Object]] class. * * @param interfaces the internal names of the class's interfaces (see * {@link Type#getInternalName() getInternalName}). May be * null. */ def createJClass(access: Int, name: String, signature: String, superName: String, interfaces: Array[String]): asm.ClassWriter = { val cw = new CClassWriter(extraProc) cw.visit(classfileVersion, access, name, signature, superName, interfaces) cw } def createJAttribute(name: String, b: Array[Byte], offset: Int, len: Int): asm.Attribute = { val dest = new Array[Byte](len) System.arraycopy(b, offset, dest, 0, len) new asm.CustomAttr(name, dest) } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // utilities useful when emitting plain, mirror, and beaninfo classes. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def writeIfNotTooBig(label: String, jclassName: String, jclass: asm.ClassWriter, sym: Symbol) { try { val arr = jclass.toByteArray() val outF: scala.tools.nsc.io.AbstractFile = { if(needsOutfile) getFile(sym, jclassName, ".class") else null } bytecodeWriter.writeClass(label, jclassName, arr, outF) } catch { case e: java.lang.RuntimeException if e.getMessage != null && (e.getMessage contains "too large!") => reporter.error(sym.pos, s"Could not write class $jclassName because it exceeds JVM code size limits. ${e.getMessage}") case e: java.io.IOException if e.getMessage != null && (e.getMessage contains "File name too long") => reporter.error(sym.pos, e.getMessage + "\n" + "This can happen on some encrypted or legacy file systems. Please see SI-3623 for more details.") } } /** Specialized array conversion to prevent calling * java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance via TraversableOnce.toArray */ def mkArray(xs: Traversable[String]): Array[String] = { val a = new Array[String](xs.size); xs.copyToArray(a); a } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Getters for (JVMS 4.2) internal and unqualified names (represented as JType instances). // These getters track behind the scenes the inner classes referred to in the class being emitted, // so as to build the InnerClasses attribute (JVMS 4.7.6) via `addInnerClasses()` // (which also adds as member classes those inner classes that have been declared, // thus also covering the case of inner classes declared but otherwise not referred). // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- val innerClassBuffer = mutable.LinkedHashSet[Symbol]() /** For given symbol return a symbol corresponding to a class that should be declared as inner class. * * For example: * class A { * class B * object C * } * * then method will return: * NoSymbol for A, * the same symbol for A.B (corresponding to A$B class), and * A$C$ symbol for A.C. */ def innerClassSymbolFor(s: Symbol): Symbol = if (s.isClass) s else if (s.isModule) s.moduleClass else NoSymbol /** Return the name of this symbol that can be used on the Java platform. It removes spaces from names. * * Special handling: * scala.Nothing erases to scala.runtime.Nothing$ * scala.Null erases to scala.runtime.Null$ * * This is needed because they are not real classes, and they mean * 'abrupt termination upon evaluation of that expression' or null respectively. * This handling is done already in GenICode, but here we need to remove * references from method signatures to these types, because such classes * cannot exist in the classpath: the type checker will be very confused. */ def javaName(sym: Symbol): String = { /* * Checks if given symbol corresponds to inner class/object and add it to innerClassBuffer * * Note: This method is called recursively thus making sure that we add complete chain * of inner class all until root class. */ def collectInnerClass(s: Symbol): Unit = { // TODO: some enteringFlatten { ... } which accounts for // being nested in parameterized classes (if we're going to selectively flatten.) val x = innerClassSymbolFor(s) if(x ne NoSymbol) { assert(x.isClass, "not an inner-class symbol") // impl classes are considered top-level, see comment in BTypes val isInner = !considerAsTopLevelImplementationArtifact(s) && !x.rawowner.isPackageClass if (isInner) { innerClassBuffer += x collectInnerClass(x.rawowner) } } } collectInnerClass(sym) val hasInternalName = sym.isClass || sym.isModuleNotMethod val cachedJN = javaNameCache.getOrElseUpdate(sym, { if (hasInternalName) { sym.javaBinaryName } else { sym.javaSimpleName } }) if(emitStackMapFrame && hasInternalName) { val internalName = cachedJN.toString() val trackedSym = jsymbol(sym) reverseJavaName.get(internalName) match { case None => reverseJavaName.put(internalName, trackedSym) case Some(oldsym) => // TODO: `duplicateOk` seems pretty ad-hoc (a more aggressive version caused SI-9356 because it called oldSym.exists, which failed in the unpickler; see also SI-5031) def duplicateOk = oldsym == NoSymbol || trackedSym == NoSymbol || (syntheticCoreClasses contains oldsym) || (oldsym.isModuleClass && (oldsym.sourceModule == trackedSym.sourceModule)) if (oldsym != trackedSym && !duplicateOk) devWarning(s"""|Different class symbols have the same bytecode-level internal name: | name: $internalName | oldsym: ${oldsym.fullNameString} | tracked: ${trackedSym.fullNameString}""".stripMargin) } } cachedJN.toString } def descriptor(t: Type): String = { javaType(t).getDescriptor } def descriptor(k: TypeKind): String = { javaType(k).getDescriptor } def descriptor(s: Symbol): String = { javaType(s).getDescriptor } def javaType(tk: TypeKind): asm.Type = { if(tk.isValueType) { if(tk.isIntSizedType) { (tk: @unchecked) match { case BOOL => asm.Type.BOOLEAN_TYPE case BYTE => asm.Type.BYTE_TYPE case SHORT => asm.Type.SHORT_TYPE case CHAR => asm.Type.CHAR_TYPE case INT => asm.Type.INT_TYPE } } else { (tk: @unchecked) match { case UNIT => asm.Type.VOID_TYPE case LONG => asm.Type.LONG_TYPE case FLOAT => asm.Type.FLOAT_TYPE case DOUBLE => asm.Type.DOUBLE_TYPE } } } else { assert(!tk.isBoxedType, tk) // documentation (BOXED matches none below anyway) (tk: @unchecked) match { case REFERENCE(cls) => asm.Type.getObjectType(javaName(cls)) case ARRAY(elem) => javaArrayType(javaType(elem)) } } } def javaType(t: Type): asm.Type = javaType(toTypeKind(t)) def javaType(s: Symbol): asm.Type = { if (s.isMethod) { val resT: asm.Type = if (s.isClassConstructor) asm.Type.VOID_TYPE else javaType(s.tpe.resultType) asm.Type.getMethodType( resT, (s.tpe.paramTypes map javaType): _*) } else { javaType(s.tpe) } } def javaArrayType(elem: asm.Type): asm.Type = { asm.Type.getObjectType("[" + elem.getDescriptor) } def isDeprecated(sym: Symbol): Boolean = { sym.annotations exists (_ matches definitions.DeprecatedAttr) } def addInnerClasses(csym: Symbol, jclass: asm.ClassVisitor, isMirror: Boolean = false) { /* The outer name for this inner class. Note that it returns null * when the inner class should not get an index in the constant pool. * That means non-member classes (anonymous). See Section 4.7.5 in the JVMS. */ def outerName(innerSym: Symbol): String = { if (isAnonymousOrLocalClass(innerSym)) null else { val outerName = javaName(innerSym.rawowner) if (isTopLevelModule(innerSym.rawowner)) "" + TermName(outerName).dropModule else outerName } } def innerName(innerSym: Symbol): String = { // phase travel necessary: after flatten, the name includes the name of outer classes. // if some outer name contains $anon, a non-anon class is considered anon. if (exitingPickler(innerSym.isAnonymousClass || innerSym.isAnonymousFunction)) null else innerSym.rawname + innerSym.moduleSuffix } val linkedClass = exitingPickler(csym.linkedClassOfClass) // linkedCoC does not work properly in late phases innerClassBuffer ++= { val members = exitingPickler(memberClassesForInnerClassTable(csym)) // lambdalift makes all classes (also local, anonymous) members of their enclosing class val allNested = exitingPhase(currentRun.lambdaliftPhase)(memberClassesForInnerClassTable(csym)) val nested = { // Classes nested in value classes are nested in the companion at this point. For InnerClass / // EnclosingMethod, we use the value class as the outer class. So we remove nested classes // from the companion that were originally nested in the value class. if (exitingPickler(linkedClass.isDerivedValueClass)) allNested.filterNot(classOriginallyNestedInClass(_, linkedClass)) else allNested } // for the mirror class, we take the members of the companion module class (Java compat, see doc in BTypes.scala). // for module classes, we filter out those members. if (isMirror) members else if (isTopLevelModule(csym)) nested diff members else nested } if (!considerAsTopLevelImplementationArtifact(csym)) { // If this is a top-level non-impl class, add members of the companion object. These are the // classes for which we change the InnerClass entry to allow using them from Java. // We exclude impl classes: if the classfile for the impl class exists on the classpath, a // linkedClass symbol is found for which isTopLevelModule is true, so we end up searching // members of that weird impl-class-module-class-symbol. that search probably cannot return // any classes, but it's better to exclude it. if (linkedClass != NoSymbol && isTopLevelModule(linkedClass)) { // phase travel to exitingPickler: this makes sure that memberClassesForInnerClassTable only // sees member classes, not local classes that were lifted by lambdalift. innerClassBuffer ++= exitingPickler(memberClassesForInnerClassTable(linkedClass)) } // Classes nested in value classes are nested in the companion at this point. For InnerClass / // EnclosingMethod we use the value class as enclosing class. Here we search nested classes // in the companion that were originally nested in the value class, and we add them as nested // in the value class. if (linkedClass != NoSymbol && exitingPickler(csym.isDerivedValueClass)) { val moduleMemberClasses = exitingPhase(currentRun.lambdaliftPhase)(memberClassesForInnerClassTable(linkedClass)) innerClassBuffer ++= moduleMemberClasses.filter(classOriginallyNestedInClass(_, csym)) } } val allInners: List[Symbol] = innerClassBuffer.toList filterNot deadCode.elidedClosures if (allInners.nonEmpty) { debuglog(csym.fullName('.') + " contains " + allInners.size + " inner classes.") // entries ready to be serialized into the classfile, used to detect duplicates. val entries = mutable.Map.empty[String, String] // sort them so inner classes succeed their enclosing class to satisfy the Eclipse Java compiler for (innerSym <- allInners sortBy (_.name.length)) { // TODO why not sortBy (_.name.toString()) ?? val flagsWithFinal: Int = mkFlags( // See comment in BTypes, when is a class marked static in the InnerClass table. if (isOriginallyStaticOwner(innerSym.originalOwner)) asm.Opcodes.ACC_STATIC else 0, (if (innerSym.isJava) javaClassfileFlags(innerSym) else javaFlags(innerSym)) & ~asm.Opcodes.ACC_STATIC, if(isDeprecated(innerSym)) asm.Opcodes.ACC_DEPRECATED else 0 // ASM pseudo-access flag ) & (BCodeAsmCommon.INNER_CLASSES_FLAGS | asm.Opcodes.ACC_DEPRECATED) val flags = if (innerSym.isModuleClass) flagsWithFinal & ~asm.Opcodes.ACC_FINAL else flagsWithFinal // For SI-5676, object overriding. val jname = javaName(innerSym) // never null val oname = outerName(innerSym) // null when method-enclosed val iname = innerName(innerSym) // null for anonymous inner class // Mimicking javap inner class output debuglog( if (oname == null || iname == null) "//class " + jname else "//%s=class %s of class %s".format(iname, jname, oname) ) assert(jname != null, "javaName is broken.") // documentation val doAdd = entries.get(jname) match { // TODO is it ok for prevOName to be null? (Someone should really document the invariants of the InnerClasses bytecode attribute) case Some(prevOName) => // this occurs e.g. when innerClassBuffer contains both class Thread$State, object Thread$State, // i.e. for them it must be the case that oname == java/lang/Thread assert(prevOName == oname, "duplicate") false case None => true } if(doAdd) { entries += (jname -> oname) jclass.visitInnerClass(jname, oname, iname, flags) } /* * TODO assert (JVMS 4.7.6 The InnerClasses attribute) * If a class file has a version number that is greater than or equal to 51.0, and * has an InnerClasses attribute in its attributes table, then for all entries in the * classes array of the InnerClasses attribute, the value of the * outer_class_info_index item must be zero if the value of the * inner_name_index item is zero. */ } } } } // end of class JBuilder /** functionality for building plain and mirror classes */ abstract class JCommonBuilder(bytecodeWriter: BytecodeWriter, needsOutfile: Boolean) extends JBuilder(bytecodeWriter, needsOutfile) { def debugLevel = settings.debuginfo.indexOfChoice val emitSource = debugLevel >= 1 val emitLines = debugLevel >= 2 val emitVars = debugLevel >= 3 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // more constants // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- val PublicStatic = asm.Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | asm.Opcodes.ACC_STATIC val PublicStaticFinal = asm.Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | asm.Opcodes.ACC_STATIC | asm.Opcodes.ACC_FINAL val strMODULE_INSTANCE_FIELD = nme.MODULE_INSTANCE_FIELD.toString // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Custom attribute (JVMS 4.7.1) "ScalaSig" used as marker only // i.e., the pickle is contained in a custom annotation, see: // (1) `addAnnotations()`, // (2) SID # 10 (draft) - Storage of pickled Scala signatures in class files, http://www.scala-lang.org/sid/10 // (3) SID # 5 - Internals of Scala Annotations, http://www.scala-lang.org/sid/5 // That annotation in turn is not related to the "java-generic-signature" (JVMS 4.7.9) // other than both ending up encoded as attributes (JVMS 4.7) // (with the caveat that the "ScalaSig" attribute is associated to some classes, // while the "Signature" attribute can be associated to classes, methods, and fields.) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- val versionPickle = { val vp = new PickleBuffer(new Array[Byte](16), -1, 0) assert(vp.writeIndex == 0, vp) vp writeNat PickleFormat.MajorVersion vp writeNat PickleFormat.MinorVersion vp writeNat 0 vp } def pickleMarkerLocal = { createJAttribute(tpnme.ScalaSignatureATTR.toString, versionPickle.bytes, 0, versionPickle.writeIndex) } def pickleMarkerForeign = { createJAttribute(tpnme.ScalaATTR.toString, new Array[Byte](0), 0, 0) } /** Returns a ScalaSignature annotation if it must be added to this class, none otherwise. * This annotation must be added to the class' annotations list when generating them. * * Depending on whether the returned option is defined, it adds to `jclass` one of: * (a) the ScalaSig marker attribute * (indicating that a scala-signature-annotation aka pickle is present in this class); or * (b) the Scala marker attribute * (indicating that a scala-signature-annotation aka pickle is to be found in another file). * * * @param jclassName The class file that is being readied. * @param sym The symbol for which the signature has been entered in the symData map. * This is different than the symbol * that is being generated in the case of a mirror class. * @return An option that is: * - defined and contains an AnnotationInfo of the ScalaSignature type, * instantiated with the pickle signature for sym. * - empty if the jclass/sym pair must not contain a pickle. * */ def getAnnotPickle(jclassName: String, sym: Symbol): Option[AnnotationInfo] = { currentRun.symData get sym match { case Some(pickle) if !nme.isModuleName(newTermName(jclassName)) => val scalaAnnot = { val sigBytes = ScalaSigBytes(pickle.bytes.take(pickle.writeIndex)) AnnotationInfo(sigBytes.sigAnnot, Nil, List((nme.bytes, sigBytes))) } pickledBytes += pickle.writeIndex currentRun.symData -= sym currentRun.symData -= sym.companionSymbol Some(scalaAnnot) case _ => None } } /** * Quoting from JVMS 4.7.5 The Exceptions Attribute * "The Exceptions attribute indicates which checked exceptions a method may throw. * There may be at most one Exceptions attribute in each method_info structure." * * The contents of that attribute are determined by the `String[] exceptions` argument to ASM's ClassVisitor.visitMethod() * This method returns such list of internal names. */ def getExceptions(excs: List[AnnotationInfo]): List[String] = for (ThrownException(exc) <- excs.distinct) yield javaName(exc) def getCurrentCUnit(): CompilationUnit def getGenericSignature(sym: Symbol, owner: Symbol) = self.getGenericSignature(sym, owner, getCurrentCUnit()) def emitArgument(av: asm.AnnotationVisitor, name: String, arg: ClassfileAnnotArg) { (arg: @unchecked) match { case LiteralAnnotArg(const) => if(const.isNonUnitAnyVal) { av.visit(name, const.value) } else { const.tag match { case StringTag => assert(const.value != null, const) // TODO this invariant isn't documented in `case class Constant` av.visit(name, const.stringValue) // `stringValue` special-cases null, but that execution path isn't exercised for a const with StringTag case ClazzTag => av.visit(name, javaType(const.typeValue)) case EnumTag => val edesc = descriptor(const.tpe) // the class descriptor of the enumeration class. val evalue = const.symbolValue.name.toString // value the actual enumeration value. av.visitEnum(name, edesc, evalue) } } case sb@ScalaSigBytes(bytes) => // see http://www.scala-lang.org/sid/10 (Storage of pickled Scala signatures in class files) // also JVMS Sec. The element_value structure and JVMS Sec. 4.4.7 The CONSTANT_Utf8_info Structure. if (sb.fitsInOneString) av.visit(name, strEncode(sb)) else { val arrAnnotV: asm.AnnotationVisitor = av.visitArray(name) for(arg <- arrEncode(sb)) { arrAnnotV.visit(name, arg) } arrAnnotV.visitEnd() } // for the lazy val in ScalaSigBytes to be GC'ed, the invoker of emitAnnotations() should hold the ScalaSigBytes in a method-local var that doesn't escape. case ArrayAnnotArg(args) => val arrAnnotV: asm.AnnotationVisitor = av.visitArray(name) for(arg <- args) { emitArgument(arrAnnotV, null, arg) } arrAnnotV.visitEnd() case NestedAnnotArg(annInfo) => val AnnotationInfo(typ, args, assocs) = annInfo assert(args.isEmpty, args) val desc = descriptor(typ) // the class descriptor of the nested annotation class val nestedVisitor = av.visitAnnotation(name, desc) emitAssocs(nestedVisitor, assocs) } } def emitAssocs(av: asm.AnnotationVisitor, assocs: List[(Name, ClassfileAnnotArg)]) { for ((name, value) <- assocs) { emitArgument(av, name.toString(), value) } av.visitEnd() } def emitAnnotations(cw: asm.ClassVisitor, annotations: List[AnnotationInfo]) { for(annot <- annotations; if shouldEmitAnnotation(annot)) { val AnnotationInfo(typ, args, assocs) = annot assert(args.isEmpty, args) val av = cw.visitAnnotation(descriptor(typ), isRuntimeVisible(annot)) emitAssocs(av, assocs) } } def emitAnnotations(mw: asm.MethodVisitor, annotations: List[AnnotationInfo]) { for(annot <- annotations; if shouldEmitAnnotation(annot)) { val AnnotationInfo(typ, args, assocs) = annot assert(args.isEmpty, args) val av = mw.visitAnnotation(descriptor(typ), isRuntimeVisible(annot)) emitAssocs(av, assocs) } } def emitAnnotations(fw: asm.FieldVisitor, annotations: List[AnnotationInfo]) { for(annot <- annotations; if shouldEmitAnnotation(annot)) { val AnnotationInfo(typ, args, assocs) = annot assert(args.isEmpty, args) val av = fw.visitAnnotation(descriptor(typ), isRuntimeVisible(annot)) emitAssocs(av, assocs) } } def emitParamAnnotations(jmethod: asm.MethodVisitor, pannotss: List[List[AnnotationInfo]]) { val annotationss = pannotss map (_ filter shouldEmitAnnotation) if (annotationss forall (_.isEmpty)) return for ((annots, idx) <- annotationss.zipWithIndex; annot <- annots) { val AnnotationInfo(typ, args, assocs) = annot assert(args.isEmpty, args) val pannVisitor: asm.AnnotationVisitor = jmethod.visitParameterAnnotation(idx, descriptor(typ), isRuntimeVisible(annot)) emitAssocs(pannVisitor, assocs) } } /** Adds a @remote annotation, actual use unknown. * * Invoked from genMethod() and addForwarder(). */ def addRemoteExceptionAnnot(isRemoteClass: Boolean, isJMethodPublic: Boolean, meth: Symbol) { val needsAnnotation = ( ( isRemoteClass || isRemote(meth) && isJMethodPublic ) && !(meth.throwsAnnotations contains RemoteExceptionClass) ) if (needsAnnotation) { val c = Constant(RemoteExceptionClass.tpe) val arg = Literal(c) setType c.tpe meth.addAnnotation(appliedType(ThrowsClass, c.tpe), arg) } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Static forwarders (related to mirror classes but also present in // a plain class lacking companion module, for details see `isCandidateForForwarders`). // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Add a forwarder for method m. Used only from addForwarders(). */ private def addForwarder(isRemoteClass: Boolean, jclass: asm.ClassVisitor, module: Symbol, m: Symbol) { val moduleName = javaName(module) val methodInfo = module.thisType.memberInfo(m) val paramJavaTypes: List[asm.Type] = methodInfo.paramTypes map javaType // val paramNames = 0 until paramJavaTypes.length map ("x_" + _) /* Forwarders must not be marked final, * as the JVM will not allow redefinition of a final static method, * and we don't know what classes might be subclassing the companion class. See SI-4827. */ // TODO: evaluate the other flags we might be dropping on the floor here. // TODO: ACC_SYNTHETIC ? val flags = PublicStatic | ( if (m.isVarargsMethod) asm.Opcodes.ACC_VARARGS else 0 ) // TODO needed? for(ann <- m.annotations) { ann.symbol.initialize } val jgensig = staticForwarderGenericSignature(m, module, getCurrentCUnit()) addRemoteExceptionAnnot(isRemoteClass, hasPublicBitSet(flags), m) val (throws, others) = m.annotations partition (_.symbol == ThrowsClass) val thrownExceptions: List[String] = getExceptions(throws) val jReturnType = javaType(methodInfo.resultType) val mdesc = asm.Type.getMethodDescriptor(jReturnType, paramJavaTypes: _*) val mirrorMethodName = javaName(m) val mirrorMethod: asm.MethodVisitor = jclass.visitMethod( flags, mirrorMethodName, mdesc, jgensig, mkArray(thrownExceptions) ) // typestate: entering mode with valid call sequences: // [ visitAnnotationDefault ] ( visitAnnotation | visitParameterAnnotation | visitAttribute )* emitAnnotations(mirrorMethod, others) emitParamAnnotations(mirrorMethod, m.info.params.map(_.annotations)) // typestate: entering mode with valid call sequences: // visitCode ( visitFrame | visitXInsn | visitLabel | visitTryCatchBlock | visitLocalVariable | visitLineNumber )* visitMaxs ] visitEnd mirrorMethod.visitCode() mirrorMethod.visitFieldInsn(asm.Opcodes.GETSTATIC, moduleName, strMODULE_INSTANCE_FIELD, descriptor(module)) var index = 0 for(jparamType <- paramJavaTypes) { mirrorMethod.visitVarInsn(jparamType.getOpcode(asm.Opcodes.ILOAD), index) assert(jparamType.getSort() != asm.Type.METHOD, jparamType) index += jparamType.getSize() } mirrorMethod.visitMethodInsn(asm.Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, moduleName, mirrorMethodName, javaType(m).getDescriptor, false) mirrorMethod.visitInsn(jReturnType.getOpcode(asm.Opcodes.IRETURN)) mirrorMethod.visitMaxs(0, 0) // just to follow protocol, dummy arguments mirrorMethod.visitEnd() } /** Add forwarders for all methods defined in `module` that don't conflict * with methods in the companion class of `module`. A conflict arises when * a method with the same name is defined both in a class and its companion object: * method signature is not taken into account. */ def addForwarders(isRemoteClass: Boolean, jclass: asm.ClassVisitor, jclassName: String, moduleClass: Symbol) { assert(moduleClass.isModuleClass, moduleClass) debuglog("Dumping mirror class for object: " + moduleClass) val linkedClass = moduleClass.companionClass lazy val conflictingNames: Set[Name] = { (linkedClass.info.members collect { case sym if sym.name.isTermName => sym.name }).toSet } debuglog("Potentially conflicting names for forwarders: " + conflictingNames) for (m <- moduleClass.info.membersBasedOnFlags(ExcludedForwarderFlags, Flags.METHOD)) { if (m.isType || m.isDeferred || (m.owner eq ObjectClass) || m.isConstructor) debuglog(s"No forwarder for '$m' from $jclassName to '$moduleClass'") else if (conflictingNames(m.name)) log(s"No forwarder for $m due to conflict with " + linkedClass.info.member(m.name)) else if (m.hasAccessBoundary) log(s"No forwarder for non-public member $m") else { debuglog(s"Adding static forwarder for '$m' from $jclassName to '$moduleClass'") addForwarder(isRemoteClass, jclass, moduleClass, m) } } } } // end of class JCommonBuilder trait JAndroidBuilder { self: JPlainBuilder => def isAndroidParcelableClass(sym: Symbol) = (AndroidParcelableInterface != NoSymbol) && (sym.parentSymbols contains AndroidParcelableInterface) /* Typestate: should be called before emitting fields (because it adds an IField to the current IClass). */ def addCreatorCode(block: BasicBlock) { val fieldSymbol = ( clasz.symbol.newValue(androidFieldName, NoPosition, Flags.STATIC | Flags.FINAL) setInfo AndroidCreatorClass.tpe ) val methodSymbol = definitions.getMember(clasz.symbol.companionModule, androidFieldName) clasz addField new IField(fieldSymbol) block emit CALL_METHOD(methodSymbol, Static(onInstance = false)) block emit STORE_FIELD(fieldSymbol, isStatic = true) } def legacyAddCreatorCode(clinit: asm.MethodVisitor) { val creatorType: asm.Type = javaType(AndroidCreatorClass) val tdesc_creator = creatorType.getDescriptor jclass.visitField( PublicStaticFinal, androidFieldName.toString, tdesc_creator, null, // no java-generic-signature null // no initial value ).visitEnd() val moduleName = javaName(clasz.symbol)+"$" // GETSTATIC `moduleName`.MODULE$ : `moduleName`; clinit.visitFieldInsn( asm.Opcodes.GETSTATIC, moduleName, strMODULE_INSTANCE_FIELD, asm.Type.getObjectType(moduleName).getDescriptor ) // INVOKEVIRTUAL `moduleName`.CREATOR() : android.os.Parcelable$Creator; clinit.visitMethodInsn( asm.Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, moduleName, androidFieldName.toString, asm.Type.getMethodDescriptor(creatorType, Array.empty[asm.Type]: _*), false ) // PUTSTATIC `thisName`.CREATOR; clinit.visitFieldInsn( asm.Opcodes.PUTSTATIC, thisName, androidFieldName.toString, tdesc_creator ) } } // end of trait JAndroidBuilder /** Map from type kinds to the Java reference types. * It is used to push class literals onto the operand stack. * @see Predef.classOf * @see genConstant() */ private val classLiteral = immutable.Map[TypeKind, asm.Type]( UNIT -> asm.Type.getObjectType("java/lang/Void"), BOOL -> asm.Type.getObjectType("java/lang/Boolean"), BYTE -> asm.Type.getObjectType("java/lang/Byte"), SHORT -> asm.Type.getObjectType("java/lang/Short"), CHAR -> asm.Type.getObjectType("java/lang/Character"), INT -> asm.Type.getObjectType("java/lang/Integer"), LONG -> asm.Type.getObjectType("java/lang/Long"), FLOAT -> asm.Type.getObjectType("java/lang/Float"), DOUBLE -> asm.Type.getObjectType("java/lang/Double") ) def isNonUnitValueTK(tk: TypeKind): Boolean = { tk.isValueType && tk != UNIT } case class MethodNameAndType(mname: String, mdesc: String) private val jBoxTo: Map[TypeKind, MethodNameAndType] = { Map( BOOL -> MethodNameAndType("boxToBoolean", "(Z)Ljava/lang/Boolean;" ) , BYTE -> MethodNameAndType("boxToByte", "(B)Ljava/lang/Byte;" ) , CHAR -> MethodNameAndType("boxToCharacter", "(C)Ljava/lang/Character;") , SHORT -> MethodNameAndType("boxToShort", "(S)Ljava/lang/Short;" ) , INT -> MethodNameAndType("boxToInteger", "(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;" ) , LONG -> MethodNameAndType("boxToLong", "(J)Ljava/lang/Long;" ) , FLOAT -> MethodNameAndType("boxToFloat", "(F)Ljava/lang/Float;" ) , DOUBLE -> MethodNameAndType("boxToDouble", "(D)Ljava/lang/Double;" ) ) } private val jUnboxTo: Map[TypeKind, MethodNameAndType] = { Map( BOOL -> MethodNameAndType("unboxToBoolean", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z") , BYTE -> MethodNameAndType("unboxToByte", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)B") , CHAR -> MethodNameAndType("unboxToChar", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)C") , SHORT -> MethodNameAndType("unboxToShort", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)S") , INT -> MethodNameAndType("unboxToInt", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)I") , LONG -> MethodNameAndType("unboxToLong", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)J") , FLOAT -> MethodNameAndType("unboxToFloat", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)F") , DOUBLE -> MethodNameAndType("unboxToDouble", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)D") ) } case class BlockInteval(start: BasicBlock, end: BasicBlock) /** builder of plain classes */ class JPlainBuilder(bytecodeWriter: BytecodeWriter, needsOutfile: Boolean) extends JCommonBuilder(bytecodeWriter, needsOutfile) with JAndroidBuilder { val MIN_SWITCH_DENSITY = 0.7 val StringBuilderClassName = javaName(definitions.StringBuilderClass) val BoxesRunTime = "scala/runtime/BoxesRunTime" val StringBuilderType = asm.Type.getObjectType(StringBuilderClassName) val mdesc_toString = "()Ljava/lang/String;" val mdesc_arrayClone = "()Ljava/lang/Object;" val tdesc_long = asm.Type.LONG_TYPE.getDescriptor // ie. "J" def isParcelableClass = isAndroidParcelableClass(clasz.symbol) def serialVUID: Option[Long] = genBCode.serialVUID(clasz.symbol) var clasz: IClass = _ // this var must be assigned only by genClass() var jclass: asm.ClassWriter = _ // the classfile being emitted var thisName: String = _ // the internal name of jclass def thisDescr: String = { assert(thisName != null, "thisDescr invoked too soon.") asm.Type.getObjectType(thisName).getDescriptor } def getCurrentCUnit(): CompilationUnit = { clasz.cunit } def genClass(c: IClass) { clasz = c innerClassBuffer.clear() thisName = javaName(c.symbol) // the internal name of the class being emitted val ps = c.symbol.info.parents val superClass: String = if(ps.isEmpty) JAVA_LANG_OBJECT.getInternalName else javaName(ps.head.typeSymbol) val ifaces: Array[String] = implementedInterfaces(c.symbol).map(javaName)(collection.breakOut) val thisSignature = getGenericSignature(c.symbol, c.symbol.owner) val flags = mkFlags( javaFlags(c.symbol), if(isDeprecated(c.symbol)) asm.Opcodes.ACC_DEPRECATED else 0 // ASM pseudo access flag ) jclass = createJClass(flags, thisName, thisSignature, superClass, ifaces) // typestate: entering mode with valid call sequences: // [ visitSource ] [ visitOuterClass ] ( visitAnnotation | visitAttribute )* if(emitSource) { jclass.visitSource(c.cunit.source.toString, null /* SourceDebugExtension */) } enclosingMethodAttribute(clasz.symbol, javaName, javaType(_).getDescriptor) match { case Some(EnclosingMethodEntry(className, methodName, methodDescriptor)) => jclass.visitOuterClass(className, methodName, methodDescriptor) case _ => () } // typestate: entering mode with valid call sequences: // ( visitAnnotation | visitAttribute )* val ssa = getAnnotPickle(thisName, c.symbol) jclass.visitAttribute(if(ssa.isDefined) pickleMarkerLocal else pickleMarkerForeign) emitAnnotations(jclass, c.symbol.annotations ++ ssa) if (!settings.YskipInlineInfoAttribute.value) jclass.visitAttribute(InlineInfoAttribute(buildInlineInfoFromClassSymbol(c.symbol, javaName, javaType(_).getDescriptor))) // typestate: entering mode with valid call sequences: // ( visitInnerClass | visitField | visitMethod )* visitEnd if (isStaticModule(c.symbol) || isParcelableClass) { if (isStaticModule(c.symbol)) { addModuleInstanceField() } addStaticInit(c.lookupStaticCtor) } else { for (constructor <- c.lookupStaticCtor) { addStaticInit(Some(constructor)) } val skipStaticForwarders = (c.symbol.isInterface || settings.noForwarders) if (!skipStaticForwarders) { val lmoc = c.symbol.companionModule // add static forwarders if there are no name conflicts; see bugs #363 and #1735 if (lmoc != NoSymbol) { // it must be a top level class (name contains no $s) val isCandidateForForwarders = { exitingPickler { !(lmoc.name.toString contains '$') && lmoc.hasModuleFlag && !lmoc.isImplClass && !lmoc.isNestedClass } } if (isCandidateForForwarders) { log("Adding static forwarders from '%s' to implementations in '%s'".format(c.symbol, lmoc)) addForwarders(isRemote(clasz.symbol), jclass, thisName, lmoc.moduleClass) } } } } // add static serialVersionUID field if `clasz` annotated with `@SerialVersionUID(uid: Long)` serialVUID foreach { value => val fieldName = "serialVersionUID" jclass.visitField( PublicStaticFinal, fieldName, tdesc_long, null, // no java-generic-signature value ).visitEnd() } clasz.fields foreach genField clasz.methods foreach { im => genMethod(im, c.symbol.isInterface) } addInnerClasses(clasz.symbol, jclass) jclass.visitEnd() writeIfNotTooBig("" + c.symbol.name, thisName, jclass, c.symbol) } def genField(f: IField) { debuglog("Adding field: " + f.symbol.fullName) val javagensig = getGenericSignature(f.symbol, clasz.symbol) val flags = mkFlags( javaFieldFlags(f.symbol), if(isDeprecated(f.symbol)) asm.Opcodes.ACC_DEPRECATED else 0 // ASM pseudo access flag ) val jfield: asm.FieldVisitor = jclass.visitField( flags, javaName(f.symbol), javaType(f.symbol.tpe).getDescriptor(), javagensig, null // no initial value ) emitAnnotations(jfield, f.symbol.annotations) jfield.visitEnd() } var method: IMethod = _ var jmethod: asm.MethodVisitor = _ var jMethodName: String = _ final def emit(opc: Int) { jmethod.visitInsn(opc) } def genMethod(m: IMethod, isJInterface: Boolean) { def isClosureApply(sym: Symbol): Boolean = { (sym.name == nme.apply) && sym.owner.isSynthetic && sym.owner.tpe.parents.exists { t => val TypeRef(_, sym, _) = t FunctionClass.seq contains sym } } if (m.symbol.isStaticConstructor || definitions.isGetClass(m.symbol)) return if (m.params.size > MaximumJvmParameters) { reporter.error(m.symbol.pos, s"Platform restriction: a parameter list's length cannot exceed $MaximumJvmParameters.") return } debuglog("Generating method " + m.symbol.fullName) method = m computeLocalVarsIndex(m) var resTpe: asm.Type = javaType(m.symbol.tpe.resultType) if (m.symbol.isClassConstructor) resTpe = asm.Type.VOID_TYPE val flags = mkFlags( javaFlags(m.symbol), if (isJInterface) asm.Opcodes.ACC_ABSTRACT else 0, if (m.symbol.isStrictFP) asm.Opcodes.ACC_STRICT else 0, if (method.native) asm.Opcodes.ACC_NATIVE else 0, // native methods of objects are generated in mirror classes if(isDeprecated(m.symbol)) asm.Opcodes.ACC_DEPRECATED else 0 // ASM pseudo access flag ) // TODO needed? for(ann <- m.symbol.annotations) { ann.symbol.initialize } val jgensig = getGenericSignature(m.symbol, clasz.symbol) addRemoteExceptionAnnot(isRemote(clasz.symbol), hasPublicBitSet(flags), m.symbol) val (excs, others) = m.symbol.annotations partition (_.symbol == ThrowsClass) val thrownExceptions: List[String] = getExceptions(excs) jMethodName = javaName(m.symbol) val mdesc = asm.Type.getMethodDescriptor(resTpe, (m.params map (p => javaType(p.kind))): _*) jmethod = jclass.visitMethod( flags, jMethodName, mdesc, jgensig, mkArray(thrownExceptions) ) // TODO param names: (m.params map (p => javaName(p.sym))) // typestate: entering mode with valid call sequences: (see ASM Guide, 3.2.1) // [ visitAnnotationDefault ] ( visitAnnotation | visitParameterAnnotation | visitAttribute )* emitAnnotations(jmethod, others) emitParamAnnotations(jmethod, m.params.map(_.sym.annotations)) // typestate: entering mode with valid call sequences: // [ visitCode ( visitFrame | visitXInsn | visitLabel | visitTryCatchBlock | visitLocalVariable | visitLineNumber )* visitMaxs ] visitEnd // In addition, the visitXInsn and visitLabel methods must be called in the sequential order of the bytecode instructions of the visited code, // visitTryCatchBlock must be called before the labels passed as arguments have been visited, and // the visitLocalVariable and visitLineNumber methods must be called after the labels passed as arguments have been visited. val hasAbstractBitSet = ((flags & asm.Opcodes.ACC_ABSTRACT) != 0) val hasCodeAttribute = (!hasAbstractBitSet && !method.native) if (hasCodeAttribute) { jmethod.visitCode() if (emitVars && isClosureApply(method.symbol)) { // add a fake local for debugging purposes val outerField = clasz.symbol.info.decl(nme.OUTER_LOCAL) if (outerField != NoSymbol) { log("Adding fake local to represent outer 'this' for closure " + clasz) val _this = new Local(method.symbol.newVariable(nme.FAKE_LOCAL_THIS), toTypeKind(outerField.tpe), false) m.locals = m.locals ::: List(_this) computeLocalVarsIndex(m) // since we added a new local, we need to recompute indexes jmethod.visitVarInsn(asm.Opcodes.ALOAD, 0) jmethod.visitFieldInsn(asm.Opcodes.GETFIELD, javaName(clasz.symbol), // field owner javaName(outerField), // field name descriptor(outerField) // field descriptor ) assert(_this.kind.isReferenceType, _this.kind) jmethod.visitVarInsn(asm.Opcodes.ASTORE, indexOf(_this)) } } assert( m.locals forall { local => (m.params contains local) == local.arg }, m.locals ) val hasStaticBitSet = ((flags & asm.Opcodes.ACC_STATIC) != 0) genCode(m, emitVars, hasStaticBitSet) // visitMaxs needs to be called according to the protocol. The arguments will be ignored // since maximums (and stack map frames) are computed. See ASM Guide, Section 3.2.1, // section "ClassWriter options" jmethod.visitMaxs(0, 0) } jmethod.visitEnd() } def addModuleInstanceField() { val fv = jclass.visitField(PublicStaticFinal, // TODO confirm whether we really don't want ACC_SYNTHETIC nor ACC_DEPRECATED strMODULE_INSTANCE_FIELD, thisDescr, null, // no java-generic-signature null // no initial value ) // typestate: entering mode with valid call sequences: // ( visitAnnotation | visitAttribute )* visitEnd. fv.visitEnd() } /* Typestate: should be called before being done with emitting fields (because it invokes addCreatorCode() which adds an IField to the current IClass). */ def addStaticInit(mopt: Option[IMethod]) { val clinitMethod: asm.MethodVisitor = jclass.visitMethod( PublicStatic, // TODO confirm whether we really don't want ACC_SYNTHETIC nor ACC_DEPRECATED CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME, mdesc_arglessvoid, null, // no java-generic-signature null // no throwable exceptions ) mopt match { case Some(m) => val oldLastBlock = m.lastBlock val lastBlock = m.newBlock() oldLastBlock.replaceInstruction(oldLastBlock.length - 1, JUMP(lastBlock)) if (isStaticModule(clasz.symbol)) { // call object's private ctor from static ctor lastBlock emit NEW(REFERENCE(m.symbol.enclClass)) lastBlock emit CALL_METHOD(m.symbol.enclClass.primaryConstructor, Static(onInstance = true)) } if (isParcelableClass) { addCreatorCode(lastBlock) } lastBlock emit RETURN(UNIT) lastBlock.close() method = m jmethod = clinitMethod jMethodName = CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME jmethod.visitCode() computeLocalVarsIndex(m) genCode(m, emitVars = false, isStatic = true) jmethod.visitMaxs(0, 0) // just to follow protocol, dummy arguments jmethod.visitEnd() case None => clinitMethod.visitCode() legacyStaticInitializer(clinitMethod) clinitMethod.visitMaxs(0, 0) // just to follow protocol, dummy arguments clinitMethod.visitEnd() } } /* used only from addStaticInit() */ private def legacyStaticInitializer(clinit: asm.MethodVisitor) { if (isStaticModule(clasz.symbol)) { clinit.visitTypeInsn(asm.Opcodes.NEW, thisName) clinit.visitMethodInsn(asm.Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL, thisName, INSTANCE_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME, mdesc_arglessvoid, false) } if (isParcelableClass) { legacyAddCreatorCode(clinit) } clinit.visitInsn(asm.Opcodes.RETURN) } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Emitting bytecode instructions. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private def genConstant(mv: asm.MethodVisitor, const: Constant) { const.tag match { case BooleanTag => jcode.boolconst(const.booleanValue) case ByteTag => jcode.iconst(const.byteValue.toInt) case ShortTag => jcode.iconst(const.shortValue.toInt) case CharTag => jcode.iconst(const.charValue) case IntTag => jcode.iconst(const.intValue) case LongTag => jcode.lconst(const.longValue) case FloatTag => jcode.fconst(const.floatValue) case DoubleTag => jcode.dconst(const.doubleValue) case UnitTag => () case StringTag => assert(const.value != null, const) // TODO this invariant isn't documented in `case class Constant` mv.visitLdcInsn(const.stringValue) // `stringValue` special-cases null, but not for a const with StringTag case NullTag => mv.visitInsn(asm.Opcodes.ACONST_NULL) case ClazzTag => val kind = toTypeKind(const.typeValue) val toPush: asm.Type = if (kind.isValueType) classLiteral(kind) else javaType(kind) mv.visitLdcInsn(toPush) case EnumTag => val sym = const.symbolValue mv.visitFieldInsn( asm.Opcodes.GETSTATIC, javaName(sym.owner), javaName(sym), javaType(sym.tpe.underlying).getDescriptor() ) case _ => abort("Unknown constant value: " + const) } } /** Just a namespace for utilities that encapsulate MethodVisitor idioms. * In the ASM world, org.objectweb.asm.commons.InstructionAdapter plays a similar role, * but the methods here allow choosing when to transition from ICode to ASM types * (including not at all, e.g. for performance). */ object jcode { import asm.Opcodes final def boolconst(b: Boolean) { iconst(if(b) 1 else 0) } def iconst(cst: Char) { iconst(cst.toInt) } def iconst(cst: Int) { if (cst >= -1 && cst <= 5) { jmethod.visitInsn(Opcodes.ICONST_0 + cst) } else if (cst >= java.lang.Byte.MIN_VALUE && cst <= java.lang.Byte.MAX_VALUE) { jmethod.visitIntInsn(Opcodes.BIPUSH, cst) } else if (cst >= java.lang.Short.MIN_VALUE && cst <= java.lang.Short.MAX_VALUE) { jmethod.visitIntInsn(Opcodes.SIPUSH, cst) } else { jmethod.visitLdcInsn(new Integer(cst)) } } def lconst(cst: Long) { if (cst == 0L || cst == 1L) { jmethod.visitInsn(Opcodes.LCONST_0 + cst.asInstanceOf[Int]) } else { jmethod.visitLdcInsn(new java.lang.Long(cst)) } } def fconst(cst: Float) { val bits: Int = java.lang.Float.floatToIntBits(cst) if (bits == 0L || bits == 0x3f800000 || bits == 0x40000000) { // 0..2 jmethod.visitInsn(Opcodes.FCONST_0 + cst.asInstanceOf[Int]) } else { jmethod.visitLdcInsn(new java.lang.Float(cst)) } } def dconst(cst: Double) { val bits: Long = java.lang.Double.doubleToLongBits(cst) if (bits == 0L || bits == 0x3ff0000000000000L) { // +0.0d and 1.0d jmethod.visitInsn(Opcodes.DCONST_0 + cst.asInstanceOf[Int]) } else { jmethod.visitLdcInsn(new java.lang.Double(cst)) } } def newarray(elem: TypeKind) { if(elem.isRefOrArrayType) { jmethod.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.ANEWARRAY, javaType(elem).getInternalName) } else { val rand = { if(elem.isIntSizedType) { (elem: @unchecked) match { case BOOL => Opcodes.T_BOOLEAN case BYTE => Opcodes.T_BYTE case SHORT => Opcodes.T_SHORT case CHAR => Opcodes.T_CHAR case INT => Opcodes.T_INT } } else { (elem: @unchecked) match { case LONG => Opcodes.T_LONG case FLOAT => Opcodes.T_FLOAT case DOUBLE => Opcodes.T_DOUBLE } } } jmethod.visitIntInsn(Opcodes.NEWARRAY, rand) } } def load( idx: Int, tk: TypeKind) { emitVarInsn(Opcodes.ILOAD, idx, tk) } def store(idx: Int, tk: TypeKind) { emitVarInsn(Opcodes.ISTORE, idx, tk) } def aload( tk: TypeKind) { emitTypeBased(aloadOpcodes, tk) } def astore(tk: TypeKind) { emitTypeBased(astoreOpcodes, tk) } def neg(tk: TypeKind) { emitPrimitive(negOpcodes, tk) } def add(tk: TypeKind) { emitPrimitive(addOpcodes, tk) } def sub(tk: TypeKind) { emitPrimitive(subOpcodes, tk) } def mul(tk: TypeKind) { emitPrimitive(mulOpcodes, tk) } def div(tk: TypeKind) { emitPrimitive(divOpcodes, tk) } def rem(tk: TypeKind) { emitPrimitive(remOpcodes, tk) } def invokespecial(owner: String, name: String, desc: String) { jmethod.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL, owner, name, desc, false) } def invokestatic(owner: String, name: String, desc: String) { jmethod.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC, owner, name, desc, false) } def invokeinterface(owner: String, name: String, desc: String) { jmethod.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKEINTERFACE, owner, name, desc, true) } def invokevirtual(owner: String, name: String, desc: String) { jmethod.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, owner, name, desc, false) } def goTo(label: asm.Label) { jmethod.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.GOTO, label) } def emitIF(cond: TestOp, label: asm.Label) { jmethod.visitJumpInsn(cond.opcodeIF(), label) } def emitIF_ICMP(cond: TestOp, label: asm.Label) { jmethod.visitJumpInsn(cond.opcodeIFICMP(), label) } def emitIF_ACMP(cond: TestOp, label: asm.Label) { assert((cond == EQ) || (cond == NE), cond) val opc = (if(cond == EQ) Opcodes.IF_ACMPEQ else Opcodes.IF_ACMPNE) jmethod.visitJumpInsn(opc, label) } def emitIFNONNULL(label: asm.Label) { jmethod.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.IFNONNULL, label) } def emitIFNULL (label: asm.Label) { jmethod.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.IFNULL, label) } def emitRETURN(tk: TypeKind) { if(tk == UNIT) { jmethod.visitInsn(Opcodes.RETURN) } else { emitTypeBased(returnOpcodes, tk) } } /** Emits one of tableswitch or lookoupswitch. */ def emitSWITCH(keys: Array[Int], branches: Array[asm.Label], defaultBranch: asm.Label, minDensity: Double) { assert(keys.length == branches.length) // For empty keys, it makes sense emitting LOOKUPSWITCH with defaultBranch only. // Similar to what javac emits for a switch statement consisting only of a default case. if (keys.length == 0) { jmethod.visitLookupSwitchInsn(defaultBranch, keys, branches) return } // sort `keys` by increasing key, keeping `branches` in sync. TODO FIXME use quicksort var i = 1 while (i < keys.length) { var j = 1 while (j <= keys.length - i) { if (keys(j) < keys(j - 1)) { val tmp = keys(j) keys(j) = keys(j - 1) keys(j - 1) = tmp val tmpL = branches(j) branches(j) = branches(j - 1) branches(j - 1) = tmpL } j += 1 } i += 1 } // check for duplicate keys to avoid "VerifyError: unsorted lookupswitch" (SI-6011) i = 1 while (i < keys.length) { if(keys(i-1) == keys(i)) { abort("duplicate keys in SWITCH, can't pick arbitrarily one of them to evict, see SI-6011.") } i += 1 } val keyMin = keys(0) val keyMax = keys(keys.length - 1) val isDenseEnough: Boolean = { /* Calculate in long to guard against overflow. TODO what overflow??? */ val keyRangeD: Double = (keyMax.asInstanceOf[Long] - keyMin + 1).asInstanceOf[Double] val klenD: Double = keys.length.toDouble val kdensity: Double = (klenD / keyRangeD) kdensity >= minDensity } if (isDenseEnough) { // use a table in which holes are filled with defaultBranch. val keyRange = (keyMax - keyMin + 1) val newBranches = new Array[asm.Label](keyRange) var oldPos = 0 var i = 0 while(i < keyRange) { val key = keyMin + i if (keys(oldPos) == key) { newBranches(i) = branches(oldPos) oldPos += 1 } else { newBranches(i) = defaultBranch } i += 1 } assert(oldPos == keys.length, "emitSWITCH") jmethod.visitTableSwitchInsn(keyMin, keyMax, defaultBranch, newBranches: _*) } else { jmethod.visitLookupSwitchInsn(defaultBranch, keys, branches) } } // internal helpers -- not part of the public API of `jcode` // don't make private otherwise inlining will suffer def emitVarInsn(opc: Int, idx: Int, tk: TypeKind) { assert((opc == Opcodes.ILOAD) || (opc == Opcodes.ISTORE), opc) jmethod.visitVarInsn(javaType(tk).getOpcode(opc), idx) } // ---------------- array load and store ---------------- val aloadOpcodes = { import Opcodes._; Array(AALOAD, BALOAD, SALOAD, CALOAD, IALOAD, LALOAD, FALOAD, DALOAD) } val astoreOpcodes = { import Opcodes._; Array(AASTORE, BASTORE, SASTORE, CASTORE, IASTORE, LASTORE, FASTORE, DASTORE) } val returnOpcodes = { import Opcodes._; Array(ARETURN, IRETURN, IRETURN, IRETURN, IRETURN, LRETURN, FRETURN, DRETURN) } def emitTypeBased(opcs: Array[Int], tk: TypeKind) { assert(tk != UNIT, tk) val opc = { if(tk.isRefOrArrayType) { opcs(0) } else if(tk.isIntSizedType) { (tk: @unchecked) match { case BOOL | BYTE => opcs(1) case SHORT => opcs(2) case CHAR => opcs(3) case INT => opcs(4) } } else { (tk: @unchecked) match { case LONG => opcs(5) case FLOAT => opcs(6) case DOUBLE => opcs(7) } } } jmethod.visitInsn(opc) } // ---------------- primitive operations ---------------- val negOpcodes: Array[Int] = { import Opcodes._; Array(INEG, LNEG, FNEG, DNEG) } val addOpcodes: Array[Int] = { import Opcodes._; Array(IADD, LADD, FADD, DADD) } val subOpcodes: Array[Int] = { import Opcodes._; Array(ISUB, LSUB, FSUB, DSUB) } val mulOpcodes: Array[Int] = { import Opcodes._; Array(IMUL, LMUL, FMUL, DMUL) } val divOpcodes: Array[Int] = { import Opcodes._; Array(IDIV, LDIV, FDIV, DDIV) } val remOpcodes: Array[Int] = { import Opcodes._; Array(IREM, LREM, FREM, DREM) } def emitPrimitive(opcs: Array[Int], tk: TypeKind) { val opc = { if(tk.isIntSizedType) { opcs(0) } else { (tk: @unchecked) match { case LONG => opcs(1) case FLOAT => opcs(2) case DOUBLE => opcs(3) } } } jmethod.visitInsn(opc) } } /** Invoked from genMethod() and addStaticInit() */ def genCode(m: IMethod, emitVars: Boolean, // this param name hides the instance-level var isStatic: Boolean) { newNormal.normalize(m) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Part 1 of genCode(): setting up one-to-one correspondence between ASM Labels and BasicBlocks `linearization` // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ val linearization: List[BasicBlock] = linearizer.linearize(m) if(linearization.isEmpty) { return } var isModuleInitialized = false val labels: scala.collection.Map[BasicBlock, asm.Label] = mutable.HashMap(linearization map (_ -> new asm.Label()) : _*) val onePastLast = new asm.Label // token for the mythical instruction past the last instruction in the method being emitted // maps a BasicBlock b to the Label that corresponds to b's successor in the linearization. The last BasicBlock is mapped to the onePastLast label. val linNext: scala.collection.Map[BasicBlock, asm.Label] = { val result = mutable.HashMap.empty[BasicBlock, asm.Label] var rest = linearization var prev = rest.head rest = rest.tail while(!rest.isEmpty) { result += (prev -> labels(rest.head)) prev = rest.head rest = rest.tail } assert(!result.contains(prev)) result += (prev -> onePastLast) result } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Part 2 of genCode(): demarcating exception handler boundaries (visitTryCatchBlock() must be invoked before visitLabel() in genBlock()) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* Generate exception handlers for the current method. * * Quoting from the JVMS 4.7.3 The Code Attribute * The items of the Code_attribute structure are as follows: * . . . * exception_table[] * Each entry in the exception_table array describes one * exception handler in the code array. The order of the handlers in * the exception_table array is significant. * Each exception_table entry contains the following four items: * start_pc, end_pc: * ... The value of end_pc either must be a valid index into * the code array of the opcode of an instruction or must be equal to code_length, * the length of the code array. * handler_pc: * The value of the handler_pc item indicates the start of the exception handler * catch_type: * ... If the value of the catch_type item is zero, * this exception handler is called for all exceptions. * This is used to implement finally */ def genExceptionHandlers() { /* Return a list of pairs of intervals where the handler is active. * Each interval is closed on both ends, ie. inclusive both in the left and right endpoints: [start, end]. * Preconditions: * - e.covered non-empty * Postconditions for the result: * - always non-empty * - intervals are sorted as per `linearization` * - the argument's `covered` blocks have been grouped into maximally contiguous intervals, * ie. between any two intervals in the result there is a non-empty gap. * - each of the `covered` blocks in the argument is contained in some interval in the result */ def intervals(e: ExceptionHandler): List[BlockInteval] = { assert(e.covered.nonEmpty, e) var result: List[BlockInteval] = Nil var rest = linearization // find intervals while(!rest.isEmpty) { // find interval start var start: BasicBlock = null while(!rest.isEmpty && (start eq null)) { if(e.covered(rest.head)) { start = rest.head } rest = rest.tail } if(start ne null) { // find interval end var end = start // for the time being while(!rest.isEmpty && (e.covered(rest.head))) { end = rest.head rest = rest.tail } result = BlockInteval(start, end) :: result } } assert(result.nonEmpty, e) result } /* TODO test/files/run/exceptions-2.scala displays an ExceptionHandler.covered that contains * blocks not in the linearization (dead-code?). Is that well-formed or not? * For now, we ignore those blocks (after all, that's what `genBlocks(linearization)` in effect does). */ for (e <- this.method.exh) { val ignore: Set[BasicBlock] = (e.covered filterNot { b => linearization contains b } ) // TODO someday assert(ignore.isEmpty, "an ExceptionHandler.covered contains blocks not in the linearization (dead-code?)") if(ignore.nonEmpty) { e.covered = e.covered filterNot ignore } } // an ExceptionHandler lacking covered blocks doesn't get an entry in the Exceptions table. // TODO in that case, ExceptionHandler.cls doesn't go through javaName(). What if cls is an inner class? for (e <- this.method.exh ; if e.covered.nonEmpty ; p <- intervals(e)) { debuglog("Adding exception handler " + e + "at block: " + e.startBlock + " for " + method + " from: " + p.start + " to: " + p.end + " catching: " + e.cls) val cls: String = if (e.cls == NoSymbol || e.cls == ThrowableClass) null else javaName(e.cls) jmethod.visitTryCatchBlock(labels(p.start), linNext(p.end), labels(e.startBlock), cls) } } // end of genCode()'s genExceptionHandlers() if (m.exh.nonEmpty) { genExceptionHandlers() } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Part 3 of genCode(): "Infrastructure" to later emit debug info for local variables and method params (LocalVariablesTable bytecode attribute). // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ case class LocVarEntry(local: Local, start: asm.Label, end: asm.Label) // start is inclusive while end exclusive. case class Interval(lstart: asm.Label, lend: asm.Label) { final def start = lstart.getOffset final def end = lend.getOffset def precedes(that: Interval): Boolean = { this.end < that.start } def overlaps(that: Interval): Boolean = { !(this.precedes(that) || that.precedes(this)) } def mergeWith(that: Interval): Interval = { val newStart = if(this.start <= that.start) this.lstart else that.lstart val newEnd = if(this.end <= that.end) that.lend else this.lend Interval(newStart, newEnd) } def repOK: Boolean = { start <= end } } /** Track those instruction ranges where certain locals are in scope. Used to later emit the LocalVariableTable attribute (JVMS 4.7.13) */ object scoping { private val pending = mutable.Map.empty[Local, mutable.Stack[Label]] private var seen: List[LocVarEntry] = Nil private def fuse(ranges: List[Interval], added: Interval): List[Interval] = { assert(added.repOK, added) if(ranges.isEmpty) { return List(added) } // precond: ranges is sorted by increasing start var fused: List[Interval] = Nil var done = false var rest = ranges while(!done && rest.nonEmpty) { val current = rest.head assert(current.repOK, current) rest = rest.tail if(added precedes current) { fused = fused ::: ( added :: current :: rest ) done = true } else if(current overlaps added) { fused = fused ::: ( added.mergeWith(current) :: rest ) done = true } } if(!done) { fused = fused ::: List(added) } assert(repOK(fused), fused) fused } def pushScope(lv: Local, start: Label) { val st = pending.getOrElseUpdate(lv, mutable.Stack.empty[Label]) st.push(start) } def popScope(lv: Local, end: Label, iPos: Position) { pending.get(lv) match { case Some(st) if st.nonEmpty => val start = st.pop() seen ::= LocVarEntry(lv, start, end) case _ => // TODO SI-6049 track down the cause for these. devWarning(s"$iPos: Visited SCOPE_EXIT before visiting corresponding SCOPE_ENTER. SI-6191") } } def getMerged(): scala.collection.Map[Local, List[Interval]] = { // TODO should but isn't: unbalanced start(s) of scope(s) val shouldBeEmpty = pending filter { p => val (_, st) = p; st.nonEmpty } val merged = mutable.Map[Local, List[Interval]]() def addToMerged(lv: Local, start: Label, end: Label) { val intv = Interval(start, end) merged(lv) = if (merged contains lv) fuse(merged(lv), intv) else intv :: Nil } for(LocVarEntry(lv, start, end) <- seen) { addToMerged(lv, start, end) } /* for each var with unbalanced start(s) of scope(s): (a) take the earliest start (among unbalanced and balanced starts) (b) take the latest end (onePastLast if none available) (c) merge the thus made-up interval */ for((k, st) <- shouldBeEmpty) { var start = st.toList.sortBy(_.getOffset).head if(merged.isDefinedAt(k)) { val balancedStart = merged(k).head.lstart if(balancedStart.getOffset < start.getOffset) { start = balancedStart } } val endOpt: Option[Label] = for(ranges <- merged.get(k)) yield ranges.last.lend val end = endOpt.getOrElse(onePastLast) addToMerged(k, start, end) } merged } private def repOK(fused: List[Interval]): Boolean = { fused match { case Nil => true case h :: Nil => h.repOK case h :: n :: rest => h.repOK && h.precedes(n) && !h.overlaps(n) && repOK(n :: rest) } } } def genLocalVariableTable() { // adding `this` and method params. if (!isStatic) { jmethod.visitLocalVariable("this", thisDescr, null, labels(m.startBlock), onePastLast, 0) } for(lv <- m.params) { jmethod.visitLocalVariable(javaName(lv.sym), descriptor(lv.kind), null, labels(m.startBlock), onePastLast, indexOf(lv)) } // adding non-param locals var anonCounter = 0 var fltnd: List[Tuple3[String, Local, Interval]] = Nil for((local, ranges) <- scoping.getMerged()) { var name = javaName(local.sym) if (name == null) { anonCounter += 1 name = "" } for(intrvl <- ranges) { fltnd ::= (name, local, intrvl) } } // quest for deterministic output that Map.toList doesn't provide (so that ant test.stability doesn't complain). val srtd = fltnd.sortBy { kr => val (name: String, _, intrvl: Interval) = kr (intrvl.start, intrvl.end - intrvl.start, name) // ie sort by (start, length, name) } for((name, local, Interval(start, end)) <- srtd) { jmethod.visitLocalVariable(name, descriptor(local.kind), null, start, end, indexOf(local)) } // "There may be no more than one LocalVariableTable attribute per local variable in the Code attribute" } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Part 4 of genCode(): Bookkeeping (to later emit debug info) of association between line-number and instruction position. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ case class LineNumberEntry(line: Int, start: asm.Label) var lastLineNr: Int = -1 var lnEntries: List[LineNumberEntry] = Nil // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Part 5 of genCode(): "Utilities" to emit code proper (most prominently: genBlock()). // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ var nextBlock: BasicBlock = linearization.head def genBlocks(l: List[BasicBlock]): Unit = l match { case Nil => () case x :: Nil => nextBlock = null; genBlock(x) case x :: y :: ys => nextBlock = y; genBlock(x); genBlocks(y :: ys) } def genCallMethod(call: CALL_METHOD) { val CALL_METHOD(method, style) = call val siteSymbol = clasz.symbol val hostSymbol = call.hostClass val methodOwner = method.owner // info calls so that types are up to date; erasure may add lateINTERFACE to traits hostSymbol.info ; methodOwner.info def needsInterfaceCall(sym: Symbol) = ( sym.isInterface || sym.isJavaDefined && sym.isNonBottomSubClass(ClassfileAnnotationClass) ) // whether to reference the type of the receiver or // the type of the method owner val useMethodOwner = ( style != Dynamic || hostSymbol.isBottomClass || methodOwner == ObjectClass ) val receiver = if (useMethodOwner) methodOwner else hostSymbol val jowner = javaName(receiver) val jname = javaName(method) val jtype = javaType(method).getDescriptor() def dbg(invoke: String) { debuglog("%s %s %s.%s:%s".format(invoke, receiver.accessString, jowner, jname, jtype)) } def initModule() { // we initialize the MODULE$ field immediately after the super ctor if (isStaticModule(siteSymbol) && !isModuleInitialized && jMethodName == INSTANCE_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME && jname == INSTANCE_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME) { isModuleInitialized = true jmethod.visitVarInsn(asm.Opcodes.ALOAD, 0) jmethod.visitFieldInsn(asm.Opcodes.PUTSTATIC, thisName, strMODULE_INSTANCE_FIELD, thisDescr) } } style match { case Static(true) => dbg("invokespecial"); jcode.invokespecial (jowner, jname, jtype) case Static(false) => dbg("invokestatic"); jcode.invokestatic (jowner, jname, jtype) case Dynamic if needsInterfaceCall(receiver) => dbg("invokinterface"); jcode.invokeinterface(jowner, jname, jtype) case Dynamic => dbg("invokevirtual"); jcode.invokevirtual (jowner, jname, jtype) case SuperCall(_) => dbg("invokespecial") jcode.invokespecial(jowner, jname, jtype) initModule() } } // end of genCode()'s genCallMethod() def genBlock(b: BasicBlock) { jmethod.visitLabel(labels(b)) debuglog("Generating code for block: " + b) // val lastInstr = b.lastInstruction for (instr <- b) { if(instr.pos.isDefined) { val iPos = instr.pos val currentLineNr = iPos.line val skip = (currentLineNr == lastLineNr) // if(iPos.isRange) iPos.sameRange(lastPos) else if(!skip) { lastLineNr = currentLineNr val lineLab = new asm.Label jmethod.visitLabel(lineLab) lnEntries ::= LineNumberEntry(iPos.finalPosition.line, lineLab) } } genInstr(instr, b) } } def genInstr(instr: Instruction, b: BasicBlock) { import asm.Opcodes (instr.category: @scala.annotation.switch) match { case icodes.localsCat => def genLocalInstr() = (instr: @unchecked) match { case THIS(_) => jmethod.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, 0) case LOAD_LOCAL(local) => jcode.load(indexOf(local), local.kind) case STORE_LOCAL(local) => jcode.store(indexOf(local), local.kind) case STORE_THIS(_) => // this only works for impl classes because the self parameter comes first // in the method signature. If that changes, this code has to be revisited. jmethod.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ASTORE, 0) case SCOPE_ENTER(lv) => // locals removed by closelim (via CopyPropagation) may have left behind SCOPE_ENTER, SCOPE_EXIT that are to be ignored val relevant = (!lv.sym.isSynthetic && m.locals.contains(lv)) if (relevant) { // TODO check: does GenICode emit SCOPE_ENTER, SCOPE_EXIT for synthetic vars? // this label will have DEBUG bit set in its flags (ie ASM ignores it for dataflow purposes) // similarly, these labels aren't tracked in the `labels` map. val start = new asm.Label jmethod.visitLabel(start) scoping.pushScope(lv, start) } case SCOPE_EXIT(lv) => val relevant = (!lv.sym.isSynthetic && m.locals.contains(lv)) if (relevant) { // this label will have DEBUG bit set in its flags (ie ASM ignores it for dataflow purposes) // similarly, these labels aren't tracked in the `labels` map. val end = new asm.Label jmethod.visitLabel(end) scoping.popScope(lv, end, instr.pos) } } genLocalInstr() case icodes.stackCat => def genStackInstr() = (instr: @unchecked) match { case LOAD_MODULE(module) => // assert(module.isModule, "Expected module: " + module) debuglog("generating LOAD_MODULE for: " + module + " flags: " + module.flagString) def inStaticMethod = this.method != null && this.method.symbol.isStaticMember if (clasz.symbol == module.moduleClass && jMethodName != nme.readResolve.toString && !inStaticMethod) { jmethod.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, 0) } else { jmethod.visitFieldInsn( Opcodes.GETSTATIC, javaName(module) /* + "$" */ , strMODULE_INSTANCE_FIELD, descriptor(module)) } case DROP(kind) => emit(if (kind.isWideType) Opcodes.POP2 else Opcodes.POP) case DUP(kind) => emit(if (kind.isWideType) Opcodes.DUP2 else Opcodes.DUP) case LOAD_EXCEPTION(_) => () } genStackInstr() case icodes.constCat => genConstant(jmethod, instr.asInstanceOf[CONSTANT].constant) case icodes.arilogCat => genPrimitive(instr.asInstanceOf[CALL_PRIMITIVE].primitive, instr.pos) case icodes.castsCat => def genCastInstr() = (instr: @unchecked) match { case IS_INSTANCE(tpe) => val jtyp: asm.Type = tpe match { case REFERENCE(cls) => asm.Type.getObjectType(javaName(cls)) case ARRAY(elem) => javaArrayType(javaType(elem)) case _ => abort("Unknown reference type in IS_INSTANCE: " + tpe) } jmethod.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.INSTANCEOF, jtyp.getInternalName) case CHECK_CAST(tpe) => tpe match { case REFERENCE(cls) => if (cls != ObjectClass) { // No need to checkcast for Objects jmethod.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.CHECKCAST, javaName(cls)) } case ARRAY(elem) => val iname = javaArrayType(javaType(elem)).getInternalName jmethod.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.CHECKCAST, iname) case _ => abort("Unknown reference type in IS_INSTANCE: " + tpe) } } genCastInstr() case icodes.objsCat => def genObjsInstr() = (instr: @unchecked) match { case BOX(kind) => val MethodNameAndType(mname, mdesc) = jBoxTo(kind) jcode.invokestatic(BoxesRunTime, mname, mdesc) case UNBOX(kind) => val MethodNameAndType(mname, mdesc) = jUnboxTo(kind) jcode.invokestatic(BoxesRunTime, mname, mdesc) case NEW(REFERENCE(cls)) => val className = javaName(cls) jmethod.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.NEW, className) case MONITOR_ENTER() => emit(Opcodes.MONITORENTER) case MONITOR_EXIT() => emit(Opcodes.MONITOREXIT) } genObjsInstr() case icodes.fldsCat => def genFldsInstr() = (instr: @unchecked) match { case lf @ LOAD_FIELD(field, isStatic) => val owner = javaName(lf.hostClass) debuglog("LOAD_FIELD with owner: " + owner + " flags: " + field.owner.flagString) val fieldJName = javaName(field) val fieldDescr = descriptor(field) val opc = if (isStatic) Opcodes.GETSTATIC else Opcodes.GETFIELD jmethod.visitFieldInsn(opc, owner, fieldJName, fieldDescr) case STORE_FIELD(field, isStatic) => val owner = javaName(field.owner) val fieldJName = javaName(field) val fieldDescr = descriptor(field) val opc = if (isStatic) Opcodes.PUTSTATIC else Opcodes.PUTFIELD jmethod.visitFieldInsn(opc, owner, fieldJName, fieldDescr) } genFldsInstr() case icodes.mthdsCat => def genMethodsInstr() = (instr: @unchecked) match { /* Special handling to access native Array.clone() */ case call @ CALL_METHOD(definitions.Array_clone, Dynamic) => val target: String = javaType(call.targetTypeKind).getInternalName jcode.invokevirtual(target, "clone", mdesc_arrayClone) case call @ CALL_METHOD(method, style) => genCallMethod(call) } genMethodsInstr() case icodes.arraysCat => def genArraysInstr() = (instr: @unchecked) match { case LOAD_ARRAY_ITEM(kind) => jcode.aload(kind) case STORE_ARRAY_ITEM(kind) => jcode.astore(kind) case CREATE_ARRAY(elem, 1) => jcode newarray elem case CREATE_ARRAY(elem, dims) => jmethod.visitMultiANewArrayInsn(descriptor(ArrayN(elem, dims)), dims) } genArraysInstr() case icodes.jumpsCat => def genJumpInstr() = (instr: @unchecked) match { case sw @ SWITCH(tagss, branches) => assert(branches.length == tagss.length + 1, sw) val flatSize = sw.flatTagsCount val flatKeys = new Array[Int](flatSize) val flatBranches = new Array[asm.Label](flatSize) var restTagss = tagss var restBranches = branches var k = 0 // ranges over flatKeys and flatBranches while (restTagss.nonEmpty) { val currLabel = labels(restBranches.head) for (cTag <- restTagss.head) { flatKeys(k) = cTag flatBranches(k) = currLabel k += 1 } restTagss = restTagss.tail restBranches = restBranches.tail } val defaultLabel = labels(restBranches.head) assert(restBranches.tail.isEmpty) debuglog("Emitting SWITCH:\ntags: " + tagss + "\nbranches: " + branches) jcode.emitSWITCH(flatKeys, flatBranches, defaultLabel, MIN_SWITCH_DENSITY) case JUMP(whereto) => if (nextBlock != whereto) jcode goTo labels(whereto) // SI-6102: Determine whether eliding this JUMP results in an empty range being covered by some EH. // If so, emit a NOP in place of the elided JUMP, to avoid "java.lang.ClassFormatError: Illegal exception table range" else if (newNormal.isJumpOnly(b) && m.exh.exists(eh => eh.covers(b))) { devWarning("Had a jump only block that wasn't collapsed") emit(asm.Opcodes.NOP) } case CJUMP(success, failure, cond, kind) => if (kind.isIntSizedType) { // BOOL, BYTE, CHAR, SHORT, or INT if (nextBlock == success) { jcode.emitIF_ICMP(cond.negate(), labels(failure)) // .. and fall through to success label } else { jcode.emitIF_ICMP(cond, labels(success)) if (nextBlock != failure) { jcode goTo labels(failure) } } } else if (kind.isRefOrArrayType) { // REFERENCE(_) | ARRAY(_) if (nextBlock == success) { jcode.emitIF_ACMP(cond.negate(), labels(failure)) // .. and fall through to success label } else { jcode.emitIF_ACMP(cond, labels(success)) if (nextBlock != failure) { jcode goTo labels(failure) } } } else { (kind: @unchecked) match { case LONG => emit(Opcodes.LCMP) case FLOAT => if (cond == LT || cond == LE) emit(Opcodes.FCMPG) else emit(Opcodes.FCMPL) case DOUBLE => if (cond == LT || cond == LE) emit(Opcodes.DCMPG) else emit(Opcodes.DCMPL) } if (nextBlock == success) { jcode.emitIF(cond.negate(), labels(failure)) // .. and fall through to success label } else { jcode.emitIF(cond, labels(success)) if (nextBlock != failure) { jcode goTo labels(failure) } } } case CZJUMP(success, failure, cond, kind) => if (kind.isIntSizedType) { // BOOL, BYTE, CHAR, SHORT, or INT if (nextBlock == success) { jcode.emitIF(cond.negate(), labels(failure)) } else { jcode.emitIF(cond, labels(success)) if (nextBlock != failure) { jcode goTo labels(failure) } } } else if (kind.isRefOrArrayType) { // REFERENCE(_) | ARRAY(_) val Success = success val Failure = failure // @unchecked because references aren't compared with GT, GE, LT, LE. ((cond, nextBlock): @unchecked) match { case (EQ, Success) => jcode emitIFNONNULL labels(failure) case (NE, Failure) => jcode emitIFNONNULL labels(success) case (EQ, Failure) => jcode emitIFNULL labels(success) case (NE, Success) => jcode emitIFNULL labels(failure) case (EQ, _) => jcode emitIFNULL labels(success) jcode goTo labels(failure) case (NE, _) => jcode emitIFNONNULL labels(success) jcode goTo labels(failure) } } else { (kind: @unchecked) match { case LONG => emit(Opcodes.LCONST_0) emit(Opcodes.LCMP) case FLOAT => emit(Opcodes.FCONST_0) if (cond == LT || cond == LE) emit(Opcodes.FCMPG) else emit(Opcodes.FCMPL) case DOUBLE => emit(Opcodes.DCONST_0) if (cond == LT || cond == LE) emit(Opcodes.DCMPG) else emit(Opcodes.DCMPL) } if (nextBlock == success) { jcode.emitIF(cond.negate(), labels(failure)) } else { jcode.emitIF(cond, labels(success)) if (nextBlock != failure) { jcode goTo labels(failure) } } } } genJumpInstr() case icodes.retCat => def genRetInstr() = (instr: @unchecked) match { case RETURN(kind) => jcode emitRETURN kind case THROW(_) => emit(Opcodes.ATHROW) } genRetInstr() } } /* * Emits one or more conversion instructions based on the types given as arguments. * * @param from The type of the value to be converted into another type. * @param to The type the value will be converted into. */ def emitT2T(from: TypeKind, to: TypeKind) { assert(isNonUnitValueTK(from) && isNonUnitValueTK(to), s"Cannot emit primitive conversion from $from to $to") def pickOne(opcs: Array[Int]) { val chosen = (to: @unchecked) match { case BYTE => opcs(0) case SHORT => opcs(1) case CHAR => opcs(2) case INT => opcs(3) case LONG => opcs(4) case FLOAT => opcs(5) case DOUBLE => opcs(6) } if(chosen != -1) { emit(chosen) } } if(from == to) { return } // the only conversion involving BOOL that is allowed is (BOOL -> BOOL) assert(from != BOOL && to != BOOL, s"inconvertible types : $from -> $to") if(from.isIntSizedType) { // BYTE, CHAR, SHORT, and INT. (we're done with BOOL already) val fromByte = { import asm.Opcodes._; Array( -1, -1, I2C, -1, I2L, I2F, I2D) } // do nothing for (BYTE -> SHORT) and for (BYTE -> INT) val fromChar = { import asm.Opcodes._; Array(I2B, I2S, -1, -1, I2L, I2F, I2D) } // for (CHAR -> INT) do nothing val fromShort = { import asm.Opcodes._; Array(I2B, -1, I2C, -1, I2L, I2F, I2D) } // for (SHORT -> INT) do nothing val fromInt = { import asm.Opcodes._; Array(I2B, I2S, I2C, -1, I2L, I2F, I2D) } (from: @unchecked) match { case BYTE => pickOne(fromByte) case SHORT => pickOne(fromShort) case CHAR => pickOne(fromChar) case INT => pickOne(fromInt) } } else { // FLOAT, LONG, DOUBLE (from: @unchecked) match { case FLOAT => import asm.Opcodes.{ F2L, F2D, F2I } (to: @unchecked) match { case LONG => emit(F2L) case DOUBLE => emit(F2D) case _ => emit(F2I); emitT2T(INT, to) } case LONG => import asm.Opcodes.{ L2F, L2D, L2I } (to: @unchecked) match { case FLOAT => emit(L2F) case DOUBLE => emit(L2D) case _ => emit(L2I); emitT2T(INT, to) } case DOUBLE => import asm.Opcodes.{ D2L, D2F, D2I } (to: @unchecked) match { case FLOAT => emit(D2F) case LONG => emit(D2L) case _ => emit(D2I); emitT2T(INT, to) } } } } // end of genCode()'s emitT2T() def genPrimitive(primitive: Primitive, pos: Position) { import asm.Opcodes primitive match { case Negation(kind) => jcode.neg(kind) case Arithmetic(op, kind) => def genArith() = { op match { case ADD => jcode.add(kind) case SUB => jcode.sub(kind) case MUL => jcode.mul(kind) case DIV => jcode.div(kind) case REM => jcode.rem(kind) case NOT => if(kind.isIntSizedType) { emit(Opcodes.ICONST_M1) emit(Opcodes.IXOR) } else if(kind == LONG) { jmethod.visitLdcInsn(new java.lang.Long(-1)) jmethod.visitInsn(Opcodes.LXOR) } else { abort("Impossible to negate an " + kind) } case _ => abort("Unknown arithmetic primitive " + primitive) } } genArith() // TODO Logical's 2nd elem should be declared ValueTypeKind, to better approximate its allowed values (isIntSized, its comments appears to convey) // TODO GenICode uses `toTypeKind` to define that elem, `toValueTypeKind` would be needed instead. // TODO How about adding some asserts to Logical and similar ones to capture the remaining constraint (UNIT not allowed). case Logical(op, kind) => def genLogical() = op match { case AND => kind match { case LONG => emit(Opcodes.LAND) case INT => emit(Opcodes.IAND) case _ => emit(Opcodes.IAND) if (kind != BOOL) { emitT2T(INT, kind) } } case OR => kind match { case LONG => emit(Opcodes.LOR) case INT => emit(Opcodes.IOR) case _ => emit(Opcodes.IOR) if (kind != BOOL) { emitT2T(INT, kind) } } case XOR => kind match { case LONG => emit(Opcodes.LXOR) case INT => emit(Opcodes.IXOR) case _ => emit(Opcodes.IXOR) if (kind != BOOL) { emitT2T(INT, kind) } } } genLogical() case Shift(op, kind) => def genShift() = op match { case LSL => kind match { case LONG => emit(Opcodes.LSHL) case INT => emit(Opcodes.ISHL) case _ => emit(Opcodes.ISHL) emitT2T(INT, kind) } case ASR => kind match { case LONG => emit(Opcodes.LSHR) case INT => emit(Opcodes.ISHR) case _ => emit(Opcodes.ISHR) emitT2T(INT, kind) } case LSR => kind match { case LONG => emit(Opcodes.LUSHR) case INT => emit(Opcodes.IUSHR) case _ => emit(Opcodes.IUSHR) emitT2T(INT, kind) } } genShift() case Comparison(op, kind) => def genCompare() = op match { case CMP => (kind: @unchecked) match { case LONG => emit(Opcodes.LCMP) } case CMPL => (kind: @unchecked) match { case FLOAT => emit(Opcodes.FCMPL) case DOUBLE => emit(Opcodes.DCMPL) } case CMPG => (kind: @unchecked) match { case FLOAT => emit(Opcodes.FCMPG) case DOUBLE => emit(Opcodes.DCMPL) // TODO bug? why not DCMPG? http://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jvms/se5.0/html/Instructions2.doc3.html } } genCompare() case Conversion(src, dst) => debuglog("Converting from: " + src + " to: " + dst) emitT2T(src, dst) case ArrayLength(_) => emit(Opcodes.ARRAYLENGTH) case StartConcat => jmethod.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.NEW, StringBuilderClassName) jmethod.visitInsn(Opcodes.DUP) jcode.invokespecial( StringBuilderClassName, INSTANCE_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME, mdesc_arglessvoid ) case StringConcat(el) => val jtype = el match { case REFERENCE(_) | ARRAY(_) => JAVA_LANG_OBJECT case _ => javaType(el) } jcode.invokevirtual( StringBuilderClassName, "append", asm.Type.getMethodDescriptor(StringBuilderType, Array(jtype): _*) ) case EndConcat => jcode.invokevirtual(StringBuilderClassName, "toString", mdesc_toString) case _ => abort("Unimplemented primitive " + primitive) } } // end of genCode()'s genPrimitive() // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Part 6 of genCode(): the executable part of genCode() starts here. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ genBlocks(linearization) jmethod.visitLabel(onePastLast) if(emitLines) { for(LineNumberEntry(line, start) <- lnEntries.sortBy(_.start.getOffset)) { jmethod.visitLineNumber(line, start) } } if(emitVars) { genLocalVariableTable() } } // end of BytecodeGenerator.genCode() ////////////////////// local vars /////////////////////// def sizeOf(k: TypeKind): Int = if(k.isWideType) 2 else 1 final def indexOf(local: Local): Int = { assert(local.index >= 0, "Invalid index for: " + local + "{" + local.## + "}: ") local.index } /** * Compute the indexes of each local variable of the given method. * *Does not assume the parameters come first!* */ def computeLocalVarsIndex(m: IMethod) { var idx = if (m.symbol.isStaticMember) 0 else 1 for (l <- m.params) { debuglog("Index value for " + l + "{" + l.## + "}: " + idx) l.index = idx idx += sizeOf(l.kind) } for (l <- m.locals if !l.arg) { debuglog("Index value for " + l + "{" + l.## + "}: " + idx) l.index = idx idx += sizeOf(l.kind) } } } // end of class JPlainBuilder /** builder of mirror classes */ class JMirrorBuilder(bytecodeWriter: BytecodeWriter, needsOutfile: Boolean) extends JCommonBuilder(bytecodeWriter, needsOutfile) { private var cunit: CompilationUnit = _ def getCurrentCUnit(): CompilationUnit = cunit /** Generate a mirror class for a top-level module. A mirror class is a class * containing only static methods that forward to the corresponding method * on the MODULE instance of the given Scala object. It will only be * generated if there is no companion class: if there is, an attempt will * instead be made to add the forwarder methods to the companion class. */ def genMirrorClass(modsym: Symbol, cunit: CompilationUnit) { assert(modsym.companionClass == NoSymbol, modsym) innerClassBuffer.clear() this.cunit = cunit val moduleName = javaName(modsym) // + "$" val mirrorName = moduleName.substring(0, moduleName.length() - 1) val flags = (asm.Opcodes.ACC_SUPER | asm.Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | asm.Opcodes.ACC_FINAL) val mirrorClass = createJClass(flags, mirrorName, null /* no java-generic-signature */, JAVA_LANG_OBJECT.getInternalName, EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY) log(s"Dumping mirror class for '$mirrorName'") // typestate: entering mode with valid call sequences: // [ visitSource ] [ visitOuterClass ] ( visitAnnotation | visitAttribute )* if(emitSource) { mirrorClass.visitSource("" + cunit.source, null /* SourceDebugExtension */) } val ssa = getAnnotPickle(mirrorName, modsym.companionSymbol) mirrorClass.visitAttribute(if(ssa.isDefined) pickleMarkerLocal else pickleMarkerForeign) emitAnnotations(mirrorClass, modsym.annotations ++ ssa) // typestate: entering mode with valid call sequences: // ( visitInnerClass | visitField | visitMethod )* visitEnd addForwarders(isRemote(modsym), mirrorClass, mirrorName, modsym) addInnerClasses(modsym, mirrorClass, isMirror = true) mirrorClass.visitEnd() writeIfNotTooBig("" + modsym.name, mirrorName, mirrorClass, modsym) } } // end of class JMirrorBuilder /** builder of bean info classes */ class JBeanInfoBuilder(bytecodeWriter: BytecodeWriter, needsOutfile: Boolean) extends JBuilder(bytecodeWriter, needsOutfile) { /** * Generate a bean info class that describes the given class. * * @author Ross Judson (ross.judson@soletta.com) */ def genBeanInfoClass(clasz: IClass) { // val BeanInfoSkipAttr = definitions.getRequiredClass("scala.beans.BeanInfoSkip") // val BeanDisplayNameAttr = definitions.getRequiredClass("scala.beans.BeanDisplayName") // val BeanDescriptionAttr = definitions.getRequiredClass("scala.beans.BeanDescription") // val description = c.symbol getAnnotation BeanDescriptionAttr // informProgress(description.toString) innerClassBuffer.clear() val flags = mkFlags( javaFlags(clasz.symbol), if(isDeprecated(clasz.symbol)) asm.Opcodes.ACC_DEPRECATED else 0 // ASM pseudo access flag ) val beanInfoName = (javaName(clasz.symbol) + "BeanInfo") val beanInfoClass = createJClass( flags, beanInfoName, null, // no java-generic-signature "scala/beans/ScalaBeanInfo", EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY ) // beanInfoClass typestate: entering mode with valid call sequences: // [ visitSource ] [ visitOuterClass ] ( visitAnnotation | visitAttribute )* beanInfoClass.visitSource( clasz.cunit.source.toString, null /* SourceDebugExtension */ ) var fieldList = List[String]() for (f <- clasz.fields if f.symbol.hasGetter; g = f.symbol.getterIn(clasz.symbol); s = f.symbol.setterIn(clasz.symbol) if g.isPublic && !(f.symbol.name startsWith "$") ) { // inserting $outer breaks the bean fieldList = javaName(f.symbol) :: javaName(g) :: (if (s != NoSymbol) javaName(s) else null) :: fieldList } val methodList: List[String] = for (m <- clasz.methods if !m.symbol.isConstructor && m.symbol.isPublic && !(m.symbol.name startsWith "$") && !m.symbol.isGetter && !m.symbol.isSetter) yield javaName(m.symbol) // beanInfoClass typestate: entering mode with valid call sequences: // ( visitInnerClass | visitField | visitMethod )* visitEnd val constructor = beanInfoClass.visitMethod( asm.Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC, INSTANCE_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME, mdesc_arglessvoid, null, // no java-generic-signature EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY // no throwable exceptions ) // constructor typestate: entering mode with valid call sequences: // [ visitAnnotationDefault ] ( visitAnnotation | visitParameterAnnotation | visitAttribute )* val stringArrayJType: asm.Type = javaArrayType(JAVA_LANG_STRING) val conJType: asm.Type = asm.Type.getMethodType( asm.Type.VOID_TYPE, Array(javaType(ClassClass), stringArrayJType, stringArrayJType): _* ) def push(lst: List[String]) { var fi = 0 for (f <- lst) { constructor.visitInsn(asm.Opcodes.DUP) constructor.visitLdcInsn(new java.lang.Integer(fi)) if (f == null) { constructor.visitInsn(asm.Opcodes.ACONST_NULL) } else { constructor.visitLdcInsn(f) } constructor.visitInsn(JAVA_LANG_STRING.getOpcode(asm.Opcodes.IASTORE)) fi += 1 } } // constructor typestate: entering mode with valid call sequences: // [ visitCode ( visitFrame | visitXInsn | visitLabel | visitTryCatchBlock | visitLocalVariable | visitLineNumber )* visitMaxs ] visitEnd constructor.visitCode() constructor.visitVarInsn(asm.Opcodes.ALOAD, 0) // push the class constructor.visitLdcInsn(javaType(clasz.symbol)) // push the string array of field information constructor.visitLdcInsn(new java.lang.Integer(fieldList.length)) constructor.visitTypeInsn(asm.Opcodes.ANEWARRAY, JAVA_LANG_STRING.getInternalName) push(fieldList) // push the string array of method information constructor.visitLdcInsn(new java.lang.Integer(methodList.length)) constructor.visitTypeInsn(asm.Opcodes.ANEWARRAY, JAVA_LANG_STRING.getInternalName) push(methodList) // invoke the superclass constructor, which will do the // necessary java reflection and create Method objects. constructor.visitMethodInsn(asm.Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL, "scala/beans/ScalaBeanInfo", INSTANCE_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME, conJType.getDescriptor, false) constructor.visitInsn(asm.Opcodes.RETURN) constructor.visitMaxs(0, 0) // just to follow protocol, dummy arguments constructor.visitEnd() addInnerClasses(clasz.symbol, beanInfoClass) beanInfoClass.visitEnd() writeIfNotTooBig("BeanInfo ", beanInfoName, beanInfoClass, clasz.symbol) } } // end of class JBeanInfoBuilder /** A namespace for utilities to normalize the code of an IMethod, over and beyond what IMethod.normalize() strives for. * In particular, IMethod.normalize() doesn't collapseJumpChains(). * * TODO Eventually, these utilities should be moved to IMethod and reused from normalize() (there's nothing JVM-specific about them). */ object newNormal { /** * True if a block is "jump only" which is defined * as being a block that consists only of 0 or more instructions that * won't make it to the JVM followed by a JUMP. */ def isJumpOnly(b: BasicBlock): Boolean = { val nonICode = firstNonIcodeOnlyInstructions(b) // by definition a block has to have a jump, conditional jump, return, or throw assert(nonICode.hasNext, "empty block") nonICode.next.isInstanceOf[JUMP] } /** * Returns the list of instructions in a block that follow all ICode only instructions, * where an ICode only instruction is one that won't make it to the JVM */ private def firstNonIcodeOnlyInstructions(b: BasicBlock): Iterator[Instruction] = { def isICodeOnlyInstruction(i: Instruction) = i match { case LOAD_EXCEPTION(_) | SCOPE_ENTER(_) | SCOPE_EXIT(_) => true case _ => false } b.iterator dropWhile isICodeOnlyInstruction } /** * Returns the target of a block that is "jump only" which is defined * as being a block that consists only of 0 or more instructions that * won't make it to the JVM followed by a JUMP. * * @param b The basic block to examine * @return Some(target) if b is a "jump only" block or None if it's not */ private def getJumpOnlyTarget(b: BasicBlock): Option[BasicBlock] = { val nonICode = firstNonIcodeOnlyInstructions(b) // by definition a block has to have a jump, conditional jump, return, or throw assert(nonICode.nonEmpty, "empty block") nonICode.next match { case JUMP(whereto) => assert(!nonICode.hasNext, "A block contains instructions after JUMP (looks like enterIgnoreMode() was itself ignored.)") Some(whereto) case _ => None } } /** * Collapse a chain of "jump-only" blocks such as: * * JUMP b1; * b1: JUMP b2; * b2: JUMP ... etc. * * by re-wiring predecessors to target directly the "final destination". * Even if covered by an exception handler, a "non-self-loop jump-only block" can always be removed. * Returns true if any replacement was made, false otherwise. * * In more detail: * Starting at each of the entry points (m.startBlock, the start block of each exception handler) * rephrase those control-flow instructions targeting a jump-only block (which jumps to a final destination D) to target D. * The blocks thus skipped become eligible to removed by the reachability analyzer * * Rationale for this normalization: * test/files/run/private-inline.scala after -optimize is chock full of * BasicBlocks containing just JUMP(whereto), where no exception handler straddles them. * They should be collapsed by IMethod.normalize() but aren't. * That was fine in FJBG times when by the time the exception table was emitted, * it already contained "anchored" labels (ie instruction offsets were known) * and thus ranges with identical (start, end) (i.e, identical after GenJVM omitted the JUMPs in question) * could be weeded out to avoid "java.lang.ClassFormatError: Illegal exception table range" * Now that visitTryCatchBlock() must be called before Labels are resolved, * renders the BasicBlocks described above (to recap, consisting of just a JUMP) unreachable. */ private def collapseJumpOnlyBlocks(m: IMethod) { assert(m.hasCode, "code-less method") def rephraseGotos(detour: mutable.Map[BasicBlock, BasicBlock]) { def lookup(b: BasicBlock) = detour.getOrElse(b, b) m.code.startBlock = lookup(m.code.startBlock) for(eh <- m.exh) eh.setStartBlock(lookup(eh.startBlock)) for (b <- m.blocks) { def replaceLastInstruction(i: Instruction) = { if (b.lastInstruction != i) { val idxLast = b.size - 1 debuglog(s"In block $b, replacing last instruction ${b.lastInstruction} with ${i}") b.replaceInstruction(idxLast, i) } } b.lastInstruction match { case JUMP(whereto) => replaceLastInstruction(JUMP(lookup(whereto))) case CJUMP(succ, fail, cond, kind) => replaceLastInstruction(CJUMP(lookup(succ), lookup(fail), cond, kind)) case CZJUMP(succ, fail, cond, kind) => replaceLastInstruction(CZJUMP(lookup(succ), lookup(fail), cond, kind)) case SWITCH(tags, labels) => val newLabels = (labels map lookup) replaceLastInstruction(SWITCH(tags, newLabels)) case _ => () } } } /* * Computes a mapping from jump only block to its * final destination which is either a non-jump-only * block or, if it's in a jump-only block cycle, is * itself */ def computeDetour: mutable.Map[BasicBlock, BasicBlock] = { // fetch the jump only blocks and their immediate destinations val pairs = for { block <- m.blocks.toIterator target <- getJumpOnlyTarget(block) } yield(block, target) // mapping from a jump-only block to our current knowledge of its // final destination. Initially it's just jump block to immediate jump // target val detour = mutable.Map[BasicBlock, BasicBlock](pairs.toSeq:_*) // for each jump-only block find its final destination // taking advantage of the destinations we found for previous // blocks for (key <- detour.keySet) { // we use the Robert Floyd's classic Tortoise and Hare algorithm @tailrec def findDestination(tortoise: BasicBlock, hare: BasicBlock): BasicBlock = { if (tortoise == hare) // cycle detected, map key to key key else if (detour contains hare) { // advance hare once val hare1 = detour(hare) // make sure we can advance hare a second time if (detour contains hare1) // advance tortoise once and hare a second time findDestination(detour(tortoise), detour(hare1)) else // hare1 is not in the map so it's not a jump-only block, it's the destination hare1 } else // hare is not in the map so it's not a jump-only block, it's the destination hare } // update the mapping for key based on its final destination detour(key) = findDestination(key, detour(key)) } detour } val detour = computeDetour rephraseGotos(detour) if (settings.debug) { val (remappings, cycles) = detour partition {case (source, target) => source != target} for ((source, target) <- remappings) { debuglog(s"Will elide jump only block $source because it can be jumped around to get to $target.") if (m.startBlock == source) devWarning("startBlock should have been re-wired by now") } val sources = remappings.keySet val targets = remappings.values.toSet val intersection = sources intersect targets if (intersection.nonEmpty) devWarning(s"contradiction: we seem to have some source and target overlap in blocks ${intersection.mkString}. Map was ${detour.mkString}") for ((source, _) <- cycles) { debuglog(s"Block $source is in a do-nothing infinite loop. Did the user write 'while(true){}'?") } } } /** * Removes all blocks that are unreachable in a method using a standard reachability analysis. */ def elimUnreachableBlocks(m: IMethod) { assert(m.hasCode, "code-less method") // assume nothing is reachable until we prove it can be reached val reachable = mutable.Set[BasicBlock]() // the set of blocks that we know are reachable but have // yet to be marked reachable, initially only the start block val worklist = mutable.Set(m.startBlock) while (worklist.nonEmpty) { val block = worklist.head worklist remove block // we know that one is reachable reachable add block // so are its successors, so go back around and add the ones we still // think are unreachable worklist ++= (block.successors filterNot reachable) } // exception handlers need to be told not to cover unreachable blocks // and exception handlers that no longer cover any blocks need to be // removed entirely val unusedExceptionHandlers = mutable.Set[ExceptionHandler]() for (exh <- m.exh) { exh.covered = exh.covered filter reachable if (exh.covered.isEmpty) { unusedExceptionHandlers += exh } } // remove the unused exception handler references if (settings.debug) for (exh <- unusedExceptionHandlers) debuglog(s"eliding exception handler $exh because it does not cover any reachable blocks") m.exh = m.exh filterNot unusedExceptionHandlers // everything not in the reachable set is unreachable, unused, and unloved. buh bye for (b <- m.blocks filterNot reachable) { debuglog(s"eliding block $b because it is unreachable") m.code removeBlock b } } def normalize(m: IMethod) { if(!m.hasCode) { return } collapseJumpOnlyBlocks(m) if (settings.optimise) elimUnreachableBlocks(m) icodes checkValid m } } // @M don't generate java generics sigs for (members of) implementation // classes, as they are monomorphic (TODO: ok?) private def needsGenericSignature(sym: Symbol) = !( // PP: This condition used to include sym.hasExpandedName, but this leads // to the total loss of generic information if a private member is // accessed from a closure: both the field and the accessor were generated // without it. This is particularly bad because the availability of // generic information could disappear as a consequence of a seemingly // unrelated change. settings.Ynogenericsig || sym.isArtifact || sym.isLiftedMethod || sym.isBridge || (sym.ownerChain exists (_.isImplClass)) ) final def staticForwarderGenericSignature(sym: Symbol, moduleClass: Symbol, unit: CompilationUnit): String = { if (sym.isDeferred) null // only add generic signature if method concrete; bug #1745 else { // SI-3452 Static forwarder generation uses the same erased signature as the method if forwards to. // By rights, it should use the signature as-seen-from the module class, and add suitable // primitive and value-class boxing/unboxing. // But for now, just like we did in mixin, we just avoid writing a wrong generic signature // (one that doesn't erase to the actual signature). See run/t3452b for a test case. val memberTpe = enteringErasure(moduleClass.thisType.memberInfo(sym)) val erasedMemberType = erasure.erasure(sym)(memberTpe) if (erasedMemberType =:= sym.info) getGenericSignature(sym, moduleClass, memberTpe, unit) else null } } /** @return * - `null` if no Java signature is to be added (`null` is what ASM expects in these cases). * - otherwise the signature in question */ def getGenericSignature(sym: Symbol, owner: Symbol, unit: CompilationUnit): String = { val memberTpe = enteringErasure(owner.thisType.memberInfo(sym)) getGenericSignature(sym, owner, memberTpe, unit) } def getGenericSignature(sym: Symbol, owner: Symbol, memberTpe: Type, unit: CompilationUnit): String = { if (!needsGenericSignature(sym)) { return null } val jsOpt: Option[String] = erasure.javaSig(sym, memberTpe) if (jsOpt.isEmpty) { return null } val sig = jsOpt.get log(sig) // This seems useful enough in the general case. def wrap(op: => Unit) = { try { op; true } catch { case _: Throwable => false } } if (settings.Xverify) { // Run the signature parser to catch bogus signatures. val isValidSignature = wrap { // Alternative: scala.tools.reflect.SigParser (frontend to sun.reflect.generics.parser.SignatureParser) import scala.tools.asm.util.CheckClassAdapter if (sym.isMethod) { CheckClassAdapter checkMethodSignature sig } // requires asm-util.jar else if (sym.isTerm) { CheckClassAdapter checkFieldSignature sig } else { CheckClassAdapter checkClassSignature sig } } if(!isValidSignature) { reporter.warning(sym.pos, """|compiler bug: created invalid generic signature for %s in %s |signature: %s |if this is reproducible, please report bug at https://issues.scala-lang.org/ """.trim.stripMargin.format(sym, sym.owner.skipPackageObject.fullName, sig)) return null } } if ((settings.check containsName phaseName)) { val normalizedTpe = enteringErasure(erasure.prepareSigMap(memberTpe)) val bytecodeTpe = owner.thisType.memberInfo(sym) if (!sym.isType && !sym.isConstructor && !(erasure.erasure(sym)(normalizedTpe) =:= bytecodeTpe)) { reporter.warning(sym.pos, """|compiler bug: created generic signature for %s in %s that does not conform to its erasure |signature: %s |original type: %s |normalized type: %s |erasure type: %s |if this is reproducible, please report bug at http://issues.scala-lang.org/ """.trim.stripMargin.format(sym, sym.owner.skipPackageObject.fullName, sig, memberTpe, normalizedTpe, bytecodeTpe)) return null } } sig } def ubytesToCharArray(bytes: Array[Byte]): Array[Char] = { val ca = new Array[Char](bytes.length) var idx = 0 while(idx < bytes.length) { val b: Byte = bytes(idx) assert((b & ~0x7f) == 0) ca(idx) = b.asInstanceOf[Char] idx += 1 } ca } final def arrEncode(sb: ScalaSigBytes): Array[String] = { var strs: List[String] = Nil val bSeven: Array[Byte] = sb.sevenBitsMayBeZero // chop into slices of at most 65535 bytes, counting 0x00 as taking two bytes (as per JVMS 4.4.7 The CONSTANT_Utf8_info Structure) var prevOffset = 0 var offset = 0 var encLength = 0 while(offset < bSeven.length) { val deltaEncLength = (if(bSeven(offset) == 0) 2 else 1) val newEncLength = encLength.toLong + deltaEncLength if(newEncLength >= 65535) { val ba = bSeven.slice(prevOffset, offset) strs ::= new java.lang.String(ubytesToCharArray(ba)) encLength = 0 prevOffset = offset } else { encLength += deltaEncLength offset += 1 } } if(prevOffset < offset) { assert(offset == bSeven.length) val ba = bSeven.slice(prevOffset, offset) strs ::= new java.lang.String(ubytesToCharArray(ba)) } assert(strs.size > 1, "encode instead as one String via strEncode()") // TODO too strict? strs.reverse.toArray } private def strEncode(sb: ScalaSigBytes): String = { val ca = ubytesToCharArray(sb.sevenBitsMayBeZero) new java.lang.String(ca) // debug val bvA = new asm.ByteVector; bvA.putUTF8(s) // debug val enc: Array[Byte] = scala.reflect.internal.pickling.ByteCodecs.encode(bytes) // debug assert(enc(idx) == bvA.getByte(idx + 2)) // debug assert(bvA.getLength == enc.size + 2) } }