/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2014 LAMP/EPFL * @author Martin Odersky */ package scala.tools.nsc package backend.jvm package opt import scala.annotation.{tailrec, switch} import scala.tools.asm.Type import scala.tools.asm.tree.analysis.Frame import scala.tools.asm.Opcodes._ import scala.tools.asm.tree._ import scala.collection.mutable import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.tools.nsc.backend.jvm.BTypes.InternalName import scala.tools.nsc.backend.jvm.analysis._ import scala.tools.nsc.backend.jvm.opt.BytecodeUtils._ /** * Optimizations within a single method. Certain optimizations enable others, for example removing * unreachable code can render a `try` block empty and enable removeEmptyExceptionHandlers. The * latter in turn enables more unreachable code to be eliminated (the `catch` block), so there is * a cyclic dependency. Optimizations that depend on each other are therefore executed in a loop * until reaching a fixpoint. * * The optimizations marked UPSTREAM enable optimizations that were already executed, so they cause * another iteration in the fixpoint loop. * * nullness optimizations: rewrite null-checking branches to GOTO if nullness is known * + enables downstream * - unreachable code (null / non-null branch becomes unreachable) * - box-unbox elimination (may render an escaping consumer of a box unreachable) * - stale stores (aload x is replaced by aconst_null if it's known null) * - simplify jumps (replaces conditional jumps by goto, so may enable goto chains) * * unreachable code / DCE (removes instructions of basic blocks to which there is no branch) * + enables downstream: * - stale stores (loads may be eliminated, removing consumers of a store) * - empty handlers (try blocks may become empty) * - simplify jumps (goto l; [dead code]; l: ..) => remove goto * - stale local variable descriptors * - (not box-unbox, which is implemented using prod-cons, so it doesn't consider dead code) * * note that eliminating empty handlers and stale local variable descriptors is required for * correctness, see the comment in the body of `methodOptimizations`. * * box-unbox elimination (eliminates box-unbox pairs withing the same method) * + enables UPSTREAM: * - nullness optimizations (a box extraction operation (unknown nullness) may be rewritten to * a read of a non-null local. example in doc comment of box-unbox implementation) * - further box-unbox elimination (e.g. an Integer stored in a Tuple; eliminating the tuple may * enable eliminating the Integer) * + enables downstream: * - copy propagation (new locals are introduced, may be aliases of existing) * - stale stores (multi-value boxes where not all values are used) * - redundant casts (`("a", "b")._1`: the generic `_1` method returns `Object`, a cast * to String is added. The cast is redundant after eliminating the tuple.) * - empty local variable descriptors (local variables that were holding the box may become unused) * * copy propagation (replaces LOAD n to the LOAD m for the smallest m that is an alias of n) * + enables downstrem: * - stale stores (a stored value may not be loaded anymore) * - store-load pairs (a load n may now be right after a store n) * + NOTE: copy propagation is only executed once, in the first fixpoint loop iteration. none of * the other optimizations enables further copy prop. we still run it as part of the loop * because it requires unreachable code to be eliminated. * * stale stores (replace STORE by POP) * + enables downstream: * - push-pop (the new pop may be the single consumer for an instruction) * * redundant casts: eliminates casts that are statically known to succeed (uses type propagation) * + enables UPSTREAM: * - box-unbox elimination (a removed checkcast may be a box consumer) * + enables downstream: * - push-pop for closure allocation elimination (every indyLambda is followed by a checkcast, see SI-9540) * * push-pop (when a POP is the only consumer of a value, remove the POP and its producer) * + enables UPSTREAM: * - stale stores (if a LOAD is removed, a corresponding STORE may become stale) * - box-unbox elimination (push-pop may eliminate a closure allocation, rendering a captured * box non-escaping) * + enables downstream: * - store-load pairs (a variable may become non-live) * - stale handlers (push-pop removes code) * - simplify jumps (push-pop removes code) * * store-load pairs (remove `STORE x; LOAD x` if x is otherwise not used in the method) * + enables downstream: * - empty handlers (code is removes, a try block may become empty * - simplify jumps (code is removed, a goto may become redundant for example) * - stale local variable descriptors * * empty handlers (removes exception handlers whose try block is empty) * + enables UPSTREAM: * - unreachable code (catch block becomes unreachable) * - box-unbox (a box may be escape in an operation in a dead handler) * + enables downstream: * - simplify jumps * * simplify jumps (various, like `GOTO l; l: ...`, see doc comments of individual optimizations) * + enables UPSTREAM * - unreachable code (`GOTO a; a: GOTO b; b: ...`, the first jump is changed to `GOTO b`, the second becomes unreachable) * - store-load pairs (a `GOTO l; l: ...` is removed between store and load) * - push-pop (`IFNULL l; l: ...` is replaced by `POP`) * * * The following cleanup optimizations don't enable any upstream optimizations, so they can be * executed once at the end, when the above optimizations reach a fixpoint. * * * empty local variable descriptors (removes unused variables from the local variable table) * + enables downstream: * - stale labels (labels that the entry points to, if not otherwise referenced) * * empty line numbers (eliminates line number nodes that describe no executable instructions) * + enables downstream: * - stale labels (label of the line number node, if not otherwise referenced) * * stale labels (eliminate labels that are not referenced, merge sequences of label definitions) * * * Note on a method's maxLocals / maxStack: the backend only uses those values for running * Analyzers. The values can be conservative approximations: if an optimization removes code and * the maximal stack size is now smaller, the larger maxStack value will still work fine for * running an Analyzer (just that frames allocate more space than required). The correct max * values written to the bytecode are re-computed during classfile serialization. * To keep things simpler, we don't update the max values in every optimization: * - we do it in `removeUnreachableCodeImpl`, because it's quite straightforward * - maxLocals is updated in `compactLocalVariables`, which runs at the end of method optimizations * * * Note on updating the call graph: whenever an optimization eliminates a callsite or a closure * instantiation, we eliminate the corresponding entry from the call graph. */ class LocalOpt[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) { import LocalOptImpls._ import btypes._ import coreBTypes._ import backendUtils._ val boxUnbox = new BoxUnbox(btypes) import boxUnbox._ val copyProp = new CopyProp(btypes) import copyProp._ /** * Remove unreachable code from a method. * * This implementation only removes instructions that are unreachable for an ASM analyzer / * interpreter. This ensures that future analyses will not produce `null` frames. The inliner * depends on this property. * * @return A set containing the eliminated instructions */ def minimalRemoveUnreachableCode(method: MethodNode, ownerClassName: InternalName): Boolean = { // In principle, for the inliner, a single removeUnreachableCodeImpl would be enough. But that // would potentially leave behind stale handlers (empty try block) which is not legal in the // classfile. So we run both removeUnreachableCodeImpl and removeEmptyExceptionHandlers. if (method.instructions.size == 0) return false // fast path for abstract methods if (unreachableCodeEliminated(method)) return false // we know there is no unreachable code if (!AsmAnalyzer.sizeOKForBasicValue(method)) return false // the method is too large for running an analyzer // For correctness, after removing unreachable code, we have to eliminate empty exception // handlers, see scaladoc of def methodOptimizations. Removing an live handler may render more // code unreachable and therefore requires running another round. def removalRound(): Boolean = { val (insnsRemoved, liveLabels) = removeUnreachableCodeImpl(method, ownerClassName) if (insnsRemoved) { val liveHandlerRemoved = removeEmptyExceptionHandlers(method).exists(h => liveLabels(h.start)) if (liveHandlerRemoved) removalRound() } insnsRemoved } val changed = removalRound() if (changed) removeUnusedLocalVariableNodes(method)() unreachableCodeEliminated += method changed } /** * Remove unreachable instructions from all (non-abstract) methods and apply various other * cleanups to the bytecode. * * @param clazz The class whose methods are optimized * @return `true` if unreachable code was eliminated in some method, `false` otherwise. */ def methodOptimizations(clazz: ClassNode): Boolean = { !compilerSettings.YoptNone && clazz.methods.asScala.foldLeft(false) { case (changed, method) => methodOptimizations(method, clazz.name) || changed } } /** * Run method-level optimizations, see comment on class [[LocalOpt]]. * * Returns `true` if the bytecode of `method` was changed. */ def methodOptimizations(method: MethodNode, ownerClassName: InternalName): Boolean = { if (method.instructions.size == 0) return false // fast path for abstract methods // unreachable-code also removes unused local variable nodes and empty exception handlers. // This is required for correctness, for example: // // def f = { return 0; try { 1 } catch { case _ => 2 } } // // The result after removeUnreachableCodeImpl: // // TRYCATCHBLOCK L0 L1 L2 java/lang/Exception // L4 // ICONST_0 // IRETURN // L0 // L1 // L2 // // If we don't eliminate the handler, the ClassWriter emits: // // TRYCATCHBLOCK L0 L0 L0 java/lang/Exception // L1 // ICONST_0 // IRETURN // L0 // // This triggers "ClassFormatError: Illegal exception table range in class file C". Similar // for local variables in dead blocks. Maybe that's a bug in the ASM framework. var currentTrace: String = null val doTrace = compilerSettings.YoptTrace.isSetByUser && compilerSettings.YoptTrace.value == ownerClassName + "." + method.name def traceIfChanged(optName: String): Unit = if (doTrace) { val after = AsmUtils.textify(method) if (currentTrace != after) { println(s"after $optName") println(after) } currentTrace = after } /** * Runs the optimizations that depend on each other in a loop until reaching a fixpoint. See * comment in class [[LocalOpt]]. * * Returns a pair of booleans (codeChanged, requireEliminateUnusedLocals). */ def removalRound( requestNullness: Boolean, requestDCE: Boolean, requestBoxUnbox: Boolean, requestStaleStores: Boolean, requestPushPop: Boolean, requestStoreLoad: Boolean, firstIteration: Boolean, maxRecursion: Int = 10): (Boolean, Boolean) = { if (maxRecursion == 0) return (false, false) traceIfChanged("beforeMethodOpt") // NULLNESS OPTIMIZATIONS val runNullness = compilerSettings.YoptNullnessTracking && requestNullness val nullnessOptChanged = runNullness && nullnessOptimizations(method, ownerClassName) traceIfChanged("nullness") // UNREACHABLE CODE // Both AliasingAnalyzer (used in copyProp) and ProdConsAnalyzer (used in eliminateStaleStores, // boxUnboxElimination) require not having unreachable instructions (null frames). val runDCE = (compilerSettings.YoptUnreachableCode && (requestDCE || nullnessOptChanged)) || compilerSettings.YoptBoxUnbox || compilerSettings.YoptCopyPropagation val (codeRemoved, liveLabels) = if (runDCE) removeUnreachableCodeImpl(method, ownerClassName) else (false, Set.empty[LabelNode]) traceIfChanged("dce") // BOX-UNBOX val runBoxUnbox = compilerSettings.YoptBoxUnbox && (requestBoxUnbox || nullnessOptChanged) val boxUnboxChanged = runBoxUnbox && boxUnboxElimination(method, ownerClassName) traceIfChanged("boxUnbox") // COPY PROPAGATION val runCopyProp = compilerSettings.YoptCopyPropagation && (firstIteration || boxUnboxChanged) val copyPropChanged = runCopyProp && copyPropagation(method, ownerClassName) traceIfChanged("copyProp") // STALE STORES val runStaleStores = compilerSettings.YoptCopyPropagation && (requestStaleStores || nullnessOptChanged || codeRemoved || boxUnboxChanged || copyPropChanged) val storesRemoved = runStaleStores && eliminateStaleStores(method, ownerClassName) traceIfChanged("staleStores") // REDUNDANT CASTS val runRedundantCasts = compilerSettings.YoptRedundantCasts && (firstIteration || boxUnboxChanged) val castRemoved = runRedundantCasts && eliminateRedundantCasts(method, ownerClassName) traceIfChanged("redundantCasts") // PUSH-POP val runPushPop = compilerSettings.YoptCopyPropagation && (requestPushPop || firstIteration || storesRemoved || castRemoved) val pushPopRemoved = runPushPop && eliminatePushPop(method, ownerClassName) traceIfChanged("pushPop") // STORE-LOAD PAIRS val runStoreLoad = compilerSettings.YoptCopyPropagation && (requestStoreLoad || boxUnboxChanged || copyPropChanged || pushPopRemoved) val storeLoadRemoved = runStoreLoad && eliminateStoreLoad(method) traceIfChanged("storeLoadPairs") // STALE HANDLERS val removedHandlers = if (runDCE) removeEmptyExceptionHandlers(method) else Set.empty[TryCatchBlockNode] val handlersRemoved = removedHandlers.nonEmpty val liveHandlerRemoved = removedHandlers.exists(h => liveLabels(h.start)) traceIfChanged("staleHandlers") // SIMPLIFY JUMPS // almost all of the above optimizations enable simplifying more jumps, so we just run it in every iteration val runSimplifyJumps = compilerSettings.YoptSimplifyJumps val jumpsChanged = runSimplifyJumps && simplifyJumps(method) traceIfChanged("simplifyJumps") // See doc comment in the beginning of this file (optimizations marked UPSTREAM) val runNullnessAgain = boxUnboxChanged val runDCEAgain = liveHandlerRemoved || jumpsChanged val runBoxUnboxAgain = boxUnboxChanged || castRemoved || pushPopRemoved || liveHandlerRemoved val runStaleStoresAgain = pushPopRemoved val runPushPopAgain = jumpsChanged val runStoreLoadAgain = jumpsChanged val runAgain = runNullnessAgain || runDCEAgain || runBoxUnboxAgain || pushPopRemoved || runStaleStoresAgain || runPushPopAgain || runStoreLoadAgain val downstreamRequireEliminateUnusedLocals = runAgain && removalRound( requestNullness = runNullnessAgain, requestDCE = runDCEAgain, requestBoxUnbox = runBoxUnboxAgain, requestStaleStores = runStaleStoresAgain, requestPushPop = runPushPopAgain, requestStoreLoad = runStoreLoadAgain, firstIteration = false, maxRecursion = maxRecursion - 1)._2 val requireEliminateUnusedLocals = downstreamRequireEliminateUnusedLocals || nullnessOptChanged || // nullness opt may eliminate stores / loads, rendering a local unused codeRemoved || // see comment in method `methodOptimizations` boxUnboxChanged || // box-unbox renders locals (holding boxes) unused storesRemoved || storeLoadRemoved || handlersRemoved val codeChanged = nullnessOptChanged || codeRemoved || boxUnboxChanged || castRemoved || copyPropChanged || storesRemoved || pushPopRemoved || storeLoadRemoved || handlersRemoved || jumpsChanged (codeChanged, requireEliminateUnusedLocals) } val (nullnessDceBoxesCastsCopypropPushpopOrJumpsChanged, requireEliminateUnusedLocals) = if (AsmAnalyzer.sizeOKForBasicValue(method)) { // we run DCE even if the method is already in the `unreachableCodeEliminated` map: the DCE // here is more thorough than `minimalRemoveUnreachableCode` that run before inlining. val r = removalRound( requestNullness = true, requestDCE = true, requestBoxUnbox = true, requestStaleStores = true, requestPushPop = true, requestStoreLoad = true, firstIteration = true) if (compilerSettings.YoptUnreachableCode) unreachableCodeEliminated += method r } else (false, false) // (*) Removing stale local variable descriptors is required for correctness, see comment in `methodOptimizations` val localsRemoved = if (compilerSettings.YoptCompactLocals) compactLocalVariables(method) // also removes unused else if (requireEliminateUnusedLocals) removeUnusedLocalVariableNodes(method)() // (*) else false traceIfChanged("localVariables") val lineNumbersRemoved = if (compilerSettings.YoptUnreachableCode) removeEmptyLineNumbers(method) else false traceIfChanged("lineNumbers") val labelsRemoved = if (compilerSettings.YoptUnreachableCode) removeEmptyLabelNodes(method) else false traceIfChanged("labels") // assert that local variable annotations are empty (we don't emit them) - otherwise we'd have // to eliminate those covering an empty range, similar to removeUnusedLocalVariableNodes. def nullOrEmpty[T](l: java.util.List[T]) = l == null || l.isEmpty assert(nullOrEmpty(method.visibleLocalVariableAnnotations), method.visibleLocalVariableAnnotations) assert(nullOrEmpty(method.invisibleLocalVariableAnnotations), method.invisibleLocalVariableAnnotations) nullnessDceBoxesCastsCopypropPushpopOrJumpsChanged || localsRemoved || lineNumbersRemoved || labelsRemoved } /** * Apply various optimizations based on nullness analysis information. * - IFNULL / IFNONNULL are rewritten to GOTO if nullness is known * - IF_ACMPEQ / IF_ACMPNE are rewritten to GOTO if the both references are known null, or if * one is known null and the other known not-null * - ALOAD is replaced by ACONST_NULL if the local is known to hold null * - ASTORE of null is removed if the local is known to hold null * - INSTANCEOF of null is replaced by `ICONST_0` * - scala.runtime.BoxesRunTime.unboxToX(null) is rewritten to a zero-value load */ def nullnessOptimizations(method: MethodNode, ownerClassName: InternalName): Boolean = { AsmAnalyzer.sizeOKForNullness(method) && { lazy val nullnessAnalyzer = new AsmAnalyzer(method, ownerClassName, new NullnessAnalyzer(btypes)) // When running nullness optimizations the method may still have unreachable code. Analyzer // frames of unreachable instructions are `null`. def frameAt(insn: AbstractInsnNode): Option[Frame[NullnessValue]] = Option(nullnessAnalyzer.frameAt(insn)) def nullness(insn: AbstractInsnNode, slot: Int): Option[NullnessValue] = { frameAt(insn).map(_.getValue(slot)) } def isNull(insn: AbstractInsnNode, slot: Int) = nullness(insn, slot).contains(NullValue) // cannot change instructions while iterating, it gets the analysis out of synch (indexed by instructions) val toReplace = mutable.Map.empty[AbstractInsnNode, List[AbstractInsnNode]] val it = method.instructions.iterator() while (it.hasNext) it.next() match { case vi: VarInsnNode if isNull(vi, vi.`var`) => if (vi.getOpcode == ALOAD) toReplace(vi) = List(new InsnNode(ACONST_NULL)) else if (vi.getOpcode == ASTORE) for (frame <- frameAt(vi) if frame.peekStack(0) == NullValue) toReplace(vi) = List(getPop(1)) case ji: JumpInsnNode => val isIfNull = ji.getOpcode == IFNULL val isIfNonNull = ji.getOpcode == IFNONNULL if (isIfNull || isIfNonNull) for (frame <- frameAt(ji)) { val nullness = frame.peekStack(0) val taken = nullness == NullValue && isIfNull || nullness == NotNullValue && isIfNonNull val avoided = nullness == NotNullValue && isIfNull || nullness == NullValue && isIfNonNull if (taken || avoided) { val jump = if (taken) List(new JumpInsnNode(GOTO, ji.label)) else Nil toReplace(ji) = getPop(1) :: jump } } else { val isIfEq = ji.getOpcode == IF_ACMPEQ val isIfNe = ji.getOpcode == IF_ACMPNE if (isIfEq || isIfNe) for (frame <- frameAt(ji)) { val aNullness = frame.peekStack(1) val bNullness = frame.peekStack(0) val eq = aNullness == NullValue && bNullness == NullValue val ne = aNullness == NullValue && bNullness == NotNullValue || aNullness == NotNullValue && bNullness == NullValue val taken = isIfEq && eq || isIfNe && ne val avoided = isIfEq && ne || isIfNe && eq if (taken || avoided) { val jump = if (taken) List(new JumpInsnNode(GOTO, ji.label)) else Nil toReplace(ji) = getPop(1) :: getPop(1) :: jump } } } case ti: TypeInsnNode => if (ti.getOpcode == INSTANCEOF) for (frame <- frameAt(ti) if frame.peekStack(0) == NullValue) { toReplace(ti) = List(getPop(1), new InsnNode(ICONST_0)) } case mi: MethodInsnNode => if (isScalaUnbox(mi)) for (frame <- frameAt(mi) if frame.peekStack(0) == NullValue) { toReplace(mi) = List( getPop(1), loadZeroForTypeSort(Type.getReturnType(mi.desc).getSort)) } case _ => } def removeFromCallGraph(insn: AbstractInsnNode): Unit = insn match { case mi: MethodInsnNode => callGraph.removeCallsite(mi, method) case _ => } for ((oldOp, newOps) <- toReplace) { for (newOp <- newOps) method.instructions.insertBefore(oldOp, newOp) method.instructions.remove(oldOp) removeFromCallGraph(oldOp) } toReplace.nonEmpty } } /** * Removes unreachable basic blocks. * * @return A set containing eliminated instructions, and a set containing all live label nodes. */ def removeUnreachableCodeImpl(method: MethodNode, ownerClassName: InternalName): (Boolean, Set[LabelNode]) = { val a = new AsmAnalyzer(method, ownerClassName) val frames = a.analyzer.getFrames var i = 0 var liveLabels = Set.empty[LabelNode] var changed = false var maxLocals = parametersSize(method) var maxStack = 0 val itr = method.instructions.iterator() while (itr.hasNext) { val insn = itr.next() val isLive = frames(i) != null if (isLive) maxStack = math.max(maxStack, frames(i).getStackSize) insn match { case l: LabelNode => // label nodes are not removed: they might be referenced for example in a LocalVariableNode if (isLive) liveLabels += l case v: VarInsnNode if isLive => val longSize = if (isSize2LoadOrStore(v.getOpcode)) 1 else 0 maxLocals = math.max(maxLocals, v.`var` + longSize + 1) // + 1 because local numbers are 0-based case i: IincInsnNode if isLive => maxLocals = math.max(maxLocals, i.`var` + 1) case _ => if (!isLive || insn.getOpcode == NOP) { // Instruction iterators allow removing during iteration. // Removing is O(1): instructions are doubly linked list elements. itr.remove() changed = true insn match { case invocation: MethodInsnNode => callGraph.removeCallsite(invocation, method) case indy: InvokeDynamicInsnNode => callGraph.removeClosureInstantiation(indy, method) case _ => } } } i += 1 } method.maxLocals = maxLocals method.maxStack = maxStack (changed, liveLabels) } /** * Eliminate `CHECKCAST` instructions that are statically known to succeed. This is safe if the * tested object is null: `null.asInstanceOf` always succeeds. * * The type of the tested object is determined using a NonLubbingTypeFlowAnalyzer. Note that this * analysis collapses LUBs of non-equal references types to Object for simplicity. Example: * given `B <: A <: Object`, the cast in `(if (..) new B else new A).asInstanceOf[A]` would not * be eliminated. * * Note: we cannot replace `INSTANCEOF` tests by only looking at the types, `null.isInstanceOf` * always returns false, so we'd also need nullness information. */ def eliminateRedundantCasts(method: MethodNode, owner: InternalName): Boolean = { AsmAnalyzer.sizeOKForBasicValue(method) && { def isSubType(aRefDesc: String, bClass: InternalName): Boolean = aRefDesc == bClass || bClass == ObjectRef.internalName || { (bTypeForDescriptorOrInternalNameFromClassfile(aRefDesc) conformsTo classBTypeFromParsedClassfile(bClass)).getOrElse(false) } lazy val typeAnalyzer = new NonLubbingTypeFlowAnalyzer(method, owner) // cannot remove instructions while iterating, it gets the analysis out of synch (indexed by instructions) val toRemove = mutable.Set.empty[TypeInsnNode] val it = method.instructions.iterator() while (it.hasNext) it.next() match { case ti: TypeInsnNode if ti.getOpcode == CHECKCAST => val frame = typeAnalyzer.frameAt(ti) val valueTp = frame.getValue(frame.stackTop) if (valueTp.isReference && isSubType(valueTp.getType.getDescriptor, ti.desc)) { toRemove += ti } case _ => } toRemove foreach method.instructions.remove toRemove.nonEmpty } } } object LocalOptImpls { /** * Remove exception handlers that cover empty code blocks. A block is considered empty if it * consist only of labels, frames, line numbers, nops and gotos. * * There are no executable instructions that we can assume don't throw (eg ILOAD). The JVM spec * basically says that a VirtualMachineError may be thrown at any time: * http://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jvms/se8/html/jvms-6.html#jvms-6.3 * * Note that no instructions are eliminated. * * @return the set of removed handlers */ def removeEmptyExceptionHandlers(method: MethodNode): Set[TryCatchBlockNode] = { /** True if there exists code between start and end. */ def containsExecutableCode(start: AbstractInsnNode, end: LabelNode): Boolean = { start != end && ((start.getOpcode: @switch) match { // FrameNode, LabelNode and LineNumberNode have opcode == -1. case -1 | GOTO => containsExecutableCode(start.getNext, end) case _ => true }) } var removedHandlers = Set.empty[TryCatchBlockNode] val handlersIter = method.tryCatchBlocks.iterator() while (handlersIter.hasNext) { val handler = handlersIter.next() if (!containsExecutableCode(handler.start, handler.end)) { removedHandlers += handler handlersIter.remove() } } removedHandlers } /** * Remove all non-parameter entries from the local variable table which denote variables that are * not actually read or written. * * Note that each entry in the local variable table has a start, end and index. Two entries with * the same index, but distinct start / end ranges are different variables, they may have not the * same type or name. */ def removeUnusedLocalVariableNodes(method: MethodNode)(firstLocalIndex: Int = parametersSize(method), renumber: Int => Int = identity): Boolean = { @tailrec def variableIsUsed(start: AbstractInsnNode, end: LabelNode, varIndex: Int): Boolean = { start != end && (start match { case v: VarInsnNode if v.`var` == varIndex => true case i: IincInsnNode if i.`var` == varIndex => true case _ => variableIsUsed(start.getNext, end, varIndex) }) } val initialNumVars = method.localVariables.size val localsIter = method.localVariables.iterator() while (localsIter.hasNext) { val local = localsIter.next() val index = local.index // parameters and `this` (the lowest indices, starting at 0) are never removed or renumbered if (index >= firstLocalIndex) { if (!variableIsUsed(local.start, local.end, index)) localsIter.remove() else if (renumber(index) != index) local.index = renumber(index) } } method.localVariables.size != initialNumVars } /** * Compact the local variable slots used in the method's implementation. This prevents having * unused slots for example after eliminating unreachable code. * * This transformation reduces the size of the frame for invoking the method. For example, if the * method has an ISTORE instruction to the local variable 3, the maxLocals of the method is at * least 4, even if some local variable slots below 3 are not used by any instruction. * * This could be improved by doing proper register allocation. */ def compactLocalVariables(method: MethodNode): Boolean = { // This array is built up to map local variable indices from old to new. val renumber = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[Int] // Add the index of the local variable used by `varIns` to the `renumber` array. def addVar(varIns: AbstractInsnNode, slot: Int): Unit = { val index = slot val isWide = isSize2LoadOrStore(varIns.getOpcode) // Ensure the length of `renumber`. Unused variable indices are mapped to -1. val minLength = if (isWide) index + 2 else index + 1 for (i <- renumber.length until minLength) renumber += -1 renumber(index) = index if (isWide) renumber(index + 1) = index } // first phase: collect all used local variables. if the variable at index x is used, set // renumber(x) = x, otherwise renumber(x) = -1. if the variable is wide (long or double), set // renumber(x+1) = x. val firstLocalIndex = parametersSize(method) for (i <- 0 until firstLocalIndex) renumber += i // parameters and `this` are always used. method.instructions.iterator().asScala foreach { case VarInstruction(varIns, slot) => addVar(varIns, slot) case _ => } // assign the next free slot to each used local variable. // for example, rewrite (0, 1, -1, 3, -1, 5) to (0, 1, -1, 2, -1, 3). var nextIndex = firstLocalIndex for (i <- firstLocalIndex until renumber.length if renumber(i) != -1) { renumber(i) = nextIndex nextIndex += 1 } // Update the local variable descriptors according to the renumber table, and eliminate stale entries val removedLocalVariableDescriptors = removeUnusedLocalVariableNodes(method)(firstLocalIndex, renumber) if (nextIndex == renumber.length) removedLocalVariableDescriptors else { // update variable instructions according to the renumber table method.maxLocals = nextIndex method.instructions.iterator().asScala.foreach { case VarInstruction(varIns, slot) => val oldIndex = slot if (oldIndex >= firstLocalIndex && renumber(oldIndex) != oldIndex) varIns match { case vi: VarInsnNode => vi.`var` = renumber(slot) case ii: IincInsnNode => ii.`var` = renumber(slot) } case _ => } true } } /** * Removes LineNumberNodes that don't describe any executable instructions. * * This method expects (and asserts) that the `start` label of each LineNumberNode is the * lexically preceding label declaration. */ def removeEmptyLineNumbers(method: MethodNode): Boolean = { def isEmpty(node: AbstractInsnNode): Boolean = node.getNext match { case null => true case l: LineNumberNode => true case n if n.getOpcode >= 0 => false case n => isEmpty(n) } val initialSize = method.instructions.size val iterator = method.instructions.iterator() var previousLabel: LabelNode = null while (iterator.hasNext) { iterator.next match { case label: LabelNode => previousLabel = label case line: LineNumberNode if isEmpty(line) => assert(line.start == previousLabel) iterator.remove() case _ => } } method.instructions.size != initialSize } /** * Removes unreferenced label declarations, also squashes sequences of label definitions. * * [ops]; Label(a); Label(b); [ops]; * => subs([ops], b, a); Label(a); subs([ops], b, a); */ def removeEmptyLabelNodes(method: MethodNode): Boolean = { val references = labelReferences(method) val initialSize = method.instructions.size val iterator = method.instructions.iterator() var prev: LabelNode = null while (iterator.hasNext) { iterator.next match { case label: LabelNode => if (!references.contains(label)) iterator.remove() else if (prev != null) { references(label).foreach(substituteLabel(_, label, prev)) iterator.remove() } else prev = label case instruction => if (instruction.getOpcode >= 0) prev = null } } method.instructions.size != initialSize } /** * Apply various simplifications to branching instructions. */ def simplifyJumps(method: MethodNode): Boolean = { var changed = false val allHandlers = method.tryCatchBlocks.asScala.toSet // A set of all exception handlers that guard the current instruction, required for simplifyGotoReturn var activeHandlers = Set.empty[TryCatchBlockNode] val jumpInsns = mutable.LinkedHashMap.empty[JumpInsnNode, Boolean] for (insn <- method.instructions.iterator().asScala) insn match { case l: LabelNode => activeHandlers ++= allHandlers.filter(_.start == l) activeHandlers = activeHandlers.filter(_.end != l) case ji: JumpInsnNode => jumpInsns(ji) = activeHandlers.nonEmpty case _ => } var _jumpTargets: Set[AbstractInsnNode] = null def jumpTargets = { if (_jumpTargets == null) { _jumpTargets = jumpInsns.keysIterator.map(_.label).toSet } _jumpTargets } def removeJumpFromMap(jump: JumpInsnNode) = { jumpInsns.remove(jump) _jumpTargets = null } def replaceJumpByPop(jump: JumpInsnNode) = { removeJumpAndAdjustStack(method, jump) removeJumpFromMap(jump) } /** * Removes a conditional jump if it is followed by a GOTO to the same destination. * * CondJump l; [nops]; GOTO l; [...] * POP*; [nops]; GOTO l; [...] * * Introduces 1 or 2 POP instructions, depending on the number of values consumed by the CondJump. */ def simplifyThenElseSameTarget(insn: AbstractInsnNode): Boolean = insn match { case ConditionalJump(jump) => nextExecutableInstruction(insn) match { case Some(Goto(elseJump)) if sameTargetExecutableInstruction(jump, elseJump) => replaceJumpByPop(jump) true case _ => false } case _ => false } /** * Replace jumps to a sequence of GOTO instructions by a jump to the final destination. * * Jump l; [any ops]; l: GOTO m; [any ops]; m: GOTO n; [any ops]; n: NotGOTO; [...] * => Jump n; [rest unchanged] * * If there's a loop of GOTOs, the initial jump is replaced by one of the labels in the loop. */ def collapseJumpChains(insn: AbstractInsnNode): Boolean = insn match { case JumpNonJsr(jump) => val target = finalJumpTarget(jump) if (jump.label == target) false else { jump.label = target _jumpTargets = null true } case _ => false } /** * Eliminates unnecessary jump instructions * * Jump l; [nops]; l: [...] * => POP*; [nops]; l: [...] * * Introduces 0, 1 or 2 POP instructions, depending on the number of values consumed by the Jump. */ def removeJumpToSuccessor(insn: AbstractInsnNode): Boolean = insn match { case JumpNonJsr(jump) if nextExecutableInstruction(jump, alsoKeep = Set(jump.label)) contains jump.label => replaceJumpByPop(jump) true case _ => false } /** * If the "else" part of a conditional branch is a simple GOTO, negates the conditional branch * and eliminates the GOTO. * * CondJump l; [nops, no jump targets]; GOTO m; [nops]; l: [...] * => NegatedCondJump m; [nops, no jump targets]; [nops]; l: [...] * * Note that no jump targets are allowed in the first [nops] section. Otherwise, there could * be some other jump to the GOTO, and eliminating it would change behavior. */ def simplifyBranchOverGoto(insn: AbstractInsnNode, inTryBlock: Boolean): Boolean = insn match { case ConditionalJump(jump) => // don't skip over jump targets, see doc comment nextExecutableInstruction(jump, alsoKeep = jumpTargets) match { case Some(Goto(goto)) => if (nextExecutableInstruction(goto, alsoKeep = Set(jump.label)) contains jump.label) { val newJump = new JumpInsnNode(negateJumpOpcode(jump.getOpcode), goto.label) method.instructions.set(jump, newJump) removeJumpFromMap(jump) jumpInsns(newJump) = inTryBlock replaceJumpByPop(goto) true } else false case _ => false } case _ => false } /** * Inlines xRETURN and ATHROW * * GOTO l; [any ops]; l: xRETURN/ATHROW * => xRETURN/ATHROW; [any ops]; l: xRETURN/ATHROW * * inlining is only done if the GOTO instruction is not part of a try block, otherwise the * rewrite might change the behavior. For xRETURN, the reason is that return instructions may throw * an IllegalMonitorStateException, as described here: * http://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jvms/se8/html/jvms-6.html#jvms-6.5.return */ def simplifyGotoReturn(instruction: AbstractInsnNode, inTryBlock: Boolean): Boolean = !inTryBlock && (instruction match { case Goto(jump) => nextExecutableInstruction(jump.label) match { case Some(target) => if (isReturn(target) || target.getOpcode == ATHROW) { method.instructions.set(jump, target.clone(null)) removeJumpFromMap(jump) true } else false case _ => false } case _ => false }) def run(): Boolean = { var changed = false // `.toList` because we're modifying the map while iterating over it for ((jumpInsn, inTryBlock) <- jumpInsns.toList if jumpInsns.contains(jumpInsn) && isJumpNonJsr(jumpInsn)) { var jumpRemoved = simplifyThenElseSameTarget(jumpInsn) if (!jumpRemoved) { changed = collapseJumpChains(jumpInsn) || changed jumpRemoved = removeJumpToSuccessor(jumpInsn) if (!jumpRemoved) { changed = simplifyBranchOverGoto(jumpInsn, inTryBlock) || changed changed = simplifyGotoReturn(jumpInsn, inTryBlock) || changed } } changed ||= jumpRemoved } if (changed) run() changed } run() } }