package package backend.jvm package analysis import java.util import scala.annotation.switch import{Type, Opcodes} import{MethodInsnNode, LdcInsnNode, AbstractInsnNode} import{Frame, Analyzer, Interpreter, Value} import import BytecodeUtils._ /** * Some notes on the ASM analyzer framework. * * Value * - Abstract, needs to be implemented for each analysis. * - Represents the desired information about local variables and stack values, for example: * - Is this value known to be null / not null? * - What are the instructions that could potentially have produced this value? * * Interpreter * - Abstract, needs to be implemented for each analysis. Sometimes one can subclass an existing * interpreter, e.g., SourceInterpreter or BasicInterpreter. * - Multiple abstract methods that receive an instruction and the instruction's input values, and * return a value representing the result of that instruction. * - Note: due to control flow, the interpreter can be invoked multiple times for the same * instruction, until reaching a fixed point. * - Abstract `merge` function that computes the least upper bound of two values. Used by * Frame.merge (see below). * * Frame * - Can be used directly for many analyses, no subclass required. * - Every frame has an array of values: one for each local variable and for each stack slot. * - A `top` index stores the index of the current stack top * - NOTE: for a size-2 local variable at index i, the local variable at i+1 is set to an empty * value. However, for a size-2 value at index i on the stack, the value at i+1 holds the next * stack value. * - Defines the `execute(instruction)` method. * - executing mutates the state of the frame according to the effect of the instruction * - pop consumed values from the stack * - pass them to the interpreter together with the instruction * - if applicable, push the resulting value on the stack * - Defines the `merge(otherFrame)` method * - called by the analyzer when multiple control flow paths lead to an instruction * - the frame at the branching instruction is merged into the current frame of the * instruction (held by the analyzer) * - mutates the values of the current frame, merges all values using interpreter.merge. * * Analyzer * - Stores a frame for each instruction * - `merge` function takes an instruction and a frame, merges the existing frame for that instr * (from the frames array) with the new frame passed as argument. * if the frame changed, puts the instruction on the work queue (fixpiont). * - initial frame: initialized for first instr by calling[...]Value * for each slot (locals and params), stored in frames[firstInstr] by calling `merge` * - work queue of instructions (`queue` array, `top` index for next instruction to analyze) * - analyze(method): simulate control flow. while work queue non-empty: * - copy the state of `frames[instr]` into a local frame `current` * - call `current.execute(instr, interpreter)`, mutating the `current` frame * - if it's a branching instruction * - for all potential destination instructions * - merge the destination instruction frame with the `current` frame * (this enqueues the destination instr if its frame changed) * - invoke `newControlFlowEdge` (see below) * - the analyzer also tracks active exception handlers at each instruction * - the empty method `newControlFlowEdge` can be overridden to track control flow if required * * * Some notes on nullness analysis. * * For an instance method, `this` is non-null at entry. So we have to return a NotNull value when * the analyzer is initializing the first frame of a method (see above). This required a change of * the analyzer: before it would simply call `interpreter.newValue`, where we don't have the * required context. See * * After some operations we know that a certain value is not null (e.g. the receiver of an instance * call). However, the receiver is an value on the stack and consumed while interpreting the * instruction - so we can only gain some knowledge if we know that the receiver was an alias of * some other local variable or stack slot. Therefore we use the AliasingFrame class. * * TODO: * Finally, we'd also like to exploit the knowledge gained from `if (x == null)` tests: x is known * to be null in one branch, not null in the other. This will make use of alias tracking as well. * We still have to figure out how to do this exactly in the analyzer framework. */ /** * Type to represent nullness of values. */ sealed trait Nullness { final def merge(other: Nullness) = if (this == other) this else Unknown } case object NotNull extends Nullness case object Unknown extends Nullness case object Null extends Nullness /** * Represents the nullness state for a local variable or stack value. * * Note that nullness of primitive values is not tracked, it will be always [[Unknown]]. */ sealed trait NullnessValue extends Value { /** * The nullness of this value. */ def nullness: Nullness /** * True if this value is a long or double. The Analyzer framework needs to know * the size of each value when interpreting instructions, see `Frame.execute`. */ def isSize2: Boolean /** * The size of the slot described by this value. Cannot be 0 because no values are allocated * for void-typed slots, see NullnessInterpreter.newValue. **/ def getSize: Int = if (isSize2) 2 else 1 def merge(other: NullnessValue) = NullnessValue(nullness merge other.nullness, isSize2) } object NullValue extends NullnessValue { def nullness = Null; def isSize2 = false; override def toString = "Null" } object UnknownValue1 extends NullnessValue { def nullness = Unknown; def isSize2 = false; override def toString = "Unknown1" } object UnknownValue2 extends NullnessValue { def nullness = Unknown; def isSize2 = true; override def toString = "Unknown2" } object NotNullValue extends NullnessValue { def nullness = NotNull; def isSize2 = false; override def toString = "NotNull" } object NullnessValue { def apply(nullness: Nullness, isSize2: Boolean): NullnessValue = { if (nullness == Null) NullValue else if (nullness == NotNull) NotNullValue else if (isSize2) UnknownValue2 else UnknownValue1 } def apply(nullness: Nullness, insn: AbstractInsnNode): NullnessValue = { apply(nullness, isSize2 = BytecodeUtils.instructionResultSize(insn) == 2) } } final class NullnessInterpreter extends Interpreter[NullnessValue](Opcodes.ASM5) { def newValue(tp: Type): NullnessValue = { // ASM loves giving semantics to null. The behavior here is the same as in SourceInterpreter, // which is provided by the framework. // // (1) For the void type, the ASM framework expects newValue to return `null`. // Also, the Frame.returnValue field is `null` for methods with return type void. // Example callsite passing VOID_TYPE: in Analyzer, `newValue(Type.getReturnType(m.desc))`. // // (2) `tp` may also be `null`. When creating the initial frame, the analyzer invokes // `newValue(null)` for each local variable. We have to return a value of size 1. if (tp == Type.VOID_TYPE) null // (1) else NullnessValue(Unknown, isSize2 = tp != null /*(2)*/ && tp.getSize == 2 ) } override def newParameterValue(isInstanceMethod: Boolean, local: Int, tp: Type): NullnessValue = { // For instance methods, the `this` parameter is known to be not null. if (isInstanceMethod && local == 0) NullnessValue(NotNull, isSize2 = false) else super.newParameterValue(isInstanceMethod, local, tp) } def newOperation(insn: AbstractInsnNode): NullnessValue = { val nullness = (insn.getOpcode: @switch) match { case Opcodes.ACONST_NULL => Null case Opcodes.LDC => insn.asInstanceOf[LdcInsnNode].cst match { case _: String | _: Type => NotNull case _ => Unknown } case _ => Unknown } // for Opcodes.NEW, we use Unknown. The value will become NotNull after the constructor call. NullnessValue(nullness, insn) } def copyOperation(insn: AbstractInsnNode, value: NullnessValue): NullnessValue = value def unaryOperation(insn: AbstractInsnNode, value: NullnessValue): NullnessValue = (insn.getOpcode: @switch) match { case Opcodes.CHECKCAST => value case Opcodes.NEWARRAY | Opcodes.ANEWARRAY => NullnessValue(NotNull, isSize2 = false) case _ => NullnessValue(Unknown, insn) } def binaryOperation(insn: AbstractInsnNode, value1: NullnessValue, value2: NullnessValue): NullnessValue = { NullnessValue(Unknown, insn) } def ternaryOperation(insn: AbstractInsnNode, value1: NullnessValue, value2: NullnessValue, value3: NullnessValue): NullnessValue = { NullnessValue(Unknown, isSize2 = false) } def naryOperation(insn: AbstractInsnNode, values: util.List[_ <: NullnessValue]): NullnessValue = (insn.getOpcode: @switch) match { case Opcodes.MULTIANEWARRAY => NullnessValue(NotNull, isSize2 = false) case _ => // TODO: use a list of methods that are known to return non-null values NullnessValue(Unknown, insn) } def returnOperation(insn: AbstractInsnNode, value: NullnessValue, expected: NullnessValue): Unit = () def merge(a: NullnessValue, b: NullnessValue): NullnessValue = a merge b } class NullnessFrame(nLocals: Int, nStack: Int) extends AliasingFrame[NullnessValue](nLocals, nStack) { // Auxiliary constructor required for implementing `NullnessAnalyzer.newFrame` def this(src: Frame[_ <: NullnessValue]) { this(src.getLocals, src.getMaxStackSize) init(src) } override def execute(insn: AbstractInsnNode, interpreter: Interpreter[NullnessValue]): Unit = { import Opcodes._ // get the object id of the object that is known to be not-null after this operation val nullCheckedAliasId: Long = (insn.getOpcode: @switch) match { case IALOAD | LALOAD | FALOAD | DALOAD | AALOAD | BALOAD | CALOAD | SALOAD => aliasId(this.stackTop - 1) case IASTORE | FASTORE | AASTORE | BASTORE | CASTORE | SASTORE | LASTORE | DASTORE => aliasId(this.stackTop - 2) case GETFIELD => aliasId(this.stackTop) case PUTFIELD => aliasId(this.stackTop - 1) case INVOKEVIRTUAL | INVOKESPECIAL | INVOKEINTERFACE => val desc = insn.asInstanceOf[MethodInsnNode].desc val numArgs = Type.getArgumentTypes(desc).length aliasId(this.stackTop - numArgs) case ARRAYLENGTH | MONITORENTER | MONITOREXIT => aliasId(this.stackTop) case _ => -1 } super.execute(insn, interpreter) if (nullCheckedAliasId != -1) { for (i <- valuesWithAliasId(nullCheckedAliasId)) this.setValue(i, NotNullValue) } } } /** * This class is required to override the `newFrame` methods, which makes makes sure the analyzer * uses NullnessFrames. */ class NullnessAnalyzer extends Analyzer[NullnessValue](new NullnessInterpreter) { override def newFrame(nLocals: Int, nStack: Int): NullnessFrame = new NullnessFrame(nLocals, nStack) override def newFrame(src: Frame[_ <: NullnessValue]): NullnessFrame = new NullnessFrame(src) }